Take this Quiz to Discover What Kind of Gamer You Are!

Lord George

New member
Aug 25, 2008
Explorer, which is true I love games where I can just escape into a whole other world to uncover, do new things in and meet the locals...and then shoot them in the face.


New member
Oct 26, 2009
britterly said:
[br] The Pretentionist [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/quizzes/result/83.46-The+Pretentionist] [br] Take this quiz [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/quizzes/view/83]

I believe I got this because I prefer reading classic literature to light entertainment, and because I checked the story options. I don't know what all the other profiles are you get from this quiz, but the ones in this thread don't seem half as mean or snooty as The Pretentionist. Quiz-maker, are you serious? Liking good story-telling is pretentious? So you're assuming that people say they like good stories only fake their enjoyment of stories (and art, I assume, based on the flavour text)? Everyone in the world loves a good story! Art and entertainment go hand in hand.
I think it means that you only play games that are not even slightly annoying you. Do you pick "try a new game" when the quiz asked what if a game had a bad user interface?


New member
Jul 8, 2008
Yeesh, I got Grouper? Really? I have all of one multiplayer game.

This really only applies to mainstream gamers, and I'm anything but mainstream aside from a dash of Bioshock and Fallout 3 here and there. There were several questions in which I hadn't ever played any of the selectable games.

Screw MW2, give me some Disgaea! Give me some Silent Hill! Or even some Resident Evil! Give me something to work with!

Then again, I guess there's no other way to cater to the majority than to cater to the mainstream.


Elite Member
Nov 6, 2008
I'm the kid with the star. Probably right... I wasn't satisfied until I got the "Still Something to Prove" achievement on Left 4 Dead 2. Not because I wanted the achievement just because I need all of them, it's because I saw it as a challenge. Same with beating Gears of War 2 on Insane.


New member
Jun 28, 2009
I got the pretentionist, which is about right because I play games for the story (aside from TF2, of course).


New member
Dec 18, 2009
WanderFreak said:
Also if I retake the test, will I get another badge?

The pony lover would go great with my gaga.

EDIT: The deuce, I thought I was editing my last post.
That's what I want to know too, though the only way to find out is to retake the quiz and put completely different answers.
I also got the pony lover result.

Edit: It looks like you do. I saw someone on the unexpected results thread who had two of the badges relating to this quiz.


New member
Jan 4, 2010
[br] The Pretentionist & The Jack of All Games [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/quizzes/result/83.46-The+Pretentionist+%26+The+Jack+of+All+Games] [br] Take this quiz [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/quizzes/view/83]

I suppose this sort of fits, although I honestly tend to ignore big releases and just sort of pick up things that seem interesting. I do actually have a pair of glasses that look like that, but I only wear them for exercise and yard work because I have a much nicer pair for day-to-day use.

My biggest complaint is that a lot of the questions just didn't apply to me. I don't empathize with any of the characters they listed and I don't really care for ANY racing game. As far as reading, I don't limit myself to one genre, although I mainly read history, classic literature, and fantasy (like Rumo and His Miraculous Adventures, not like The Wheel of Time), so I picked what I assume is the "I read more than one thing option", but it could definitely have been more clearly labeled.

a stranger

New member
Mar 4, 2009
Take this quiz [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/quizzes/result/83.47-The+Explorer]

I guess that make sense.


New member
Dec 21, 2008
I got "The Grouper". Which is weird because I've always preferred a good single-player campaign, with a few exceptions. (Specifically Left 4 Dead, and even then, its only because of Campaign mode)