Fatal-X said:
This quiz sucks monkey balls.
About 90% of the questions didn't have answers that I would like to take.
I agree, the quiz apparently had no right answers, but most of questions were a multiple choice of all wrong answers.
For example, I've never played Halo, Braid, Mario or Uncharted (or know anything about their protagonists), but I certainly don't relate to Niko Bellic.
I was surprised Science Fiction was absent from the book genres... apparently the closest choice to the Warhammer 40K books I'm reading at the moment is Harry fucking Potter... so I went for "
With so many great irrelevant books, who can choose?".
Also, the question about preordering.... I'll preorder a game if it interests me (and if there are incentives and savings to be gained by preordering), but I won't blindly preorder a game just because it's a blockbuster and my inflated sense of entitlement requires me to have it on day one, and I never buy more than one game at a time, but that doesn't mean I'm an idiot anti-capitalist either.
In my experience, personality tests like these and MORI tests are fundementally flawed as they don't have an "none of the above" option, so I put as much stock in these as I do Horoscopes... which is basically what they are, scientific appearing statistics based Horoscopes.