Well, have fun counting votes. Just wanted to tell you I'm amazed at the sort of commitment to willingly dig through 23 pages of ever-so-samey replies for the sake of a statistical agreement of what exactly the best 100 games ever are.
if you get a chance to reply back, just curious, how are you going about taking tally's for all this? excel spreadsheet? or good ole fashioned pencil and paper? or something way more logical that i dont know of?
I had made exceptions but after a program crash with a few pages and hours of my time on it I'm going to have to stop this. It will also take a while. See you later.
Well it was more the OP as each reply counts, but I'm getting somewhat annoyed at the few who have posted more than 5 games. I've decided if they say "Mass Effect series" for example, then they said Mass Effect, not Mass Effect 2. And there was one reply with 12 games... I don't see where that came from...
Anyway, rant over. Onto page 8. Which is decent progress considering I read 2 Death Note books as well. UPDATE: Page 16 now. Will finish it all off tomorrow.
I also have much more ranting prepared for a few of you which will be outlined in a 10-point statement.
And to give the thread a shameless bump so everyone knows I've counted these results, here's the edited front page:
[HEADING=1]The Results![/HEADING]
Now firstly I'm going to have to have a small-ish rant while explaining how I counted certain votes. Then I'll give you a few "fun" facts and figures before announcing the Top 10 with details and then the other 90 as just a boring old list. There will be cake at the after party. Honest.
The most common problem I encountered while counting the votes was that many of you put down more than 5 games in one way or another. The Orange Box was not a game, as it's name suggests, it was in fact a box of games. If you voted for it without an alternative your vote has been ignored.
If you voted for a series, for example "Tekken Series", I can't be bothered to chase down hundreds of Escapists to get them to change it or suggest their favourite. In this case the first of the series has been voted for, that's the only game title you put down.
If you just put down more than 5 games then the first 5 games you voted for were counted, the others ignored. This includes "Mass Effect 1 & 2" but in this case the first game you typed is counted and your remaining votes (unless otherwise covered) were still included.
If your one choice was two unrelated games then your vote was decided by flipping a coin.
I thought my joke about Duke Nukem Forever might be a a hint that voting for unreleased games or games you haven't played is a waste of a vote, yet a couple still did it. If it's in Beta that's fine, but there was one vote for The Last Guardian's trailer...
Asking me to choose. Why? If I do it, it's not the Escapist Community's Top 100 is it?
Anyway, thanks for sticking with me through that, now for a few fun facts:
Factbox said:
My Computer crashed twice counting the results.
There were 663 different games voted for.
With the the above criteria there were 3623 votes.
This took me bloody ages.
And now, without further faffing about, may I present to you... The Escapist Community's Top 100 Videogames!
Developer: Bethesda Game Studios
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks, ZeniMax Media
Action RPG
PC, XBox 360, Playstation 3
Developer: Valve
Publisher: Valve
Microsoft Game Studios
Puzzle FPS
PC, XBox 360, Playstation 3
Developer: Bethesda Game Studios
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks, 2K Games
Action RPG
PC, XBox 360, Playstation 3
[HEADING=2]Half Life 2[/HEADING]
Developer: Valve
Publisher: Valve
PC, XBox 360, Playstation 3
[HEADING=2]Mass Effect 2[/HEADING]
Developer: Bioware
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Action RPG
PC, XBox 360
[HEADING=2]Zelda: Ocarina of Time[/HEADING]
Developer: Nintendo
Publisher: Nintendo
Action Adventure
Nintendo 64, Gamecube
[HEADING=2]Team Fortress 2[/HEADING]
Developer: Valve
Publisher: Valve
Multiplayer FPS
PC, XBox 360, Playstation 3
[HEADING=2]Knights of the Old Republic[/HEADING]
Developer: Bioware
Publisher: LucasArts
Action RPG
PC, XBox
[HEADING=2]Mass Effect[/HEADING]
Developer: Bioware, Demiurge Studios
Publisher: Microsoft, Electronic Arts
PC, XBox
[HEADING=2]World of Warcraft[/HEADING]
Developer: Blizzard
Publisher: Blizzard
Bioshock -- Dragon Age Origins -- Morrowind
Pokemon Yellow /Red / Blue -- Call of Duty 4 -- Starcraft
Pokemon Silver / Crystal / Gold -- Shadow of the Colossus -- Warcraft 3
Final Fantasy 7 -- Deus Ex -- Halo: Combat Evolved
Planescape: Torment -- Red Dead Redemption -- Psychonauts
Halo 3 -- Metal Gear Solid -- Prince of Persia: Sands of Time
Resident Evil 4 -- Grand Theft Auto San Andreas -- Half Life
Metal Gear Solid 3 -- Zelda: Majora's Mask -- Timesplitters: Future Perfect
Baldur's Gate 2 -- Diablo 2 -- Metroid Prime
Final Fantasy 9 -- Super Smash Bros Melee -- Counter Strike
Assassin's Creed 2 -- Final Fantasy 10 -- Goldeneye
Rome: Total War -- Beyond Good & Evil -- Chrono Trigger
Super Mario 64 -- Zelda: Link to the Past -- Batman: Arkham Asylum
Fable -- Chrono Cross -- Final Fantasy 6
Pokemon SoulSilver / HeartGold -- Ratchet & Clank -- Spyro
Super Smash Bros Brawl -- Uncharted 2 -- Zelda: Wind Waker
Grand Theft Auto Vice City -- Modern Warfare 2 -- Silent Hill 2
Civilisation 4 -- Left 4 Dead -- Saints Row 2
Star Wars Battlefront 2 -- Super Mario Galaxy -- Battlefield Bad Company 2
Command & Conquer Red Alert 2 -- Grand Theft Auto 4 -- Guild Wars
Jak & Daxter -- Kingdom Hearts 2 -- Left 4 Dead 2
Okami -- Timesplitters 2 -- God of War
Grim Fandango -- Mafia -- Mount & Blade
Super Mario World -- Borderlands -- Final Fantasy Tactics
Heroes of Might & Magic 3 -- Medieval 2: Total War -- Metal Gear Solid 4
Neverwinter Nights -- Persona 4 -- Pokemon LeafGreen / FireRed
Pokemon Ruby / Sapphire -- Ratchet & Clank 3 -- Super Metroid
Age of Empires 2 -- Bioshock 2 -- Fallout 2
Jak 3 -- Kingdom Hearts -- Knights of the Old Republic 2
Ratchet & Clank 2 -- Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl -- Zelda: Twilight Princess
Out of the ones I called there is only KoToR but, hey, I'm not complaining - at least we got ourselves are really good winner.
Just out of curiosity, was I the only one voting for MW2?
Out of the ones I called there is only KoToR but, hey, I'm not complaining - at least we got ourselves are really good winner.
Just out of curiosity, was I the only one voting for MW2?
Hmm...top ten is interesting, especially the number one. Fallout 3 has a pretty love/hate following around the site from what I've seen. Also surprised the first FF game was FF VII as well, I thought VI would be higher. Ah well. At least I've owned a fair few of those.
Also, no Viva Pinata in the 100? I am upset. Like, really upset. And angry.
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