When I read 3 Bioware games in ones top 5, it makes me confused. I mean I like Mass Effect 1+2 and Dragonage, haven't played Kotor, but not enough to put them into my favs (but I know why someone would - they're good), and if I did I'd only put one in.
To me Mass Effect 1, 2 and Dragonage are like:
"Wow look at this you gotta d- OH wait go collect characters" (or in dragonage's case - armies)
*Spend entire game collecting them*
"Let's gooo!"
*Spend 1 hour playing game*
*Game Finished*
So to put one in is good, because they're fun games.. but is there no other games you really like? They're really similar games. I'd like to point out that I'm wondering why you'd put down the same sort of game in your favourites, and not to hate on the games and cause a flame war.