The artist in thee


Escapist Points: 9001
Oct 14, 2007
So here are the three final drawings for my Art Major Work. Each one is on a 1x1.5m sheet of paper, done in charcoal and coloured pencil. I can't say I like trying to put them in photos as I feel it doesn't do them justice. Then again, I'm horribly biased. Enjoy.



Is Probably Awesome.
Aug 13, 2008
Labyrinth said:
So here are the three final drawings for my Art Major Work. Each one is on a 1x1.5m sheet of paper, done in charcoal and coloured pencil. I can't say I like trying to put them in photos as I feel it doesn't do them justice. Then again, I'm horribly biased. Enjoy.

Oh Joy, Imageshack, even when it's artistic nudity you'll still remove it.
The one that still shows up though (no.2) is fantastic Laby.
Brilliant use of colour.


Escapist Points: 9001
Oct 14, 2007
Archemetis said:
Oh Joy, Imageshack, even when it's artistic nudity you'll still remove it.
The one that still shows up though (no.2) is fantastic Laby.
Brilliant use of colour.
Argh. Stupid people who can't tell art when they see it. Thanks.


Flamboyant Homosexual
Apr 11, 2009
Labyrinth said:
Archemetis said:
Oh Joy, Imageshack, even when it's artistic nudity you'll still remove it.
The one that still shows up though (no.2) is fantastic Laby.
Brilliant use of colour.
Argh. Stupid people who can't tell art when they see it. Thanks.
DeviantART's the way to go.

I might post a few shots after I develop the Film. I'm that pro, I still use a Film SLR Camera.


Escapist Points: 9001
Oct 14, 2007
Let's try this again.



New member
Aug 30, 2010
This is a short story I wrote about a year ago, and still think it good in it's unedited form, but any feedback would be much appreciated.

I was in the park one day, what I was doing I can't remember. Anyway, I saw an old man walk in and sit on a bench under a tree. I can still remember what he looked like. He reminded me of an old tree, the wrinkles of his skin like bark, his limbs long an thin. He had wisps of brown and gray hair, but his eyes were blue, a strong piercing blue. Eventually, spurred on by my childish curiosity, I asked him what he was doing. He blinked at me, smiled, and told me in a slow, creaky way that he was waiting to meet his wife. My curiosity satisfied, I went back to what I was doing. After awhile, he looked like he'd fallen asleep.

I saw his face in the obituaries the next day, along with a mention that his wife had died three years before.

And a poem. It doesn't quite work, but again, any feedback would be appreciated.

Whether wishing for something past,
or trying to make it last,
time goes on.
Never stopping,
never ending,
for the wounds that time is mending
are too grievous to let heal on their own;
all the flesh and bone a'rending
from our souls;
where the things that we're a'spending,
are leaving holes.

The Last Stand:

One of the first of the actually good poems I've written, and probably one of my better ones.
A man stands alone
On the battlefield gory,
Seeking revenge
And unfathomed glory.

His enemy waits
In a circle of dead,
A hard metal helm
Adorns his head.

They both wait alone
Their comrades all slain,
One will have glory
One die in vain.

When one attacks
The battle begins,
When one lies dead
The other man wins.

But neither got glory
For how is glory found
In a field of the dead
And the blood on the ground?

One Man Army:
Not quite as good an The Last Stand, but interesting in a strange, abstract kind of way.
All as one we stand alone,
If one alone we are as many.
A battle fought, one less to be
A one man army, an army man.

When battle raged as worthless treaty,
A man does stand within an army,
The army in himself, he be
A one man army, an army man.

A soldier dies as many slain,
When many killed, but one is dead.
All together one man fights, they be
A one man army, an army man.

One man stands upon a crest,
All beside him as himself .
When the battle is begun, I be
A one man army, an army man.

Also, it would be much appreciated if someone could direct me to (or tell me how to) insert images into posts, I would be much obliged.

Oliver Pink

New member
Apr 3, 2010
This here is a piece I wrote not too long ago... []


New member
Mar 6, 2010
Behold, 3 of my projects!
[sub]I doubt anyone will like them...[/sub]


New member
Jan 28, 2009
HEY! COOL! I suppose I'll join in the fun and post some of my really really crappy writings!

What's gone on before:

"You knew what I was going to tell you even before you came here." The doctor said as he sat in his high back leather chair.

"Yeah. I knew it." I said, sitting there with my shirt off. I had come in that day to have my shoulder examined for a second opinion. I had hurt it earlier that month, just ten days after I took a job up in Mayberry. I was loading a door for a customer, and Bob, the guy helping me, dropped his end.

"I can set it up for you a month from now." The doctor said.

I sat in thought for a second.

"Nah... Better make it for mid May. My girlfriend's senior prom is May the sixth, and I'd really rather not be in a sling then, y'know?" I said, pulling my shirt back on.

"Okay, but the longer you wait, the worse it will get." He said as he stood up and shook my hand. "Take this to the nurse at the desk, she'll set your next appointment to see me in one months' time, regardless." I took the paper he was writing on.

When I got back to the car, I dialed my parents' cell.

"Mom, I need surgery." Was all I could say. "I'll be calling Marie after she gets out of school today and tell her. Ms. Slate isn't going to be too happy with me." Ms. Slate was the HR director at my job. She was already pissy with me for hurting my shoulder in the first place. Surgery was going to send her over the top.

I got in my car and drove home.


I grabbed my alarm clock and threw it into the bedroom wall (my SIXTH alarm clock in as many days). 5:30 in the AM was far too early. I groaned as I looked towards my bedroom window. Yep. Still dark. I rolled into the floor and groaned again. I'd better get dressed. I told myself. I felt around on the floor and grabbed a pair of grubby blue jeans. I've only worn'em twice, they?ve still got a day or two left? I thought as a felt around for a tee-shirt. I grabbed one, sniffed it, and threw it on the bed. Felt around a little more, grabbed, sniffed, threw. Finally I found a slightly less offensive smelling one and pulled it on. I stood up and flipped on the lights, squinting. That early my dark eyes couldn't adjust. I grabbed my wallet and keys of the dresser and headed towards the stairs.

"Dad? I'm taking a shower." I said as I walked past my parents bedroom door towards the stairs downstairs.

"O...K... Hot water... Watch it..." My dad said. He was totally oblivious.

I took a shower and stretched out on the downstairs sofa, waiting for the clock to hit Seven.

At quarter past, I was flying up 52 Nor', headed off to Heigh's Hardware. Talk about a sucky day ahead. I had no clue what was on the way, none of us did.

What started off as a normal day of pushing carts turned into a nightmare...
If you guys LIKE it, I'll post more. No point in waisting my time correcting all the little ellipsi and angled quotes to straight quotes (same with apostrophi) and all that BS.

So, if ya like it, I'll post more. If ya DONT like it, well then fuuuuuuuu Q buddy! :-D


New member
Jan 7, 2009
He just found out that Pokémon Diamond and Pearl are being released and he's super excited!

Felting with 3 needles at the same time is kinda dangerous... *rubs perforated thumb*

Slowpoke took some 5 to 6 hours to finish, in case anyone is curious.


New member
Sep 10, 2010
My latest finished piece.
I'm more a traditional artist than digital, so this is more or less a jumble of different experiments in photoshop. I also stopped and started alot, so some bits...don't quite look like they fit. But like I said, experiments! Tips and critique appreciated.


Irony's Acolyte

Back from the Depths
Mar 9, 2010
Here's a poem I wrote up a while ago. I'm not the best when it comes to poetry but I had a really strong inspiration for this so sorry if it isn't that good. I might post a few of my other works if I feel like it.

I lurk in the back of your mind
Always pushing, always prodding
I dominate your actions
Never slowing, never stopping

You try to ignore my calls
You avoid, you elude
You attempt to resist my will
You desist, you eschew

Yet I remain in your psyche
I control, I command
Until you've given yourself over
to my mastery, my demand

The hole must be filled
You Covet, you Thrist
But there will never be an end
You Desire, you Lust

My desire is ungratifiable
My gluttony insatiable
My thirst unquenchable
My greed unfufillable

You cannot stop me
You cannot control me
You cannot persuade me
You cannot slow me down

And I am never full


New member
Oct 28, 2008
Just a little something something I threw together, vaguely based on an experience I had in Minecraft. Funny how the weirdest things can be inspiration eh?

I'll Have to Bring a Torch Next Time

I was attacked. I was attacked on my way over to The Mainland to gather some silk to craft bows, I felt I could use them, I'll have to be more careful next time. Something near me exploded, as some things do, I'm sure I was pierced too, I'll have to go by daylight next time. Upon exiting the crater I quickly noticed my belongings were gone, no matter, I was carrying a mere fraction of my properties, the rest is safely nestled in my home, though all my meat is gone, I'll have to pack less meat next time. It's starting to get dark, I've wandered this place for hours now, I've been an outside viewer for quite some time now but never did I see the sheer majesty of its area, I have nothing to map it with, I'll have to bring paper next time. I feel I should gather some wood, just in case, It'll probably come in handy at some point, though I cant get much, I'm not too strong, I'll have to be stronger next time. It's dark now, I've fashioned a small boat to scour the place for a way home, I am no longer concerned with regaining my lost supply, I'll have to be more aware next time. I've been repeating the cycle for quite some time now, with no change, and no progress, I cannot think of any better way of doing this, I'll have to be more creative next time. The longer number of days means nowadays the day's numbers are longer, I'll have to make them shorter next time. I've become disgusted with the sea, now I wander even at night, there is malice around me, I can hear it, I can't see, I'll have to bring a torch next time. I climbed a mountain, a tall mountain, I climbed over a tall mountain and saw majesty herself, a magnificent valley of misty air, emerald fields with sapphire tides, I can see the earth floating overhead, its beauty strikes me with unhampered viciousness, I'll have to go home next time.


Bringer of Words
Jul 30, 2008
(Part 21 [].)

Chasing around my helicopter alarm clock hurts a lot more with a trick ankle. I shuffled over a discarded shirt, tripping on an empty box, and ended up crawling on all-fours before the helicopter started to sink. It was singing some new Lady GaGa song, which made me realize it was still on Radio. Hadn't I fixed that?

Veru and Kitten both eyed me with feline disinterest, deciding I was only worth watching as long as I was a threat to their sleep patterns. Fuzzy slackers, the pair of them. I hopped in the shower, got shaved, dressed, and ready for the day. Outside, Caime was just getting up, and trudging toward the shower. I started on cooking breakfast, managed to get bacon and eggs out before Caime had finished in the shower, and laid out the table. At that point, I was floundering on things to do, so I checked my e-mail, which had nothing of interest, and my answering machine, which had two very interesting messages on it.

The first was from Aeryn, and it sounded hollow. It was weird, like hearing it through a tin-can and a string. ?Hey Nukums. Um... I'm sorry about the note, I think. I'm out of the country right now, so you probably won't see me for a bit. Thanks for being so nice, and stuff. I left your key inthebottomofthebinoutside, so uh... Yeah. I guess I can call you when I get back. So...? The machine beeped, the message had ended there. I tried not to wonder what she was going to say, and waited for the second message to start. ?Hey sexy peoples,? the message began, inflected with a lovely Australian accent. ?I got your e-mail a while ago, but I was too busy to see to it. But I'm here now, ready for the party, and only jet-lagged a lot. So, come pick me up. Hugs and kisses, Beefy.?

Whoa. I had nearly forgotten about that e-mail. I told Caime to start breakfast without me, and took to the stairs, getting a weak two flights down before my ankle started hurting. I road the elevator the rest of the way to parking, and got the Jag out and moving.

Airports are nasty places to drive, with hundreds of signs every which way, and countless spirals and turns, both redundant and absolutely vital, sending me in an awkward series of twists, turns, and near-collisions with giant buses and taxicabs. Did I mention I didn't like airports?

I followed the signs to the international, hoping that it was where Beefy would be waiting, and managed to just barely get parked before a battle-hardened SUV, bearing the scars of countless wrecks, tried to get the spot I was now resting in. I got out of my car, ignored the drivers shouts of anger, and continued toward the airport. The baggage claim was a mess of tourists, security officers, bustling professionals, shameless slackers, and travelers of every sort. I leaned against the wall closest to the door, and looked around. It was a little hard to spot him in the crowd, but I managed to find him speaking to his luggage. His voice was a dead giveaway. ?Hey sexy,? I said, grinning. ?About time you answered that e-mail.?
?Can't help that everyone wants a piece of Beefy's sexy time.?
?Well they're obviously not as important as me.? I said matter-of-factly, taking his luggage.
?Right,? he said with a grin, ?what was I thinking??
?You weren't,? I answered, fishing my keys out of my pocket. ?If you were, you'd've been here already.?
?Oh you.? He said, looking at the keys. ?Jaguar?? He pronounced it the weird way, Jag-oo-ar. Weirdo.
?Yeah, it's my baby.?
?Nice looking baby,? he said, walking up to it. ?I approve of the color.?
?Has there ever been anything of mine you didn't approve of??
?You talk too much,? he said, stifling a yawn. ?I'm hungry, give your Beefycakes some food.?
I started the car, pulling out of my spot. ?It's always the brain stem with you.?

I lead him back to the apartment, where he proceeded to complain about the stairs. I told him to deal, as I was the one with the injured ankle, and made it up ten flights this time. I decided to screw the pain, and kept going. It wasn't easy, but I made it up the next eight in moderately decent time. Caime was completely slaughtering breakfast when we walked in, and at the smell, Beefy immediately went to aiding and abetting.

I decided I didn't need breakfast, and started making a sandwich. The benefit of American living, anything can become delicious put between two slices of bread. While they tore into the bacon, I was composing a turkey-cheese-bread masterpiece. After a bit of salsa to keep the sandwich interesting, I settled in at the head of the table and ate with Caime and Beefy in relative silence for a few minutes. After Caime was done eating, he looked up at me. ?Om nom nom??
I looked down at the sandwich, then looked up again, affecting a terrible Russian accent. ?Om nom nom.?
Beefy eyed me suspiciously. ?Your accent is terrible.?
I immediately responded with the worst possible version of Steve Irwin I could manage. ?So's yours, mate.?
He glowered at me, and went back to eating. I continued eating my sandwich.

After breakfast, I frowned at Beefy. ?Well, you're here, what did you want to do??
?I dunno, meet some people, do some stuff. Sexy stuff.?
?Uh, yeah. I should warn you, I'm a bit boring.?
?Well,? he said simply, ?don't be.?
Veru plopped on my lap, eying my plate mischievously. I stuck a hand on his head. He tried to bob around it to get to my plate, and I kept it gently pressing his head down. ?Sorry to disappoint. I suppose we can go to the coffee shop, see who we see.?
?Good enough for me.?
?Later,? I answered immediately, looking at the cat on my lap. ?I seem to be anchored into place.?
?No,? Beefy said, tugging my arm until I got up. The cat glared at the pair of us, turned his nose in the air, and sauntered off. Kitten seemed to saunter off with him. I decided not to worry about it.
?Alright Beefy, let's go.?
He smiled easily, more happy than anything else. ?About time.?

The coffee shop was lively enough for a mid-morning hour. Erana was bubbling behind the counter, there was just enough bustle to keep everyone noisy. I liked it for that reason, always enough humanity to fill in the spaces where the atmosphere didn't. I signaled Erana, tossed my card on the counter, and grabbed my usual drink. She had the milk rung up and paid for before I got back to the counter to sign the chit. I added a flourish to the signature, just because I was in a good mood. ?Always with the milk. Don't you ever get anything caffeinated to drink??
?I dunno, do you guys have any Sprite??
She grinned at me, ?That's a very Nuke thing to say.?
?I wouldn't be me if I didn't say it.?
The Aussie behind me smiled, ?And who's this sexy lady right here??
?Beefy, Erana. Erana, Beefy. Any questions??
Beefy stared blankly at me, ?If two lesbians make out in the middle of a forest, and no one is ar-?
I jostled him in the ribs, which stopped him mid-sentence. He smirked, quieting down. Erana just looked at him with a confused expression. I went to go claim an empty table.

After a few minutes of socializing, Beefy dropped into the chair opposite me. ?So, where do we go from here??
?Isn't that the quintessential question? Humans are always trying to understand the bigger picture, so it makes sense that we're all wondering where it goes from here. I'm not nearly as smart as some of the folks who've tried to answer that question, what makes you think I'm qualified for that??
?Well,? Beefy said, mirroring my voice, ?they're obviously not as important as you.?
I laughed, ?Right, how could I forget??
Suddenly, Beefy got a look in his eyes, and I turned to the door. An unfamiliar face appeared in the entryway. She couldn't have been more than twenty, twenty-one tops, and had beautiful hair. I could've written a checklist of physical features, but I didn't bother making the effort. The short answer was that she was quite pretty. Beefy immediately recognized her. ?Hey there Nonymoushe.?
?Who's your friend?? I asked, taking stock of the woman approaching our table. She was not too tall, had pretty hair, and a pretty smile.
?This is Anonymoushe. She's my friend.?
I nod, ?Cute friend.?
?I can hear you,? she told me, grinning. ?Although I thank you for the complement.?
?Oh, if you can hear me, then very cute friend.?
She laughed, and looked at Beefy, ?I like him.?
?So do I,? I answered, ?it's why I keep me around.?
She giggled, and we exchanged numbers. ?Well, you kids are fun to chatter with, but I promised myself I'd actually cook at least once a week so I don't get rusty. Since I'm already planning to cook more than I could eat, do you want to join us for dinner, Anonymoushe??
?Call me Tess.? She said, ?And sure, I'd love to join you for dinner.?
Beefy perked, ?Oh yay, we get Moushe for dinner??
?Yep. We get a Tickles over for dinner.?
?Tickles?? They asked, in eerie quasi-unison.
?New nickname,? I answered, smiling, ?I need to do some shopping. Beefy, Tickles, see you guys tonight at, say... 6 PM??
She beamed, ?Sure!?
Now, I said to myself, leaving the cafe, dinner party time. To the shops!


Da Chi

New member
Sep 6, 2010

It's all on my deviantart. Robkickflipman is my title there.

Shock and Awe

Winter is Coming
Sep 6, 2008
Damn thats good! I wish I could draw like that. I cannot draw worth a damn, I am good with both digital and film photography though.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I wish I had a scanner so I could show you people how good I can draw.

Seriously, it'd blow your minds.