AWAR said:
Honestly? UUUUUUUUUUUUhhhh...
Please post constructive criticism or don't bother wasting space with comments as entirely unhelpful as this. This is a thread for the creative community to post work with the possibility for C&C to help them
improve. If you don't like something tell them a way that it could improve or at least say why you don't like it.
Swollen Goat said:
You seem to deal with a specific style of imagery that you do quite well with. Here is my advice: Firstly, purely to create a bigger body of work you should branch out. Skulls are cool and all, but at the end of the day a bunch of really good drawings of skulls are still just skulls. Secondly, you seem to grasp the basics of shading, but your shading will always make objects feel flat until you can really take the plunge and make extreme darks and highlights. Right now you're using white as a midtone and your midtones as your darks. A good step in this direction would be to start working with some softer pencils try working with a 4B as your standard pencil and see the difference it makes on your shading. Thirdly and lastly, establish a space. A space doesn't necessarily mean the room or landscape, but right now your pieces are all an object floating in some vacuous space, there isn't anything composing the drawing except for that. Add small elements of tone or texture, you don't need a lot of anything really, but just that little extra attention to the rest of the page will really help make your work feel less like a sketch and more like a drawing. Hope that helps.
Zemalac said:
Hey buddy, just a couple of things. The drawing still feels a bit unresolved, the good news is is it's simply a colour balance issue. The piece is too warm. If you can make that green colder or make the subtle blue hints more saturated it'll really help resolve it as a whole. The only other piece of advice I have today is to start looking at arm shape a little more. I've noticed you tend to draw arms fairly straight, but an arm tapers in and out slightly. Just that small tapering I feel would help bring more form to your characters. Other than that, really nice work with lighting. The piece has a very established mood, and the character has a lot of personality. Hope that helps.