Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 Isn't Happening, Says Producer


New member
Mar 18, 2014
Hawki said:
Transdude1996 said:
Also, when you really think about it, sequels, prequels, reboots, adaptations, etc. are actually a riskier investments to make than an original property. So, expect to see this trend die down in the next few years.
Um, how? All of those things have the benefit of a pre-established audience. A new IP is uncharted territory. Besides, reboots, adaptations, sequels, etc., they've never gone out of style. They've always been there, more so now, perhaps, but I don't see this trend ending.
Okay, with making another installment to a film, you face one of two complications.

The first one is a hurdle a lot of films have trouble passing which is being, at least, as good as the previous film. Ghostbusters 2, Back to the Future Part 2, Lost World: Jurassic Park, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, and even Aliens have been raked through the coals over the years by those who saw the first film. And, this came back to bite studios because all of the films ended up making less than their previous installment. When they finally came around and made a third, only Indiana Jones survived while the rest made even less than the second film.

Then, the second hurdle studios have to pass is when "Great" turns into "Average", which is what the MCU is starting to suffer from. Back when Iron Man came out, it was a knockout hit because of it actually being a great movie. Ever since then, each film has been great as well, but nothing has set the bar higher than, arguably, the first Avengers flick. After that, you start seeing diminishing return with each subsequent release as everyone involved in production just looks and feels like their going through the motions, and have to throw something "interesting" into each release just to keep bringing in money for the films (E.G. Notice how much more money a Marvel film makes when Downey is involved). And, then there's the fans who start to become tired with the series having little add as far as value, and so they stop coming (E.G. Notice how each CoD keeps on having to stretch it's numbers each time a new one is released). I know using a video game as an example isn't exactly a sound theory, but it's the only one I can think of nothing since nothing in films has had as long running of a series (Outside of 007, but, even then, you see how much of a stark contrast the two latest films have with the previous installments ever since Mission Impossible and a few other films have banked in on the James Bond's "thing").

So, to put it all simply, they have to make the next installment of each film, at least, as good as the previous films or face eternal damnation, and, even then, they have to keep raising the bar otherwise people will stop coming.

Kenbo Slice

Deep In The Willow
Jun 7, 2010
Samtemdo8 said:
Kenbo Slice said:
Samtemdo8 said:
Silentpony said:
Oh God, they're gonna' reboot it!
Now you know how I feel if this happens to the DC movies.

Not another reboot Origin movie :p
The DC films could benefit from a reboot because it's all been crap.
No it has the risk of getting worse than it is now.
I feel like that's not a risk worth taking. It's already pretty fucking bad.


What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets.
Jul 15, 2009
P-89 Scorpion said:
chozo_hybrid said:
Never saw either, might do if they pop up on Netflix, but I don't trust Bay with anything, haven't seen anything of his since Transformers 2... Never walked out of a film that mad.
Bay was the producer (basically they wanted a known name for the advertising) not the director of either Turtles film.
I know. Don't care, producers have a good amount of influence on a film too.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Transdude1996 said:
It's established that sequels won't always live up to their predecessors, and that the law of diminishing returns exists, and will eventually kick in, but they're still generally considered safer than new IPs, which have a much higher risk of flopping entirely. You bring up Jurassic Park, for instance, but there's also Jurassic World, which grossed highly. Would it have sold as well if it didn't have the IP attached to it?


New member
Mar 18, 2014
Hawki said:
Transdude1996 said:
It's established that sequels won't always live up to their predecessors, and that the law of diminishing returns exists, and will eventually kick in, but they're still generally considered safer than new IPs, which have a much higher risk of flopping entirely. You bring up Jurassic Park, for instance, but there's also Jurassic World, which grossed highly. Would it have sold as well if it didn't have the IP attached to it?
Who honestly knows? We have nothing to compare to, as far as I know.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
Kenbo Slice said:
Samtemdo8 said:
Kenbo Slice said:
Samtemdo8 said:
Silentpony said:
Oh God, they're gonna' reboot it!
Now you know how I feel if this happens to the DC movies.

Not another reboot Origin movie :p
The DC films could benefit from a reboot because it's all been crap.
No it has the risk of getting worse than it is now.
I feel like that's not a risk worth taking. It's already pretty fucking bad.
"Looks at Superman At Earth's End"

Not that much.

Kenbo Slice

Deep In The Willow
Jun 7, 2010
Samtemdo8 said:
Kenbo Slice said:
Samtemdo8 said:
Kenbo Slice said:
Samtemdo8 said:
Silentpony said:
Oh God, they're gonna' reboot it!
Now you know how I feel if this happens to the DC movies.

Not another reboot Origin movie :p
The DC films could benefit from a reboot because it's all been crap.
No it has the risk of getting worse than it is now.
I feel like that's not a risk worth taking. It's already pretty fucking bad.
"Looks at Superman At Earth's End"

Not that much.
At Earth's End is so bad and utterly ridiculous it's good. The DC Movies are just bad bad.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
Kenbo Slice said:
Samtemdo8 said:
Kenbo Slice said:
Samtemdo8 said:
Kenbo Slice said:
Samtemdo8 said:
Silentpony said:
Oh God, they're gonna' reboot it!
Now you know how I feel if this happens to the DC movies.

Not another reboot Origin movie :p
The DC films could benefit from a reboot because it's all been crap.
No it has the risk of getting worse than it is now.
I feel like that's not a risk worth taking. It's already pretty fucking bad.
"Looks at Superman At Earth's End"

Not that much.
At Earth's End is so bad and utterly ridiculous it's good. The DC Movies are just bad bad.
No such thing as "so bad its good"

At Earth's End is just awful.

BvS is just eh.

Kenbo Slice

Deep In The Willow
Jun 7, 2010
Samtemdo8 said:
No such thing as "so bad its good"

At Earth's End is just awful.
Yeah because everyone loves Troll 2 and The Room because they're cinematic masterpieces.

Everyone quotes All Star Batman and Robin because it was such a good comic.

There is such a thing as so bad it's good. Sadly, the DC films aren't that.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
Kenbo Slice said:
Samtemdo8 said:
No such thing as "so bad its good"

At Earth's End is just awful.
Yeah because everyone loves Troll 2 and The Room because they're cinematic masterpieces.

Everyone quotes All Star Batman and Robin because it was such a good comic.

There is such a thing as so bad it's good. Sadly, the DC films aren't that.
But the comedy would last so long, you see the parts that you find hilarious so many times that it stops making you laugh anymore.

And still who actually wants to watches filth of a movie like Birdemic in its entirety? I cringe more watching Birdemic than I laugh. Like this scene:

I cringe at looking at Spiderman One More Day and Dark Knight Strikes Again for how shitty they are and the latter is even worse than All Star Batman and Robin.

Batman v Superman? Eh the only thing bringing that movie down for me is Lex which so far is being downplayed in the Justice League movie. There are moments I liked alot in BvS, like the Doomsday fight, and Superman being Superman.

I watched the movie 3 times and so far I don't see it as no where near as bad as everyone makes it out to be. Everyone is overrating the badness of this movie.

Kenbo Slice

Deep In The Willow
Jun 7, 2010
Samtemdo8 said:
Kenbo Slice said:
Samtemdo8 said:
No such thing as "so bad its good"

At Earth's End is just awful.
Yeah because everyone loves Troll 2 and The Room because they're cinematic masterpieces.

Everyone quotes All Star Batman and Robin because it was such a good comic.

There is such a thing as so bad it's good. Sadly, the DC films aren't that.
But the comedy would last so long, you see the parts that you find hilarious so many times that it stops making you laugh anymore.

And still who actually wants to watches filth of a movie like Birdemic in its entirety? I cringe more watching Birdemic than I laugh. Like this scene:

I cringe at looking at Spiderman One More Day and Dark Knight Strikes Again for how shitty they are and the latter is even worse than All Star Batman and Robin.

Batman v Superman? Eh the only thing bringing that movie down for me is Lex which so far is being downplayed in the Justice League movie. There are moments I liked alot in BvS, like the Doomsday fight, and Superman being Superman.

I watched the movie 3 times and so far I don't see it as no where near as bad as everyone makes it out to be. Everyone is overrating the badness of this movie.
I watch filth like Birdemic and Troll 2 because it's so hilariously awful. Batman V Superman is not only a bad comic book film, it's a bad film. It's a total bastardization of Batman and Superman as characters.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
Kenbo Slice said:
Samtemdo8 said:
Kenbo Slice said:
Samtemdo8 said:
No such thing as "so bad its good"

At Earth's End is just awful.
Yeah because everyone loves Troll 2 and The Room because they're cinematic masterpieces.

Everyone quotes All Star Batman and Robin because it was such a good comic.

There is such a thing as so bad it's good. Sadly, the DC films aren't that.
But the comedy would last so long, you see the parts that you find hilarious so many times that it stops making you laugh anymore.

And still who actually wants to watches filth of a movie like Birdemic in its entirety? I cringe more watching Birdemic than I laugh. Like this scene:

I cringe at looking at Spiderman One More Day and Dark Knight Strikes Again for how shitty they are and the latter is even worse than All Star Batman and Robin.

Batman v Superman? Eh the only thing bringing that movie down for me is Lex which so far is being downplayed in the Justice League movie. There are moments I liked alot in BvS, like the Doomsday fight, and Superman being Superman.

I watched the movie 3 times and so far I don't see it as no where near as bad as everyone makes it out to be. Everyone is overrating the badness of this movie.
I watch filth like Birdemic and Troll 2 because it's so hilariously awful. Batman V Superman is not only a bad comic book film, it's a bad film. It's a total bastardization of Batman and Superman as characters.
You have stronger will then me, I don't know how you would put up with watching such god awful filth like Birdemic and the Room without a comedic commentary from a youtuber like Nostalgia Critic.

And no these are the total basterdizations of Batman and Superman:

Ugh and even in Superman's own Bad Comic Book they still have to shoehorn in Batman into EVERYTHING DC.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Czann said:
Shame as the second one was actually good but the first one is crap. Oh well, movie viewers are stupid anyway.
Despite TMNT (2014) flaws, I thought it was a good movie. The first 20 minutes is what upsets everybody. I loved Out of the Shadows and is about almost as good as the first movie. The only TMNT movie I genuinely hate is Turtles III. TMNT (2007) wasn't bad, but felt like a straight-to-home video movie, and is boring to watch now. Secret of the Ooze should have been better, if you know about the original script. The toning down of the violence just appease a bunch of pussified parents was a major downer for me too. Like Ninja Assassin, this deserved a sequel. Yet we're gonna get another sequel to Transformers (I like most of them, except Revenge of the Fallen, and 50 Shades of Grey. So people really have no right to complain if they hated Out of the Shadows, but keep coming back to these other films regardless if they like them or not.