Tales of the Walmart.

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
Well, in the UK we don't have Wal-Mart. But in the local chain grocery shop called the Spar, I occasionally see these highly amusing Russian guys. First time, they were buying sweets and beer. Andy, a cashier I know hands them back a bag of Werther's Originals and says "I can't sell you these, they've been opened."
"Oh, okay then..."
"I can't sell them, so you can just have them if you like"
(second russian guy) "no, man we don't want no fucking opened Werther's Originals!"
(first guy) "No, dude he's giving them to us for free!"
"Oh, really? Fuck yeah!"

The second time they were stoned and laughing at the strawberries.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
binnsyboy said:
Well, in the UK we don't have Wal-Mart. But in the local chain grocery shop called the Spar, I occasionally see these highly amusing Russian guys. First time, they were buying sweets and beer. Andy, a cashier I know hands them back a bag of Werther's Originals and says "I can't sell you these, they've been opened."
"Oh, okay then..."
"I can't sell them, so you can just have them if you like"
(second russian guy) "no, man we don't want no fucking opened Werther's Originals!"
(first guy) "No, dude he's giving them to us for free!"
"Oh, really? Fuck yeah!"

The second time they were stoned and laughing at the strawberries.
Oh wow laughing at starwberries?!
Sounds like what I normally do XD


New member
Feb 3, 2009
carlsberg export said:
is it true you can buy guns in wallmart?
Most Supercenters will sell guns and ammunition.

I work in the Vision department of a store in Maryland, so I get to escape the normal amount of absurdity tha tpasses through here. That's not to say tha tI haven't seen some scary ass stuff in here (Yes I'm at work now. Working, obviously), such as the guy in the Chester Cheeta (of Cheetos fame) costume. The 500 lbs woman in a bikini on a motarized cart is always a recurring horror. The winner, though, is the man (not even old, just older) on motorized cart who couldn't drive it into the bathroom. So instead of asking for help,he just sat there and pissed all over himself and the cart. Both him and his wife (they were very addled) were about 4 hours away from where they should have been, and their son had to come pick them up. How these people have driver's licenses I will never know.


New member
Feb 3, 2009
SangRahl said:
I had a friend that updated his entire PS2 library care of Wal-Mart and a half-dozen local pawn shops... Buy cheap-*ss games from the pawn shop, and head to Wal-Mart to exchange for credit, then walk out again with a half dozen new games worth 5-10x as much.

- - - - -

Then there was the time I walked in just after WoW's initial release and found EVERY MMO bax was open on the shelf... EQ, WoW, and all the rest. I picked up a couple and carried them to the desk jockey in Electronics to show him.

"Yeah, we checked, they're all fine."

Told him to get a manager. Manager shows up.

"Oh, yes, we saw the boxes. And I personally verified that all of the disks and documentation are still present."

::facepalm:: "Um, you do know that all someone needs is the 16-digit code typed on the disk case and/or manual to activate a new account, and completely lock out the copies here. Meaning if someone bought this, they'd never be able to install and play it, right?"

"Well, I don't know. The stock crew said they'd arrived in a pretty beat up packing crate."

::smirk:: "Then I'm not buying any more games here, and you ought to look into your stock crew a bit more."
...and walked out leaving the manager starting a tirade at the poor clerk who's only stake in all this was to be the unlucky one at the desk when I found the problem.
My store is pretty strict with anything software or computer related. I used to work at Customer Service (Come here to *****!), nad we are not allowed to return games for customers if they are:
1) Opened. It violates Federal copyright law
2) Have no reciept
3) Has a reciept, but is over 3 months old

There was an elderly Middle Eastern man who would cruise yard sales and flea markets to buy old games. He would then return them for Wal-Mart credit.

Also, anything with a harddrive has to be defected out, and stores will check serial numbers. The numbe ront eh reciept mst mach teh one on the console. They've gotten quite crafty. However, those serial number stickers can peel off, fyi.


New member
Aug 7, 2010
carlsberg export said:
DeadFOAM said:
carlsberg export said:
EverythingIncredible said:
carlsberg export said:
is it true you can buy guns in wallmart?
For my Wal-mart it is.

But where I live, you can buy guns damn near anywhere. :\
like....proper guns?
big calibre make people dead guns?
Where I live, you can get handguns, rifles, and shotguns. All of varying calibers and gauges. There is also a moderate selection of accessories: scopes, lights, pads for the stock, etc. Not to mention the aisle of ammunition.
wow thats surreal!!

so in theory you can go in, buy a gun and some ammo, then turn the gun on the cashier and say 'gimme all your money' ??

i doubt it but its worth asking.

wallmart sounds like it was made for a zombie apocalypse!
i shall have to go to one next time im in the states that are united.
In theory I suppose you could. But as far as I know, you don't just take one from the rack and ring it up at the cashier. I'm sure there's some paperwork and such. But I might be wrong, never bought one from there.


New member
Sep 30, 2009
So I was standing at my registered like a zombie when this kid, looks to be about 8 years old walks over. He opens up the soda frig in front of me. It's full of Snapple. As you may know, Snapple is one of the few drinks still bottled in glass. The little turd looks at me and smiles and begins to systematically pull the bottles out and drop them onto the floor, breaking them. He breaks 4 bottles as I try desperately to stop the mayhem before his mother shows up. She grabs him and looks me straight in the face and says "I'm not paying for any of those." She immediately leaves. My sup finally shows up and calls maintenance and we both have a good stare at the mess and move on.

There should be required leash laws for children.


Carry on Jeeves
Dec 7, 2010
Well i currently work for asda (which proudly states in every aisle part of the wal-mart 'family'. I have unfortunately been there near 5 years, now it was the only place that gave me a job at 17, and i can do seasonal when im at University i don't work when i get back i work. Back to the point,
i was working stacking shelves i think, and a customer comes upto me and asks me where a product is (can't remember what) i was walking over to it, show her and then a customer no less then 2 foot away from grabs something and puts it under his coat,
(now i don't care asda/wal-mart evil massive company they can lose some money) but i was stood and watched him, he then noticed me. i saw him weighing what to do up in his head, he reach back in his coat and starts putting it back down. nod at him saying that it is the right thing to do, then he thinks better of it and puts it back and walks away trying to be not suspicious. So i stand there gob smacked and start laughing my head off and can't believe he just did that, i then get shouted by my manager for standing about, so i thought fuck you and didn't mention it, and let the guy walk away. He managed to get away i believe.

(sorry about the terrible attempt at paragraphs i just didn't want it to be one massive block of text.)


New member
Mar 14, 2011
stangman said:
i have a couple walmart stories.

1) i was walking to checkout after getting groceries. suddenly a small child shrieks "Daddy!", and a small body hugs me at about knee level from behind. I'm not a father, and have no reason to think otherwise, but this still made me jump, and my mind race. I Looked down to see a 3 year old boy looking up at me. his face changed from joy to anger and he yelled, "You're not my Daddy." I through my hand in the air and shouted, "Did somebody loose a kid?" this is were it gets fun. five mothers appeared out of nowhere. none of them were the kid's mom.

This is the strange part.after I got the kid to costomer service a man, who looked just like showed up. we could have been twins. we were even wearing the same clothes. it was freaky as all hell. the guy looks me up and down and then asked a question that i was asking myself, "How the hell did he know you weren't me?"

we looked at the kid, and he just shrugged.

2) blind date+ no money+ walmart+ enabling date= walmart shopping cart jousting.
we were 19 at the time, and the greeting lady yelled at us for a good twenty minutes.

You sir are made of win.


New member
Sep 30, 2009
So I was working Grocery side 20 items or less lane. There was a line from here to women's clothing. An older black woman comes up, she has a cart full of groceries. Because there is a line I politely tell her that she can't put out these sign abiding citizens by being a selfish c*nt. Not exactly my words, but it was what I was thinking.

The woman looks me in the eye and says "I bet you I have less than 20 items."

I shake my head. "No ma'am, there is a line."

"Check me out." She's ordering me at this point. Nothing like being a happy Wal-slave. I could have fought with her, but to what avail. Spirit broken, I check her out.

She had 40+ items. Double what she should have had to use the line. She looks at her recipt and smiles. "I guess you win." She leaves. I wanted to hit her, never in my life have I wanted to cause violence on someone frailer than I.

The next guy in line is a man in his 60's with just one item. He looks at me and shakes his head. "What a *****." I wanted to leap over the counter and hug him.

Death God

New member
Jul 6, 2010
During my first and only Black Friday (never again!) I had some old woman in a wheel chair trying to literally run me into other people because I got the last Red Steel 2 game on the shelf. She wanted it for her grandson but I had already got it, put it in my basket and started to head to check out. She apparently asked the store clerk and he said that I had bought the last one and this crazy old bat kept ramming into me saying, "Give me back my game you damn brat!" So bad I want to yell at her to shut the hell up but I finally got to the check out, got the game and she was right there behind me flipping me off the whole time. Crazy old bat.


Elite Member
Sep 8, 2009
Once when I was walking up to the front door at my local Wal-Mart I heard the doors burst open (the sliding doors swing out when pushed on or hit with enough force) and this guy comes running out holding a flat screen computer monitor or small flat screen television. As he's climbing into the getaway car (parked right outside the doors) the in-store security/ Ap guy charges the car and slams the door into the attempted shoplifter.
The driver of the car peels out and ends up dumping his buddy out on to the sidewalk. The attempted shoplifter tried to get back up, but was tackled/slammed to the ground again and a manager ran in from the lot and hand-cuffed the shoplifter.


New member
May 11, 2009
The Walmart in my town has a large amount of it's shopping carts placed outside. Where they chose to place it though, was directly in front of the fire exit, meaning, in case of fire, the fire exit is blocked. There's even a little sign on the door that tells people to not block the door.

Not much of a story, but I chuckled the first time I saw it.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
carlsberg export said:
is it true you can buy guns in wallmart?
Yes. Walmart sells hunting rifles and shotguns. No handguns, though. Least not in the ones I've been to.


New member
Sep 19, 2008
For our British friends i believe the closest approximation to wal*mart is woolworths

VomitPie said:
You don't need to have worked there to share a story, but just walked around enough to see something so out of this world that it still haunts your dreams.
I'm a police officer. Umm... I've dealt with people who started a riot in the parking lot, stabbed a cashier, many muggings, annnd i didn't deal with it directly but a couple murders around them. Incidentally all but one murder took place at or around the same wal*mart (our city has like 6)

Oh and once got called there (yes, same one) because an obese woman was walking around wearing a knee length t-shirt and nothing else. She was not 'crazy' in the traditional sense. Just a *****.

am I in the ballpark of what you're going for?


New member
Jan 12, 2010
Actually for us in the UK the walmart's are Asda's. im surprised they let them keep the asda name tbh but meh. Technically me and other staff who worked at certain stores in the uk have been sold to Asda along with the stores they bought and been kept on as staff there.

our new stores not been open long but so far so good, bakery nearly had a fire when one of the chicken bags burst in the oven, they couldnt shut it off so they had to wait for it to finish cooking before they could deal with it, no fire but shop was smokey for AGES.

Oh and yesterday a kid (gotta have been about 5 or 6) was running up and down the aisles (playing as kids do) Hiding from her parents and screaming "the zombies are coming!"