The artist in thee


Concept Artist
Dec 3, 2008
Zemalac said:
Hmmm. Okay, then, though I hold that the blurred eye looks weird. The larger image is much better, methinks--you can see the filiments between the creature's spike-parts.
You are not wrong on either of those claims. The larger image is how it is meant to be seen, the 'Pist shrank it like crazy. Anywho, thanks for the comments.


New member
Apr 22, 2008
I haven't posted anything for a while, and I just finished this the other day, so...

I made a framed version of this as a present for my We The People teacher. You might not get as much out of it if you aren't really into the American Constitution.

He was born on Washington's birthday in the radioactive tomb of Jefferson. He was struck by lightning while flying Franklin's kite and wearing Hamilton's wig. He fights like George Washington and writes like John Hancock. His gun is called Due Process of Law, his car is the Incorperator, and his sidekick is William O'Rights.

He is

Utterly different from what I usually post here, I know.


Escapist Points: 9001
Oct 14, 2007

I'm not hugely happy with the armour, but I got so sick of trying to paint it correctly that I went "fuck it" and let it be.


New member
Jun 1, 2009
I wish I had even a fraction of the talent of all you guys...I can't even draw a straight line.


Bringer of Words
Jul 30, 2008
(Part 19 [].)

I've been woken up by many things over the years. Alarm clocks, unruly house guests, hurricanes, B-2 Bombers (don't ask), and several types of sirens and warning alarms. Something that never woken me up before that morning was a bizarre statement. "We'll need to borrow your door, mate." The voice was bored, as if he'd done this hundreds of times before. He was wearing a decidedly interesting outfit, somewhere between UPS and a safety-orange construction vest, but held a clipboard out to my nose. "Come on, mate, I can't stand here all day."
I took the pen, scrawling a drunken and uneven signature through the bandages on my wrist. "What accent is that?"
"Melbourne," he answered, although it came out 'Melbun.'
"Fascinating," I answered through a yawn, rolling back over.
He seemed satisfied, and walked away shouting down the hall. "Right mate, bring her in."

I startled upright when I heard something metal groan out of shape. The hospital door warped horribly, and drywall and brick rained down on the polished, sterile tile of my hospital room. The ceiling rumbled as what I suspected to be load-bearing wall starting to protest. The door snapped off of the bottom hinge, and the door hung uselessly on the top, swinging freely. The man slapped it with the clipboard until it fell. After that, he picked it up with a considerable amount of grunting, tapped his head in a silent salute, and wandered away, leaving the doorway warped, misshapen, and horribly broken.

I wasn't sure what to make of that, and stared blankly at the entryway when a pair of shapely legs stepped into the room. They were attached to Aeryn, whose nurse outfit seemed more appropriate for a sexy Halloween party than an actual hospital. What was more confusing was the fact that it was transparent instead of opaque. The white of the material actually hid very little. She consulted her clipboard, frowning. "Alright, Nukey, time for your bath. Do you want me to join you this time, or...?"

I had little time to register shock when another nurse walked in, this one male, and definitely not in uniform. I was fairly certain the pants were once scrubs, but they've since been artfully torn, leaving the legs bare on either side. He completely lacked a shirt, which displayed a well-toned set of muscles. There was an unbuttoned lab jacket draped over his shoulders, leaving a large amount of very tanned chest exposed. I was even more bewildered to find Puppet attached. "Evenin' hun-buns, ready for your bath?"
Aeryn intercepted, before I could reply. "Oh, Puppy! I was asking the same thing. All of us at once?"
"Excellent idea," he said, starting toward me, "shall we undress him?"
Aeryn stalked toward me as well. "Yes," she said, wolf descending on her prey. "Let's."

I started to protest, but found myself, and my bed, suddenly on the floor. The entire room shook again, with a heavy thud coming from the exterior wall. Immediately after it happened, it happened again, louder this time. It got quiet for a moment, and I struggled to my feet. Aeryn seemed nonplussed, only slightly aggravated by the disruption. Puppet didn't even fall over. They started to step toward me again when it happened once again, this time exploding the wall inwards. I could see a wrecking ball bobbed on its line and receded out of sight.

The distant and decidedly amused Australian man sauntered into the room again. "Right, mate, sorry for the intrusion. Forgot I needed a window too." Without further ado, he wedged a crowbar into the frame on the wall, and grunted. The window slid completely free of its casing, outside, and falling for a pregnant second or two before shattering loudly on the concrete several stories below. Side effect of being on the sixth floor. "Thanks mate." He waved, and stepped out of the window. I tried to speak out a verbal warning, but he landed almost instantly, chest level with the floor. Then I heard him work the controls on his cherry-picker, and the motors brought him down to the bottom of the building.

Everyone in the room paused at that. I mean, c'mon, what the hell? I tried to get up, noting that it was painfully awkward in the plaster cast I had on. By the time I finally got to both feet, a now topless Puppet and completely naked Aeryn were molding around me. I tried to take a step back, sliding fruitlessly on the smooth tile on my cast. I bumped against the back wall, and they advanced on me. "Whoa whoa whoa," I said, putting my hands forward in a warding gesture. "The door. The window. What on earth is going on here?"
I could feel his breath on my ear, "Don't worry about that, hun-buns."
"Yeah," Aeryn purred into the opposite ear, "just relax."
"Sorry gents," said the Australian man, suddenly in front of me. He jostled me out of the way, collecting a white construction hat from the desk I had inadvertently stumbled onto. "Forgot my hat."
Puppet seemed too comfortable for being half naked. "No problems."
Aeryn was likewise nonplussed, "Do you want to join us too?"
He looked at me, as if he was sizing me up, "I might on another night, but alas, 'tis a long walk back home." He hung the construction helmet on his belt, removing a swimming cap from his pocket and putting it over his shaved head. "Not to mention a bit of a swim."
Puppet sounded apologetic. "I know how that is."
"Aye," he said, waving and striding out of the still-warped doorway.
"What. The. Hell." I said audibly, trying to shuffle sideways from this completely off-the-damned-wall scenario. What the hell was going on? I found myself back against my bed, still on it's side. The call nurse button swung uselessly at the side. Wait, the call nurse button! I reached down, and jammed the button with all of my almighty thumb-powered fury.
"Put that way, hun," Puppet drawled, pressing himself against my side and divesting me of my button. "You won't need it."

I panicked, and shuffled my way out of the mess of bodies and limbs. I turned, my back metaphorically against the wall at the far inlet of my hospital room. Instead of a cool, comfortable wall, though. I had a long, windy six-story drop. The air pressure pushed gently at my chest. The air conditioning rushing out into the heat. I took a half-step back, reflexively, as the two stripper-nurses that my friends had become advanced on me.

At least, it would've been a half-step were it not for that damned cast. I, instead, pitched backward. I flailed my arms wildly, and lost my balance, falling straight backward over the edge of the building. I flailed midair, hearing Aeryn call, "Nukey, come back to bed!" from above as I fell. I spun wildly, realizing that an end by truck wasn't enough. I had to splat on a hospital parking lot.

As the ground rushed for me, I jerked, throwing the blankets off of me, and felt the cool air of my hospital room irritate the sweat that formed on my forehead. I looked at the wall, which was whole, and whose curtains were white. The doorway was likewise still in one piece, complete with door. I sighed, and rubbed my temple. "Freakin' morphine dreams."

(Part 21 [].)



Escapist Points: 9001
Oct 14, 2007
So I found this lurking in the bottom of by deviantArt gallery. It's old, it's from The Escapist, and it made me giggle again.

I was talking with a close friend of mine the other day and a curious idea arose. This girl is simply gorgeous. Waist-long black hair, fantastic chest and a wicked smile. If only I could press beyond the "Friend zone." Alas, we share some fundamental differences. She's not a gamer, but still acts like a fangirl for any trend which comes on the internet. Lately it's been pirates.

I myself am firmly on the Ninja side of that divide, and it's an unconquerable barrier. Just like any fan rift I suppose.

The worst example of such rabid fans to date has been a recent one. Anti-Bush Obama and Vegan Halo parties are at loggerheads over their moral differences. At times it's all one can do not to sit back and sneer at the fighting.

Obama, first and foremost, appears opposed to the previous administration's gun-ho attitude in relation to conflict. As his party has a Christian background, it is easy to understand that he does not want conflict. With the warmonger track record of organised religion who would?

The Halo camp however attracts a different kind of people. As the protagonist forces are waging war with the Covenant, one could easily draw the parallel of a community resisting a Crusade. The Covenant believe themselves to be fighting a Holy War as set out by their Prophets, if my memory about the game remains solid. None the less, the Earth forces need no excuse to be remarkably trigger-happy, something repulsive to the other side of this debate.

Such a deep gulf between the two groups has given rise to other stark differences. Once the fans of each start slinging racist and bigoted terms, you know that a flamewar has arrived.

A favoured picking point is the sexual identity of each side. The very macho nature of Halo's gun-wank conflicts visibly with a quieter sexuality on the Obama side.

I once read an article about the US presidents and their sex lives. In this day and age of intrusive journalism we feel we know people so well from the lives which would have been private in an older age. Obama was the only candidate in the last US election who people will believe has a healthy intimacy with his spouse. None of McCain's trophy blonde, nor Hillary's long-fractured situation for him. Obama has a clear chemistry with his wife, both in mind and body. He does not need to be overtly sexual, for all there are lesbians itching to get at Michelle.

Vegan Halo fans don't have quite such a shining position to work from. X-box Live users have long ridden the pony of homophobic insults. Many listeners connect the screams of "FAG!" with an inherent repression of homoerotic tendencies. Probably due to the highly overused female physique in modern games. Menly-men are coming into their own.

No doubt all those lonely Spartans find themselves reduced to greeting their five-digit intimate life partners with wild abandon. It would help to explain their pent-up frustration.

Another probable flaw in the Vegan Halo's recipe for fanboyism is their hatred of meat eaters. One could almost call them Vegan terrorists they are so ironically violent in their opposition to the practice. With the Flood coming to gorge themselves unethically, the Vegan Haloists turned around to blow them to Narnia.

So far, Obama has not commented on this. Media personnel are rifling through White House trash for evidence of Tofu.

Meanwhile the Vegan Haloists have thrown up further issues. Due to their "meat is murder" stance they have found it remarkably easy to team up with anti-abortionists to preserve the sanctity of all life, great and small. Images of aborted foeti are becoming more popular amongst the groups. After all, if women have too many abortions, there won't be anyone to grow up into dead Vegan soldiers.

It's a pity that this fan war must go on. The rising toll on both sides just gives fuel to increased media control and totalitarianism. In fact I'm not even sure what to achieve in this. It could well end in a Zombie Kitten apocalypse.

Mmm... undead and still adorable.



New member
Apr 22, 2008
I was sort of doodling on my tablet the other night, and this is what came out. Not my best background work (seeing as I didn't spend any time at all on it), but I like the character.



Is Probably Awesome.
Aug 13, 2008
I've been having some serious fun practising with Markers... Some more.

Ini or 'Inigma' is a character of my girlfriends creation. She's a childish amnesiac who had her childhood eaten by a strange creature.
The other's are my characters, Cody Avvers (Lady Cadaver) in her ghost form a zombie with the power to release her soul from her body, Carrie Charnette, another childish character who at a young age discovered the strange, shadowy creature, Erobos who mutates into clothing and occasionally claws, spiderlegs and other assortments of clothes.

They're all pretty crazy in their own way.

And that's all for you, for now...


Concept Artist
Dec 3, 2008
Hey guys, here's my latest Creature of the Week entry. Topic this week was "Revelations". I really wanted to get an old school Amano-type monster feel with this one. Main inspirations include the final bosses of the 3 SNES-era Final Fantasy games (Zeromus, Neo Ex-Death and the Tower of Kefka).



Digital Wizard
Dec 17, 2008
So, lately I've really been getting into furry culture and realized that I'm, in fact, a furry. Yay, me! So, I've done a couple of drawings. The main purpose was for me to improve my skills at anatomy, so I tried to experiment a little bit with posing and musculature. Can someone offer feedback?


New member
Jan 16, 2009
Labyrinth said:

I was bored and inspired. It's a Chaos Marine 'jetbike' motif.
Please, for the love of Akatosh, PM Susan with that enclosed and set the title as something akin to "I've made your perfect tattoo."

That pony is so friggin' awesome, I can barely look at it without bursting into giggles XD


Is Probably Awesome.
Aug 13, 2008
Cyrax987 said:
I like the designs, don't get me wrong, and normally I don't do this, but I'm wondering why Pestilence is missing and replaced with conquest?
Seems a tad redundant with War and Conquest meaning virtually the same thing.

Zykon TheLich

Extra Heretical!
Jun 6, 2008
Thanks for posting your jetbike in my thread, here's my latest to give you a BUMP :)



New member
Aug 3, 2009
Archemetis said:
Cyrax987 said:
I like the designs, don't get me wrong, and normally I don't do this, but I'm wondering why Pestilence is missing and replaced with conquest?
Seems a tad redundant with War and Conquest meaning virtually the same thing.
To be honest I didn't even know the other two by heart. I only knew war and death and looked up Four Horsemen online on multiple sites and most stated famine and conquest so I put conquest. >_>


Is Probably Awesome.
Aug 13, 2008
Cyrax987 said:
Archemetis said:
Cyrax987 said:
I like the designs, don't get me wrong, and normally I don't do this, but I'm wondering why Pestilence is missing and replaced with conquest?
Seems a tad redundant with War and Conquest meaning virtually the same thing.
To be honest I didn't even know the other two by heart. I only knew war and death and looked up Four Horsemen online on multiple sites and most stated famine and conquest so I put conquest. >_>
Ah fair enough, I'm not trying to poke holes, just seemed a bit odd.