Tekken Film to Officially Hit US

John Funk

U.N. Owen Was Him?
Dec 20, 2005
Tekken Film to Officially Hit US

The live-action Tekken movie now has an official distributor for the United States, New Zealand, and Australia. Joy of joys!

I'm going to be honest, here: I really have no idea what's going on with the Tekken movie adaptation. First, we saw the said he'd hated it [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/97523-Tekken-Movie-Trailer-Isnt-Appalling]. So it had apparently been released at some point, somewhere in the world ... but that somewhere hadn't been here.

Well, that's going to change. A company called Anchor Bay Films has picked up the distribution rights for the flick [http://horrornews.net/11629/anchor-bay-films-acquires-tekken-for-distribution/], and will be "widely" releasing Tekken in the US, New Zealand and Australia next year. I'm imagining that this will be a straight-to-DVD affair, since I can't see anyone seeing this sort of thing in theaters.

That said, while Tekken game director Katsuhiro Harada may have hated the film, I've heard that it does have some fairly awesome action sequences, so it does have that going for it. And let's be honest: It doesn't look any more absurd than the Tekken games already are. This is the series with a boxing kangaroo and a kung-fu-fighting bear, remember?

"Crystal Sky has invested millions in the production, making sure they were able to convey not only the incredible fight scenes, but also the emotional journey of the main character, Jin," said Anchor Bay Films president Bill Clark in the press release.

I suppose punching a kangaroo in the face does count as a kind of emotion, yes.

(Via MTV Multiplayer [http://multiplayerblog.mtv.com/2010/09/14/tekken-movie-to-be-released-and-emotional-in-2011/])



New member
May 19, 2008
Of all the games to make into a movie, why Tekken? It's not super popular, it doesn't have a good plot. It just doesn't make sense.


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
Im going to watch for the same reason y i eventually saw Dragonballz and SF:legend of Chun-li. They are like Trainwrecks, you know you shouldn't look but at the same time you can't look away. XD

Cherry Cola

Your daddy, your Rock'n'Rolla
Jun 26, 2009
TehIrishSoap said:
More Importantly, Why Isin't There A GTA Or COD Movie?!?!
Because the God's have blessed us, at least for the time being, to be without such utter shit.


Special Zero Unit
Apr 22, 2009
If even the Creator of the series hated it then i know i probably wont like it.

Though it will be fun to see live action Infinite Juggles.


New member
Jan 19, 2010
I can't see anything decent coming out of this, except the action.

Don't get me wrong, I have played Tekken 2, 3, 4 and 5.
And what do I know?

Storyline... Is shit. But it's nice that they gave it a shot. But what I can expect, is that it will be balanced out by AWESOME ACTION!!!


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Watched it a couple weeks ago. The best thing I can say about it is that the fight scenes are decent. Oh, and the girl who plays Christie is extremely hot (though she doesn't use Capoeira in the movie).

The story is definitely inspired by the games but tends to focus more on the situation in the world at large than on the screwed up dynamics of the Mishima family.. and as under used as the Mishima relations are as a whole, the side characters get it even worse. Even the one upside to the movie, the fight scenes, is dragged down by the fact that outside of Eddy none of the characters in the movie (even the Mishimas themselves) fight anything like they do in the games.

Stabby Joe

New member
Jul 30, 2008
TehIrishSoap said:
More Importantly, Why Isin't There A GTA Or COD Movie?!?!
Because a CoD movie would just be any other war movie done hundreds of times before, while GTA would work better as a crime series... one that has been done hundreds of times before.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
I hate to be a picker of nits, but Jin Kazama (personal fave) didn't look very Japanese. I think a comedy with Anna Vs Nina would have been much better! Also, Tagawa is a pretty good actor, so why he keeps getting himself into these craptacular video game movie deals is a mystery, at least to me.


New member
Nov 8, 2009
Half of the original Tekken cast aren't shown there, and half of the ones that are weren't until tekken 3 or after. Confused.
How do you have a king of Iron Fist without Paul Phoenix? Disappointing. Also, is that "peoples choice" kid really meant to be Jin? wtf >.>

Looks totally broken, but ya know, I'll still prolly pick it up since I'm a big fan of the games.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
feeback06 said:
Wait a second... didn't they make a Tekken anime movie?
They did.. and god, it was awful. This Tekken movie is watchable. The Tekken anime, however, is brain searingly bad.

the_maestro_sartori said:
Half of the original Tekken cast aren't shown there, and half of the ones that are weren't until tekken 3 or after. Confused.
How do you have a king of Iron Fist without Paul Phoenix? Disappointing. Also, is that "peoples choice" kid really meant to be Jin? wtf >.>

Looks totally broken, but ya know, I'll still prolly pick it up since I'm a big fan of the games.
Basically, the movie sort of uses the storyline for Tekken 3 as it's starting point. So, Jin's the main character and Paul's just a side character bordering on being a joke character (in terms of his actual place in the storyline, anyway). Paul does get mentioned in the movie in a throwaway line, but you never see him.