The artist in thee


New member
Apr 22, 2008
Fightgarr said:
Zemalac said:
Good advice
I also edited the background a bit...
Lookin' good.

I dunno about the background, though...adding lighter colors to it sort of draws attention to it, where before it was just a suggestion of something back there. It either has to be more or less detailed, but right now it seems off.


New member
Jul 7, 2009
Zemalac said:
Fightgarr said:
Zemalac said:
Good advice
I also edited the background a bit...
Lookin' good.

I dunno about the background, though...adding lighter colors to it sort of draws attention to it, where before it was just a suggestion of something back there. It either has to be more or less detailed, but right now it seems off.
woah-thats pretty awsome :)


Concept Artist
Dec 3, 2008
Zemalac said:
Lookin' good.

I dunno about the background, though...adding lighter colors to it sort of draws attention to it, where before it was just a suggestion of something back there. It either has to be more or less detailed, but right now it seems off.
I can see what you mean. Maybe I'll have to just fade the entire background a bit. Make it less prominent. Thanks. I may go back and do something about that. For now I'm going to start working on his female counterpart.
deedee03 said:
woah-thats pretty awsome :)
Thank you, very much.


New member
Sep 25, 2009
Wow! Greta work. I was wondering, does anyone have a well done tutorial for PS CS3 on coloring and all for animation type cell shading? I'd like to transition work better from sketch to computer and all. I see some people do that very well.


Some coloring

Finished on PS

Thank you for any help, I am new at trying this so need all I can get.


Concept Artist
Dec 3, 2008
CK76 said:
Good stuff. If you want advice on how to do good cell-shading/outline work and things of that nature, ask Archemitis. He's wicked at that stuff. Just check out some of his work throughout the last... like 20 pages or so of the thread.


New member
Sep 25, 2009
Fightgarr said:
CK76 said:
Good stuff. If you want advice on how to do good cell-shading/outline work and things of that nature, ask Archemitis. He's wicked at that stuff. Just check out some of his work throughout the last... like 20 pages or so of the thread.
Thank you. I will send him a private message on the issue as to not bog down the thread too much with subjects beside art.

Another sketch

It is in a pad, so it tends to smudge a bit when left closed.


Bringer of Words
Jul 30, 2008
Here we go, part 9 en route! (Part 8 [].)

Locomotion is its own language. How well one knows the terrain or movement betrays the fluency of the language. For example, I can fluently 'speak' my apartment. It was around 3 AM, Neezilla had left sometime during the night, and I didn't want to wake Caime just because I was thirsty for a glass of water.

I moved silently, managing to silence my bare feet on the polished hardwood. Caime was passed out on the couch, and Veru was making his nightly rounds. Of course, his main chore for the evening was trying to knock me over as I crept through the apartment. But having lived here for several years now, I was better at moving around then my cat was at tripping me over.

I got my glass of water, and heard the front door open. Neezilla snuck quietly back in, carrying a large overnight bag. I put my glass on the counter, took the bag silently from her, and ushered her back into my bedroom. She tripped over the cat at least once, for which he let off a victorious meow. Still, we managed to get back into the bedroom, and subsequently into bed.

Less than an hour later, the alarm clock took off from the dock. However, I was still alert from my "night cap" of sorts, so I bounded from the bed, took two strides, and caught the helicopter. I pressed the "cease alarm" button, and set it back on the dock within fifteen seconds. I yawned, and went to start taking my shower.

After I got my suit on, I started up on a breakfast big enough for the three of us. While I was making breakfast, I heard a foreign sounding alarm clock. Probably Neezilla's. I even made extra breakfast turkey for Veru, who was all too excited to be partaking of the same food the rest of us were. After a few minutes, Caime got up and headed to the shower. Neezilla was just out of the shower, and joined me for breakfast before I had to leave for work.
"Oh lovely," I began, "you don't need to wake up early for me."
"I don't mind it, and I like getting to see you before work."
I blushed, and hoped she didn't notice. "Thank you, Neese."
"You're welcome, Nuke."

After we had finished breakfast, I gave her a goodbye kiss, and had to head off to work. It had rained overnight, and I forewent the fire escape in favor of the indoor stairwell. I finally got to the lobby, pulled my umbrella from the front desk, (shamefully trying not to meet Baby_Tea's eyes,) and started off toward work.

The morning shift at the coffee shop usually amount to giving lots of people dressed in expensive suits overly expensive drinks and praying to the patron saint of nine to fives that these men don't pass out on their way to work. However, most of the morning cools down around 6:30 AM in terms of businessmen, and turns into a steady stream of regulars.

I spent the morning talking with LaCoil and Puppet, shooting the breeze and talking about my and Puppet's college days.
"So yeah, we were roommates once upon a time. I remember a game we used to play, something that I'm not sure any reasonable or intelligent folks would have done. Most roommates had a system to warn each other when there were... 'study partners' around for the evening. We never did. Instead, it was our job to make off-color comments every time we happened upon one another's group study sessions.
"It was an absolute blast, but as much fun as our good comments were, we often were reduced to stumbling, blathering idiots when we failed to instantly produce witticisms."
Puppet grinned, "Although the biggest stumbling, blathering idiot moment is when we ended up in bed with one another. I don't think either of us saw it coming."
"You say that, Puppet, but I'm the one who asked you out the morning before we ended up in bed together. I even bought us dinner."
"Yeah, you were head-over-heels, weren't you?"
Are head over heels. No past tense. "Yeah..."

I got off in the afternoon, and met Neesa for lunch at the restaurant across the street. It wasn't anything so official as a date, but we did spend a lot of time talking to one another. "The city council has been planning renovation for the city parks. They got Arendt Park already, but there are still several parks left to go."
"Which one did we go on a date on last week?"
"Gruberman Park," I said, "although they're demolishing that bridge soon. I'm glad we managed to kiss on it before they tore it down."
She giggled, "You still need to propose on it before it gets closed down."
"Semantics," I repeated, paying the bill before she even had the chance to look at it. She protested, but I quickly paid it, and decided to go visit Funk Park before it got renovated.

Neezilla and I made it to the park, and we cuddled on a park bench and watched the afternoon turn to evening. However, for as much as I wanted to enjoy my time with Neese, I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. I tried to purge my mind of it, but couldn't really shake that feeling all evening. When it got to be later, we left to go back to my apartment. As I left, I noticed someone who looked vaguely like Puppet staring from behind binoculars. I put it out of my mind.

When we got back to the complex, Xitel was waiting for me at the lobby. "Hey Nuke, the wife and I are having dinner tonight. Do you want to come?"
"Sure, if Neezilla is invited."
"Uh... I'm afraid not. We only made enough food for three."
"Raincheck then, when we're better planned for this sort of thing."

We finally settled down in my apartment, and watched a movie. Although I'll admit to paying more attention to Neese than I did the movie. But I was already tired, and wasn't long for either of us to fall asleep on the couch. Caime woke us up, and hustled the pair of us into bed. I curled up around Neese, and fell asleep.

I dreamed that I was being watched.

(Part 10 []!)



Concept Artist
Dec 3, 2008
EDIT: I think it may be time for me to leave the Escapist. I don't really have too much reason to be here anymore... I hope this thread continues. I may be back in a couple months. Thanks for being a good art community. You can continue to check out my blog with this link []. Now without further ado:
*Please ban me indefinitely.*

User was banned by his own request - MOD
Ban lifted after request and review - Staff


The Nice-talgia Kerrick
Feb 28, 2009
Just wondering, might anyone else be considering entering the Escapist Film Festival? I'm thinking about it, myself.


The Nice-talgia Kerrick
Feb 28, 2009
Diagonal Horizontality said:
SharPhoe said:
Just wondering, might anyone else be considering entering the Escapist Film Festival? I'm thinking about it, myself.
I'm rather untalented in the cinematography department. But if anyone wants help with writing or needs some voice acting, I'm available.
You can do voice acting, too? Awesome. That means I can potentially use you, Ty, and Insanum to help me out, should I require it.


New member
Oct 3, 2007
I do a little animation here and there "my page on newgrounds"


The Nice-talgia Kerrick
Feb 28, 2009
Diagonal Horizontality said:
Well, I've only done voice acting for a few media projects in school so I have no idea how good I am... But I'm quite versatile in the sheer number of random accents I can successfully pull off, which was proved to be rather a large asset when I did my solo project.
It's quite alright, I'm not looking for professionals or anything. As for what I'm planning, I'm sure your regular speaking voice will suffice.
Of course, that depends entirely on whether or not I actually do make up my mind to do it or not. I'll PM you or message you all in S.P.E.C.K. if I require your services.


New member
Jan 29, 2009
NewClassic said:
Snipasarus rex!
Oh my. I wonder what could possibly happen next?! -gets overly excited- Yay. I'll eventually draw something... when I get the urge to or when my professors stop being lame and giving tests back to back.

♥ it.


Bringer of Words
Jul 30, 2008
Part 10, now one greater than part nine! (Part 9 [].)

I woke up with a good feeling about that day. My shower was relaxing, breakfast came out really well, I hadn't accidentally woken anyone up, and even had some extra time to play with Veru and catch up on my e-mail. Seems like I had a few articles lined up with the writing services, and I had until Friday to produce some passable drafts. I left myself a sticky note on my laptop, and headed off for work.

Even work was going well, with customers accidentally stumbling on just the right order of drinks to make my work efficient. I had managed to make every drink quickly and effectively, oftentimes with enough spare time to chat with the customers. Normally the business-rush was quiet and jerky, but it was more relaxed and natural that morning.

Which, if anything, goes to show nature produces very large calms before the storm.

Puppet came in shortly after the business rush ended, and flagged me to the back room. I figured it was some new procedure for opening or closing, since we try new things to streamline the process a bit. Instead, I found Puppet pressing against me in the back store room. I didn't make a big deal out of the bags of coffee beans laid out in a flat surface instead of stacks, but now I understood there was more to that arrangement then just a change of pace. I pulled away from Puppet. "What the hell, Putz?"
"Oh come on hun-bunz." S'been a while since I heard that. Under other circumstances, it probably wouldn't made me happy. Right now, it just pissed me off.
"Come on what?" I asked, feeling myself cornered and exposed in the tiny room. "If this is what it looks like, then I'd like to remind you now that you're married."
"And you're dating. Yeah yeah. Who cares?"
"I do?"
Then he said it, "No one has to know."
I lost it. "Not just no, Putz, hell no. Good God man. I'm not sure about you, but after going through the wedding as you best man, and hearing you exchange vows with Kari, I'm not so sure I can even let you start thinking like this. Get your head out of the gutter, Putz, and put it back where it belongs. Maybe if things were different, I wouldn't have minded. As it is, this sickens me. I'm leaving Puppet, you're on deck for the rest of the day. Erana's coming in at one. Just... Just... I'm taking the day off, Putz. I can't look at you right now."
"But hun-" was as far as he got before I slammed my apron in his face and stormed out of the room, pissed. That could've easily gotten me fired, but I'd like to think it was validated after what he just did...

The late-morning produced a wicked chill, and I figured Neese was at work, so no point in going back to my apartment. I started jogging, needing to purge my head of... that. It was a fair shade warmer when I got back to Arendt Park, and sat down. I massaged my temples, trying to figure out just what the hell happened back at the cafe. I could hear people stopping to look at me, with a few concerned people asking me if I was alright. I gave them all passing dismissals, not entirely sure if I could even think well enough to talk about what happened. I felt the bench shift when someone sat on it next to me, and a warm arm around my shoulders. It was a familiar voice, but after Puppet's little display, my voice recognition was a little off. "Hey Nuke?"
I didn't even lift my head. "Huh, yeah?"
"Look... I'm sorry for what happened. I really don't think I gave you a fair shot."
Why was this voice so familiar? "Sure thing. No harm, no foul."
"No... It did hurt you, I could tell." Hands lifted my head, and I suddenly found myself in the middle of a long, drawn-out kiss. "Oh poor Nukey."
I recoiled after my mind caught up to what happened, and saw Aer sitting beside me. "Uh..."
"It's okay Nukey. Can we try this again?"
The world turned violent red, and the ground leaped up at me, crashing into my skull. I bounced, and hurt, and the world spun. "You bastard! I got off work early and was going to see you at the cafe, and I find you not even at work. With some other girl!" The concrete floated away from me, and I found myself up by my business shirt. "Not jut here, kissing her!" Another jolt, the floor leaped out at me, and I felt the world turning fuzzy. I could hear two voices arguing, and tried to make sense of anything. My head hurt, I felt sick to my stomach. My arms struggled to pick myself up, but it wasn't happening. I crashed back into the sidewalk, and the world turned to black.

Blackness is a quiet kind of thing. Silence and darkness both being absolutes, the state of the matter that's present in the absence of other things. Mine was a world without interruption from sound and light, empty, endless, and completely sterile. In the faintest, furthest of backgrounds, I could hear noises. Voices, sharp ringing, squeaks, and small clicking sounds. It meant nothing, and could not press through the endless abyss of silent blackness.

Suddenly, a blade of light pierced through the distance, and grew larger. I thrashed against the light, trying to take my oasis away from me. Pain was growing with the light, and my temples started screaming bloody murder. It was cold in the darkness, but the white-hot reality was kicking in. The light grew brighter, until it was surrounding me. I slammed my palms on the sidewalk, and screamed silent murder against the pain in my eyes. My throat was raw, and it hurt. The EMT stopped shining his pen light in my eyes, "Minor concussion if I had to guess. He's probably loopy as all hell, but he's probably not in too much danger. I'd suggest getting him to a doctor anyway. Head trauma's one of those nasty things that can sneak up on you."
I tried to answer 'I'll be fine,' but it came out, "Augh, my head hurts."
"Yeah buddy. Take it easy, and have someone walk you home."
The world was all blurry, unfocused. I tried to spot who was around me, but I couldn't tell a passerby from a tree. "Neezilla?"
No one answered. The EMT helped me up, and I stumbled immediately back onto the park bench. My everything hurt, and I was still too dizzy to see straight. "Anyone?"
No one answered, and I forced myself to keep sitting up, afraid of what passing out would do to me. I couldn't think straight, and I needed some aspirin. Gods, why did my head hurt so much.
"Nuke, are you okay?"
The voice recognized me, but that's about as much as I could surmise. "Not really, no." I answered, my throat still raw. I tried to look to see who the person was, but an amorphous beige blur was the only thing I could make out. "Do you know where my apartment is."
"Yeah, you took me there the other day."
The world lurched, and a large hand steadied me. "Bring me there."
"Alright." I expected an arm to steady me, or maybe a shoulder. Instead, I was lifted completely, and bobbed a bit as was walked back to... Somewhere. Everything was indistinct and blurry, so I had no clue where I was being taken.

I jolted awake, and looked around, where the hell was I? Wait, this is my apartment... I think. Everything was still a bit fuzzy. Xitel came from the kitchen, handing me a glass of water. I spilled on myself, and he frowned. "Easy, Nuke. Let me go get you a straw."
"Thanks Xi."
I finally got my drink, took a deep breath, asked for an aspirin, and laid back down. Veru was giving me all kinds of attention, and I tried weakly to play with him. I was handed a pill, which I swallowed immediately, and tried to make my eyes refocus. Why did my head hurt so freakin' much?
"Oh, you have a note here."
"Oh, what's it say?"
"Nuke, you worthless assholish son of a b-"
I winced, cutting him off. "Give me the Cliff's Notes."
He frowned at it, "That was the Cliff's Notes."
I managed a weak laugh. Which I shouldn't have, it made my head hurt worse. "Sounds about right," I said, "and this morning started off so well, too."
"I have days like those." He admitted. "Is there anything else I can do for you?"
"Uh..." I said, feeling my eyes cross without me telling them to. I chose to close my eyes and lay down instead. "Um... Turn off my nervous system for a day?"
"That would be fatal, Nuke."
"Might be a nice break from this headache."
Xitel frowned, "Don't even joke about that, Nuke."
I winced, more from my own tactlessness than anything else, "Good point. Ugh, I just need some rest."
"Alright, you take it. And call into work tomorrow if you have to. It's not good to try and work while loopy, especially in the service industry."
"Mmpherrgurrrper." I answered, scritching Veru and closing my eyes.

Several hours later, Caime woke me up. "My God, Nuke, you okay?"
No. "I think," I answered, blinking. "Why?"
"You have dried blood on your head."
I poked at it, "There is?"
Caime brought a wet washcloth out, and rubbed it off. "Looks like you knicked it pretty bad. C'mon, let's get you in bed."

I don't even remember getting brought across the house, just remember falling asleep, feeling like the bed was way too big, and cold. Something was wrong, but my body didn't want to keep up with my mind. My mind tried to continue thinking, but my eyelids sank. Darkness fell, and my mind shut itself off.

Part 11 [].

Now? Yes, now.


Is Probably Awesome.
Aug 13, 2008
SharPhoe said:
Just wondering, might anyone else be considering entering the Escapist Film Festival? I'm thinking about it, myself.
The Film Festival's on again?

Might have to consider gathering my movie making posse and seeing what we can do...
and of course getting permission to use the College editting suite for it...

Upon reflection, it should have been painfully apparent that the Film Festival's on again...
It's posted EVERYWHERE...

I think I'll go marinate in my fail now...