The 2010 Community's Top 100 - Now Closed


New member
Sep 26, 2009
1. Team Fortress 2
2. Half-Life 2
3. Timesplitters: Future Perfect

Those are the three I remember rooting for, the rest escape me.


New member
Jan 25, 2009
AMMO Kid said:
Thats so bullcrap! ME1 was FAR better than ME2!!!
Amen. ME2 was one hell of a cut-down game.

Really surprising to see so many new games make the top 10, kind of sad.

Still, the list is hardly surprising. Whoever counted this really shouldn't have gone through the trouble.


Elite Member
Nov 7, 2007
Manji187 said:
*sigh*...seriously...Fallout 3 on #1? A douchebag new gen kid thing I guess...

EDIT: what kind of criteria were used anyway? None, right? People just had to mention titles they liked (for whatever reason...good or bad)...well...there's the problem.

How is the Escapist community constituted? High percentage male teens prolly. How did they form their personal criteria? Are these criteria any good?

Before you start spouting your teen rage..."ohh nooeess high horse!"... do understand one thing little grasshoppah...there's a reason you are not yet allowed to do many things like has to do with life experience and the formation of your mental faculties.

I'm not saying you are not allowed to give your opinion/ judgment on a videogame...I'm questioning the value of that judgment.
All this thread asked was the favourite games of the people who post here. We're not defining the best game of all time. This thread will never stand in any official capacity. All it means is that the majority of people who voted like Fallout 3, and that's hardly a crime. You feel differently, and apparently you're in the minority on that one. There's no shame in that either, and absolutely no need to spew your vitriol at some sort of perceived injustice.

If someone asked you what your favourite food was, would you be wrong to answer that question? What if you like spaghetti but I prefer pizza? Which one of us is wrong? What if a hundred people prefer spaghetti and I'm alone at my pizza party? Does the pizza suddenly stop tasting fantastic or can I continue enjoying it? I JUST DON'T KNOW ANYMORE.


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
Manji187 said:
*sigh*...seriously...Fallout 3 on #1? A douchebag new gen kid thing I guess...

EDIT: what kind of criteria were used anyway? None, right? People just had to mention titles they liked (for whatever reason...good or bad)...well...there's the problem.

How is the Escapist community constituted? High percentage male teens prolly. How did they form their personal criteria? Are these criteria any good?

Before you start spouting your teen rage..."ohh nooeess high horse!"... do understand one thing little grasshoppah...there's a reason you are not yet allowed to do many things like has to do with life experience and the formation of your mental faculties.

I'm not saying you are not allowed to give your opinion/ judgment on a videogame...I'm questioning the value of that judgment.
What a condescending, utterly nasty little post.

The whole point of the thread was for people to vote for their favorite games and that's what they did. No criteria needed.

Like it, lump it or take your snide little comments and asinine superiority complex elsewhere.

EDIT: P.S. I'm 30.

Bullet Alchemist

New member
Apr 8, 2010
MiracleOfSound said:
Manji187 said:
*sigh*...seriously...Fallout 3 on #1? A douchebag new gen kid thing I guess...

EDIT: what kind of criteria were used anyway? None, right? People just had to mention titles they liked (for whatever reason...good or bad)...well...there's the problem.

How is the Escapist community constituted? High percentage male teens prolly. How did they form their personal criteria? Are these criteria any good?

Before you start spouting your teen rage..."ohh nooeess high horse!"... do understand one thing little grasshoppah...there's a reason you are not yet allowed to do many things like has to do with life experience and the formation of your mental faculties.

I'm not saying you are not allowed to give your opinion/ judgment on a videogame...I'm questioning the value of that judgment.
What a condescending, utterly nasty little post.

The whole point of the thread was for people to vote for their favorite games and that's what they did. No criteria needed.

Like it, lump it or take your snide little comments and asinine superiority complex elsewhere.
I'm with the transformer dude.
You go on about life experience when I know teenagers who have been through more than most of the adults I know. Do these few years of extreme pressure and horrible happenings count for less than 40 odd years of boring and mundane life. Your comment on mental faculties appears to be calling the male teen members of this forum stupid. From the posts and veiws expressed by these "little grasshoppah"'s they appear far more intelligent than the vast population of voting adults.


Not Dead Yet
Jan 7, 2009
TobintheGnome said:
You're a little late.
Manji187 said:
* what kind of criteria were used anyway? None, right? People just had to mention titles they liked (for whatever reason...good or bad)...well...there's the problem.
I don't know. I said for people to list their top 5 games. I didn't force any criteria upon them because people have different tastes and judge by different criteria, the main reason we have different games. If we all judged games on the same criteria then we'd only get 1 release per year and we'd all love it. But it's because we all have different tastes, interests and criteria that makes us who we are. The only reason Fallout 3 topped the list is because it fulfilled the criteria of the majority. And before you start replying and insulting the members of this forum, please think carefully: If you don't like the result don't get into a hissy fit over one thread. It's not official, I even had to change the name to Community Top 100 because Kuliani thought it might be misconstrued otherwise.


New member
Feb 18, 2010
Capt. Oblivious, thank you for this awesome thread. You deserve your own badge for all the work you put into this. And to all you posters who are complaining about us all being biased or fanboys: This was not a vote for the best games. This was a vote for what games we like the most. Anyone is allowed to like any game. "Inexperience" or "nostalgia glasses" do not mean we aren't allowed to simply have more fun with a different game. Link to the past was the only one of my 5 that even made top 50.


New member
Aug 27, 2008
Fallout 3 is so overrated it makes me dizzy. I hate to be such a douche, but my God that game gets more praise than a triple-cunted hooker, and I just don't see how it deserves ANY of it. It's a big bland desert full of big bland mutants that you kill with big bland guns, and there's also a big bland story that I stopped caring about a few hours in. Apparently the game got out of your disc trays and blew all of you, because that's the only way it deserves all of the praise it gets.

Sorry, I just get really tired of seeing people hold that game up as some sort of Idol to aspire to.


New member
Jan 9, 2011
1 Shadow of Rome
2. Ratchet and Clank: Locked and Loaded (or "Going Commando")
3. Rome total war
4. Mass effect(1)
5.Pokémon Gold

But where do the Halo's come? 5 is to few :(


New member
Jan 10, 2011
Pararaptor said:
Rarhnor said:
Wow. Every popular mediocre title has been displayed with NO REGRET? No awesome underground titles or other hidden tresures?

Seems like the Escapist has an affliction for FPS, RPG. Mediocrity for ya...
Oh get off your high horse. There's a reason those games are so popular, it's because they're good.
TF2, being all multiplayer, is just a PSA about internet anonymity. I fail to find that a good title. However, many people play it, thus it must be counted among the masses.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
MiracleOfSound said:
Manji187 said:
*sigh*...seriously...Fallout 3 on #1? A douchebag new gen kid thing I guess...

EDIT: what kind of criteria were used anyway? None, right? People just had to mention titles they liked (for whatever reason...good or bad)...well...there's the problem.

How is the Escapist community constituted? High percentage male teens prolly. How did they form their personal criteria? Are these criteria any good?

Before you start spouting your teen rage..."ohh nooeess high horse!"... do understand one thing little grasshoppah...there's a reason you are not yet allowed to do many things like has to do with life experience and the formation of your mental faculties.

I'm not saying you are not allowed to give your opinion/ judgment on a videogame...I'm questioning the value of that judgment.
What a condescending, utterly nasty little post.

The whole point of the thread was for people to vote for their favorite games and that's what they did. No criteria needed.

Like it, lump it or take your snide little comments and asinine superiority complex elsewhere.
Agreed. Though honestly, I wish it wasn't Fallout 3 that took that place... but Fallout: New Vegas. In my humble opinion at least, New Vegas was a far superior game to Fallout 3, and was more in line with the franchise.

Also, kudos to Captain Oblivious - this was rather excellent. Hope you'll do it again next year.


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
Raiyan 1.0 said:
Agreed. Though honestly, I wish it wasn't Fallout 3 that took that place... but Fallout: New Vegas. In my humble opinion at least, New Vegas was a far superior game to Fallout 3, and was more in line with the franchise.

Also, kudos to Captain Oblivious - this was rather excellent. Hope you'll do it again next year.
Fallout New Vegas wasn't released at the time of the poll, this was last year's one :D


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
MetallicaRulez0 said:
Fallout 3 is so overrated it makes me dizzy. I hate to be such a douche, but my God that game gets more praise than a triple-cunted hooker, and I just don't see how it deserves ANY of it. It's a big bland desert full of big bland mutants that you kill with big bland guns, and there's also a big bland story that I stopped caring about a few hours in. Apparently the game got out of your disc trays and blew all of you, because that's the only way it deserves all of the praise it gets.

Sorry, I just get really tired of seeing people hold that game up as some sort of Idol to aspire to.
One man's bland is another man's awesome.

F3 is anything but bland to me, in fact it's quite beautiful in my eyes and a lot of fun to play - 400 hours and still counting.

Basically what you're saying is 'I don't like it so you shouldn't either'


New member
Jun 8, 2010
Wait a minute, Fallout 3 is no. 1 and New Vegas is nowhere to be seen?

My faith in the gaming community has lowered by one googolplex.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
MiracleOfSound said:
Raiyan 1.0 said:
Agreed. Though honestly, I wish it wasn't Fallout 3 that took that place... but Fallout: New Vegas. In my humble opinion at least, New Vegas was a far superior game to Fallout 3, and was more in line with the franchise.

Also, kudos to Captain Oblivious - this was rather excellent. Hope you'll do it again next year.
Fallout New Vegas wasn't released at the time of the poll, this was last year's one :D
Holy shit! I honestly thought this thread is this year's result! O_O

I should really, really check the date of posts... -_-'