Ten Reasons Why Pac-Man Sucks


The Voice of Treason
Dec 17, 2008
I can't believe some people thought that was serious...

I thought it was pretty funny to be honest.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
That...is HILARIOUS! The guy who posted that is either very funny or hilariously fucked in the mind


Super Sailor Moon
Jan 23, 2010
DemonicVixen said:
Amberella said:
DemonicVixen said:
AnAngryMoose said:
I hope to God my Sarcasmograph is just broken and he's not being series or else he's a fucktard.
Why? in many ways he does actually have a point. Having said that, pac man is only good to pass the time and no longer has a holding effect. I cant say i hate it, nor would i be as silly to suggest that it should "die in a fire" as the OP suggests, but i cant deny that it has lost much of its appeal compared to the games of today. Even a basic Flash game can have a lot more appeal.
I agree here. I do believe it will always be a classic though. Just not as big as it once was. Still though, I doubt it would ever truly die.
Oh i'd never want it to die. Im actually sad that an old spin off called "Fast Food" vanished into thin air. It was basically the same principles of Pac Man but with food. Cant remember exactly but something like a drink carton chasing burgers and fruit etc. It was actually more amusing and action packed then the original Pac Man. This game existed on the very old computers that used Cassette tapes instead of floppy disks or CD's. My very first computer.
I think I remember that game! :O It has been ages!! And I wouldn't want it to disappear either. :3 Although I would so like to play Fast Food right now. xD


New member
Oct 14, 2009
AnAngryMoose said:
I hope to God my Sarcasmograph is just broken and he's not being series or else he's a fucktard.
Agreed. I am at a loss of words other then "If he is being serious, then he really needs to fall off a cliff".


New member
Sep 2, 2009
As fake as that post probely is, I have to say to this guy



New member
Jul 25, 2008
If it's sarcasm or a joke... it's not a very good one.

(probably because the internet DOES have people who are that fucking stupid)


New member
Sep 21, 2009
To everyone in this thread who is doubting whether this is sarcasm or not - take a fucking guess.
I mean, seriously, come on!
OT: Yeah, pretty funny. Especially ten. Ten is awesome.


New member
Sep 2, 2007
SimuLord said:
machineiv said:
tellmeimaninja said:
This is sarcasm. If not than this
Read this out of context quote, "I don't really" [like Pac Man anymore].
is essentially him puting a gun to his point's head and pulling the trigger.
Yeah. You've got me.

(The subtitle for the original was "My Ode to Video Game Journalism.")
And the subtitle only further demonstrates that he's writing for the sake of writing. This type of piece has been done to death. Maybe asshole hipsters who find anvilicious attempts at irony funny might laugh, but that's barely a step up from laughing at Beavis and Butt-head. (mind you, I think B&BH are hilarious, but they don't pretend to be anything other than stupid.)
Silly me, I read that more as satire against hardcore gamers, and the gaming industry as a whole rather than an attempt at any kind of ironic statement for the sake of itself.


New member
Dec 23, 2009
The people that are raging at this because it's a parody are just people who were raging before they realised it wasn't real :p


Zombie Specialist
Apr 16, 2009
teh_pwning_dude said:
danpascooch said:
If you don't think it's funny that's fine, but don't brand the guy who wrote it as a "hipster"

Which STILL nobody has defined what the hell "hipster" means.
If you don't know what it is, why are you objecting to it?

Also, Urban Dictionary, Jesus.

I still don't see why you're objecting to the branding though. If someone speaks like an emo, isn't it fair to call what he's saying emo?

SimuLord said:
Do I care? No. Could I let a clever backhanded compliment pass without comment? To steal a line from Drew Magary of Deadspin: "FUCK AND NO."
Fair call, fair call.
Hipster: Hipsters are a subculture of men and women typically in their 20's and 30's that value independent thinking, progressive politics, an appreciation of art, creativity, intelligence, and witty banter. - Urban Dictionary

Wow, being a "Hipster" sounds AWFUL.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
James_Sunderland said:


I don't really like Pac-Man either, but still, this guy sounds like a complete and utter wanker.

"Modern games should be played in online multiplayer."?

Way to go there and make a completely false, inaccurate, uneducated, all-encompassing statement without merit that can easily be torn down with the most basic of examples there, dipshit.

To me, this sounds like the ramblings of a 14 year-old ritalin-popping high-school drop-out with way too much time on his hands, who spends half his time hiding his porn-stash from his mum and the other half swearing at people over CounterStrike voice-chat.

To David Hill, and all who think likewise:

Get a fucking life, you sad losers.
Is it trolling if you're being sacrastic openly?


New member
Mar 1, 2010
He brings up all the points that just ruin any gaming disucssion thesedays, showing exactly how nowadays 'real gamez0rz' see games.
Yes its sarcasm, its also very good and very smart sarcasm but sadly its also sarcasm lost because the guys against who this is directed ('real gamz0rz') most likely wont get it.


Zombie Specialist
Apr 16, 2009
teh_pwning_dude said:
danpascooch said:
Hipster: Hipsters are a subculture of men and women typically in their 20's and 30's that value independent thinking, progressive politics, an appreciation of art, creativity, intelligence, and witty banter. - Urban Dictionary

Wow, being a "Hipster" sounds AWFUL.
Wow, you're thorough. You chose the one pro-hipster definition on the entire page. Clearly written by a hipster, because it friggin' oozes self-importance.

Let's have a look at all the other ones shall we?

"twenty-something stroketard whose style of clothing conflicts with their demeanor, thus resulting in a spicy psudeo-intellectual with more flavor-of-the-month conversations than a long island prostitute."

"Superficial substance. Trying to be the ultimate 'cool and original' person. Backwash individuals who lack complete personality, having the need to grasp onto vintage or unique items: clothing, accessories, music, etc. Having an unusual name can help."

"the whole subculture is at best a misguided resignation to irony and at worst a conscious attempt at absurdist elitism."

"Someone who thinks that they are being "special" and "unique" for liking some underground bullshit no one else cares about. And they pointlessly look down on people who don't know anything about indie culture, because that's the only thing they know anything about. They're quick to call the rest of the world conformists when in reality, they are the ones conforming by partaking in a "too cool for mainstream so i am going to reject it by looking and acting like a grungy asshole" way of life only to seem uber-fashionable. They just end up looking like idiots."

It's kind of like if an emo defined emo, it would be something like "A clever group of people who relish the black humour of the world and celebrate the unfair and unbalanced nature of society through their unique fashion and music." whilst most normal people would describe them as "annoying wannabe goths who take themselves far too seriously and tend to piss off everyone in their vicinity".

Hipsters are hippies + arrogance. Surely you know people like this, and surely they piss you off too?
Actually, I chose the first result. And I don't believe in branding people anyway.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
werekitsune said:
bill0bob said:
1)That was an over use of sarcasm even if it was mildly amusing
2)It was SARCASM he wasn't being serious
3)I'm amazed that so many members of this intellectual site thought he was serious
I don't really think of this place as an intellectual site, but really guys, relax.
The site isn't massively intellectual but it's a lot more intellectual than a lot of other types of site-for instance try understanding this article


Its not easy is it? But I'll bet you understood it a whole lot more than some of the people you see failing to write English on other forums on other sites.