Techland Studios (Dying Light 2 devs) apparently not a good place to work...


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
With the current leadership, it's not so good for women or any of the LGBT community neither, and getting worse.

Well, it's just "fag" or "fags" for a cigarettes. A f@ggot is a Scottish (I think) meaty ball type incoming!

View attachment 3143

You can always get these premade at most frozen food stores too.
Wow that looks good as fuck. I want some F*g**t now! I am always down for tasty bacon wrapped balls of....fucking anything really. I'd eat shit wrapped in bacon.
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~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
A f*ggot is also a bundle of sticks. That said, I think it is pretty obvious what meaning is intended for the word based on context. They weren't comparing the art to a British dish or a bundle of sticks.
Yeah, I was just clarifying that the abbreviation is not the same for cigarettes and using the american non-abbreviation will most likely lead to confusion, and tasty food. ☺

Wow that looks good as fuck. I want some F*g**t now! I am always down for tasty bacon wrapped balls of....fucking anything really. I'd eat shit wrapped in bacon.
I think they're pretty alright, though they're not always wrapped in bacon... that's a next level upgrade for the modern day glutton! Am definitely hungrier than before this posting now.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
That you want to reverse this causality so that the onus is on victims of verbal abuse to not act like victims of verbal abuse is incredibly close to gaslighting.
I'm reversing anything. And overhearing a conversation you are not a part of is not verbal abuse.

Gay men didn't decide to be called f*gg*ts, it was a slur thrust on them by other people as an insult and remains such.
When directed towards Gay people (not just men), you are 100% correct. That's why context of use matters. Look if you are joking around with your friends and someone hits you with a zinger you would say, "Oh Fuck you dude." But obviously that's not the same as saying "fuck you" out of rage and malice. That's why it is important to be able to distinguish these things. And also why it's important for someone who easily takes offense to stop and think about what just happened to determine whether it's really something to be offended by.

Real talk: The fact that you consistently defend the position of shitty fucking people in these discussions, whether it is misogynistic gamers, homophobic CEOs or just all around dickwads, perplexes me something fierce. You are making excuses for terrible behavior and asking the people on the receiving end to grow thicker skin because "boys will be boys" instead of working towards a society in which people aren't repeatedly insulted by assholes. The CEO of Techland is a grown man, he should be able to verbalize his criticism without being a bigot to boot. To suggest that the fault is with the offended employee for not "sucking it up like a grown up" is incredibly backwards.
Cool you think I'm a shitty person then and that's fine. I'm not offended by that, because I understand where you are coming from with that opinion. However obviously it's not one that I share and I don't think I always defend exactly, I just try to dig between the lines and fine reasons as to why a particular situation would happen or at least how, and then evaluate (and sometimes play Devil's Advocate) to the other side.

It's called trying to see both sides of a situation instead of just being on the side of outrage automatically and creating an echo chamber.

Additionally a lot of these claims are made without proof, just reports. And reporting on something without proof is like telling the teacher and someone is being mean to you when they aren't even in school that day. With how popular, and sometimes profitable, to be outraged these days (thanks Anita) I do (admittedly) lean more on the skeptical side of things. However when proof of scumbaggery comes out, as with Ubisoft and Randy Pitchford, I would challenge you to find anything I've said to defend that.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Honestly, do you really think that homophobic slurs belong in any kind of professional environment? Because that's what's being discussed in this thread and so far you've made excuses for a CEO using homophobic slurs casually when critiquing the work of employees. No false equivalences to your buddy's mancave or my friend's Discord or whatever, just a straight answer about professional settings.
I dont even think you should cuss at work. It happens, but it shouldn't. It's also not THAT big of a deal if it does so long as it's not in front of a customer.

And I said that the Techland boss shouldn't have done that. No boss should be a dickhead, and the only defense I really made for Techland is that the boss being a dickhead doesn't make a the workplace a miserable place.

So no, I don't agree with direct "slurs" being addressed to anyone.

How about that?


Elite Muppet
Feb 15, 2009
To paraphrase some of the discourse here:
"Back in my day we used slurs however we pleased, and if some lilly hearted sucker didnt like it, they were welcome to just go ahead and stop listening *spits*"


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
It just makes me wonder why you spent at least three posts defending or trying to justify it when replying to me. I mean, we are literally on the same page here.
Sometimes I ramble. Also I'm very bored today. State of Play is when again?


Elite Member
Apr 30, 2016
The use of homophobic slurs is wrong. People shuld instead use slurs, insults and cursewords that are not about a specific group of people.

Other than that, i also think it is immensely overblown.


Senior Member
Apr 12, 2020
United States
It is not about you being a bad person (because I obviously don't know you enough to make that kind of judgement)
Okay, let's be frank here.

One's morality is not about some essential, unchangeable nature inside you. It's about the consequences of your actions.

If your actions consistently cause harm, make other lives worse, or keep you defending people that do, then you're a bad person, regardless of whatever you have going on in your head.


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
I actually wonder if there are any good game companies to work for.
Funny enough Massive Studios; the same studio that called Jim Sterling a jerk or something like that is a good place to work. They are in charge of Divison 2, and soon to be a Star Wars Open World RPG. Also owned by Ubisoft.