Ten Reasons Why Pac-Man Sucks


New member
Aug 29, 2009
Hahahah =]

I'm pretty sure I'm right in viewing this as sarcasm. This also goes ahead and shows us the more modern attitude to gaming. NICE! =]


New member
Nov 17, 2009
I got a mild chuckle out of this. Not falling-off-my-chair-with-hilarity material, but it wasn't bad.


Senior Member
Mar 30, 2009
This thread has been a very entertaining read on its own.

The title of the piece, if you follow the link, is:

The Top Ten Reasons Pac Man Sucks (Or: My Ode to Video Game Journalism)

He doesn't think Pac Man sucks. He isn't claiming that anyone thinks that Pac Man sucks. He is poking fun at opinion pieces and "journalism".

Sure, it isn't the most original concept (you know, 'cause we have so many of those lately), and not milk through nose funny, but hell, it still got a chuckle out of me and some co-workers.

Others are entitled to dislike it (the piece, not the game if you're one of those people who hasn't caught on yet), sure, no problem. If they want to think I'm somehow inferior or the author is because of that, fine, no skin of my ass (or his I imagine). I just wonder what they mean to accomplish in positng such vitrol?


New member
May 27, 2009
Just Craig said:
Once you gave me the idea I had to do it:

...Er, sorry it's not colored, but I'm out of time-- I have to go to work.
If you drew that, that is awesome! Well done mate.

Tom Phoenix

New member
Mar 28, 2009
Yeah, definitely sarcasm. I am far from a genius and even I figured that out preety quickly once I noticed how he was exxagerating on all aspects.

Just Craig said:
Once you gave me the idea I had to do it:

...Er, sorry it's not colored, but I'm out of time-- I have to go to work.
Pac-Man doesn't need to look like that to be cool. He just eats a berry and proceeds to do some behind-kicking:



New member
Dec 12, 2008
Actual list: Slightly entertaining.

People not getting the joke and making angry comments: Hilarious.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
1)That was an over use of sarcasm even if it was mildly amusing
2)It was SARCASM he wasn't being serious
3)I'm amazed that so many members of this intellectual site thought he was serious


New member
Apr 2, 2008
HT_Black said:
Ah, poorly disguised satire. It makes my stomach churn to see that finest of humors abused in such a way; at least he could've been subtle in his critique of the modern day games industry. 'Tis a shame, 'tis a shame, and an even greater shame still that so few of our ostensibly intellectual community fail to understand the meaning of this particular piece; I imagine that if they were perchance presented with "A Modest Proposal" then a rash of infant slashings would spring up about the land like so many satirically disabled weeds. Rest in peace, ye holiest of wordy muses, and know that your legacy goes to ground with you.

Truly, how can it be that such a large group of people, each of who are supposedly possessed of excessive cleverness and wisdom, miss this man's point in such a stupendous fashion? Do they not see that he is mocking the furor with which modern-day artists pursue graphical perfection? Are they truly blind to his blatant statement about the oversexualization and gratuitous violence present in many modern-day titles? How can they miss his lament of times gone by, when games were for one and all, and anyone could happily join in? Why, oh why, are these numerous professed geniuses ignorant of his disdain for taxing game engines and absurd system requirements, or the way he out-and-out says that he is joking? Has the ego of the great Escapist community at last swallowed its brain? Truly, I am ashamed to think that the community I was once proud to be part of has succumbed to the devils of hubris and misguided nostalgia, and that the deviants and trolls may be the wisest of us.

Escapist, I am dissappoint. Very disappoint indeed.

On an unrelated note, I seriously didn't think much of Pac-man.

Well this and David Hill's original statement both gave me a few chuckles. Well done both!


New member
Apr 17, 2010

I hate when my exact views are satirised normally, but this was too spot-on to hate. I always trot out some variation of these to criticise new instalments. XD

EDIT: @ HTSlash: A feast of infants awaits all us poor and Irish TF2 players, once the hats've run out. Join us and realise the clearly unironic dream at the heart of "A Modest Proposal"!
EDIT2: How does EVERY frickin flame war on the internet revolve around frickin hipsters? They don't exist! Humans who exhibit SOME of the properties of hipsters exist. So fuckin what.

I've been mistaken for hipster by people who fit the template more than me enough times to realise the meaninglessness of the label - generally, it means "Someone who knows something you don't, and attempts to share it with you because they like it." It divides people and limits experience. Fuck that word and fuck anyone who uses it.


New member
May 8, 2008
So you're a little yellow guy that hunts ghosts and wanders around mazes getting randomly attacked? Didn't anyone tell these guys that JRPGs are dead?
lolololol. that made my day.


New member
Apr 18, 2009
Wow........ Just wow..

Is this the intelligence level of half the Escapist commenting here? That was fairly witty sarcasm and I enjoyed reading it.

Everyone who had a hissy fit over this should be appalled at their own intelligence for missing the point. Really guys... Really.