The 50 Worst Fails in Tech History


New member
Mar 29, 2008
Entertaining read, if full of spelling errors, mislabeled pages and odd colloquialisms (in that they seemed out of place, i.e. "sick"). Anyway, that's an odd gripe in itself really, so I'll get back OT.

I still use AOL, or should I say I'm living at home and my parents keep agreeing to renewal contracts with them and I can't convince them otherwise. It's not actually AOL anymore, as many will already know, at least in the UK. The ISP "AOL" in the UK is owned by Carphone Warehouse. Why they don't just change the branding I have no idea, it is hardly like AOL brings it credibility.

As for how the connection is. I loathe to use the term but, "schizophrenic". It's been more terrible than average. It's never outstanding. Moving to university this September with it's glorious 50MB per second in the halls =D

Pleased to say I've never bought anything on that list. I remember asking for a Gizmondo once, ended up with a GBA SP if I remember rightly.


Terror Australis
Mar 25, 2009
Hehe, I love how they list "bulky" as one of the DSi XL's fatal flaws.

Wasn't that kinda the point?

Tom Phoenix

New member
Mar 28, 2009
I find it amazing that they included the DSi XL on that list (even though it hardly qualifies as a "fail" by any definition of the word), but not something like the UMD...

Anyway, an entertaining read. That said, it was a pain to go through all the 50 entries, since the site loads really slowly.


Fussy Fiddler
May 7, 2009
Good list... HORRIBLE website. That bar at the bottom is such a pain in the ass, not to mention it refuses to let me scale the damn thing for easy reading.


New member
Sep 27, 2010
mjc0961 said:
Andy Chalk said:
Gameboy DSi XL
What? Did they really call it that? *looks* Oi, they did. And they completely missed the point of the device (it's not an upgrade for people who already have a DS, it's a bigger DS with a bigger screen for people who don't have a DS and would like one with screens they can actually see instead of the smaller ones on the normal DS) There went their credibility, at least in my eyes. Also, as far as I know, a lot of people like the DSi XL.

EDIT: The comments section also makes it clear that those guys aren't too bright. They don't know how the PS Eye sold so many units? Sheesh. Move this list to the list of the top 50 worst fails in list creating history.
This list was the biggest fail.
Also the "Nintendo Gameboy DSi XL" is awesome, I never moved to DSi from DSlite, a friend got a DSi and it felt too fragile, but I got a DSiXL for christmas last year and looking back at my DSlite... HOW DID I PLAY THAT THING?
IT'S TINY!!!!!!

The Blackberry Playbook can hardly be considered a fail... and although the Eyetoy can it's certainly not in the top 50 worst fails.
I don't know HOW Windows ME ended up higher then Vista, the worst Windows OS of all time.

The fact that the PSP Go isn't on this list is astounding, the fact UMDs aren't on this list is also astounding, UMDs were definately a MUCH larger flop then HDDVD was...

When you couple the innacurate list with the sheer vastness of typos, I mean, they didn't even get the right name OR number for the 29th spot...
Why was this list featured Escapist? news can't be THAT slow can it?


Slayer of Bothan Spies
Sep 28, 2008
Andy Chalk said:
Shit, sorry for the link in the article heading directly to the number-one fail - I've edited things so future readers won't get slapped in the face with it. So don't spoil it for them!

And no, "fail" is not a noun. I realize this. But that's how it works as part of the internet lexicon and so that's what we're going with. Actually, that's what Complex is going with. Take it up with them if you don't like it.
Fail can be used as a noun, and I'll show you why.

OT(ish): #51 Internet slideshows, in particular slideshows that reload pages for ad revenue.

The slideshows used with images here are fine, because they don't bring in advertisements with every click.


Castles & Chemo Founder
Oct 19, 2008
Is it a problem that, as I'm reading the article on their site, I'm noticing more and more spelling and grammatical errors?

Catchy Slogan

New member
Jun 17, 2009
vxicepickxv said:
Andy Chalk said:
Shit, sorry for the link in the article heading directly to the number-one fail - I've edited things so future readers won't get slapped in the face with it. So don't spoil it for them!

And no, "fail" is not a noun. I realize this. But that's how it works as part of the internet lexicon and so that's what we're going with. Actually, that's what Complex is going with. Take it up with them if you don't like it.
Fail can be used as a noun, and I'll show you why.

OT(ish): #51 Internet slideshows, in particular slideshows that reload pages for ad revenue.

The slideshows used with images here are fine, because they don't bring in advertisements with every click.
Have I ever mentioned how much I love Stephen Fry? XD

It's the internet. Who cares if they're using the word 'Fail' right or wrong? We still understand the basic point they are trying to get across, it's not like it renders the entire thing illegible becauase of it.


New member
Jun 6, 2009
brodie21 said:
xHipaboo420x said:
Regardless, the site loads so slowly. What hell, internet.
the load time on the site is a fail. i had to go throught the thumbnails and make tabs of each page to load so i wouldnt have to wait five minutes for each of them to load individually
OMG, this! I hope they put their own website on the list[footnote]Although it seems to be less about technological failings than about technology that failed to be adopted.[/footnote], but I'll be damned if I'm going to slowly load all 50 fucking pages to find out.

Edit: Okay, so I did click through some of them. Apparently the BlackBerry PlayBook, which came out a whopping two weeks ago, is considered to be the 45th worst failure in tech history. Now I'm not saying that it will be a success, but seriously people: it came out 2 weeks ago! (the same goes to a lesser extent for iTunes Ping).


New member
Jul 26, 2009
Wow that is one of the worst websites ever. Spelling mistakes everywhere, ads that open a popup when you move your cursor over them, having to reload a page for every single thing on the list.

Number 1 tech fail of all time:


New member
Dec 17, 2010
0 My head hurts...


Beware of Snow Giraffes
Jun 13, 2009
I love the escapist with all my internet heart I hate posting elsewhere, but wasn't this exact link given on cracked yesterday?


Can't Stop the Bop
Jan 2, 2011
#3 cracked me up, I'm considering trying to find one just to see what it's like. I also find it funny that in futuristic media we're often depicted as having video screens right in front of our eyes, yet whenever they have been tried recently they have been epic flops.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
Ok, the more I read through this list, the more I am convinced that the list itself is a giant FAIL.

AOL is #20? Seriously? AOL was the most dominating & successful ISP in the early-mid 90's. I remember when I was a kid you pretty much felt like a loser if you used anything other than AOL. It was ridiculously successful and the company became big enough to buy goddamned TIME WARNER. I mean come on.

They also have a product on the list that came out LESS THAN A MONTH AGO (the blackberry tablet). I mean, this is an all-time fail list, and they are already putting brand new products that have barely been market-tested on it? Including something like that on this list en lieu of say, the Laser Disc, is completely absurd.

Also wouldn't consider the Segway a fail, at least not in this city. As much as I'd like to see that thing abolished from the face of the Earth, it's pretty widely used in DC. The DC Park Police and Capitol police use them all the time (if you land a govt. supply contract like that, it's a big deal), and tourist groups use them in droves. They are stupid as hell, but not a fail.

Add to that the "gameboy" thing, numerous other typos and errors. Bleh...

I don't think I'll ever be visiting Complex again.