Texas Man Finds Missile Launcher in the Woods


New member
Apr 28, 2008
cobrausn said:
asiepshtain said:

A. cool shit.
B. What a fucking idiot. News flash moron, Explosive weaponry is fucking dangerous. You see something like this, you step back and call the cops. You do NOT pick it up, You do NOT put it in a moving vehicle, You do NOT take it fucking home. I swear to god, the fact that someone this stupid manages to live to maturity is miraculous.
Yeah, it is dangerous. But these things are made to be carried by soldiers through warzones without 'going off'. So I don't think picking it up is going to make it 'go off'. You remind me of one of those people who have never handled a firearm tend to think they're just going to shoot randomly while you handle them.

He did what probably 99% of people (well, guys anyway) would have done - picked it up and taken a picture.
trust me, I handled firearms before, I served in the military for about 4.5 years. And while weapons don't just go off by themselves, this wasn't a maintained weapon. It was lying in a field, this person had no way of knowing what condition it was in, if it was loaded, and for how long it's been siting there. Not to mention that, I seriously doubt, he had any knowledge of that weapon.

The only move in this situation is to get some serious distance and preferablly cover then call the cops.

Lunar Shadow

New member
Dec 9, 2008
asiepshtain said:
cobrausn said:
asiepshtain said:

A. cool shit.
B. What a fucking idiot. News flash moron, Explosive weaponry is fucking dangerous. You see something like this, you step back and call the cops. You do NOT pick it up, You do NOT put it in a moving vehicle, You do NOT take it fucking home. I swear to god, the fact that someone this stupid manages to live to maturity is miraculous.
Yeah, it is dangerous. But these things are made to be carried by soldiers through warzones without 'going off'. So I don't think picking it up is going to make it 'go off'. You remind me of one of those people who have never handled a firearm tend to think they're just going to shoot randomly while you handle them.

He did what probably 99% of people (well, guys anyway) would have done - picked it up and taken a picture.
trust me, I handled firearms before, I served in the military for about 4.5 years. And while weapons don't just go off by themselves, this wasn't a maintained weapon. It was lying in a field, this person had no way of knowing what condition it was in, if it was loaded, and for how long it's been siting there. Not to mention that, I seriously doubt, he had any knowledge of that weapon.

The only move in this situation is to get some serious distance and preferablly cover then call the cops.
It was just the tube, there was no rocket in it (I can tell by the pick)


New member
Jun 1, 2009
I gotta give the guy credit, he could have kept it as a souvenir, but he instead did the cool thing in trying to give it back to the military. I still find it rather frustrating that it took the military almost an entire day before they sent someone to confirm his find. The bureaucracy in America is just so terrible.


New member
Apr 28, 2008
Lunar Shadow said:
asiepshtain said:
cobrausn said:
asiepshtain said:

A. cool shit.
B. What a fucking idiot. News flash moron, Explosive weaponry is fucking dangerous. You see something like this, you step back and call the cops. You do NOT pick it up, You do NOT put it in a moving vehicle, You do NOT take it fucking home. I swear to god, the fact that someone this stupid manages to live to maturity is miraculous.
Yeah, it is dangerous. But these things are made to be carried by soldiers through warzones without 'going off'. So I don't think picking it up is going to make it 'go off'. You remind me of one of those people who have never handled a firearm tend to think they're just going to shoot randomly while you handle them.

He did what probably 99% of people (well, guys anyway) would have done - picked it up and taken a picture.
trust me, I handled firearms before, I served in the military for about 4.5 years. And while weapons don't just go off by themselves, this wasn't a maintained weapon. It was lying in a field, this person had no way of knowing what condition it was in, if it was loaded, and for how long it's been siting there. Not to mention that, I seriously doubt, he had any knowledge of that weapon.

The only move in this situation is to get some serious distance and preferablly cover then call the cops.
It was just the tube, there was no rocket in it (I can tell by the pick)
How sure was he of that before he picked it up? Does he even know how this weapon is armed? What if the ammo was on the ground beneath the launcher, did he check that?

Weapons are for professionals at the best of times, discarded weapons are even more dangerous. This thing shouldn't have been touched by any one who isn't a demolition expert.


New member
Oct 24, 2008
asiepshtain said:
Lunar Shadow said:
asiepshtain said:
cobrausn said:
asiepshtain said:

A. cool shit.
B. What a fucking idiot. News flash moron, Explosive weaponry is fucking dangerous. You see something like this, you step back and call the cops. You do NOT pick it up, You do NOT put it in a moving vehicle, You do NOT take it fucking home. I swear to god, the fact that someone this stupid manages to live to maturity is miraculous.
Yeah, it is dangerous. But these things are made to be carried by soldiers through warzones without 'going off'. So I don't think picking it up is going to make it 'go off'. You remind me of one of those people who have never handled a firearm tend to think they're just going to shoot randomly while you handle them.

He did what probably 99% of people (well, guys anyway) would have done - picked it up and taken a picture.
trust me, I handled firearms before, I served in the military for about 4.5 years. And while weapons don't just go off by themselves, this wasn't a maintained weapon. It was lying in a field, this person had no way of knowing what condition it was in, if it was loaded, and for how long it's been siting there. Not to mention that, I seriously doubt, he had any knowledge of that weapon.

The only move in this situation is to get some serious distance and preferablly cover then call the cops.
It was just the tube, there was no rocket in it (I can tell by the pick)
How sure was he of that before he picked it up? Does he even know how this weapon is armed? What if the ammo was on the ground beneath the launcher, did he check that?

Weapons are for professionals at the best of times, discarded weapons are even more dangerous. This thing shouldn't have been touched by any one who isn't a demolition expert.
That would have been funny
"blows himself up in the woods,
with a rocket launcher he just found"

At least an interesting way to go.


New member
Aug 11, 2008
I bet several people ninja'd me, but this is going to give him a great way to start a conversation!

"So i found a rocket launcher today..."


New member
Dec 10, 2008
asiepshtain said:
cobrausn said:
asiepshtain said:

A. cool shit.
B. What a fucking idiot. News flash moron, Explosive weaponry is fucking dangerous. You see something like this, you step back and call the cops. You do NOT pick it up, You do NOT put it in a moving vehicle, You do NOT take it fucking home. I swear to god, the fact that someone this stupid manages to live to maturity is miraculous.
Yeah, it is dangerous. But these things are made to be carried by soldiers through warzones without 'going off'. So I don't think picking it up is going to make it 'go off'. You remind me of one of those people who have never handled a firearm tend to think they're just going to shoot randomly while you handle them.

He did what probably 99% of people (well, guys anyway) would have done - picked it up and taken a picture.
trust me, I handled firearms before, I served in the military for about 4.5 years. And while weapons don't just go off by themselves, this wasn't a maintained weapon. It was lying in a field, this person had no way of knowing what condition it was in, if it was loaded, and for how long it's been siting there. Not to mention that, I seriously doubt, he had any knowledge of that weapon.

The only move in this situation is to get some serious distance and preferablly cover then call the cops.
But Fallout 3 has taught us all that unmaintained 30 year old missile launchers still shoot fine! At least once.

Look, if you're maximizing/minimizing risk here then it was a pretty big risk, but not worthy of such vitriol as was thrown at him in the first post. That's all I was trying to say. I've handled a missile launcher before (also former military), so it's not all supposition on my part.


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
JZmada said:
BehattedWanderer said:
...by the gods I love my state. Where else will you find a casually discarded/lost/hidden rocket launcher and not get hauled off by the feds?

What would be interesting is if he applied for a liscense for it...
God I love my state too. And my city to boot.
Heh, if you see some nutter running about with a rocket on his back--give him a wave, eh?