The 7th Generation: A Big "Meh"?


Old Man Glenn
Feb 13, 2008
TsunamiWombat post=9.71041.712410 said:
You people with money are spoiled. Bitching about your new games. *blows dust off his PS2* I -WISH- I had the money for new games I wasn't excited about.

Let the game come out before you render judgement.

Also, no matter what time period or what subject, people will always either moan and groan about how "X was better in the old days" or "X will be better when it comes out, let's speculate furiously".


New member
Jul 10, 2008
Like yahtzee said, these new games have been so heavily filtered that it looks like someone's smudged it with shit, or that you're just looking for dark shapes in an even darker landscape. That's why I still bpay BF2, thank-you-very-much.

Sixties Spidey

Elite Member
Jan 24, 2008
he's right, this generation is starting to feel bland. The games we have to look forward to are sequels, and/or reboots, so we really don't have any original games like Okami, or Shadow of the Colossus or any of the greats that people missed out on. There wasn't as many sequels in the last generation than this one, which is why i say its bland, but hey, as long as the ICO team releases their next project, I'll be happy!

Really i dont understand people's whining about the HL2 episodes. The time gap between Half Life and Half Life 2 was 6 years in between release dates, and the time space between the release of Episode 1 and Episode 2 was 2 years, so when Half Life 2: Episode three comes out, it will be in 2009, making the time gap between them a total of six years technically making it Half Life 3 (unless valve decides to make the actual Half Life 3 with a revamped source engine.).

EDIT: Okay, fuck that, with games like Littlebigplanet, inFAMOUS, Mirrors Edge, and Heavy Rain coming out (WHICH IM SO STOKED FOR), there's hope for this generation!


New member
Sep 8, 2008
ToxicRevival post=9.71041.711675 said: are not excited for the releases of either Fallout 3 or the new Starcraft/Diablo? Seriously fella, out of those three you should find something you like as all three come from great pasts and look really awesome so far.

Particularly Fallout 3
This man is right
Also look at left 4 dead


Sep 4, 2008
TsunamiWombat post=9.71041.712410 said:
You people with money are spoiled. Bitching about your new games. *blows dust off his PS2* I -WISH- I had the money for new games I wasn't excited about.

Let the game come out before you render judgement.
That's funny and true. If I could afford every new game that I wanted, AND had time to play it... Well, hell, I'd probably be bored and unimpressed too. Back in my day we had to walk up hill 10 miles to the video game store and we were GIVEN the game we were going to play. There was no picking! Some old disgruntled man behind the counter that didn't know Nintendo from Sega - that's the way it was, and we liked it, because we were TOLD to like it. Or else.


New member
May 28, 2008
Although I kind of feel the same way about this generation, I think I'll chalk it up to the fact that I'm getting older and thus, it takes more to impress and excite (not in that way) me nowadays.

That's right... I'm a bitter old man.

Why in my day, we didn't even have save points! You either got Mario to that last castle or you started over! You youngins with your "checkpoints" and "memory cards" and "Rendered Graphics". We had to look at a square and imagine it was a person, dangnab it!

Although I still enjoy gaming very much, I think the last game that made me feel like a kid again, that made me really just get INTO the game, was Mass Effect. But hey, that might change now that there are more co-op games on the horizon.

That's just me though...


Sep 4, 2008
Wolfwind post=9.71041.713955 said:
We had to look at a square and imagine it was a person, dangnab it!
I would love to see kids these days load up some old 2600 games and go WTF is that? I dread the day that I feel like Michael J. Fox in Back to the Future 2, when he plays the old arcade game - the kids say to him "You mean you have to use your hands?! meh..."


New member
Jul 4, 2008
DS is incredibly awesome if you get the R4DS peripheral, which allows you to play music and movies, view pictures, and even play emulators (basically rendering the PSP completely pointless). That, combined with the few exceptional games out for the DS itself, make it well worth the money in my opinion.

That said, all console generations bow in submission to the PC-gaming gods.


New member
May 4, 2008
I will say this, I like the look of Mirrors Edge, and that game where you play as War, the horseman of the apocalypse. Though that one could still be dissappointing.