Teacher beats student then masturbates in hallway

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Every so often one of these threads pops up in Off-Topic, telling tales of the woefully stupid, hateful, and/or crazy.
And every time, I am forced to just shake my head, sigh, and try to forget that I share the same species as the perpetrators.

I mean, what else is there to say about the matter apart from "That's sick and wrong"?

Nowhere Man

New member
Mar 10, 2013
Use_Imagination_here said:
Nowhere Man said:
I vote this most sensationalist Escapist headline of the year. (So far)
That's not sensationalist. It's literally what happened. The teacher beat a student, then went into the hallway to masturbate.

Do you even know what sensationalist means?
While I admit I used the term incorrectly in this case, there's absolutely no reason to get touchy over it.


New member
Aug 11, 2012
You trying to kill me man? xD

OP: All right, all right. In all honesty, this sounds like a guy who just couldn't take it any more and snapped. Sounds like he needs tons of psychiatric help....
May 29, 2011
Nowhere Man said:
Use_Imagination_here said:
Nowhere Man said:
I vote this most sensationalist Escapist headline of the year. (So far)
That's not sensationalist. It's literally what happened. The teacher beat a student, then went into the hallway to masturbate.

Do you even know what sensationalist means?
While I admit I used the term incorrectly in this case, there's absolutely no reason to get touchy over it.
I'm sorry but as a fully licensed grammar nazi (they gave me a batch and an uniform and everything) I sometimes go a bit overboard in my duties.

I apologize.

Plus it's just kind of funny when you think about it. This SHOULD by all means be a sensationalist title, but bizarrely it's the literal truth.


New member
Jul 31, 2009
This thread has provided more entertainment in the last 4 minutes than any in the last few years probably.

A guy does this, and everyone thinks it mustn't be true, or that he is crazy and needs help.

If it were a female teacher, depending on how attractive she was, there might have been applause she would probably have been a celebrity in America.

In Korea? Idk. In much of the world she would have been beaten to death on the spot I'm sure.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Seoul pretty much explains it. Learning there would make anyone snap.

Also it wouldnt surprise me if the masturbation claim is sort of student revenge and he didnt actually do it. and he is arrested for bodily harm only as well so thats still only alledged.
Toilet said:
Reminds me of one of those episodes of Bible Black.
In bible black everyone would have started masturbating on top of the beaten student though.

Westaway said:
How old were the kids? Why didn't they intervene with the beating?
If you tried to stop a teacher from doing anything in Korea you woudl be expelled, never be allowed to enter any school again and likely end up being laughed at by everyone, your parents included.
the "horror stories" or teachers beating girls because their skirts are too short and telling people to lick their shoes are true there sadly. Teachers are like emperors to children. obey or be beheaded. there are multiple videos where a teacher spots a phone, grabs it, smashes it on the floor, and she is in the right, because you are not allowed to have a phone in classroom, therefore she can just smash it.

Nowhere Man

New member
Mar 10, 2013
Use_Imagination_here said:
I'm sorry but as a fully licensed grammar nazi (they gave me a batch and an uniform and everything) I sometimes go a bit overboard in my duties.

I apologize.

Plus it's just kind of funny when you think about it. This SHOULD by all means be a sensationalist title, but bizarrely it's the literal truth.
Meh, it's all good. And yes with a title like that, it's hard to believe it is a literal truth and not part of some comedian's stand up comedy routine. I mean look at it. Seriously that's pretty over the top. I kind of feel bad for the kid though. Hopefully he wasn't hurt too bad.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
Lionsfan said:
I um........wait.......

I don't really know how to respond to this.

At least he didn't beat off onto the beaten child?
Good job, way to focus on the positive, hahahahahahaha :D

Internet: breaking records for bringing you fucked up information every day.


New member
Sep 14, 2010
I have to admit, the title of this thread stopped me cold. OT: Hopefully this guy is never near another class room again.


Usually Neutral Good
Feb 8, 2010
Come on, people. What's a guy supposed to do after beating the hell out of a student?


New member
Sep 18, 2008
Mental breakdown. Remember that guy who was involved with Kony's 2012 presidential run or whatever, and then he ran into the street naked and started gorilla thumping the pavement?

Some people can't handle stress, fight\flight kicks in, and sometimes weird sexual stuff goes on.

I'm not forgiving him or anything, but he probably can't explain now what was going through his head at the time. Its a break.

Captcha: welcome to earth!

yep! people are weird everywhere

Evil Smurf

Admin of Catoholics Anonymous
Nov 11, 2011
NoeL said:
... what the hell?

Can't wait to see what Cenk and Ana have to say on this one.
Another TYT fan? :D


Who employs nutjobs anyway?


New member
Nov 10, 2009
I'd be rather interested to know whether he was actually a trained teacher or not. At least at primary school level in South Korea, its quite common these days to have supplementary teachers (subject 'specialists') taking classes alone who do not actually hold a valid teaching license, to save a buck. Just to make this clear, these are not paired with a licensed teacher sitting in the corner filing their paperwork and 'monitoring' as one would expect. And yes, public schools. I'm not sure if this is regular practice at higher levels of education too.

But yeah, dude just snapped. Some of the comments on the koreaBANG translation are rather insightful.