The "Americans and Canadians can finally talk about Age of Ultron" thread (*spoilers*)


Mad Max 2019
Feb 18, 2013
Alright, so with today's early night release of Age of Ultron in theatres before the supposed premiers tomorrow, people all around Canada and the US are finally seeing a movie which had no logical justification for a differing release date in this day and age.

So now our continent can finally have its spoiler filled talk about the movie.

And holy shit, what a movie. I didn't think it was possible, but they managed to outdo the first movie in every way.

I'll keep this short because I'm both tired and still sorting out my thoughts on it, but man, I did not expect it to turn out the way it did. I thought Ultron would be a bruting villain who was all business, but nope, he was the life of the movie with his sense of humour.

The only part which irked me the wrong way (and seemed to be intentional in doing so) was the ending, when cap was cut off by the end credits. My screening's audience let out a collective groan at that, and I was pretty salty, saying "oh come on".

Man, I'm definitely going to see it again.


That Voice in Your Head
Sep 4, 2010
I thoroughly enjoyed it. They somehow manage to juggle almost twice as many characters without letting any feel too left out (except The Falcon, though I enjoyed his new costume). I also like how the climax is the Avengers preforming a rescue mission. In fact, I enjoy that throughout the movie, you see the Avengers save people instead of repeatedly trying to slam the enemy through buildings without no thought. It really is a Whedon movie through and through and I love it for that.


New member
Dec 5, 2012
Zontar said:
Alright, so with today's early night release of Age of Ultron in theatres before the supposed premiers tomorrow, people all around Canada and the US are finally seeing a movie which had no logical justification for a differing release date in this day and age.
double the price you paid for the movie and add in the risk of being biten by a deadly snake or spider and now you know what it's like to be australian.


Mad Max 2019
Feb 18, 2013
lechat said:
Zontar said:
Alright, so with today's early night release of Age of Ultron in theatres before the supposed premiers tomorrow, people all around Canada and the US are finally seeing a movie which had no logical justification for a differing release date in this day and age.
double the price you paid for the movie and add in the risk of being biten by a deadly snake or spider and now you know what it's like to be australian.
Oh come on now, we all know Australians are a conspiracy created by the British to hid the fact that one of the largest islands in the world is being used for testing the alien technology of our lizard overlords.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
It was the first Avengers, but with robots. I know the film makers want every hero to get their due action, but just having them pummel mindless mooks is hardly that riveting. It would've been nice had they given Ultron a real sense of threat, instead of him being yet another villain with an army of drones at his side. But that's a problem nearly every Marvel movie has. A real team battle against a singular powerful opponent would've been nice.

It's fine, I guess, but it was just going through the motions.


Your sinner, in secret
Jun 24, 2013
Well I wouldn't say it was an improvement in every way, the Joss Whedon plague has affected the cast of AoU much, much worse than it did in the first Avengers and Captain America and Thor suffer for it. Though that still makes six billion times better than the poisonous clap trap that was Guardians of the Galaxy's dialogue.

Still, it's pretty damn cool.

Captain America getting cut off there is a joke, because in the UK the first Avengers film was called Avengers, Assemble, but the title has returned to just The Avengers: Age of Ultron for the sequel.


New member
Dec 19, 2013
I felt that Ultron was a good mix of a silly and intimidating villain. Unfortunately the vast majority of fighting involves random robot mooks. I felt that the story was getting cluttered with the amount of characters that were fighting for screen time. This was a fun movie but I feel it is weaker than the first Avengers.

P.S. The extra credit scene was super lame.

Eclipse Dragon

Lusty Argonian Maid
Jan 23, 2009
United States
I enjoy the antics of Robert Downy Jr as Tony Stark as much as the next person, but it's time to move onto some new faces, I'm glad they seem to be going in that direction anyway. The Inhumans, Black Panther and Doctor Strange are looking like a breath of fresh air.

Casual Shinji said:
But that's a problem nearly every Marvel movie has. A real team battle against a singular powerful opponent would've been nice.

It's fine, I guess, but it was just going through the motions.
Considering next up for the Avengers is Thanos, that's not going to change, the only difference is, he's so powerful he can destroy entire planets more easily (where as Ultron and the Chitauri needed to work at it).


New member
Oct 11, 2010
I really enjoyed it but I do think it has a fair few problems actually, pretty much all of it stemming from them trying to squeeze to much into the movie.

I like the action sequences, loved the dialogue, thought the plot was mostly really good and loved the world building that's littered through the film BUT:

1- the new characters were underdeveloped. Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch's turn to the good side is really poorly executed. The Vision is there pretty much exclusively as a plot device. Ultron has an amazing intro sequence but nothing quite lives up to it after that.

2- the final battle was underwhelming. The whole rescue sequence was really good but Ultron gets defeated in such a crappy way that he never feels like a threat at the end. Actually this is a marvel pattern that I really hope gets sorted out because it's true for the majority of final battles in their movies.

3- The pacing feels... disjointed somehow. I can't really explain this one, only that the overall structure feels quite bitty.

Other than that thought it was a great film. Almost excellent in fact.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Eclipse Dragon said:
Casual Shinji said:
But that's a problem nearly every Marvel movie has. A real team battle against a singular powerful opponent would've been nice.

It's fine, I guess, but it was just going through the motions.
Considering next up for the Avengers is Thanos, that's not going to change, the only difference is, he's so powerful he can destroy entire planets more easily (where as Ultron and the Chitauri needed to work at it).
With Thanos we might actually get a proper heroes vs. villain fight, since the dude is so powerful (apparently) that he'd have no need for a seemingly inexhaustable army of whatchamacallits to do his biding. Though I'm sure that's what'll end up happening anyway. : (

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Casual Shinji said:
Eclipse Dragon said:
Casual Shinji said:
But that's a problem nearly every Marvel movie has. A real team battle against a singular powerful opponent would've been nice.

It's fine, I guess, but it was just going through the motions.
Considering next up for the Avengers is Thanos, that's not going to change, the only difference is, he's so powerful he can destroy entire planets more easily (where as Ultron and the Chitauri needed to work at it).
With Thanos we might actually get a proper heroes vs. villain fight, since the dude is so powerful (apparently) that he'd have no need for a seemingly inexhaustable army of whatchamacallits to do his biding. Though I'm sure that's what'll end up happening anyway. : (
We've gone through aliens, nazis and robots now, I was wondering the other day what PC army of darkness they could come up against next. The obious answer was zombies, or compromise thereof (nazi zombies, robot aliens, etc).

Hero in a half shell

It's not easy being green
Dec 30, 2009
Johnny Novgorod said:
Casual Shinji said:
Eclipse Dragon said:
Casual Shinji said:
But that's a problem nearly every Marvel movie has. A real team battle against a singular powerful opponent would've been nice.

It's fine, I guess, but it was just going through the motions.
Considering next up for the Avengers is Thanos, that's not going to change, the only difference is, he's so powerful he can destroy entire planets more easily (where as Ultron and the Chitauri needed to work at it).
With Thanos we might actually get a proper heroes vs. villain fight, since the dude is so powerful (apparently) that he'd have no need for a seemingly inexhaustable army of whatchamacallits to do his biding. Though I'm sure that's what'll end up happening anyway. : (
We've gone through aliens, nazis and robots now, I was wondering the other day what PC army of darkness they could come up against next. The obious answer was zombies, or compromise thereof (nazi zombies, robot aliens, etc).
I wouldn't say no to a big crossover Marvel Zombies plot arc.

It would certainly be a novel way to end all the consecutive Marvel movies going around.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Johnny Novgorod said:
We've gone through aliens, nazis and robots now, I was wondering the other day what PC army of darkness they could come up against next. The obious answer was zombies, or compromise thereof (nazi zombies, robot aliens, etc).
It'll probably be just another generic alien race, with some 'Oh no, we have to fight the Hulk again, cuz what else is he gonna do' littered in the middle.


Mad Max 2019
Feb 18, 2013
Casual Shinji said:
Johnny Novgorod said:
We've gone through aliens, nazis and robots now, I was wondering the other day what PC army of darkness they could come up against next. The obious answer was zombies, or compromise thereof (nazi zombies, robot aliens, etc).
It'll probably be just another generic alien race, with some 'Oh no, we have to fight the Hulk again, cuz what else is he gonna do' littered in the middle.
In all fairness aliens, nazis and robots are 90% of what The Avengers have fought over the past 50 years in the comics (when they aren't fighting each other, of course) and given that the next one is Infinity War it's pretty obvious they'll be fighting Thanos and his minions.

Eclipse Dragon

Lusty Argonian Maid
Jan 23, 2009
United States
Johnny Novgorod said:
We've gone through aliens, nazis and robots now, I was wondering the other day what PC army of darkness they could come up against next. The obious answer was zombies, or compromise thereof (nazi zombies, robot aliens, etc).
The way ultron's minions crawled reminded me of robot zombies.


Your sinner, in secret
Jun 24, 2013
Spot1990 said:
Zontar said:
Alright, so with today's early night release of Age of Ultron in theatres before the supposed premiers tomorrow, people all around Canada and the US are finally seeing a movie which had no logical justification for a differing release date in this day and age.
You think that'sbad? This side of the world we often get movies up to three months after their US release. By this side of the world I mean UK and Ireland by the way. Not small budget indie flicks either. I'm talking Pixar.
And sometimes it's even more extreme. John Wick premièred in the UK in April, six freaking months after it opened in the US.


New member
Jan 31, 2011
The only major annoyance I have is how the Falcon didn't even show up in the city evacuation sequence. I mean, come on. A hero who's main power is flight didn't help get people off a floating city.

I also feel like they could have done more with Ultron. I mean, the Marvel world is even more tech-dependent than ours, and he could potentially control anything with a wi-fi connection. Draining Tony Stark's bank account, causing mass tech blackouts, turning all of the S.H.I.E.L.D. remnants' technology against them... I dunno, kind of a missed opportunity.

Kolby Jack

Come at me scrublord, I'm ripped
Apr 29, 2011
One thing I just realized about why Captain America, ostensibly the nicest guy in the Avengers, can't lift Mjolnir but Thor can: The movie emphasizes Cap's inability to give up the fight as his biggest character flaw. He's incapable of settling down or giving up. He's little more than an assassin, albeit a friendly, good-natured one. Thor, despite all of his bravado and love for a good fight, DOES know when to stop. He learned how in his first movie when he surrendered to Loki to spare his friends and the townsfolk. So Cap can budge Mjolnir slightly because he's ALMOST worthy, but he isn't quite there due to his blood-knight tendencies.

Of course the Vision is worthy because he respects all life and laments at even having to end Ultron's. He's basically robot Jesus.