The author in thee


Elite Member
Mar 25, 2010
So, I'm sure most of you (especially the ones who have been here for a while) know the "The artist in thee" thread, where people are supposed to share their artwork. Well, how about you all share some of your writing? I'm sure there are a lot (read: METRIC FUCKTON) of people on this site who are aspiring authors, either trying to finish/perfect their work or find a publisher. So go ahead, copy your favorite chapter from your literary masterpiece and share it in here, and feel free to constructively critique whatever you read in here. Share your novels, screenplays, story outlines, poems, song lyrics, fanfiction, dissertations, conspiracy theories, ransom notes, whatever you have that's in writing. Hell, if you're lucky, a passing publisher might see your work. Of course, being the OP, I'll start-

ALSO, remember to put longer passages in spoiler tags: [.spoiler=Give an optional short description here]TEXT[./spoiler] without the periods.

ALSO, your passage may be too long for one box. PREVIEW YOUR POST FIRST. If it doesn't fit, just split it somewhere and put the rest in another box.

"Steve is a human being. Such a thing is usually not worth mentioning, but Steve believes it to be so, and so it has been mentioned. Steve is also living. To clarify, he is a living human being. He lives in an interesting land, sometimes called magical, or said to be "where [his] cousins used to live," but Steve knows it as his home. People often ask how he feels about his home. He thinks it is his home. He usually responds with something similar to "it's my home." Occasionally, if he is in a better mood than the day before (it's all relative to him, you see. The general mood he is in doesn't affect him as much as how it contrasts his mood yesterday), he will respond with more detail, perhaps "I don't know, I guess I was born here. That makes it my home, I guess."

But today Steve is in a different place. It confuses him. He is confused. "No," he says, "it's not redundant; I can be confused at the same time as being confused."

But he realizes he was a bit vague, in two ways. He wasn't necessarily in a different location. He woke up on the floor. This was perhaps the most confusing part. And while on the subject, he believes he was vague in his explanation of his confused state. He can be confused by something, receiving the act of confusion, and he can be in a state of confusion, confused being an adjective rather than a verb in this case. Both being "confused." Although that is a little redundant. But you don't need to tell him that. His hip hurts this morning.

He figures he fell on the floor, possibly rolled off his bed during the night, but he wonders why this did not wake him. Perhaps he was in a deep sleep when this occurred. Perhaps not. He tries to think of other explanations to be more specific, but he really can't. "I really can't. I'm sorry. Just, just go with it." He says to go with it. I would oblige him, he's tired.
Steve wearily forces himself up by his arms. He imagines he is performing a push-up. It does not encourage him. "Actually, it's a bit discouraging." Steve is up anyway. He pulls his jeans up a bit and looks meaningfully at the window. If he could sing, or whistle, or hum, or if he knew an appropriate song of which to do these things, he would not hesitate to do so.

Unfortunately (but fortunately for any poor soul who would be in earshot of an atrocity such as that), he can do none of these things. Steve leaves his quaint bedroom and enters his bathroom. "I call it quaint. Really, what I mean is exceptionally small. But that's what I get for not being able to pay for a bigger place." Actually, this place of Steve's residence was owned by his cousin, Bill. Or William. Steve does not remember which his cousin prefers. Not that it matters to either of them.

Steve is still entering the bathroom. He has now entered the bathroom. He does not feel accomplished. He picks up his little toothbrush and rubs the crust out of the bristles. He turns on the faucet. A familiar rushing sound fills the quaint bathroom. "Yep, also quaint." No water emerges. Steve hits the faucet. Water begins to emerge. Steve brushes his teeth, slightly wincing each time he feels a small object on his tongue.

His alarm clock rings. "Son of a *****." Apologies. Steve cannot always control himself around company. He spits out the frothy, minty, saliva mixture he has been accumulating and leaves to turn off his alarm. The alarm complies with no resistance, surprising Steve. "It just seems like one of those days. I have a feeling something's gonna be wrong at work. I'll probably have to work two shifts today. Someone'll be sick, I just know it. I can tell these sort of things. It's like magic. Or it's more like 'I know how bad my day is gonna be.' Er? Nevermind.

"But really, it seems like every day is bad. Yesterday I trip on the sidewalk, and I- wait, maybe that's why my hip hurts. Or maybe it's because I fell off my bed. Or it could be both, I don't know. Anyway, each day has kinda sucked more than the last." HE starts losing his train of thought and believes himself to be amusing. "It's 'cause o' the man, man. It's a conspiracy. They're conspiring against me! I tell ya', man! Man!" Steve laughs quietly to himself. He enters the kitchen and approaches the refrigerator, opening it. He stares into it, hoping for a glimmer of enlightenment into the subject of his coming breakfast. He receives no such enlightenment and opens the carton of eggs in the refrigerator door. Only one egg remains, and it will now be his breakfast. It will be brutally mutilated and destroyed, and burned beyond recognition to satisfy one insignificant, lonely man for a few hours. "And I wouldn't have it any other way. Wait, remember, go to the store, get eggs." Steve looks at the stove top and realizes he forgot a pan. He places the egg on the countertop, slowly, keeping it from rolling, and bends down, opening the cabinet under his stove. He hears a faint sound near him. He springs up, catching sight of the egg speeding toward its untimely demise against Steve's kitchen floor. Luckily, for the both of them, Steve stops it just before the end of its fatal journey, puts it back to its earlier position, and places a wooden spoon in front of it. He feels clever and reaches for the pan again, this time uninterrupted, and consequently successful. Go to the store, get eggs. He lays the pan on the burner nearest him and turns it on, then lifts himself onto the counter on the stove's other side and sits down. Go to the store, get eggs.

Steve's mind begins to slightly fade. He feels it, fully aware of his slipping consciousness, and enthralled by the sensation. The idea of losing mental control (now this doesn't mean instability, just less control, like a dream) has always fascinated him. Recognizing his changing emotions, when he feels depressed during a low pressure system, he can almost not comprehend the workings of his mind in these circumstances. He becomes unaware of his surroundings, drifting into another state of consciousness, still awake but shifting through his reality. He loses his sense of presence and time, and is surrounded by the projections of his mind.

The stove beeps. Steve realizes he was over-thinking the situation. "It's still fascinating though." Steve had considered a psychology minor, but instead went with the safer path of English, something he had always been able to understand well, it being a concrete idea and all. He still studies psychoanalysis, looking into the theories of Jung and Nietzsche and Freud and that entire generation of psychologists. He slides off the counter, feeling a sharp pain in his bare feet as he hits the floor. He picks the egg up from behind the spoon, returning the spoon to a ceramic jar. Steve takes a breath and composes himself for the coming trials. He holds the egg over the edge of the pan, making the motions of the actions he must soon perform. That he will only have one chance to perform. The pressure builds inside him, physically in his chest, and his hands begin to perspire. He decides to go through with it before his hands are unsuitable.

Steve lifts the egg up, maybe half a foot above the pan, and strikes it on the edge. It doesn't break completely open. A crack appears, spanning nearly half the egg's circumference. Steve slides his thumb between the sections and pries it open. The yellow mass falls into the pan in a pool of white, literally and figuratively, in an interesting coincidence. Steve feels accomplished. He tosses the shell in a loose trash bag and rinses his hands of the stray egg substance. Go to the store, get eggs.

He decides to change clothes while the egg is cooking. He realizes he can't remember the last time he put on a new pair of jeans. "It might've been Tuesday. Or Monday. Or? yeah, I think? I probably put on some new ones for work on Monday. That would make sense." Not that Steve consistently makes sense. He changes pants anyway, something that will not be described in detail, as that would require an emergency medical team present and the signing of a small few waivers covering liability for psychological trauma or death.

He returns to the kitchen and investigates the sizzling egg. "I don't like that word. Sizzling. It's like "moist." But I don't really have a problem with that one." The egg is near completion. Steve watches over it, shakes the pan a bit, and keeps watching. He takes a plate down from a cabinet and sets it near the stove. The edges of the egg white are becoming slightly brown, and Steve slides a spatula under it. He lifts it, accidentally leaving a small amount in the pan, and drops it on the plate. He places the pan in the sink and runs some water over it. He opens a drawer near him and takes a fork, then reaches for a pepper shaker. He enjoys his egg to a great degree. Although it is a bit overcooked. He knows he should have taken it off as soon as he noticed brown on its edges.

Steve decides that he will put off washing the rest of the dishes for the night, although he knows that this will never happen and he will have more to do the next morning. But he doesn't care. He has other business to attend to.

He walks over to his single window and opens the blinds. The sun hurts his eyes for a shirt while, but they adjust, leaving Steve with a somewhat impressive view of the New York skyline. "Yep, New York." As something Steve remembers once said, "Just like all good stories, it starts in New York. Or something like that. I can't remember what it was that said that. And it's not really true. I mean Lost was on a fictional island, Star Wars is in space, so is Star Trek, CSI is in? what, Chicago? I think so. Although there is a CSI in New York, but? whatever." Steve goes back to the refrigerator and drinks some orange juice out of a near-empty carton. He grabs his keys off the far counter, puts on his shoes by the door, and leaves the quaint apartment.

He goes against his better judgment and takes the stairs rather than the elevator, having the rare feeling of actually wanting to improve his life, in this case by exercising. "It's only five stories. And I'm going down, anyway. Won't be that bad." Steve is luckily correct, and he reaches the bottom of the staircase. He leaves the apartment building, into the street. The obnoxiously loud, busy, foul smelling street. How he loves this city. Traffic is at a complete stop, causing Steve to decide to walk to work rather than spend half an hour in a cab, with an even fouler smelling strange man honking and yelling at people. Steve starts to feel more optimistic about the day. "I feel like I have control. I know I should've washed those dishes, but I can still make up for it. I might even stay late for work if they need it. I just? I just feel like doing something good. Today. I don't know why."

Loop Stricken

Covered in bees!
Jun 17, 2009
I would, but I don't want my story stolen.

And I haven't typed anything. Or worked out how to begin it, or end it, or what most of the middle is going to be about.

silver wolf009

Jan 23, 2010
Fillies and Gentlecolts! This thread has started mere minutes after I finished posting my My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fanfic.



New member
Oct 11, 2008
I have a bunch of story ideas, some I'm on a team for and some I'm doing solo. I'm currently working on a story based in the Halo universe that I'm going to try and get published. I've already been told that what I have so far is on par with the quality of the other Halo books, so fingers crossed...

I'm not going to post any of it publicly, though. Maybe if I write something else, but this particular project is the best I've done, so I need to save it all for the big reveal, if I can get it done. But if anyone wants to see the prologue, I'd be happy to send them a private message of it, as long as you're willing to critique.

EDIT: Is My Little Pony really that popular right now?


New member
Jun 25, 2009
0's what all I have gotten down.

When we are asleep, visions of fantastical places enter our minds. To many, this event is known to many as a ?dream?.

When you have a dream, you can do anything and everything to your heart?s desire. If you wanted, you could dream that you were in a candyland, or that you were the fastest creature known to all of ponykind. You could be the greatest fashionista, the kindest soul, or the wisest teacher. You could even dream that your grandmother had that hip replacement that she needs so she could feel better. Anything and everything would be at the will of your imagination when you are having a dream.

However, when you have a dream that has something you don?t like, or something that is bad. The dream then is called a ?nightmare?. Nightmares, bad dreams, also have the same effect of having anything and everything possible being able to happen within them, but they are mainly interpreted usually based on ones fears. You might dream that you?re trapped in a dark room, or that one of your friends has passed away. In Nightmares, you are at the mercy of what your mind has created for you, and you can?t control what you are able to do. A way to describe it would be a ride that you have to go through, and you can?t leave until it ends.

Sometimes, when you enter a dream, you can control what happens within it. There are some cases where you can when you?re having a nightmare, which can help turn the nightmare into a good dream?

Prologue: Sogno Walker

Deep within the Everfree Forest, a pony would be able to find all sorts of life, mysterious and beautiful, if they knew where to carefully look. In a clearing, where the roots disperse to reveal a dirt pathway, one would find a small hole in the side of a big tree, much too small for a filly, and much too big for a bunny. That, my friends, would be the entrance to a hamlet inhabited by the Tapirs.

The Tapirs of this hamlet don?t usually leave their home. They do leave sometimes to head to the nearby towns to trade for supplies such as necessities, but that is the only time you really see them. They keep to themselves when in public, and do their business quickly. They do keep up with what is happening in the world. They keep to themselves, but they aren?t that secluded.

They?re a smart bunch of creatures that create most herbal remedies for the local towns around the Everfree Forest like Ponyville. Not only being skilled with medical science, they?re also creatures with mental and psychic abilities that allow them to enter the mind of any creature. They don?t use the ability unless they have a reason to. They learnt their lesson a few hundred years ago, when they brought about the creator of Nightmares into the physical realm, but they have banished it back from whence it came of course.


New member
Oct 16, 2010
Not sure its very good, its just a prologue I put together because I couldn't really stop thinking of it. Its called Paranoid, and its supposed to be really weird and strange.


The sound of his feet tapping the cobbled street as he walked mingled with the sounds of the crowd around him. A wooden cart creaked as it passed him and the crowd shifted subconsciously aside.

Everybody wore similar robes of midnight blue. The only thing that separated him from the crowd and made them step aside was the thin gold band nestled on his messy, dirt colored hair. Young as he was, he hardly noticed the subtle shifting in the crowd, allowing him to have a comfortable amount of space. His mind was filled with the grace of this world. It contained a complex beauty that caught his breath and made him twist his head around in wonder.

He was knocked out of his trance by a soldier moving through the crowd towards him. The soldier fell beside him and walked with him companionably for a time. "This is truly a beautiful day, sire," he said optimistically.

Carter nodded his head mutely, moving his hand up to his crown to push it back into place. He looked at the soldier for a minute, admiring the deep blue of his armor and helmet that marked him as Commander of the guards. "So," he began, " what is the news with the guar-"

He was cut short by a short crack like lightning that ripped through the air and a black bolt sail trough the sky before slamming into a building some distance from them. As rocks and dust were launched into the air another crack ripped through the sky. The second bolt slammed down near them and the part of the building toppled into the street as dust filled the air.

Coughing violently into his sleeve, Carter attempted to squint to see through the dust. Instead of civilians he was now completed surrounded by guards armed with swords and shields. The Commander drew only his sword and let his shield remain on his back. As a third crack dominated the air, Carter began to regain his vision. Surrounding his beautiful city was a huge light blue force field. He spotted the third bolt as it sailed through the sky and watched it collide with the shield with a sound like rolling thunder.

"You must be moved to safer ground," the Commander said, passing the sword to his left hand and raising his right into the air. He made a swaying motion with his hand before jutting his palm forward. A small hole appeared in the air before quickly expanding and growing into an oval as tall as the Commander. A swirling blue pattern adorned the outline while an image of the top level of his tower filled the rest as if seen through a cracked and blue tinted mirror. Gripping Carter by the arm he dragged him through.

Carter swiftly took a few steps forward to the railing of the spire. The spire was easily the tallest building in the entire city and appeared to wind into the sky. The very top of it was open with a large adornment of a roof that was held aloft by pillars. The architecture on the building was beautiful and brilliant.

Carter flinched violently as another crack ripped through the air and a bolt slammed into the forcefield. The crash of thunder was even louder from where he now stood. He squinted towards where the bolts had been coming from and caught his breath. "What is that?" he asked, numbed with shock.

The commander crossed over through the portal and to the railing in a few long strides. He held his palm straight out in frog of him and slowly curled it into a fist before releasing it slowly. Where his palm previously was a thin blue circle hung in the sky. The commander touched the tips of all the fingers on his right hand together in front of the circle and flicked them open. It appeared similar to the portal they had traveled through before. "It is a looking glass of sorts," he said shortly. Carter immediately adjusted the glass to see the attackers.

It looked as if a sickening black plague had covered the ground around one area of the city walls. Hundreds of disgusting black beasts all patiently awaited the fall of the forcefield, mulling around slowly. In the background on a hill were placed terrible war machines that launched the bolts into the air as a group of malformed, plague stricken men worked on loading and firing them. On the top of the hill a lone figure stood.

Carter looked to the commander who was standing beside him. "I must go to the gate and address this issue," he said slowly before turning and exiting through the portal with a nod of farewell.

Carter nodded his farewell and returned to the looking glass. He magnified the area and looked closely at the figure on the hill. Fear as cold as ice crept into his heart as he beheld the figure. His skin was completely black and he wore tattered shirts and pants. The mouth was bordered by thin black lips and spikes protruded in several areas. Around his eyes he wore a tattered black cloth as a blindfold that drifted behind him in the breeze.

Rooted to the ground with terror, his knuckles white on the railing, the contents of the looking glass sped forward in a blur until the creature's face took up the entire area. He entire world seemed to melt away from him as his eyes were met by the blind stare of the creature's blindfold. "I have found you, found you at last," the voice was deep and seemed to reach him from across the distance. "You have not been able to run from me, child," it continued, it's voice rising. "I FOUND YOU!" it shrieked. His vision surrounding the creature blurred until only the face was in focus and the sound of rushing water replaced his hearing as the blood pounded in his ears, nearly deafening him with the sound. The creature laughed as his mind exploded with pain, the shrieking seemed to not simply be coming from the creature, but came from his own mind, tearing his sanity apart. He fell to his knees, unsure of whether he was screaming or if it was caught in his throat.

The world melted away from him again and cut to black. The screaming stopped. Everything stopped. A small light appeared in the distance, like a lone star in the night sky. It suddenly sped towards him, encompassing everything that was part of him. The world was back, crisper as clearer than he ever seen it. Dazed, he fell forward and his face slammed into the floor, putting him back in the dark.


New member
Mar 20, 2010
Apparently I'm a good writer, but I hate most of what I ever write, and I can't write long things. I can't find my only thing that I'd feel like posting here. It was an english paper where we had to describe a sinister street. I did it from the point of view of a paranoid, sarcastic estate salesman.


New member
Nov 20, 2009
Well, I wrote a poem yesterday about the Slender Man. I aspire to be a writer so I've got plenty of other projects, but they're a bit too long and I don't like publishing unfinished things. So jus the poem for now:

In the deep and the dark and the cold
He walks
It?s the young and the scared and the weak
He stalks
Through the holes in his head, without eyes
He sees
He?s a man in the forest, or a thing
In the trees.

His body is slender and his fingers
His mouth stretched wide like a ghostly
He hides in the midnight light,
Pitch black
Where he waits, ever patient, then he makes
His attack.

Don?t even try to run, because the
Slender Man?s back.

Whaddya think? On the subject of that Steve story, the OPs, I liked it. It felt a little like something Neil Gaiman would write if he was on crack.


Not quite Cthulhu
May 25, 2009
this is an old thread and not worth necroing, but there are some real gems in it, well worth a read.

This is something i wrote a while ago, and whilst its no literary masterpiece, some have found it entertaining enough.

Garrett woke to the sound of the alarms ringing; the Fire of Truth was under attack. He could hear the screech of lasers and he could feel the tremors of the ship as rockets exploded against the shields. He peered out of the window and saw an enemy Valkyrie formation being chased by friendly Raptors; the lightning fast fighter interceptors of the fleet. An enemy Valkyrie exploded just outside his window in a bright fireball, debris scattering off the shield. He felt explosions ripple across the ship and saw the shields flicker and die. He knew what was coming, he had seen it before.
Seeing the Fire of Truth?s shields down
?Action stations, this is not a drill. I repeat, Action stations. Enemy drill pods sighted off the port bow, make ready. ? was the call that rang out over the ships intercom.
Garrett and Wilks, his roommate, ran towards the weapons locker and quickly pulled on their body armour. They were equipped with Imperator class standard body armour; moulded to fit their individual bodies, light and flexible enough to ensure mobility in close combat but durable enough to absorb and deflect the most powerful of handheld weapons, containing a full life support system, a secure internal communications system and short range optical sensors that provide up to date targeting information.
Garrett looked over at Wilks with pride, he had been training him for only six months and already he was acting like a professional soldier. He was acting completely calm and at ease, as if it was just another drill. If he could stay like this in the coming battle he would come out alive and ear himself both honour and glory.
Garrett watched Wilks check his weapon even as his own practiced hands made the same movements.
Wilks noticed Garret staring at him and said ?Something on your mind Sarge??
?Why do you say that??
?You?re looking at me funny?
?I was just thinking how far you?ve come. Six months ago you could barely even hold the gun, now it?s as if you were born with it. Just remember your training and you will come out alive. And no matter what happens, you stay on my arse, you understand. I haven?t spent all this time turning you into something useful for you to walk in front of a sniper or something stupid like that? Garrett replied.
?Don?t worry Sir, I fully intend on staying behind you, that way, any snipers will see you first and give me plenty of time to hide?.
Garrett slapped him gently round the back of the head and threw a combat blade at him.
Wilks deftly caught it mid air and in one fluid motion had it in its sheath.
Garrett then retrieved his own sword. It was an ancient artefact, passed down through his family for four generations. Its blade was pure adamantium, the strongest metal known to mankind. So, sharp it could slice through the hull of a leviathan heavy tank as if it were paper. On its pommel was an engraving of one of the great Moldavan eagles that used to inhabit the Earth. Inside the hilt was the shield disrupting emitter matrix that, when activated, produced an energy field around the blade that allowed it to bypass shields. It was named Talon, hardly original but it suited the blade. This kind of weapon would usually be reserved for a senior officer of the elite drop troop regiments that served with the Imperial Army, not a sergeant from the Sol Defence Force. It was the envy of every single man and woman who had seen it, but it was Garrett?s. The only way anyone would remove it would be to take it from his cold dead hands.
He turned on the sword?s disruptor and a coruscating violet light arose to enshroud the blade. Let anyone try and stop me he thought.
Wilks was looking on in awe. He had never seen the legendary weapon before. It was hard for Garrett not to laugh as he saw the wonder in the boy?s eyes. ?Beautiful isn?t it boy. Someday, if you are lucky you may own a sword as fine as this, though I seriously doubt it?. His voice contained only a gentle hint of mockery as he spoke.
He slung his assault rifle across his back and pulled out his pistol. It would be far more useful in the close confines of the ship. His rifle held solid slug magazines with special rounds designed to flatten on impact. It had enough concussive force to turn internal organs to mush, even through armour, but was incapable of penetrating the ship?s hull as would be the case for las weapons or armour piercing rounds. His pistol was an Intar Assault pistol. It fired a devastating burst of energy or when set to stun a crippling blast of ionic force leaving the target paralysed.
?All security teams get to the port gunnery deck ASAP, drill pods have breached the hull, they are inside the ship. I repeat, they are inside the ship?.
Garrett tapped his personal communicator and said ?Sergeant Garret and Recruit Wilks, eta three mins?.
?Come on boy, we need to hurry?
They ran through the doors, down the brightly lit interior and past the white, sterile looking walls. Debris was everywhere. Lights were flickering and scorch marks could be seen on the wall from explosions. A maintenance droid lay in a pile of scrap on the floor where it had been trying to fix a broken power relay. Garrett?s experienced eye took all this in in seconds.
He saw cracks start to appear in the outer hull. An enemy drill pod was forcing its way inside the hull, secure foam sealing the breach behind it. The drill blades parted and the assault ramp lowered; disgorging a full complement of Shocktroopers and their Commando leader.
A shot whipped past his head as a team of enemy Shocktroopers moved to engage them. He dove behind a fallen section of roofing and took cover. Wilks was already laying down suppressing fire, forcing the enemy into cover.
Garrett activated his link to the ships internal communication network and said. ?Wilks, keep them pinned, I am moving to engage?
?Roger that Sir, suppressing fire. Be advised, they have a Commando with them? was the reply.
?A Commando, damn. I wasn?t expecting Commandos?. This is bad. Just keep up the fire and leave him to me?
?More than happy to Sir? Wilks said.
Commandos? were elite troops, trained to use telekinetic and telepathic abilities in battle. Masters of both ranged and close combat, their presence could turn the tide of a battle. They could use their powers to drain the morale of their enemies or even turn them against their allies. They could move objects with their minds and crush an enemy with but a thought.
He rolled out of cover and loosed off a few shots with his pistol. He saw two of the Shocktroopers? fall in crumpled heaps, their heads turned to mush inside their helmets. He then threw a smoke grenade and charged into the enemy drawing Talon as he ran. ?? he screamed. He swirled amongst the Shocktroopers in a grim dance of death. They fell into heaps of multiple body parts, their life?s blood staining the deck. Shields and armour were useless against Talon. Most lay dead by the time he confronted the Commando. He instantly felt the touch of psychic powers on him. His armour contained special dampening equipment but it could not block the effect completely. He felt himself being slowly pushed back. With a furious strength of will, he forced himself forward once more. At feeling such strong resistance, the Commando stopped his attack and drew his own sword. It too was a masterful blade, the kind reserved specially for Commandos?. It had a blade of pure energy that flickered in the light. It was deadly, beautiful.
The Commando raised his blade high and charged. Garrett raised his blade in response and met the Commando?s attack with coolness ad skill. The blades crackled as energy met energy. They moved almost too fast for the eye to follow. Both were obviously masters of their craft. Garret however, was clearly the better. He had been trained at the academy of Melchor. Its fighting style recognised as the best all over the galaxy. He masterfully deflected the Commando?s bade, slipped inside his guard and thrust his sword through the commando?s underarm and pierced his heart. The commando fell to the ground, his life?s blood pooling around him on the deck .
At seeing their Commando fall, the remaining Shocktroopers? began to flee. Garrett showed no mercy as shot each of them in the back. Two tried to surrender but their pleas were met with the end of a blade.
The whole engagement had lasted less than a minute.
?Sir, that was murder? Wilks stammered as he rejoined Garret. ?You murdered them. They tried to surrender and you murdered them?.
?Don?t be so naive. They are the enemy. Do not grant them mercy, for they shall grant you none. Do not show them pity as they shall show you none. The enemy must be eradicated, lest they return once more. I thought you had learned this? was Garrett?s scathing response.
?I know, but, I, I, I just didn?t think it would be like this?
?This is what I expect of you. If you can?t do this you will not last long in the field. Look, this is your first time in real combat. You cannot leave enemies behind you. You know this. You performed well, you kept your cool and you stayed alive. Keep it up and you?ll do fine?.
?Yes Sir?
?Sergeant Garrett, where are you. We need you in the port gunnery deck now. We are being overrun. Get here now? Garrett could hear the sounds of battle in the background of the intercom. The screams of the dying, the sound of gunfire.
?We have to move boy? ?This is Garrett. ETA, one minute?
They ran for the weapons gallery as fast as they could. They could hear the sounds of battle through the blast doors. Time was running short.
Garrett opened the door and looked at the carnage inside. A pitched battle raged around the gun crews. Men were dying all around. Blood was everywhere. Commandos? from both sides engaged each other with psychic fury; frost appeared on the walls where psychic energy met.
Garrett and Wilks drew their blades and charged into battle, war cries on their lips. Wilks didn?t have the same refined skill as Garrett, but he was still deadly. Well beyond the skills of regular troops and better than Shocktroopers. He had natural skill and the speed and endurance that only youth could provide. He quickly dispatched three of the Shocktroopers and moved to intercept more. Suddenly, a Commando was before him. This was well beyond him. He was shaking. He knew that Commandos? had this effect on people but he still wasn?t ready. A wave of fear swept over him, he could feel his mind being overwhelmed. Wilks fell to his knees. The last he saw was the Commando?s blade, shimmering towards his head.
Garrett had just dispatched another group of boarders when he saw Wilks confronted by the Commando. He saw the boy forced to his knees even as he ran to help. The, a spray of blood, a dull thud as Wilks head hit the floor. ?Nooooooooo? screamed Garrett. He raised his sword and leapt at the Commando. He spun through the air, dodging enemy blades as he went. His sword flashed through the air in a shimmering arc. The Commando?s legs were hewn in two. Fell to the floor screaming in agony. Garrett slowly levelled his sword. He drew the blade slowly across the Commando?s fingers. More screams of pain. He moved up to the elbows. Blood was everywhere. Finally, he moved his sword to the Commando?s neck. ?Please, no. I?m scared? whimpered the Commando.
?You should be scared. I?m going to kill you?. He drew his sword slowly across the Commando?s neck. A crimson line appeared across his throat. The Commando fell back, his life?s blood escaping his throat, merging with the blood of the other fallen and creating a small lake in the hallway. It was a grim scene, not one Garrett relished walking through.
?Why? whispered the Commando with his dying breath. Blood spread slowly across the floor of the deck. Everyone had stopped to watch Garrett?s savage butchery.
The last of the enemy boarders surrendered their weapons and were escorted to the ships brig, looking in astonishment at the savage butcher who had taken from them so much.
Captain Keyes walked onto the deck and looked at the scenes of battle. The ships heavy guns, now secure, roared out once more. ?Status report Lieutenant? he barked to his aide,
?All boarders have been disposed of Sir, enemy fighters have been destroyed and their cruiser and its escorts are in full retreat? the lieutenant replied.
?Damage?? Asked Keyes.
?We have lost life support on decks three through seven, shields are down to twenty percent, thirty-seven SDFs? dead and another one hundred and fifty-one wounded and several of the port laser cannons have been taken out of commission. We can get one quarter speed out of the engines at best. Hyperdrive is functional though Sir?.
?No chance of pursuing them then. Set course for Sol. We need to re-arm and refit. I think we could all do with a rest?.


New member
Oct 11, 2008
this is an old thread and not worth necroing, but there are some real gems in it, well worth a read.

This is something i wrote a while ago, and whilst its no literary masterpiece, some have found it entertaining enough.

Garrett woke to the sound of the alarms ringing; the Fire of Truth was under attack. He could hear the screech of lasers and he could feel the tremors of the ship as rockets exploded against the shields. He peered out of the window and saw an enemy Valkyrie formation being chased by friendly Raptors; the lightning fast fighter interceptors of the fleet. An enemy Valkyrie exploded just outside his window in a bright fireball, debris scattering off the shield. He felt explosions ripple across the ship and saw the shields flicker and die. He knew what was coming, he had seen it before.
Seeing the Fire of Truth?s shields down
?Action stations, this is not a drill. I repeat, Action stations. Enemy drill pods sighted off the port bow, make ready. ? was the call that rang out over the ships intercom.
Garrett and Wilks, his roommate, ran towards the weapons locker and quickly pulled on their body armour. They were equipped with Imperator class standard body armour; moulded to fit their individual bodies, light and flexible enough to ensure mobility in close combat but durable enough to absorb and deflect the most powerful of handheld weapons, containing a full life support system, a secure internal communications system and short range optical sensors that provide up to date targeting information.
Garrett looked over at Wilks with pride, he had been training him for only six months and already he was acting like a professional soldier. He was acting completely calm and at ease, as if it was just another drill. If he could stay like this in the coming battle he would come out alive and ear himself both honour and glory.
Garrett watched Wilks check his weapon even as his own practiced hands made the same movements.
Wilks noticed Garret staring at him and said ?Something on your mind Sarge??
?Why do you say that??
?You?re looking at me funny?
?I was just thinking how far you?ve come. Six months ago you could barely even hold the gun, now it?s as if you were born with it. Just remember your training and you will come out alive. And no matter what happens, you stay on my arse, you understand. I haven?t spent all this time turning you into something useful for you to walk in front of a sniper or something stupid like that? Garrett replied.
?Don?t worry Sir, I fully intend on staying behind you, that way, any snipers will see you first and give me plenty of time to hide?.
Garrett slapped him gently round the back of the head and threw a combat blade at him.
Wilks deftly caught it mid air and in one fluid motion had it in its sheath.
Garrett then retrieved his own sword. It was an ancient artefact, passed down through his family for four generations. Its blade was pure adamantium, the strongest metal known to mankind. So, sharp it could slice through the hull of a leviathan heavy tank as if it were paper. On its pommel was an engraving of one of the great Moldavan eagles that used to inhabit the Earth. Inside the hilt was the shield disrupting emitter matrix that, when activated, produced an energy field around the blade that allowed it to bypass shields. It was named Talon, hardly original but it suited the blade. This kind of weapon would usually be reserved for a senior officer of the elite drop troop regiments that served with the Imperial Army, not a sergeant from the Sol Defence Force. It was the envy of every single man and woman who had seen it, but it was Garrett?s. The only way anyone would remove it would be to take it from his cold dead hands.
He turned on the sword?s disruptor and a coruscating violet light arose to enshroud the blade. Let anyone try and stop me he thought.
Wilks was looking on in awe. He had never seen the legendary weapon before. It was hard for Garrett not to laugh as he saw the wonder in the boy?s eyes. ?Beautiful isn?t it boy. Someday, if you are lucky you may own a sword as fine as this, though I seriously doubt it?. His voice contained only a gentle hint of mockery as he spoke.
He slung his assault rifle across his back and pulled out his pistol. It would be far more useful in the close confines of the ship. His rifle held solid slug magazines with special rounds designed to flatten on impact. It had enough concussive force to turn internal organs to mush, even through armour, but was incapable of penetrating the ship?s hull as would be the case for las weapons or armour piercing rounds. His pistol was an Intar Assault pistol. It fired a devastating burst of energy or when set to stun a crippling blast of ionic force leaving the target paralysed.
?All security teams get to the port gunnery deck ASAP, drill pods have breached the hull, they are inside the ship. I repeat, they are inside the ship?.
Garrett tapped his personal communicator and said ?Sergeant Garret and Recruit Wilks, eta three mins?.
?Come on boy, we need to hurry?
They ran through the doors, down the brightly lit interior and past the white, sterile looking walls. Debris was everywhere. Lights were flickering and scorch marks could be seen on the wall from explosions. A maintenance droid lay in a pile of scrap on the floor where it had been trying to fix a broken power relay. Garrett?s experienced eye took all this in in seconds.
He saw cracks start to appear in the outer hull. An enemy drill pod was forcing its way inside the hull, secure foam sealing the breach behind it. The drill blades parted and the assault ramp lowered; disgorging a full complement of Shocktroopers and their Commando leader.
A shot whipped past his head as a team of enemy Shocktroopers moved to engage them. He dove behind a fallen section of roofing and took cover. Wilks was already laying down suppressing fire, forcing the enemy into cover.
Garrett activated his link to the ships internal communication network and said. ?Wilks, keep them pinned, I am moving to engage?
?Roger that Sir, suppressing fire. Be advised, they have a Commando with them? was the reply.
?A Commando, damn. I wasn?t expecting Commandos?. This is bad. Just keep up the fire and leave him to me?
?More than happy to Sir? Wilks said.
Commandos? were elite troops, trained to use telekinetic and telepathic abilities in battle. Masters of both ranged and close combat, their presence could turn the tide of a battle. They could use their powers to drain the morale of their enemies or even turn them against their allies. They could move objects with their minds and crush an enemy with but a thought.
He rolled out of cover and loosed off a few shots with his pistol. He saw two of the Shocktroopers? fall in crumpled heaps, their heads turned to mush inside their helmets. He then threw a smoke grenade and charged into the enemy drawing Talon as he ran. ?? he screamed. He swirled amongst the Shocktroopers in a grim dance of death. They fell into heaps of multiple body parts, their life?s blood staining the deck. Shields and armour were useless against Talon. Most lay dead by the time he confronted the Commando. He instantly felt the touch of psychic powers on him. His armour contained special dampening equipment but it could not block the effect completely. He felt himself being slowly pushed back. With a furious strength of will, he forced himself forward once more. At feeling such strong resistance, the Commando stopped his attack and drew his own sword. It too was a masterful blade, the kind reserved specially for Commandos?. It had a blade of pure energy that flickered in the light. It was deadly, beautiful.
The Commando raised his blade high and charged. Garrett raised his blade in response and met the Commando?s attack with coolness ad skill. The blades crackled as energy met energy. They moved almost too fast for the eye to follow. Both were obviously masters of their craft. Garret however, was clearly the better. He had been trained at the academy of Melchor. Its fighting style recognised as the best all over the galaxy. He masterfully deflected the Commando?s bade, slipped inside his guard and thrust his sword through the commando?s underarm and pierced his heart. The commando fell to the ground, his life?s blood pooling around him on the deck .
At seeing their Commando fall, the remaining Shocktroopers? began to flee. Garrett showed no mercy as shot each of them in the back. Two tried to surrender but their pleas were met with the end of a blade.
The whole engagement had lasted less than a minute.
?Sir, that was murder? Wilks stammered as he rejoined Garret. ?You murdered them. They tried to surrender and you murdered them?.
?Don?t be so naive. They are the enemy. Do not grant them mercy, for they shall grant you none. Do not show them pity as they shall show you none. The enemy must be eradicated, lest they return once more. I thought you had learned this? was Garrett?s scathing response.
?I know, but, I, I, I just didn?t think it would be like this?
?This is what I expect of you. If you can?t do this you will not last long in the field. Look, this is your first time in real combat. You cannot leave enemies behind you. You know this. You performed well, you kept your cool and you stayed alive. Keep it up and you?ll do fine?.
?Yes Sir?
?Sergeant Garrett, where are you. We need you in the port gunnery deck now. We are being overrun. Get here now? Garrett could hear the sounds of battle in the background of the intercom. The screams of the dying, the sound of gunfire.
?We have to move boy? ?This is Garrett. ETA, one minute?
They ran for the weapons gallery as fast as they could. They could hear the sounds of battle through the blast doors. Time was running short.
Garrett opened the door and looked at the carnage inside. A pitched battle raged around the gun crews. Men were dying all around. Blood was everywhere. Commandos? from both sides engaged each other with psychic fury; frost appeared on the walls where psychic energy met.
Garrett and Wilks drew their blades and charged into battle, war cries on their lips. Wilks didn?t have the same refined skill as Garrett, but he was still deadly. Well beyond the skills of regular troops and better than Shocktroopers. He had natural skill and the speed and endurance that only youth could provide. He quickly dispatched three of the Shocktroopers and moved to intercept more. Suddenly, a Commando was before him. This was well beyond him. He was shaking. He knew that Commandos? had this effect on people but he still wasn?t ready. A wave of fear swept over him, he could feel his mind being overwhelmed. Wilks fell to his knees. The last he saw was the Commando?s blade, shimmering towards his head.
Garrett had just dispatched another group of boarders when he saw Wilks confronted by the Commando. He saw the boy forced to his knees even as he ran to help. The, a spray of blood, a dull thud as Wilks head hit the floor. ?Nooooooooo? screamed Garrett. He raised his sword and leapt at the Commando. He spun through the air, dodging enemy blades as he went. His sword flashed through the air in a shimmering arc. The Commando?s legs were hewn in two. Fell to the floor screaming in agony. Garrett slowly levelled his sword. He drew the blade slowly across the Commando?s fingers. More screams of pain. He moved up to the elbows. Blood was everywhere. Finally, he moved his sword to the Commando?s neck. ?Please, no. I?m scared? whimpered the Commando.
?You should be scared. I?m going to kill you?. He drew his sword slowly across the Commando?s neck. A crimson line appeared across his throat. The Commando fell back, his life?s blood escaping his throat, merging with the blood of the other fallen and creating a small lake in the hallway. It was a grim scene, not one Garrett relished walking through.
?Why? whispered the Commando with his dying breath. Blood spread slowly across the floor of the deck. Everyone had stopped to watch Garrett?s savage butchery.
The last of the enemy boarders surrendered their weapons and were escorted to the ships brig, looking in astonishment at the savage butcher who had taken from them so much.
Captain Keyes walked onto the deck and looked at the scenes of battle. The ships heavy guns, now secure, roared out once more. ?Status report Lieutenant? he barked to his aide,
?All boarders have been disposed of Sir, enemy fighters have been destroyed and their cruiser and its escorts are in full retreat? the lieutenant replied.
?Damage?? Asked Keyes.
?We have lost life support on decks three through seven, shields are down to twenty percent, thirty-seven SDFs? dead and another one hundred and fifty-one wounded and several of the port laser cannons have been taken out of commission. We can get one quarter speed out of the engines at best. Hyperdrive is functional though Sir?.
?No chance of pursuing them then. Set course for Sol. We need to re-arm and refit. I think we could all do with a rest?.
I'm sorry, but... captain Keyes? Really? It already felt a bit like Halo. You may want to change that name.


Not quite Cthulhu
May 25, 2009
ZeroMachine said:
I'm sorry, but... captain Keyes? Really? It already felt a bit like Halo. You may want to change that name.
like i said, i wrote it a while ago, and the use of keyes was probably just a subconcious thing xD Besides, thinking up names is a lot harder than one would think


Elite Member
Mar 25, 2010
Hagenzz said:
Thank you for making that little mistake with the spoiler box, I added a warning in the OP. I obviously forgot about that happening.
Aug 25, 2009
Have fun.

I can't really post any of them here because most everything I write is a 100,000 word novel.

Oh, and if anyone can get all the way through 'Lines Written at Length,' you get cookies and congratulations because not even i can read the whole bloody thing. Stupid turgid mess.


New member
Mar 6, 2010
Sure, why the hell not.

Last time I checked, my name is Harris Wood, or Harry for short. I was a gold digger? you know, the kind who sat in a cave with a pickaxe or some other chunk of metal hitting a rock over and over until it broke? That kind of gold digger. The smart people call ?em prospectors or something like that; those of us who lived at Windy Shanty, a small mining town in California, called ourselves gold diggers, ?cause that?s all we really were. We were all just boys and men hoping to strike a pretty rock that would somehow make us rich. I never really liked rich folk, not even now that I?m one of ?em. I guess it might be ?cause I grew up a poor boy and they never even knew what the streets are like.

Enough of my ranting though. I?m here to tell you a story of two brothers destroyed by the Gold Rush, dangerous substances, each other, and themselves. This story is about me, and my dear little brother, Jonathan Wood, may he rest in peace, the sorry little bugger.

The biggest adventure of our lives started sometime around John?s twelfth birthday when he got a telegram from a friend o? his who lived out in California. This friend of his, Robert, was about 5 years older than him; we?d all met when Ma and Pa decided we should all leave Ireland for America. We had a sister when we left, but, bless her fragile soul, she died before we made shore. So, Robert Finnegan, 12 years old at the time, was an ambitious fella. I, being around 14 at the time, thought he was aiming too high, but I felt he meant well by it. While we was all sailing over to Massachusetts, Robert (Or little Brown Bobby as Pa started calling him, only the Lord himself knows why), would tell me and John about how he planned to be a lawyer and make enough money to fetch his Ma and Pa and have them come live with him and his family. Now John, not exactly the brightest little boy, was fascinated by Bobby?s dream. I, on the other hand, doubted that an Irishman would be able to be in such a noble profession in America unless he?d been born there to a man who had also been born there. But, y?know, it was good for a boy to have a dream to keep him moving, especially when going to a new country alone.

When the boat finally landed, after almost one whole year, Bobby stayed around for Elise?s funeral (our sister), then he made off to Boston. The family settled down in an area near Boston, and every few months, we would receive telegrams from Bobby.

As I was saying, John got this telegram from Bobby, who was now out in California, and this is where the story begins.

I was sitting in the kitchen, reading the newspaper. I was nineteen at the time, and since Pa had died a few months ago, I was the man of the house now. Ma had fallen extremely ill, and required some sort of surgery on her lungs, which none of us could afford. As I was reading, John burst into the kitchen, and stood there, watching me, bobbing on his heels. He coughed loudly, and I put down the paper. I looked up at him, cocking an eyebrow. ?What?s got you so twitchy, John??
?Bobby just sent me a tellygram from Californee! He?s gone and struck gold, Harry, and he?s invited us to go out there and help ?im dig it up! Harry, we can pay for momma?s surg?ry wit? tha? money, couldn? we??
?Well, sure we could John, but you?re still a kid. I really don?t think it?d be a great idea to bring my twelve year old brother out West, you know.? John looked at me, his mouth a straight line twitching in anger. I sighed and continued, ?But, if you really think this could help momma, I?ll think about it. You know how I feel about the other schemes Bobby?s come up with to try and help us out with Ma?s sickness? but if he?s truly honest about finding gold out there, it?ll be worth a shot.? John?s face softened up, and a sparkle entered his eyes. ?Should I send a letter to Bobby that we?re coming out there sometime soon?? he asked excitedly. I sighed and reached into the cabinet for a bottle of whiskey. ?Tell him we should arrive around early June at the latest.? John sprinted from the room, shaking with joy, as I cracked open the bottle and tried to wash down my worries.
Only an excerpt. If anyone likes it, I'll put more.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
Well, I came up with this a little while ago... It's fairly short and a rather rough attempt but *shrug*
Zakarath stood, rapidly shaking off the fog laying upon his mind and soul. Within a second he had assessed what had happened: Some mind-slaving demon had found a way inside their perceptions and from there had worked a deception upon his people. For the past year (as you reckon time) he and his kind had turned their unparalleled skills, knowledge, and power toward the creation of the darkest tools imaginable- weapons for the annihilation of planets, galaxies, ...universes. Weapons for an unthinkable war.

An instant later, the corrupter realized he was free. The darkener commanded the rest of his people to unmake Zakarath, and fled through a rift in the multiverse to worlds unknown.

Time Froze.

Zakarath looked out at his world. For millennia he had lived here and led his people. He was the brightest of a species of stars. For all that time, he had guided them, taught them, loved them. And now it was all undone, by a single ***** in their armor. His friends, family? in one more instant they would destroy him with unthinking obedience to the demon that held their minds. And the fire of a race that gods feared would be loosed on a multiverse that could not possibly withstand it.

He could free them from their deception, but it would take three nanoseconds when he only had two.

In his hands was a weapon he had just completed.

With it, he shattered the pocket universe his race lived in, and stepped out of it as it imploded with all his kin inside. He would rather have stayed, but there was another creature also responsible for this. And it needed to regret this moment as much as he did.


New member
Jun 21, 2010
Let me show you something I wrote up for a D&D character I'll be playing in the fall.

There was once a little boy named Talmus Brofirm who was orphaned and enslaved by cruel followers of Hextor. He was not very strong , and thus could not free himself by his own hand. However, one day he heard his young masters father chew him out for buying a ticket to a 'forbidden' concert in the nearby forest. Curious to see what this concert was, he stole the ticket when no one was looking and snuck out into the forest at night when everyone had fallen asleep. When he reached the spot in the forest that the ticket said the concert would take place, there was a suddenly flash of lightning and fire. Then 5 epic bards appeared with their instruments and played 17 heavy metal songs about how awesome Erythnul is. Awed, he begged them to teach him to be as awesome as them, and they said 'OK' on a whim. Talmus then spent several years on the bardic plane of metal, learning how to play the drums and sing. He returned to the town of his former master when his training was complete. Although he was a man now, he did not possess the strength to slay the entire town in revenge with his own hands. So did what every bard has done since time immemorial when they find they can't do something themselves: Get some other idiots to it for him. Turning the people against each other, he waiting until there was only one man left standing, and then violently murdered him with a dagger-whip.

Talmus's current goal is to cause so much slaughter/be such a good musician that Erynthul will forgive/overlook his inability to kill by hand and allow him to play music in his presence for all of eternity in Pandemonium. Talmus has an obsession with making noise; not only will he make a large noise at any opportunity he sees (ex, walks into town, discovers there is a tower with a large bell in it; he will spend the rest of the session trying to sneak into the tower and ring that bell) but he is also always humming some tune, whether it be the James Bond theme, the Mission Impossible theme or just some generic 'sneaking around' music.

While he very much reflects the teachings of Erynthul, Talmus is hypocritical in his chaotic evilness; he would definitely steal candy from a baby if he thought the candy was tasty, but upon seeing someone steal candy from a baby, he will beat up that person and take the candy for himself regardless of whether he thought it was tasty before, because if someone else took the effort to steal it, it's probably delicious. He can circumvent most of the problems of having a CE character by hiding what evil he does perform and appearing to want to punish those who do evil when he actually thinks that evil people have the best stuff and he wants it for himself.


New member
Mar 6, 2010
Phlakes said:
InnerRebellion said:
I'm really, really sorry about this but... [sub]lol Harry Wood[/sub]
I feel terrible. I need a shower.
Oh come on... I wrote this for school (it's 12 pages total), and thats always everyone's initial reaction. Go, cleanse yourself!