Tales of the Walmart.


New member
Sep 30, 2009
I use to work at a Walmart. For those of you know, Walmart's largest output is low paying jobs and genuine Chinese lead paint. For about a year I worked as a Walmart Cashier. I saw many people of different races, creeds, genus and so on.

You don't need to have worked there to share a story, but just walked around enough to see something so out of this world that it still haunts your dreams.

I'll get the ball rolling.

I was walking to my post after leaving the back area of the store. It's a haul from the back all the way to the front. As I walked I heard this shrill cry from one of the aisle. I peeked as a woman was facing her daughter. "If you don't KNOCK IT OFF, I will karate chop yo' necks!" The words hit me like a left hook and left me stunned. I wanted to laugh, but all I could do was stare at her. The woman saw me and grabbed her child and stormed off, more offended that I noticed her verses her own behavior.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
I was offered marijuana, in front of cops. I proudly nailed the seller in the balls when he harassed me. The cops laughed.


Sometimes known as CaitieLou
May 27, 2009
I was cut in front of by an old lady. I was in the 20 items or less line, I had just a couple of items in my arms, and I decided I wanted some gum. The gum rack was just a couple of feet away. I took a step toward the rack, grabbed the gum, and stepped back. The whole thing took only a couple of seconds. But in that time, the old lady behind me managed to move her cart forward and take my place in line. Naturally, it was an old lady, so as peeved as I was I wasn't about to be the entitled college student who picks fights with old people in WalMart. So I quietly got behind her and didn't say a word.

Then I have another story with an old lady, but this was actually at Target. I went to Target with a friend one day, and behind us in the check out line was this old lady. She had to have been at least 60, probably closer to 70 by her appearance. She was short, thin, a bit hunched over, and had on a dress that looked like something Aunt Bee would wear on the Andy Griffith Show. As the cashier is processing my transaction, she hoists this HUGE bottle of Bacardi onto the moving belt. I mean, it was the largest container of alcohol I'd seen in a store like that, aside from kegs. It was like 2 liters, at least. And she was all alone--there was nobody else with her. After I bought my stuff, she politely asked the cashier "You're over 21, aren't you?" to be sure she could sell her the stuff. We left the store and could not stop laughing for almost 10 minutes.


New member
Mar 14, 2011
Terminate421 said:
I was offered marijuana, in front of cops. I proudly nailed the seller in the balls when he harassed me. The cops laughed.
I think this is win.

OT: I don't really remember any particular instances but every time I go to Walmart, there will be screaming and crying children and angry parents yelling at them for something.


New member
Oct 18, 2008
I watched a man in a wheelchair try to steal hotdogs that he had stashed various places on his body. When in store security approached him he started chucking hotdogs at them then got up and hobbled out the door leaving his wheelchair and surprisingly his fake leg behind.


New member
Jun 4, 2008
Once while I was on my way out of a Walmart there was an old man trying to buy a soda from a vending machine but the machine would not accept his dollar bill. This is because his bill was actually a leaf.

Catie Caraco

New member
Jun 27, 2011
My father and I were at a Walmart once when this couple and their child get behind us. This was in upstate New York redneck territory, and this couple fit the bill like it was made for them. They were a Jack Sprat couple (you know, his wife only ate fat, and he only ate lean). The woman had to be reaching 400 pounds where if the man weighed more than 100 I'd be shocked. They were both wearing NASCAR t-shirts, the man was also wearing a cap. And the woman was holding an infant. A male infant. How do I know he was male? Because he was butt-ass-naked. No t-shirt, no diaper, not even socks. Just completely naked. My father and I were horrified, and if we could have, we would have left without making our purchases.

There was also a time I saw an Amish in a walmart. I know there's nothing that says they CAN'T go there, but doesn't that just seem wrong? His horse and buggy was outside.. I mean.. it was so surreal.

Tiger King

Senior Member
Oct 23, 2010
EverythingIncredible said:
carlsberg export said:
is it true you can buy guns in wallmart?
For my Wal-mart it is.

But where I live, you can buy guns damn near anywhere. :\
like....proper guns?
big calibre make people dead guns?


Monk of Tranquility
Nov 1, 2009
I once bought a Old 360 Arcade system (No HDD, White XBOX, No Games) Cheap. Broke down for some reason a week later and I brought it back, the teenage girl working returns told me she couldn't refund my money becuse the manager had to clear it so she offered a trade in... She came back with 250 GB HDD Black XBOX and said, "All I can find was this, do you want it?"

TO which I responded, "Sure I guess that will do"

[http://media.photobucket.com/image/true story meme/fanofdisco2/funny-date-girl-guy-true-story-meme.jpg]


New member
Aug 29, 2011
I used to work for the Y for a few years and many times that I needed to go to a nearby Wal-Mart, I would have my work clothes on. Coincidentally, my work clothes were slightly similar to those that the Wal-Mart employees, so many times that I came to the store, people would mistake me for an employee. The would ask me where somethings were, asked me questions on products, or needed me to understand/translated some things for me.

Sometimes I would help them out (and why not? I was more or less familiar with the store), but if I was in a hurry, I would politely tell them that I was not an employee. One time, I did the latter, and this lady rolled her eyes as she walked away and called me an inappropriate slur under her breath (or at least she tried; everyone around me heard her).

Elf Defiler Korgan

New member
Apr 15, 2009
Ariyura said:
I watched a man in a wheelchair try to steal hotdogs that he had stashed various places on his body. When in store security approached him he started chucking hotdogs at them then got up and hobbled out the door leaving his wheelchair and surprisingly his fake leg behind.
A man with a plan.


Wing Commander
Jul 27, 2009
Fox KITSUNE said:
I once bought a Old 360 Arcade system (No HDD, White XBOX, No Games) Cheap. Broke down for some reason a week later and I brought it back, the teenage girl working returns told me she couldn't refund my money becuse the manager had to clear it so she offered a trade in... She came back with 250 GB HDD Black XBOX and said, "All I can find was this, do you want it?"

TO which I responded, "Sure I guess that will do"

[http://media.photobucket.com/image/true story meme/fanofdisco2/funny-date-girl-guy-true-story-meme.jpg]
Damn, I'm gonna have to start shopping at Walmart!

Mr Fixit

New member
Oct 22, 2008
I had all the people near the checkout section applaud me when i very loudly announced my displeasure of standing in line with fifty other people waiting to check out when the store only had two cahiers working & about a dazen other employees just standing around talking. The manager gave me some very nasty looks, but they opened a few more registers.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
carlsberg export said:
EverythingIncredible said:
carlsberg export said:
is it true you can buy guns in wallmart?
For my Wal-mart it is.

But where I live, you can buy guns damn near anywhere. :\
like....proper guns?
big calibre make people dead guns?
yep, you can get shotguns and hunting rifles as well as ammunition. Keep in mind we're talking walmart here, i wouldnt actually buy any firearms from them. Buy ammo there though, its fairly cheap.


New member
Apr 16, 2010
carlsberg export said:
is it true you can buy guns in wallmart?
mine does... but it's only like BB guns and things
OT: nope, nothing interested happen to me.

New Troll

New member
Mar 26, 2009
This was almost fifteen years ago, but we caught two little boys (around four and seven) loading up garbage bags full of product. The main reason we caught them was the youngest boy couldn't read so he was going up to people asking what the next item on his list of stuff to take was. He did that to an employee. So we asked him who he was in the store with and he lead us to his brother. We then asked where their parents were and they informed us their mother was outside waiting for them. So walking out of the store with the two little boys, they point towards their mother waiting in her car. She see us, and drives away.

To this day, thinking about that incident sickens me.


New member
Sep 16, 2010
I worked at walmart for a while. the people you see there is astounding. best story i have is from a friend tho. He was walking in walmart at about 1am and some random guy came up to him and loudly said "Yo I'll suck yo d*ck for a cheeseburger!"