The artist in thee


New member
Jul 2, 2008

Cattle Marker!





Ok, that's enough for now. 'bout time I pick up the ol' tools again. Been on a bit of a sabbatical from the creative-type stuff for too long...


New member
Feb 13, 2009
Labyrinth said:
You disgusting Eldar! Oh how I wish we shared the same landmass so my Space Marines could gut you apart, you witch!


I should post my army pics. I'll get working on that.

Private Custard

New member
Dec 30, 2007
Novskij said:
Sunsets and the one at 3:30 is amazing! Really beautiful work man!
Cheers :) I'm already working out what to do next. I seem to be a glutton for punishment!

Labyrinth said:
And people say I'm a patient person. Fucking hell.
Patient and very very tired!!


New member
Aug 25, 2009


Escapist Points: 9001
Oct 14, 2007
TheFacelessOne said:
You disgusting Eldar! Oh how I wish were shared the same landmass so my Space Marines could gut you apart, you witch!

Weakling terrans. My Banshees will cut through your Marines like butter. After all, my Exarch dances on the severed head of an Angry Marine. Just think of what she'll do to the rest.

And just you wait until I get my Wraithlord.


New member
Feb 24, 2010
Warhammer is awesome, I don't know anything about it but I've always been interested in starting my own little army. I remember growing up and walking down to the hobbyshop a block away just to look at the owner's collections there.


Concept Artist
Dec 3, 2008
scobie said:
As someone with a modicum of talent at drawing, a copy of GIMP I'm still trying to learn how to use, a vague urge to seek an art-related career and not much else, this post scared the crap out of me. I'd just like to ask: When you talk about art as a competitive and cut-throat industry, what exactly do you mean by "art"? What is the job you are aiming for as an artist? When you say "art", are you covering everything that might be produced by anyone setting pen to paper or tablet and looking to make some money out of it?
Sorry, cut-throat was a bit of an overreaction, but think of it this way:
For Fine Arts:
In order to make money as an artist you have to sell art. In order to do this, you need to appeal to gallery owners, you need to appeal to the public and you need to appeal to critics. Your art needs to be evocative and you need to maintain creation of high quality artwork, while at the same time managing all of the commercial aspects of your art. Now put on top of that the fact that you are one person, likely without a name for yourself, and there are millions of other people who want to do the same thing as you. Those people are who you are competing with for gallery space, for sales, for a name. Making money as an artist? Very few can. Really the only way you can do so is to become an art teacher.

For Digital Arts:
Great, you've decided to pursue digital art, you can now become a graphic designer, a digital painter, a modeler or whatever else you can think up. Now bear in mind that there are very few stable jobs in these fields, most of it is freelance. Now in order to get one of those stable jobs you have to put together a solid portfolio and appeal to them out of all the other people who want to do the same thing. This means your portfolio needs to be amazing for them to even want to look at you. Then there's the freelance option: you can make more money as freelance, but guess what? You're self-employed, you need to seek out clients, you need to put your portfolio online, you need to manage yourself as much as doing your art. Then who are you competing with? Well... millions of other people. In digital art, you can telecommute so you can work for people around the world. But this means that people around the world are also capable of getting that same job, so pretty well any good, paying opportunity is going to have a high level of competition from other freelancers.

Sorry if I scared you on that last post, but I'm piss-terrified myself. I've spent years and years of my life to get as good as I possibly can and I know I'm still not good enough to even really be considered in terms of digital art.


Escapist Points: 9001
Oct 14, 2007
RAKtheUndead said:
Pffft. Eldar are nothing but elves... IN SPACE!
"Nothing but"? Are you kidding me? Have you -seen- what Jain Zar can do with her uh.. weapon?

Zykon TheLich

Extra Heretical!
Jun 6, 2008
Labyrinth said:
RAKtheUndead said:
Pffft. Eldar are nothing but elves... IN SPACE!
"Nothing but"? Are you kidding me? Have you -seen- what Jain Zar can do with her uh.. weapon?
Hey there, fancy posting those Banshees in my mini's thread and giving it a BUMP? ;) There's a few of my vintage Banshee's posted in there too. They are quite simply painted, since they weren't my main army when I was a kid it was a case of 'fuck it, that'll do'.

EDIT: Here I'll post mine in yours as a sign of cooperation and good faith.

scumofsociety said:

Good old beakies.

Not so well painted but by gawd I love this guy

I like the new BFG models but I wish they'd bring back the old style gothic battleships...

Painted originally to play space hulk

Much prefer these to the new ones

Wierd lighting...he doesn't look red IRL



The previous dread models were shit, as soon as I saw this I had to have it



Right, that'll do, now it's your turn...go on show us what you've got!

EDIT: Adding my other pics to 1st post

Much prefer these guys, the new ones look ridiculously OTT IMO


Bit of a rush job but I like the model. Only the 2nd BFG ship I've ever painted and I wasn't sure what the colour scheme was going to be

Heh, lead boobs.

GW trivia fans will be delighted to know that this is the Goff nob model that made the first Ghazghkull in White Dwarf 134. Ive stuck a power axe from a Blood axe nob on him instead of his original arm and given him a combi weapon. Not too pleased with the milliput work on the arms but you can't have everything.

EDIT: More

That's what heavy flamers used to look like. For once I prefer the new ones. Just noticed I missed some blacklining on his right shoulder pad joints. Damn.

He looks pissed off, probably because I lost his cloak/jump pack and had to give him a new plastic one and knocked some of the paint of his belt...and someones shaved his eyebrows.
EDIT: Not as pissed off as I am now...I just found out these can go for 60 pounds if you still have the backpack :(

EDIT: More

Crew look kinda crappy. Bit of a rush job, my 1st editon army was orks so I got really bored of painting ork flesh tones. The more observant among you may notice that the steering column doesn't actually reach down far enough. Welcome to early GW models, I had to bend the front axles to get the front wings to align properly as well...and I've just noticed I forgot to highlight the wheels. Poop.

EDIT: More...
Frog faced little git, not the best of the old ork models...still prefer him to the new ones, they look stupidly OTT IMO...I've probably said that before haven't I?

Hurr hurr...metal boobs...

EDIT: more
Not too happy with the crimson highlighting and the gems. Haven't painted many before so I don't really have a technique for them. Have looked one up and I'll try it next eldar I paint. Sword kinda crappy too, shoulda done it black. GW don't seem to have changed their warlock models much. In fact I have one I painted almost 18 years ago that they still have on sale now. I did a much better job on that one too.

EDIT: more

I just don't have the patience to paint things this nicely. I like the old designs, it's a shame you can't get them anymore, plus they aren't the right scale, this is about the same size as a light cruiser in BFG. 5p for scale.

L-R Shadowswords, Stormhammers, Land Raiders, Manticores, Whirlwinds, Vindicators. I prefer these manticores to the new ones, but the new Vindicators have a more sensible sized gun for the body of the vehicle.

I like the design of the Eldar, they are very distinctive and original(AFAIK). Only very basic colouring on this one. I have 3 more unpainted that I'm going to try and do a bit better. Got a couple of Banshees and a Warlock I also want to finish.

TADAAAAAH!!!! WOOOOO, YEAH! *Fanfare* *Gasp* ZOMFG!!!111!!....*cough*. Yeah, um, not the most impressive mini ever seen, about the same size as a snotling, but rare as fuck. It's my pride & joy ATM. Old style Cobra destroyer.


EDIT: More
needs highlight on eye and basecoat doesn't cover all the white primer.

Bit of a rush job, acceptable for battlefield work but that's about it.

Hurr...looks like she's looking up at some gigantic beast that's just popped into view and is gawping open mouthed/screaming. Eye's look too big on this, but believe me they are tiny on the model.

EDIT: Anime stuff
Painted sometime in the mid 90's, so I'm told by some guy or other.
Time and movement has cracked the filler between the edges of the face and hair unfortunately and you can't see it here but the join between the hip and thigh on the other side of the swimsuit shows through.

OK, I'll admit to this one, and I do have them all in GN form, as well as the databook and the unfinished gaia (or however you spell it), plus 3 other unfinished non-SD kits. I think I'll probably end up flogging all the kits on ebay, as well as the OMG comics that I totally don't own at all.

Complete except 1 dreadnaught, 2 vehicles, 5 chaos cultists and a world eater ravagers squad. There are also 2 more boys squads to paint and a couple more nobs, a painboy and a couple of grots but I at least have the models.

The retinue, mostly crap paintjobs

bigmob. The guy at the front is about the only one I consider to be acceptable.

Nazdregs mob. Now these guys are painted quite well. That's a D-cannon for an arm. I decided not to buy a wierdboy for these guys.

Mogflumps mob...I was running out of names, OK. My other well painted mob, these last 2 were about the last things I painted before I got fed up with it all. I decided not to buy a wierdboy for these guys.

Durthungs mob. The other ork I posted was from this mob. I got 2 more to paint but I need to buy a lascasnnon for them, cause they only have a heavy bolter atm. I decided not to buy a wierdboy for these guys.

Skumduffa's mob. Not a bad paintjob, but not good either. The wierdboy also needs 2 minders.

Nazbads mob. Again, not bad but that's about it.

Squigs and grots for the shokk attack guns. Crap paintjob.

Uzbads mob. Barely adequate paintjobs. The buggy posted earlier is theirs, along with another of the same that I have yet to paint.

Uzgutsmob. Front row of boys aren't painted too badly. The Gobsmasha behind them is apparently 1 of 30 ever made.

The second Ghazskull (sp?) model. I think I did OK on this. Makari remains unpainted.

Goff Rockers!!!! Noise marines can fuck off, these guys are the true hardcore metallers!! The middle guy and the guy on the left are painted quite well I think.

Renegade meks, bad painting all round. One of the tinboy mobs is actually runtbots, they were just labelled wrong when I bought them. I can buy 2 more vehicles with these guys. I think I'll have a Baneblade and...something else, I'll decide later.


Exhalted Ork Chaos Champion. Made from a marine on juggernaughts legs and mount, an ork boys head, a chaos champions upper body and left arm, terminator right arm. I'm quite pround of him. He should have 2 more nob followers and 5 chaos cultists.

It's only a fleshwound. Ogre followers of Chaos champ. Already posted their mate. He is better painted than these 2.

A blood slaughterer. Very simple paintjob, but I think it looks nice that way. He should have a squad of world eater with him but I don't have the models

My other i look at him I don't think he's painted as well as I remember. The sword works as does the helmet, even if it's got a bit dirty over the years. Haven't done his bag properly either.

Very simply coloured, not much shading or highlight. Have one left that is 1/2 way through painting.

Um...yah...intersting colourscheme you put on your banshees there scum...the hawk is basic although a nice colourscheme and the avatar is crap.

vintage dwarves, crap paintjobs all round

vintage dwarf, a bit dusty simple to paint.

vintage ironbreaker

vintage ironbreaker

vintage longbeard

vintage longbeard

vintage longbeard, shame about the chip on his nose.

This was painted by a childhood friend of mine. He got cancer and eventually died of a brain tumor at 16, I keep this and a couple of Deathwing Termies he painted as a memento.

EDIT: More

His face was great, but then I tried to blackline his mouth for some insane reason, don't know why, it was really good without it and I was supposed to be trying new techniques. Anyway, messed it up and had to repaint his face and now it looks shit. Balls.
I was also going to varnish him and his chums, however, I have just discovered that while 15 year old paint might work fine, 15 year old cans of spray varnish won't, and then they explode in your face when you try poking the nozzle to clear it.
I also realised I hadn't stuck the grenades on his belt after I took the photo. Now remedied.

I don't play BFG but I really like GW's spaceship designs. Partially becaus ethey are pretty quick to paint as long as yo get the technique right. Also 'cause I think they look really nice.
Taking close ups with a digicam lets you see all the little bits that you microscopicaly messed up because you can't see it properly with the naked eye...

EDIT: More
My thread (again)


Escapist Points: 9001
Oct 14, 2007
scumofsociety said:
Actually, I devoted about 20 minutes to hunting through the last few pages of this thread trying to find where that link was. I even used the Search Button.

Zykon TheLich

Extra Heretical!
Jun 6, 2008
Labyrinth said:
scumofsociety said:
Actually, I devoted about 20 minutes to hunting through the last few pages of this thread trying to find where that link was. I even used the Search Button.
I posted it in that thread of Ultra Joes, but I don't think I put it in this one. The 'again' was a reference to my tendency to post that link in any remotely relevant thread or group. I find the search button to be about as accurate as drunken ork.

Thanks for posting BTW.


New member
Oct 19, 2008
A chance for a shameless plug? I'm in good sir. Here is three to match your own.

And by the bizarre idea that someone would want to see come more of my stuff here's my deviantArt page [link][/link]


Senior Member
Nov 6, 2009
Um...idk. My avatar,<<<<<<< for one.
<spoiler=doodle in bio>
<spoiler=done during the epic denial of Zynga, when it looked like they were winning>
<spoiler=Done for a piracy debate thread here on the Escapist>
<spoiler=roommate. pencil>
aaaand...that's all I can be bothered to find tonight XD


Is Probably Awesome.
Aug 13, 2008
I did some sketches and decided to borrow some art pens from my girlfriend to colour them, not her best pens mind, she's just like me and hates the idea of her pens leaving her room.

Yeah I know I made her too butch and manly looking, but it's a rough character concept and not the style/design I'm going with. Also I'm not very good with pens yet. So used to my Tablet.

This one was more or less an exercise in a different style, just to see if I could mix things up a little bit, I'm actually pretty impressed with this one.