The 7th Generation: A Big "Meh"?


New member
May 4, 2008
In Christmas 2006, I wondered down to my local game store, and using the money granted to be by various relatives, picked up an Xbox 360, having had an Xbox, and feeling this would be a natural progression. Later in May 2007, I picked up a Nintendo DS, feeling this would cater for my other gaming related needs.

All was good for a year. I was entertained with the likes of Gears of War, Halo 3, Metroid Prime Hunters, Mario 64 DS, Project Gotham 3 etc. I even payed out for Live, and had a whale of a time murdering pre-pubescant boys (and older people, but the young are just so easy to kill a lot of the time)

However, recently I have no enthusiasm for any of the 7th gen games. Nothing on PC appeals to me at the moment. My DS gathers dust in a box somewhere, owing to games being A) Cookery Guides, B) Too childish for my tastes, or C) Too damn expensive.
According to my Xbox 360 hard drive, I have completed game saves for around 20 360 games. This has been the case for some time, since Summer last year. I now find myself hunting down older games for the 6th, and even 5th gen consoles (being Gamecube, Xbox and Saturn)

My main point is, I have lost all enthusiasm for the current generation. All that seems to be on the release schedule for all consoles is sequels and old ideas. Nothing compares to the wealth of diversity and fun for all that the Xbox, PS2 and Gamecube brought. ALl we have to look forward to in this gen at the moment are:

-Half Life 2: Episode 3, one of those sequels which is actually guaranteed not to suck, and will probably bring along some kind of excitng new gameplay mechanic.
-LittleBigPlanet: "You design the levels, so we don't have to".
-Fable 2: For the price of what it would cost you to own a real dog for a year, you can have a virtual one in a game you won't play for more than a month.
-Animal Crossing on Wii: "Because it worked once, so we're doing it again. I know I know, we're Nintendo, we don't normally milk things like this".
-Prince of Persia: Now you can play as someone who looks like Jake Gylenhaal... and hey, it's cel shaded. Everyone loves cel shading...
-Gears of War 2: "You'll do all the same stuff, but now we've added something sort of like a plot"

It may be because I'm getting older, but it's just not as exciting as it was last generation. Anyone else agree?


New member
Sep 9, 2008
0 are not excited for the releases of either Fallout 3 or the new Starcraft/Diablo? Seriously fella, out of those three you should find something you like as all three come from great pasts and look really awesome so far.

Particularly Fallout 3


Terrible, Terrible Damage.
May 21, 2008
jebussaves88 post=9.71041.711662 said:
-Fable 2: For the price of what it would cost you to own a real dog for a year, you can have a virtual one in a game you won't play for more than a month. Anyone else agree?
No, I still play the first one sometimes, if number 2 is anything atall like it then it will be used for alot longer than a month.
Also, price of Dog for a year = New 360 Game? No chance.


New member
May 4, 2008
TheGhostOfSin post=9.71041.711683 said:
jebussaves88 post=9.71041.711662 said:
-Fable 2: For the price of what it would cost you to own a real dog for a year, you can have a virtual one in a game you won't play for more than a month. Anyone else agree?
No, I still play the first one sometimes, if number 2 is anything atall like it then it will be used for alot longer than a month.
Also, price of Dog for a year = New 360 Game? No chance.
Fable 1 was good, but Fable 2's main addition is co-op (pffft in my opinion) and a pet dog.

Also, I personally never got on with Diablo or Starcraft. I liek some RTS and strategy games, but not many. Plus, these are, once again, all sequels.

Fallout 3 might be ok, but I'm not that excited. It seems like a cross between Bioshock (for the mood- satirical 1940's propaganda etc) KOTOR (for the setting- some of the more dilapidated planets in the KOTOR series remind me of the videos of Fallout 3), and Oblivion (cos its the same dudes making it, and theres some similarities from what I've seen.

And that price is assuming it doesn't get sick or held ransom or something.


New member
Aug 27, 2008
Log Dropper M.D. post=9.71041.711702 said:
Except for the fact that none of those are anything original. Fallout 3 = Oblivion: Nuclear Edition, Starcraft = old starcraft, new shiny graphics, and Diablo = diablo 2 in WoW mode
I agree on Fallout 3 it's like a part of my gaming memory is being whored out, I mean nothing in it's storyline even seems 1/10th of how amazing Fallout was. I'm only hoping maybe fans will be able to mod the PC version to something 1/4 the greatness Fallout was in time.


Sep 4, 2008
There are more games out (and coming out) than I have time to play.

When I'm bored (which lately, has not been very often), I always fall back on old favorites that keep me entertained. I could play Master of Orion II for weeks at a time.

Episode 3 would be great if Valve would ever finish it.


New member
Jul 9, 2008
It seems someone has absolutely no idea how much a dog can cost over a year... try $500-600 for a medium sized dog, not $60.[/offtopic]

I'll have to disagree as well. While the PS3/360 is just the same old thing with more power, the DS, and the Wii both did something new and interesting. There are a lot of sequals, and while I'd love to see all new ip's, we are getting a lot of good sequals, along with a good number of new games as well.

And Episode 3.


New member
May 15, 2008
This generation does seem to have been a bit... well, boring. I mean the great games come out, but I just get bored in less than a month. I find myself playing older games far more often and have finally managed to get over my obsession with good graphics and transfix that to good gameplay.

As for the soon-to-be releases:

Fallout 3: Never played a Fallout game, but going on the basis they were published by interplay I'm guessing they were good. If Fallout 3 is another Elder Scrolls I'm not playing (I'm not a big fan of Oblivion just because I don't like it's lack of story).
Fable 2: Didn't really like the first one. Having a dog and a gun won't change that.
LittleBigPlanet: Not bothered. Geez, when a creative game like that doesn't perk me up I'm beginning to think I've lost something.
Animal Crossing: I'm not a big fan of Nintendo games period.
Prince of Persia: Never played the first three, but I like platformers so I don't know.
Gears of War 2: I'll end up getting this just like I get just about everything Epic makes (I've got a copy of Unreal Tournament 3 that I still can't play. No idea why). At least they treat their customers properly and don't pretend their games have a story; they know they don't and they just want an excuse to blow s*** up.
Half-Life Episode 3057: I'll get butchered for saying this, but I've never played a Half-Life game.
Red Alert 3: I've banned myself from buying EA games anyways, and besides that it's not made by Westwood so it'll be utter carp like Tiberium Wars was (at least we got Kane).

At the moment I'm playing Jade Empire. Then I might play a bit of Prey.

On a side note, if Interplay get back up on their feet I'll go insane if they ever announce Descent IV. Wingnut in fact.


New member
Jul 9, 2008
@B4D 9R4MM3R: No butchering, just a bit of gentle prodding for you to go out and but the Orange Box. One of the best single player games ever made with 2 extra episodes, one of the best multplayer games ever made, and one of the best puzzle games ever made... seems like a no brainer to me


New member
Sep 6, 2008
jebussaves88 post=9.71041.711699 said:
TheGhostOfSin post=9.71041.711683 said:
jebussaves88 post=9.71041.711662 said:
-Fable 2: For the price of what it would cost you to own a real dog for a year, you can have a virtual one in a game you won't play for more than a month. Anyone else agree?
No, I still play the first one sometimes, if number 2 is anything atall like it then it will be used for alot longer than a month.
Also, price of Dog for a year = New 360 Game? No chance.
Fable 1 was good, but Fable 2's main addition is co-op (pffft in my opinion) and a pet dog.
There's a lot more than that in it. Fable 2 is what Fable 1 was SUPPOSED to be, and a LOT more.

I agree on Fallout 3 it's like a part of my gaming memory is being whored out, I mean nothing in it's storyline even seems 1/10th of how amazing Fallout was. I'm only hoping maybe fans will be able to mod the PC version to something 1/4 the greatness Fallout was in time.
Half-Life was better than Half-life 2. Do I feel like my gaming memories are being whored out? No. Stop whining.
On top of that, how much of the story do we know? "You go out to find your father" is it. Guess what, Fallout 1 was "Go out to find some water". But of course, I'm guessing nostalgia shields your view of that.

Anyway, I do worry sometimes that this generation is lacking. It seem's the masses are more inclined to buy dumb shooters than something with a bit more depth. I don't mind dumb shooters, but seriously, look at the 360s back catalogue. About 9/10ths of it is shooting, with maybe 5 good games that aren't


New member
May 15, 2008
clarinetJWD post=9.71041.711811 said:
@B4D 9R4MM3R: No butchering, just a bit of gentle prodding for you to go out and but the Orange Box. One of the best single player games ever made with 2 extra episodes, one of the best multplayer games ever made, and one of the best puzzle games ever made... seems like a no brainer to me
Now why can't everyone ask like that. The one time I told my friend that he looked at my blankly then threw his controller at me. I threw one back when he said Unreal sucked ('twas harsher than that, but I digress). At least we were only jesting. I've had a whole room shout at me that I was a f***ing idiot once... that was embarrassing.


New member
Jul 9, 2008
B4D 9R4MM3R post=9.71041.711825 said:
clarinetJWD post=9.71041.711811 said:
@B4D 9R4MM3R: No butchering, just a bit of gentle prodding for you to go out and but the Orange Box. One of the best single player games ever made with 2 extra episodes, one of the best multplayer games ever made, and one of the best puzzle games ever made... seems like a no brainer to me
Now why can't everyone ask like that. The one time I told my friend that he looked at my blankly then threw his controller at me. I threw one back when he said Unreal sucked ('twas harsher than that, but I digress). At least we were only jesting. I've had a whole room shout at me that I was a f***ing idiot once... that was embarrassing.
Niiiice. Yeah, I try my best not to turn people off to great games by being a dick about them.

Sword and Shields

New member
Sep 3, 2008
Log Dropper M.D. post=9.71041.711692 said:
No, you're completely right. This generation is horrible.
It's that kind of attitude I love because I stopped being happy and excited for games after FF12 came out. FF12 basically took FFXI and ..a quarter of it's story and put in some 12 year old's play in it.

Andy Anonymous

New member
Aug 30, 2008
Log Dropper M.D. post=9.71041.711692 said:
No, you're completely right. This generation is horrible.
The generation that has (less than halfway in) so far produced BioShock, Gears of War, MGS4, GTAIV, Super Mario Galaxy, Rock Band, Smash Bros. Brawl, Call of Duty 4, and a bunch of others, to say nothing of a lot of really nice downloadable games, is horrible?

Gamers really are spoiled people.


New member
May 8, 2008
This is the best generation. "Meh" Was the N64 has less "AAA" titles in its lifespan than the 360 has in 2 years.


New member
Aug 2, 2008
shatnershaman post=9.71041.711945 said:
This is the best generation. "Meh" Was the N64 has less "AAA" titles in its lifespan than the 360 has in 2 years.
The N64 had Oot, Super Mario 64, Starfox lylat wars, Banjo Kazoie, Mario Kart 64, Goldeneye, Conkers bad fur day...
But I think this generation has been pretty good, great nintendo games, bioshock, orange box... It's fine.