Teen werewolves pop up at texas schools


New member
May 21, 2009
God dammit... God dammit... God dammit... I quit. No more. Fuck teenagers. I hope all these kids remain shunned for the rest of their lives. I put up with Goth kids. I put up with emo kids. But this is out of control.

I mean jesus, that one kid killed a dog just so he could fit in.


New member
May 21, 2009
Aylaine said:
Nurb said:
are they just emo-goths with tails and Petco leashes?

If it allows them to feel like they belong, and accepted, then I don't really see a problem with it. Sure it will come with problems of it's OWN, but at least those people have a place where they can feel that sense of belonging. A lot of teenagers really need that, and I'd accept finding it in most places nowadays with how varied people can be in their interests and activities. :)
Except when you get to the point where you kill someone elses dog, just to "belong"...


New member
Sep 10, 2008
So is this a new type of furry then or just classic furry with a new shiny name?
Alas it is getting worse, America's depravity know no end. First they started showing their ankles, then their legs, their buttocks and their breasts...now their tails??? o_O OH GOD WHERE DOES IT END?

Really it isn't that far off from the current culture it just made the news. Welcome to American fashion history (at least what they are wearing looks comfortable next to some of these).




New member
Jan 2, 2010
Tdc2182 said:
Aylaine said:
Nurb said:
are they just emo-goths with tails and Petco leashes?

If it allows them to feel like they belong, and accepted, then I don't really see a problem with it. Sure it will come with problems of it's OWN, but at least those people have a place where they can feel that sense of belonging. A lot of teenagers really need that, and I'd accept finding it in most places nowadays with how varied people can be in their interests and activities. :)

Except when you get to the point where you kill someone elses dog, just to "belong"...

these are harmless kids..

look at them for god's sake.


Filled with ReLRRgious fervor.
Dec 17, 2009
Was anyone else absolutely slain by the names they gave the media? I mean I went through my goth phase too, but I never wore a tail. Tripp pants, but no tail. The lens on the other hand, seem pretty awesome..


New member
May 21, 2009
soilent said:
these are harmless kids..

look at them for god's sake.
When you start wearing a fake tail to school and its not Halloween, you have officially crossed the line.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
C-Demo said:
IxionIndustries said:
Pffft... Everyone knows Werebears are far superior to punier, runtier orkz..
i agree wif ya, dem gitz need a gud stompin.

Demz bloody nobz aint knowz nothin about our [color= green]WAAAAAAAGH!!![/color]

And actually, I do believe I had that idea first, as ashamed as I am to admit it. But I abandoned the idea long ago.. And now some whiny cutters have picked it up and tainted it. Ah well.. I still have Wizards!


Cynical bastard
Dec 9, 2008
soilent said:
Nurb said:
soilent said:
Angelcraft said:
That's just goth. Goth and Emo.
no its not, and let it be VERY clear that goth =/= emo.
emo is goth without the committment... similar music interests, same clothes, just less white and black make-up.

and they shop at the same store:


Goth is about as different from emo as jocks are, and no, they DONT shop at the same stores, real goths loathe hot topic, along with anyone who isnt a complete poser asshole, the emo kids and the scene kids are the only ones who go there, and they only do it because others do, Goths share NO musical interest with emos and if you actually cared to read into this before spouting random words, you might know that.

Goth = The Cure/The Smiths/Sisters of Mercy

Emo = My Chemical Romance/Panic at the Disco/newer green day

go listen and tell me they are even CLOSE to being similar.

PRO-TIP: You didnt hear this from me, if someone says they are goth, or someone else calls them goth, THEY ARE NOT GOTH. Being goth is about avoiding labels, and I only assigned the goth label to the above bands to prove a point, so dont try to get me on that one. Emo is about being emotionally open and pesimistic, goth is about not being anything but yourself.
I was there, man, in school when goth first started really spreading in the early 90's, and everything recently "non-conformist" kind of spun off of goth and grunge (proto-emo). But Whatever you say :D



New member
Aug 2, 2006
Given the popularity of Twilight, this really shouldn't surprise anyone. It's fairly likely these kids are doing this because they liked the werewolf characters in the movies.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Also, has anyone read the comments in that article? Fucking hilarious.
People actually support this bullshit!

I seriously want to burn Texas down before it reaches my state..


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Pariah87 said:
Freedom of expression is all well and good, but damnit I hate furries with a passion. Infact, I dislike furries more than chavs. It's not what they do, it's the attitude that goes along with it. Grow up children, the real world is waiting for you.
No we are not, take your sweet time. In fact we rather wish you stayed there.Forever.


New member
Jan 2, 2010
Nurb said:
soilent said:
Nurb said:
soilent said:
Angelcraft said:
That's just goth. Goth and Emo.
no its not, and let it be VERY clear that goth =/= emo.
emo is goth without the committment... similar music interests, same clothes, just less white and black make-up.

and they shop at the same store:


Goth is about as different from emo as jocks are, and no, they DONT shop at the same stores, real goths loathe hot topic, along with anyone who isnt a complete poser asshole, the emo kids and the scene kids are the only ones who go there, and they only do it because others do, Goths share NO musical interest with emos and if you actually cared to read into this before spouting random words, you might know that.

Goth = The Cure/The Smiths/Sisters of Mercy

Emo = My Chemical Romance/Panic at the Disco/newer green day

go listen and tell me they are even CLOSE to being similar.

PRO-TIP: You didnt hear this from me, if someone says they are goth, or someone else calls them goth, THEY ARE NOT GOTH. Being goth is about avoiding labels, and I only assigned the goth label to the above bands to prove a point, so dont try to get me on that one. Emo is about being emotionally open and pesimistic, goth is about not being anything but yourself.
I was there, man, in school when goth first started really spreading in the early 90's, and everything recently "non-conformist" kind of spun off of goth and grunge (proto-emo). But Whatever you say :D

goth didnt start in the early 90's.
people started wearing black and got into the black metal idea, but goth started back in the 70s and has NOTHING to do with what you think goth is.

those kids on south park, they're close to goth, not goth.

Grey Warden

New member
May 12, 2010
I say, let them battle the vampires. Wipes out all the Twilight fans in one blow, while at the same time doing everyone a great service by ridding us of more idiots.

King of the Sandbox

& His Royal +4 Bucket of Doom
Jan 22, 2010
Grey Warden said:
I say, let them battle the vampires. Wipes out all the Twilight fans in one blow, while at the same time doing everyone a great service by ridding us of more idiots.
Holy crap. I think you're onto something there.

Quick, all you school-aged folks go to the vampire kids and tell them the werewolf kids were talking shit, then vice versa. Then we go on Faux News and talk about how the movies are making our children violent and how it's encouraging gangs and animal sacrifice.

I think this Twilight nonsense just created it's own kryptonite. Mwuahahahahaha!!!!


New member
May 25, 2008
tehpiemaker said:
GreatVladmir said:
Sooooo, they're Emo Furries? I thought emos n furries were usually the same thing.
Someone be trollin.
I not be trollin (I can troll far better than that post), all the people I know who were/are furries either have or claim to be emos or goths, so I'm just assuming its the same thing, and I did sort of jump to a conclusion calling them furries, I just find it odd thats all.

Croix Sinistre

New member
Oct 25, 2009
I'm just tired of being associated with people like this when I wear black (or emos or mall-goths or "vampires" for that matter)