Tales of the Walmart.


New member
Mar 5, 2011
Lord Mountbatten Reborn said:
New Troll said:
So walking out of the store with the two little boys, they point towards their mother waiting in her car. She see us, and drives away.
What happened to the kids in the end?
The were given a UPC code and stocked in the auto section.


New member
Feb 14, 2011
i have a couple walmart stories.

1) i was walking to checkout after getting groceries. suddenly a small child shrieks "Daddy!", and a small body hugs me at about knee level from behind. I'm not a father, and have no reason to think otherwise, but this still made me jump, and my mind race. I Looked down to see a 3 year old boy looking up at me. his face changed from joy to anger and he yelled, "You're not my Daddy." I through my hand in the air and shouted, "Did somebody loose a kid?" this is were it gets fun. five mothers appeared out of nowhere. none of them were the kid's mom.

This is the strange part.after I got the kid to costomer service a man, who looked just like showed up. we could have been twins. we were even wearing the same clothes. it was freaky as all hell. the guy looks me up and down and then asked a question that i was asking myself, "How the hell did he know you weren't me?"

we looked at the kid, and he just shrugged.

2) blind date+ no money+ walmart+ enabling date= walmart shopping cart jousting.
we were 19 at the time, and the greeting lady yelled at us for a good twenty minutes.


New member
Feb 11, 2009
I had a friend that updated his entire PS2 library care of Wal-Mart and a half-dozen local pawn shops... Buy cheap-*ss games from the pawn shop, and head to Wal-Mart to exchange for credit, then walk out again with a half dozen new games worth 5-10x as much.

- - - - -

Then there was the time I walked in just after WoW's initial release and found EVERY MMO bax was open on the shelf... EQ, WoW, and all the rest. I picked up a couple and carried them to the desk jockey in Electronics to show him.

"Yeah, we checked, they're all fine."

Told him to get a manager. Manager shows up.

"Oh, yes, we saw the boxes. And I personally verified that all of the disks and documentation are still present."

::facepalm:: "Um, you do know that all someone needs is the 16-digit code typed on the disk case and/or manual to activate a new account, and completely lock out the copies here. Meaning if someone bought this, they'd never be able to install and play it, right?"

"Well, I don't know. The stock crew said they'd arrived in a pretty beat up packing crate."

::smirk:: "Then I'm not buying any more games here, and you ought to look into your stock crew a bit more."
...and walked out leaving the manager starting a tirade at the poor clerk who's only stake in all this was to be the unlucky one at the desk when I found the problem.


Senior Member
Aug 7, 2011
Mr Fixit said:
I had all the people near the checkout section applaud me when i very loudly announced my displeasure of standing in line with fifty other people waiting to check out when the store only had two cahiers working & about a dazen other employees just standing around talking. The manager gave me some very nasty looks, but they opened a few more registers.
Yeah I DESPISE WALMART for that. It happens more often then I would like.

Anyways at my Walmart we have an old guy who works there and his whole job is to catch shoplifters. We're shopping and we see this guy peeking around the corner at us. Oh no big deal. Go down a few more aisles and he's peeking through the shelves at us! If I didn't know better I would have thought he was planning a murder. He's not very good at his job.


New member
Sep 15, 2010
stangman said:
I found the first story hilarious and it reminds me of the time I was in a check out lane by myself holding a candy bar and a small basket of home-stuff. I had not even gotten to the front and a little kid, about 7-8, ran up to me and said in a very demanding voice "Gimme back my candy bar!" to which I was dazed and before I could turn and explain his mother (I'm guessing) walked up and started tearing into me.

I had gotten the words 'I haven't even paid for this yet' but that didn't stop her from snatching it from my hand and walking off with her son, I could have and probably should have been mad, but I just leaned over and picked up another one from the shelf. I did look around closely to make sure this candy bar stayed mine.


New member
May 9, 2011
Sometimes when I go to Wal-mart with my siblings or friends, we walk over to the toy aisle and find those Nerf swords and have fights with those. Most people walk straight past us and don't care, but we still try to pretend like nothing has happened whenever someone comes by.


Elite Member
Nov 12, 2008
carlsberg export said:
is it true you can buy guns in wallmart?
I can report for a fact that it is true, because I've done it. I purchased a Henry Arms lever action .22 rifle there not long after I turned 18.

On a couple of occasions a few years ago before our Walmart got upgraded into a super Walmart I happened to see this old lady with a couple of kids between the ages of 2 and 8, I suspect she was either their grandmother or foster mother, in the toy section letting the kids look at the toys. Every time either one of the kids would reach for something, y'know like are gonna do at those ages she'd scream at them "I TOLD YOU NOT TO TOUCH YOU LITTLE SHITS!! IF YOU REACH FOR ANY THING AGAIN I'M GONNA BEAT YOU SENSLESS!!".

I'm not sure what this ***** was trying to teach these kids but I saw her in the store doing the same thing twice within the space of a few months. Thankfully I haven't seen her since the new store opened.


Sometimes known as CaitieLou
May 27, 2009
carlsberg export said:
EverythingIncredible said:
carlsberg export said:
is it true you can buy guns in wallmart?
For my Wal-mart it is.

But where I live, you can buy guns damn near anywhere. :\
like....proper guns?
big calibre make people dead guns?
It's mostly handguns hunting rifles, along with a few bows. I live in Missouri, so they've got quite a section devoted to hunting and outdoor activities. I imagine more urban WalMarts don't have as much, though (if any at all, depending on local gun regulations).


New member
Mar 24, 2009
Catie Caraco said:
My father and I were at a Walmart once when this couple and their child get behind us. This was in upstate New York redneck territory, and this couple fit the bill like it was made for them. They were a Jack Sprat couple (you know, his wife only ate fat, and he only ate lean). The woman had to be reaching 400 pounds where if the man weighed more than 100 I'd be shocked. They were both wearing NASCAR t-shirts, the man was also wearing a cap. And the woman was holding an infant. A male infant. How do I know he was male? Because he was butt-ass-naked. No t-shirt, no diaper, not even socks. Just completely naked. My father and I were horrified, and if we could have, we would have left without making our purchases.

There was also a time I saw an Amish in a walmart. I know there's nothing that says they CAN'T go there, but doesn't that just seem wrong? His horse and buggy was outside.. I mean.. it was so surreal.
I've seen Amish ppl in walmart before, I know where your coming from on that. I was confused and high. lol

Paddy the Second

New member
Apr 9, 2011
I'm in the UK and we don't have Wal-Mart, but I have a story that sort of fits yours. In Poundland (guess how much everything costs.) They used to sell extremely crappy BB guns. Me and my friends came across a boy of about five carefully unboxing, cocking and firing every single one in the store. No one noticed but us, his grandmother appeared about five minutes later and paid no notice to what he had done.


New member
Oct 10, 2009
I work at Walmart as a cart pusher, it's not a fun job, but the pay is the best I could find being the limited availability college student I am. So far as a cart pusher, I've nearly been ran over a couple times, and once I was called a racist.
Last week while working, as customer told the greeter that we only give carts to white people. I still have no idea what that's about.
I also had one guy nearly run me and another cart pusher over while we were using the cart pusher machine. In case you've never seen the cart pusher, at best it goes maybe brisk walking speed. This customer wanted it to move faster and figured maybe if he honked at us, we would use the nonexistent turbo button on it.
I wasn't there when it happened, but once a customer managed to hit 5 cars in the course of 3 attempts at parking, and he didn't even know he hit them.


New member
Aug 7, 2010
carlsberg export said:
EverythingIncredible said:
carlsberg export said:
is it true you can buy guns in wallmart?
For my Wal-mart it is.

But where I live, you can buy guns damn near anywhere. :\
like....proper guns?
big calibre make people dead guns?
Where I live, you can get handguns, rifles, and shotguns. All of varying calibers and gauges. There is also a moderate selection of accessories: scopes, lights, pads for the stock, etc. Not to mention the aisle of ammunition.

Tiger King

Senior Member
Oct 23, 2010
DeadFOAM said:
carlsberg export said:
EverythingIncredible said:
carlsberg export said:
is it true you can buy guns in wallmart?
For my Wal-mart it is.

But where I live, you can buy guns damn near anywhere. :\
like....proper guns?
big calibre make people dead guns?
Where I live, you can get handguns, rifles, and shotguns. All of varying calibers and gauges. There is also a moderate selection of accessories: scopes, lights, pads for the stock, etc. Not to mention the aisle of ammunition.
wow thats surreal!!

so in theory you can go in, buy a gun and some ammo, then turn the gun on the cashier and say 'gimme all your money' ??

i doubt it but its worth asking.

wallmart sounds like it was made for a zombie apocalypse!
i shall have to go to one next time im in the states that are united.


New member
Feb 6, 2008
carlsberg export said:
so in theory you can go in, buy a gun and some ammo, then turn the gun on the cashier and say 'gimme all your money' ??

i doubt it but its worth asking.
For some reason I think they may be a little suspicious of somebody loading a gun in the shop.


New member
Apr 9, 2010
Paddy the Second said:
I'm in the UK and we don't have Wal-Mart, but I have a story that sort of fits yours. In Poundland (guess how much everything costs.) They used to sell extremely crappy BB guns. Me and my friends came across a boy of about five carefully unboxing, cocking and firing every single one in the store. No one noticed but us, his grandmother appeared about five minutes later and paid no notice to what he had done.
Asda is a branch of walmart

Tiger King

Senior Member
Oct 23, 2010
Lukeje said:
carlsberg export said:
so in theory you can go in, buy a gun and some ammo, then turn the gun on the cashier and say 'gimme all your money' ??

i doubt it but its worth asking.
For some reason I think they may be a little suspicious of somebody loading a gun in the shop.
some guns take seconds to load (especialy if you have one of the perks from cod on :p )
not enough time to get suspicious before your looking down a barrell.

in all seriousness though i would of thought there is strict rules about selling the weapons and ammo.


New member
Apr 9, 2010
Lukeje said:
carlsberg export said:
so in theory you can go in, buy a gun and some ammo, then turn the gun on the cashier and say 'gimme all your money' ??

i doubt it but its worth asking.
For some reason I think they may be a little suspicious of somebody loading a gun in the shop.
Cust. "hey, I am gonna test this gun here :D"

Cash. "Sure! wat else are shops for :D"

Cust. *points gun at Cash* "hehehe gimme all the money :D"

Cash "hahaha! you're a funny guy, ehem, oh noo, we are being robbed hahaaa!"

Cust. *gun still pointed* >:[

Cash. "hahaaaaa... :D"

Cust. >:[

Cash. ... O_O' *gives money*

Cust. *runs off*

Cash. "... that wasn't funny"


New member
Jun 18, 2011
Throwing things over the aisles, and relaxing in the furniture until getting kicked out.

New Troll

New member
Mar 26, 2009
Lord Mountbatten Reborn said:
New Troll said:
So walking out of the store with the two little boys, they point towards their mother waiting in her car. She see us, and drives away.
What happened to the kids in the end?
Not for sure. Cops handed them over to child services. Not sure what happened after that. Still gets to me how she could just leave them there. And especially if she thought she would get away. I mean, it's not like the cops couldn't figure out who she was based on having her children. Dumb.