Texas Man Finds Missile Launcher in the Woods


New member
Sep 10, 2009
JWAN said:
wax88 said:
JWAN said:
wax88 said:
JWAN said:
L33tsauce_Marty said:
Texas, you confuse me.
^ Lol

For the record thats an 84 mm rocket launcher designed in Sweden its designation is AT4

clever swedes
sorry that's not an AT4- it really is from a dragon ATGM.
pretty similar except the ATGM has a stand built into it and it looks like it has one. I went with AT4 because i couldn't see the massive sights or the stand that are perma mounted on the side/bottom of the launcher.

your probably right, but that would mean that launcher sat out in his woods since the mid 90's and when I read the article it said it was built in 96 and I know for a fact it was taken out of service in 95 (my neighbor was a major in the Army then).
well, to be honest, i was able to be so certain becos i used to be in the armed forces of my own country, serving as reconnaisance, and part of the course had us identifying many weapon systems in the world-and yes, the dragon ATGM was one of them...

anyways, you'd be surprised how easy it is to lose one of these things. there was once during an exercise, someone lost a dummy LAW tube during fire-movement at night, and he didn't notice it until the end of the simulated firefght. then everyone around was like:" you lost WHAT?!!"

had to spend the next half an hr combing the jungle just to look for his LAW tube.
yea probably not the easiest thing to find
it probably fell off of his pack when he was crawling around. Did you lose it at night?
yup, at night, and the thick undergrowth didn't make it any easier to find it. initially i was like thinking "haha, what an idiot, how can you possibly lose a LAW tube?" but then i realised the joke was on me, cos while he may be the one to lose the tube, WE(by that i mean inclusive of me) had to search for it together.


Goes Well With Pesto
Sep 2, 2009
Why am I not surprised that this was in Texas? I wonder how many other pieces of military hardware are just lying about in America.

Next thing you'll see is some guy finding a Sheridan tank in some nearby woods that the army had "lost" years ago.