The 7th Generation: A Big "Meh"?


New member
Sep 6, 2008
I completely agree man
i loved my gamecubbe, could never be taken off it
games like mario kart double dash(an old idea but adapted to make it great)
luigis mansion and Pikmin kept me there for ages
Many games for the PS2 and i never had an xbox but i played halo 1, fable and others at my friends house and loved them
i think its just down to the fact that Gaming has lived its prime and now that there are hardly any original ideas left and those that are still out there keep getting rejected or havent been discovered. It's just a case of how long before this business goes under and the next thing comes along if your asking me, and for the many hopefuls that think that gameing can only go up hill from here 'cos of new graphics and new systems are just hoping even though they know deep inside that they will never see games being as exciting as playing mario bros 3 or Halo 1 for the first time, ever again.


New member
Oct 24, 2007
I just don't see where people are coming from with all this "this gaming generation sucks" ranting. I've been hearing the whole "gaming is not how it used to be" song ever since the 16-bit era kicked in, and from there gamers have just gotten worse; all this complaining, whining, ranting, cursing, bitterness and just downright unhappiness is kind of annoying. Enjoy yourselfs guys, and if you find yourself becoming more irritated and annoyed the more you play then I think it's time to consider another hobby.


New member
May 4, 2008
The point is, the only two games that have come out on 360 that actually had me excited before they came out were Prey and The Orange Box/Portal. One was a real let down (though still fun), and the other was only an hour and a half long (minus challenges).
Nothing in the current gen has really surprised me. Games like Otogi 2, Max Payne and Psychonauts that came out of nowhere,but now sit amongst my favourites (well, maybe not Psychonauts).


New member
Aug 7, 2008
Yh most games are kinda awful right now. Not all though, but Turok and Haze, I cried a little when I played them, they offended me. I wanted quality gaming, I played both for 1/2 and hours tops, then returned to CoD 4


New member
May 15, 2008
I don't think that it's that people are disliking games or aren't seeing a wow factor in them, I mean I'm pretty amped up for some soon-to-be-released titles, but I just don't find myself playing new generation games as often, or as long, as I should. Gears of War had a good cover system, but the combat got repetitive. As such I stopped playing.

Mass Effect had a whole universe to explore, but once you had seen it you had seen it. The decisions that you made never carried very far so there was not as much replay value as claimed by the developers. To see the game you could pretty much land on planet, save, finish it in one way then load and do it in another. And I'm sorry BioWare, but Mass Effect has one of the most unsatisfying combat systems I've ever played (more so that Jade Empire).

Call of Duty 4 and Halo 3, amongst others, are practically online games. You only really need to consider the campaign as an extended tutorial, especially considering they're so short.

I think the problem these days is the graphics are being prioritised over the gameplay. Games are beginning to look better and better, but either they're too short or are artificially lengthened by adding pointless minigames/combat/story/dialogue. Because of this we retreat back to our old games where gameplay is king and graphics take a back seat.

Or I'm speaking twaddle, but that's what I've observed in myself at least.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
B4D 9R4MM3R post=9.71041.712650 said:
I don't think that it's that people are disliking games or aren't seeing a wow factor in them, I mean I'm pretty amped up for some soon-to-be-released titles, but I just don't find myself playing new generation games as often, or as long, as I should. Gears of War had a good cover system, but the combat got repetitive. As such I stopped playing.

Mass Effect had a whole universe to explore, but once you had seen it you had seen it. The decisions that you made never carried very far so there was not as much replay value as claimed by the developers. To see the game you could pretty much land on planet, save, finish it in one way then load and do it in another. And I'm sorry BioWare, but Mass Effect has one of the most unsatisfying combat systems I've ever played (more so that Jade Empire).

Call of Duty 4 and Halo 3, amongst others, are practically online games. You only really need to consider the campaign as an extended tutorial, especially considering they're so short.

I think the problem these days is the graphics are being prioritised over the gameplay. Games are beginning to look better and better, but either they're too short or are artificially lengthened by adding pointless minigames/combat/story/dialogue. Because of this we retreat back to our old games where gameplay is king and graphics take a back seat.

Or I'm speaking twaddle, but that's what I've observed in myself at least.

Your actually so right i never thought of it like that


New member
Feb 5, 2008
laikenf post=9.71041.712591 said:
I just don't see where people are coming from with all this "this gaming generation sucks" ranting. I've been hearing the whole "gaming is not how it used to be" song ever since the 16-bit era kicked in, and from there gamers have just gotten worse; all this complaining, whining, ranting, cursing, bitterness and just downright unhappiness is kind of annoying. Enjoy yourselfs guys, and if you find yourself becoming more irritated and annoyed the more you play then I think it's time to consider another hobby.
I agree, I mean it's one thing to be skeptical of a game and then letting it try to impress you, but it's another when you don't even give the game a chance to be placed in your console's disc tray.


New member
Jun 24, 2008
I think it's because making original games is even riskier now than making generic games or sequals with these next-gen graphics that are almost required to sell a game. Without next-gen graphics most people will just look over it than try it.

And because of online multiplayer being so popular developers don't even really need to make a single-player campaign and could still make tons of money.


New member
Sep 9, 2008
I use to be on the side of "Fallout 3, is just Oblivion in the apocalypse" moaners. However after watching the six part play videos of the actual game-play included parts of the storyline I can truthfuly say that I have hopes for this game. Seriously, it looks really good. My suggestion is to look on or wherever else you view gaming news and view those videos before you jump to conclusions and make decisions based on the fact it uses the same engine. Lots of games use the same engine as other games, the engine does not make the game.


New member
May 19, 2008
I think I understand. The only real innovations of this generation (in terms of hardware) are mostly being made by Nintendo, and their games are not to everyone's tastes. Sixth was interesting because it added Microsoft to the mix, fifth because it added Sony. Both of these companies are now just happily chugging along, releasing upgraded but hardly brand-new versions of their old systems. Much like Nintendo did for many years before making the DS. Still, there are exciting things coming out for most systems in my opinion. Just stay away from the media hype, because I have yet to play a game that could live up to the massive bootlicking a lot of games journalists like to preach.

Oh, and by the way... I love cel-shaded graphics!


New member
Sep 7, 2008
jebussaves88 post=9.71041.711662 said:
All was good for a year. I was entertained with the likes of Gears of War, Halo 3, Metroid Prime Hunters, Mario 64 DS, Project Gotham 3 etc. I even payed out for Live, and had a whale of a time murdering pre-pubescant boys (and older people, but the young are just so easy to kill a lot of the time)
Ok, sorry but I must ask... Did you ever try out CoD4 on Live when you had it, or if you still have it? CoD4 Live is great, not is not so great though..
Just plant yourself up on a good roof with a sniper rifle and...
"Oh, you ass."

Anyways, sorry about that. (Flashbacks and all)
What about the new Guitar Hero? Is that the one I hear you can make your own songs? It might be fun to play the chocobo theme! (I atleast want to try it out. =S) Annnd it's coming out on PS2 TsunamiWombat, everyone loves GH. Come on, buy it, you know you want to.
Guilty Gear 2 seems a rental-worthy, I heard you mention you played Project Gotham 3 so why not Midnight Club LA?

Plus, anyone hear anything good about Mortal Kombat VS DC? I want to try that one out atleast on rental. =[
Oh, side note. Red Alert 3 sounds flipping awesome. I don't know who mentioned it but kudos.

If all else fails? Get drunk and play Bomberman on the xbox with 5 or more friends, always made me laugh as I drunkenly backed myself into my own trap..


New member
May 19, 2008
Crystine post=9.71041.712815 said:
If all else fails? Get drunk and play Bomberman on the xbox with 5 or more friends, always made me laugh as I drunkenly backed myself into my own trap..
So true. Any console, really. I prefer SNES, but if you don't enjoy drunken Bomberman with friends (if you drink), you should probably look for a new hobby.


New member
Sep 7, 2008
B4D 9R4MM3R post=9.71041.712650 said:
I don't think that it's that people are disliking games or aren't seeing a wow factor in them, I mean I'm pretty amped up for some soon-to-be-released titles, but I just don't find myself playing new generation games as often, or as long, as I should. Gears of War had a good cover system, but the combat got repetitive. As such I stopped playing.

Mass Effect had a whole universe to explore, but once you had seen it you had seen it. The decisions that you made never carried very far so there was not as much replay value as claimed by the developers. To see the game you could pretty much land on planet, save, finish it in one way then load and do it in another. And I'm sorry BioWare, but Mass Effect has one of the most unsatisfying combat systems I've ever played (more so that Jade Empire).

Call of Duty 4 and Halo 3, amongst others, are practically online games. You only really need to consider the campaign as an extended tutorial, especially considering they're so short.

I think the problem these days is the graphics are being prioritised over the gameplay. Games are beginning to look better and better, but either they're too short or are artificially lengthened by adding pointless minigames/combat/story/dialogue. Because of this we retreat back to our old games where gameplay is king and graphics take a back seat.

Or I'm speaking twaddle, but that's what I've observed in myself at least.
Twaddle it is not. I could not have said it better myself. Infact, I asked myself one day as I was working at GameCrazy... "Why are all these stupid games coming out? Why do people buy them knowing they're going to suck? WHY DID PEOPLE BUY THE PS3 20G?!?!?!" Because, they want prettier, clearer games. Take FolkLore on PS3 for instance. Awesome graphics! Boring game. And it was like playing a emo cover of Pokemon. =/

Sad that we all can't revert back to the days of PS1 or the later gaming systems where there was brilliant games with shitty graphics.


New member
Sep 7, 2008
Indigo_Dingo post=9.71041.712849 said:
You're an idiot.

Fracture, Brutal Legend, LittleBigPlanet (giving the player that level of creativity - the ability to make anything - is a lot harder than you can clearly understand), Resistance 2 (a continuation of the brilliant world the series is constructing around itself, as well as adding some incredible new gameplay mechanics), inFAMOUS, Mirrors Edge, Dead Space, DC Universe, Heavy Rain....
God.. sorry for the spammage but this is a serious subject! A gamer down!!

As for you Indigo, maybe he isn't an idiot after-all. He has his own opinion and/or maybe he's just lost?

Poleboy! Friend me now! My PC is too noob to allow me onto people's profiles so I can friend you!
Bomberman on SNES is the best thing ever, but I only know one person with one, and his work schedule requires him to be up his bosses butt all the time. =[


New member
Mar 10, 2008
Though I will save my opinions on the games until I play them fully, I just find it hard to be excited for most of the games I'm looking forward to (except littlebigplanet :3)

The last game I was desparatly excited for was MGS4, and it exceeded all my expactation and then some.

Now, while there are games I really want and will get when they come out, I just don't have that vibe about them. Resistance 2, LittleBigPlanet, InFamous, Mirror's Edge, Fallout 3, Resident Evil 5, all of those games look awesome but i just don't have that excited feel that I used to get when a game came out. Maybe it's because they're still a couple ways off, maybe when it's a week until launch day i'll get hte feeling again, but I'm just not sure.

But that's not going to stop me from enjoying them.

Apocalypse Tank

New member
Aug 31, 2008
Random suggestion: red alert 3?

O wai
Nothing excites you
not even drying paint.

maybe you can go in the future and play Gears of War XMI
YEAH! Don's grand grand son's clone~