That underrated, forgotten gem of a game.


New member
Sep 21, 2010
Norrdicus said:
Sebastian Van Deus said:
I am surprised that not one as mentioned Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines!
Because it isn't underrated nor forgotten. Any WRPG fan worth their salt knows the game, and half of those people have played it. Really, Vampire is Troika's most well-known RPG. Arcanum gets (close?) second and Temple of Eelemental Evil is the obscure one

Sebastian Van Deus said:
But... To me... The best underrated game I played, own, love, cherish, and elevate every chance I get... is Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn
No offense, but I'm starting to think you don't know the meaning of underrated nor forgotten. Baldur's Gate 2 is anything BUT

chiggerwood said:
Beyond Good and Evil a forgotten, underrated gem? Really? You know I'm not sure what to say to that! Just... no! That's like saying Okami is underrated and forgotten. I mean yeah it wasn't the biggest seller out there but it was far, far from being underrated, or forgotten.
Honestly, I'd go so far as to say that BG&E is overrated by its fanbase, though I'd somewhat agree on the game's obscurity factor. That game managed to "wow" me maybe once or twice when I played it a year back, but made me groan 10 times for each of those moments.
Thank you for making the post I was about to! Those games are great, but are fairly well known.

I'd say Battle Isle Phase 4 : Incubation.
Customize the equipment of a squad of soldiers, and lead them through an evacuation of a city being swallowed up by an alien horde. Turn-based, with a mountain of tactical planning.


Coxa no longer floppin'
Jun 22, 2009
Lost Kingdom 1 and 2, some of my favourite games, would buy a WiiU if it got LK3!


Volcano Girl
Feb 5, 2009
Wild Arms 3, the series in general tends to be overshadowed by the larger franchises and to some extent I can see why. However Wild Arms 3 does not deserve to live in the shadows.It is the pinnacle of what this series has been trying to achieve:a dying world with a Spaghetti Western style. The previous two had to tell us this world is dying however WA3 shows it.The healing items(berries) have to be grown in a specific place because of the desolate ground and you traveled on seas of sand because there were no bodies of water. The Wild West feel was big here with trains,a ton more guns and battles atop horse back.

The Characters were very well rounded and Virgina's character arc is amazing as she goes from naive daddy's girl to capable leader.The story is interesting and has a green Aesop that doesn't come across as preachy.

On the game play side it has the migrant system that gives you so many points to avoid battles(stronger monsters require more points to avoid) which I really think more games should imitate. The crossfire system is an interesting way to make battles look fluid and the amount of customization you can put into your party is great. Hell even the radar system is kinda cool albeit a little bit annoying.The dungeon puzzles are challenging with out being ungodly vague or requiring extensive knowledge in mythology

While the story is decent length,the side quests tend to take up most of your time some are a couple short boss fights but others are game spanning journeys.The game rewards you for exploring and the side quest are the only way to get some of the coolest things.

Sorry for the rant but damn this game is great.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
Freespace 2.

I know its hardly forgotten, but given that it sold like shit and it buried the genre, I wouldn't call it a hit either.

However, its a little gem. The best game in the genre. Besides, a game where this happens regularly:
Deserves my respect.


New member
Apr 4, 2009
Im going to go with Mirrors Edge, far from the most obscure game on my wierd games list but definetly underrated. And seeing how the sequal seems to have fallen of the face of the galaxy Im going to argue that it fits the forgotten part to.


True Gamer
Apr 8, 2010
thespyisdead said:
Temple of Elemental Evil

Sure it was buggy initially, but thanks to community patches, it now works as intended
Okay, is this nostalgia talking or did you seriously think this game is good.

I just brought this game like 1 week ago and I think it must be the most disappointing game I've played so far.

First of let me just say I played Planescape: torment and Baldurs gate 1&2 and love them both to death.

But TOEE is nothing like those the game has no story awful early gameplay(I got level 2) plus the music makes me want to pull my ears out.

Also it cheats you by making you think you can play with premade characters (you cant) thing is you need to make sure your stats rolls are high enough so you dont die to the very first frogs.

What I will stay is the turn based dnd combat is very awesome for seasoned dnd player such as myself but dying over and over the first levels having to go all the way back to town to heal up makes it near unplayable in my opinion.

I think if the game started at level 3-4(like NWN2) so that you have heal spells and your wizard doesn't start at 4 hp then I could see this being a fun game but otherwise no just no.

Normally I except RPG games being boring and awful the first 2-3 hours but since this isn't a RPG then what's the point. Using dnd ruleset and not put in RPG elements is like playing an FPS with the mouse disabled.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
Medabots: Metabee. its plays like a JRPG, but is enjoyable as hell. never beaten the endboss, but did replay the game twice getting there.


New member
Sep 9, 2011
Shadowstar38 said:
May I present to you...

This is my all time favorite game from the Gameboy Advance. I sunk more time into this than Pokemon Rudy. It's that fucking good.

EDIT: fixed image
Oh my god, yes! I loved this game except I had the Rohkusho version, but I could never beat the race at the medabot championships


New member
Oct 24, 2012
I can't believe that no one has yet mentioned War of the Monsters (PS2)

That was the game of my late childhood.

Mert Matthews

New member
Feb 12, 2012
I am not sure if it is really underrated but i had never heard of it until a gaming magazine gave it for free back in 2009. It is definately not for everybody. It is slow paced 4X game like civilization(4-5) but imo much better due to increased realistic mechanics, arguably more immersing music, combat much more interesting unlike in civ where there would be units that counter units but here you build your own friggin spaceships with the 3 types of weapons and 3 types of armor against them (not to mention the modules) so combinations were huge. It had some flaws but if a game can keep you on for 18 hours for 1 map then they don't matter much do they? Name of the game you ask? Galactic Civilizations 2: Twilight of Arnor


New member
Jan 24, 2012
Beautiful End said:
Two choices:

1. Little Samson - NES: My god, this game is probably my favorite of all time. I love the music, the characters, the plot is easy to understand and okay for the time it was released, it's well balanced, the palette and worlds are great, the music is fun...I could go on and on. If you have a chance to play it, do so (It's $100 on eBay so.. *ahem*).
Everyone who played it admits its one heck of a game. Sadly, it came out in the same year the SNES came out so it was horribly ignored and underrated. *Sigh*

2. The Legend of Dragoon - PS1: Alright, so that one's more well known but there are still people out there who don't know about it and don't care about it. Just like Little Samson, Legend of Dragoon came out around the same time as Final fantasy 7 so...yeah.
Maybe the graphics haven't aged well and heaven knows the voice acting isn't the best. But aside from that, it had a lot of things going on for it. The story was pretty good, for one. The combat was unique up until that point. The world was pretty interesting and the characters were well rounded.
People who have played the game and loved it are often claiming a sequel. but we'll never see that day.
Yep I thought Legend of Dragoon too!


New member
Apr 26, 2011
Sebastian Van Deus said:
I am surprised that not one as mentioned Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines! That game is a great classic and just because it had a lot of bugs and flaws thanks to a studio being shut down... but it is still a worthy game even to this day!

But... To me... The best underrated game I played, own, love, cherish, and elevate every chance I get... is Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn. This is the first RPG I ever played in my life... when I was about 7 years old... Too young to really understand the D&D rule sets... But not young enough to just say meh.... haha. I love this game. Nothing so much fulfills that "create your own life, in a game"-game than BG2:SoA.

I really wish the current games could just look at these two games and try to improve on their great points. But oh-noz, they are so old... they have wrinkles... they smell sorta funny... ya? but I love them... and wish games were more like these old gems than some of the quite frankly cookie cutter games that have been coming out lately...

Thank you.
Now I loved at least two of the games you listed, but none of them are in any way under rated.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Pretty much most of the 3DO, and Jaguar library.

Sure those system had their fair share of absolute dross, but some of the games for the two systems are great, so it's a shame that most people do not know about the good games like Iron solider, and Lucienne's Quest.

Also, I need to give out some love to Baten Kaitos: eternal wings and the lost ocean for the Cube. It's so good, i just can't comprend how many don't know about it.

debra_ beretta

New member
Sep 8, 2010
Pharaoh and it's expansion Cleopatra. I've invested hundreds of hours building pyramids and guarding the Nile against invaders. I would also like to put forward Jade Cocoon as I really did enjoy playing that originally.


Elite Member
Mar 20, 2010
denseWorm said:

Fantastic strategy game with awesome, unique gameplay. You didn't build and fight with units, you built guilds and had heroes come to your town to populate them, stocked them with items from your market and blacksmith and sent them off to kill monsters by putting bounties on their heads.

There was a sequel, it was also an absolutely fantastic game. I heartily recommend that everyone and anyone plays Majesty 2.

The mission in this gameplay video is the one I was up to when I last played the game, it's friggin impossible, the enemy chews up your heroes like so many cats and dogs. Anyways, it's still an amazingly fun game.
Wizards in Majesty were *way* too frail, and then *way* too destructive once they got past being frail
Train a wizard, wizard falls down.
Train a wizard, wizard falls down.
Train a wizard, wizard catches on fire, falls down, and sinks into a swamp.
But the fourth wizard, he made it to level 2, and now he's level 10 and one shotting groups of things that murdered his brethren.

That and rogues who'd loot their friend's graves before you could manage to rez them.

Arfonious said:
Gothic and Gothic 2

Two basicly unnoticed RPGs from Germany

A bit unintuative but when you get the hang of it it becomes awesome

Also relativley large areas and a city that feels like a real city
It also bears repeating that Gothic games do the exact opposite of what Elder Scrolls titles do -- instead of scaling the world to you, they warn you that places are dangerous, and really, genuinely mean it. By dangerous, I mean "will eat you alive in two hits". Of course, when I finished Gothic, the only living folks in the world were myself, Diego, Lester, the one guy from the new camp, and Xardas.

The population was quite a bit larger at the end of Gothic 2, but fewer people triggered my "you're a dick and need murdered" response.

VeryOddGamer said:
Painkiller. Sure, it got some popularity after Yahtzee mentioned it, but still. It is a glorious game, and very possibly the most cathartic game I have ever played.
It was sad that it took that long to get popular. I really hated the multiplayer for Painkiller though, and that's speaking as someone who had all the stars on all the levels on Trauma and had the Divine Intervention tarot card (I might have been a *little* bit obsessed with that game, and I *still* hated that one secret in City on the Water). The Battle Out of Hell cards were a lot harder to get than classic Painkiller cards though. Hoping the remake does it justice.

LordDPS said:
Arcanum of Steamworks and Magic Obscura. it remains the only fantasy game that goes "what would happen were society actually you know, NOT IN A MEDIEVAL TIME LOCK" and the consequences of that (the growing irrelevance of wizards,discrimation of different races) and it was made by most of the people who made Fallout!
Brilliant concept, horrific execution. Real time combat mode was basically unplayable too.

blind_turtle said:
Sacrifice: well received, poor sales.
...and probably my favorite RTS.

Help my pants are on fire said:
Advent Rising - ends on a cliffhanger and a universe I'd like to revisit.
Wasn't it originally supposed to be a trilogy, and poor sales stopped it before it could get there?


Elite Member
Nov 29, 2009
My favourite underrated gem would have to be "infected" for the psp. It's hands down one of the funniest games I have ever played, with good graphics and fun, if a bit repetitive gameplay.
THen again, you get to dress up as a zombie in a bunny suit and shoot zombie santas.