So... I stated that I was ruthless, efficient, cerebral, and had a tendency for overkill, and I was marked as a Robot.
Now, I'm off to go start a poll thread to see how the rest of the escapist sizes up. Then, I will create a thread for the other Escapist robots, and we will compute together, and our collective processing power will design a strategy that CANNOT FAIL! *Tinny laughter*
EDIT: The poll is now up! Unfortonatly, I am typing this out on my PS3's web browser due to my roommate kicking me off to play WoW, so I cannot give a link 'til later, but it's in the off-topic forum, titled "What Genre are YOU! Retry." Because I fail and accidentally made the first topic without a poll!
POST-EDIT: Apparently I am riding the fail-boat today, because I forgot to add Aliens to the poll! Now I could write a heart-wrenching soliloquy about repayment and the need to be given a fail badge, but instead I will just ask the mods to give it a quick fix, for I would screw up more.
EDIT-SQUARED: I now have the Link! Also, I put the Alien option in! all extraterrestrial escapist's Rejoice!