Take-Two: Duke Nukem Forever Was Profitable


New member
Mar 26, 2009
Are you surprised? It got bad review, but everyone still watned to play it. Then something like say Bullet storm got great reviews and was all around a pretty fun and at the very least original shooter and no one made any money. Gaming companies still make terrible things because we buy them.


Pointy Object Enthusiast
Sep 20, 2008
Well, we can always hope that Duke Nukem 5 will be good, right?



Titan Buttons

New member
Apr 13, 2011
secretshadow90 said:
So this...thing made money while awesome lesser known titles like Psychonauts and Child of Eden sit on the back shelf *twitch* *twitch* I don't understand anything anymore...
It's all about publisity, the more advertisment a game gets the more money it makes. It's alos the reason Scott Pilgram didnt do so well.


New member
Sep 25, 2010
Well its not really that much of a surprise they probably pais very little for the game and it only took a year of dev time so I doubt their costs were that high to begin with, as for the sales I'm sure a few people bought it because they thought it would be a decent game but it became apparent rather quickly it wasn't I'm betting a good number of copies were sold because people wanted to see how the game turned out after such a long time or those that knew it was the end of Duke and wanted to say farewell.


New member
Sep 15, 2009
Well it's definitely a game worth playing for how bad it is.

It was a so bad it's somehow good scenario and I think many people may have wanted to see for themselves how terrible it actually was. So I'm not overly suprised it did ok.


New member
Dec 9, 2009
Even after hearing the criticism I thought I'd be able to actually find some enjoyment in it...it's so far the first game I have bought new and thought "this actually really sucks" and such...I'm ashamed to have actually helped MAKE them money on a mediocre game...

Laser Priest

A Magpie Among Crows
Mar 24, 2011
Well, that's unfortunate.

Let's hope they don't take that to mean "Make more games like this!"


New member
Feb 26, 2010
secretshadow90 said:
So this...thing made money while awesome lesser known titles like Psychonauts and Child of Eden sit on the back shelf *twitch* *twitch* I don't understand anything anymore...
Exactly what I was thinking.

rhizhim said:
secretshadow90 said:
So this...thing made money while awesome lesser known titles like Psychonauts and Child of Eden sit on the back shelf *twitch* *twitch* I don't understand anything anymore...
you forgot this:

but yes no one really remembers the good ones.(does apply to almost everything i.e. mao zedong, contergan..........well you get the idea)
See, I was thinking of a slightly different scene.


Mangue Surfer

New member
May 29, 2010
Because it's an archaeological artifact. People are buying by curiosity. Now make a sequel with the same quality and see how the sales go.


New member
Sep 18, 2008
They'll make a sequel where the duke was only playing DNF within an arcade machine in which he played DNF on an arcade machine.
I think they could ressurect the charachter and do an actual sequel. I think duke nukem would have been a great match as the protagonist of bulletstorm. Seems like a bulletstorm mod is pretty much what the duke should be doing.

secretshadow90 said:
Child of Eden
A Kinect-only title, right? I guess Move as well...

Simply suffered the same fate as some of the excellent Wii titles; marred by a combination of lackluster marketing and niche audience. No one I know who owns an XBOX also own the kinect, same with ps3.

edit, nope its compatible with regular controllers too. Was certainly not a detail I got out of the game coverage.


New member
Jan 20, 2011
LOL no one understands marketing here. If customer's don't know that a good game is out there then that game won't earn money. If you remember prior to DNF's release there were huge advertizements made on television to promote the game. Its just like the Smurf, its a sack of shit but, because of a giant advertizing campaign the movie shepherd the mainstream audience like lemmings to them. I'm sorry to say this but an amount of a games success depeds on being able to use ads to reach the audience and tell them that the game is there to play. (most people will not inform temselves of anything and will remain ignorant of everything unless forcibly told, in a marketing hailstorm)


New member
Oct 25, 2008
Not a surprise.

Now hopefully they'll go ahead and craft a game that isn't made from the decomposing corpse of 3D Realms.


New member
Feb 26, 2010
Beertaster said:
LOL no one understands marketing here. If customer's don't know that a good game is out there then that game won't earn money. If you remember prior to DNF's release there were huge advertizements made on television to promote the game. Its just like the Smurf, its a sack of shit but, because of a giant advertizing campaign the movie shepherd the mainstream audience like lemmings to them. I'm sorry to say this but an amount of a games success depeds on being able to use ads to reach the audience and tell them that the game is there to play. (most people will not inform temselves of anything and will remain ignorant of everything unless forcibly told, in a marketing hailstorm)

That's not necessarily true.

We're only lamenting how quality games are grossly ignored while their horrible cousins are purchased em masse, not necessarily why.

Also, it wasn't JUST advertising. A lot is due to the fact that the game had substantial word of mouth due to being famous vapourware.

Tom Phoenix

New member
Mar 28, 2009
The fact that this game was profitable for Take-Two means very little in the grand scheme of things. Duke Nukem Forever has still done irrecoverable damage to the brand and any future games that try to cash in on it will be disastrous flops.

From now on, you can always count on Duke.....being dead.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
Le shrug. This might even be a good thing- so many teams get ripped to pieces when their games fail to perform that they never have a chance to take the criticism they received into account in making their next game. It's pretty clear that with regard to DNF, at least from a gameplay standpoint, the critics got heard loud and clear.

Whether they can make the character relevant and enjoyable in the twenty-first century remains to be seen.


New member
Jun 4, 2010
2xDouble said:
Good, TakeTwo. You got lucky. Now do it right this time. No more making 3-5 different games and trying to frappe them together into indigestible goop. Here's [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/1968-Viewers-Choice-Duke-Nukem-Forever] a few suggestions [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/3581-Duke-Nukem-Forever-for-real-this-time].

Imagine what a proper Duke Nukem sequel could do for you.
I don't see what all the whining is about. No game developed over that period of time is going to come out good. I rented it and it provided a fun experience despite the horrendous gameplay, just because of the ridiculously childish humor. The important thing is that they got it out so that they can make a well polished sequel that doesn't suck with a new engine. The main problem I had with it was that it was ported terribly to the Xbox and every time I tried to aim at something the game seemed to snicker at me disapprovingly for not using a mouse. Especially the octobrains. Those things can go fuck themselves.


Mages Rule, and Dragons Fly!
May 2, 2011
United States
Torrasque said:
ModReap said:
secretshadow90 said:
So this...thing made money while awesome lesser known titles like Psychonauts and Child of Eden sit on the back shelf *twitch* *twitch* I don't understand anything anymore...
Didn't you get the memo? Popular games sell, not good ones.

*cries in corner*
Fuck you Black Ops! FUCK YOU!!! >_<

OP: It was successful because it sold alot of copies before people realized it is shit.
Its probably the most returned game of the year...
So Duke will be getting The Most Returned Game of The Year Award? Well, that's just two words off of what he wanted, and apparently close enough to good is more than what Duke will settle for nowadays.


Elite Member
Aug 24, 2010
Hey. You know what? I'm happy for them.

Use that money to make a decent game now.