The Bad Parts of your Favourite Game(s)


New member
Nov 30, 2009

Chrono Trigger is a turn-based RPG where the silent protagonist, Crono, must save the local princess, Marle. Despite the time travel story, the game opens by giving the impression it is a fairly standard experience; after all, the beginning is full of cliches, even by the standards of 1995. Fortunately, first impressions are not always correct. As you lead Crono and friends on a journey from prehistory to post-apocalypse, wining wars and aiding in political strife, any expectations of mere adequacy are shattered.

Boss battles have an inconsistent difficulty, but most of the hard ones require a specific strategy instead of simply forcing the player to grind for a couple of hours. The combat adds depth through its combo system, which allows characters to combine their unique attacks. This asks the player to compare and contrast the characters before forming the team; unfortunately, the game's lightweight difficulty rarely takes advantage of the combat system's depth.

Another problem with the game is its uneven character focus. Just before the end of the game, several side-quests open up. They provide the player with some excellent gear as incentive while wrapping up the characters' personal lives and concluding the remaining sub-plots before the big fight. However, Lucca (Crono's best friend) merely has a special optional scene, and Ayla (a cave woman) doesn't get anything at all.

Although Chrono Trigger has inconsistent characterization and difficulty, there is a reason it was ported to the PlayStation, Nintendo DS, and the Wii. There is a reason this game is still talked about sixteen years after its initial release. Chrono Trigger's huge, emotional story, great soundtrack (which is always helpful for building emotion and atmosphere), and the variety of settings and characters more than makes up for its flaws. The game is truly a timeless classic.


New member
Aug 4, 2010
The voice acting of the silent hill games can be bad at points. In SOTC the 'bull' colossus in lame compared to the other colossi. Valkyria chronicles bust's my balls very often, (Though I do love that its hard.) Some machinarium puzzles can go against logic, Obligatory ME2 mining sucks ass. To finish off DA:O's final boss was horrid, as was the entirety of the dwarf area (Forget name, its the one with the golems..), and also the fade. Seriously, FUCK the fade.


New member
Jan 19, 2011
In my case it would be bethesda games. Yeah you know the issues you never know what kind of interesting you meet. And I don't mean the rad roaches! But in oblivion for instance sometimes NPC's have the naggy behavior to go stuck. And on a pc of course you can use scripts to reboot an NPC. On a console you are in big trouble..

So really all the Bethesda games are a bit special. I like their RPG's, I love their RPG's but there is something about getting stuck in the world. Or someone not being where they should that pull you out of the story.

Not to mention very little bethesda games have a story line that keeps you long in. There are 30 main quest stories ... and 250+ Big and Small quests through the world that are not main quest. That kinda pulls you to free roaming. Again that is fun but sometimes you feel like "Shouldn't I be busy saving a world... nah!"


New member
Nov 17, 2010
Mass Effect 1: So help me if driving around planets with the Mako wasn't usually the most frustrating thing ever. If the future doesn't have a way to get past 90 degree angled cliffs easily, then it's a future not worth much.

Dragon Age: Origins:I just wish the graphics were a hell of a lot better, the Fade was a lot shorter, and I could tell Orzammar where to stick their deep roads.

Voodoo Vince: Too short. Way too short.

Super Magnetic Neo: The difficulty spike in the game is just as bad as the cliffs in ME1. Can someone who played this game explain why the final world was so hard compared to everything else? There's difficulty, and then there's surviving on pure luck .


New member
Aug 6, 2009
Hister said:
Pretty obvious to most, but mass effect 2 was an excellent game except for the GD planet mining minigame and you couldn't opt out of it if you wanted the upgrades to get a good ending
this so hard

also the incessant nade spamming that is associated with every halo since halo 2


New member
Mar 29, 2010
League of Legends-Riot CONSTANTLY making new characters Over Powered as hell for the first month of them being out. Seriously, they made a character who runs faster than you if she sees you, can roll out of your attack range and then make her next attack deal massive damage, she can turn invisible, every 3rd attack deals unblockable damage, and she is really long ranged....WHO THOUGHT THAT WAS A GOOD IDEA!? (Currently they dropped her range and total health so now she dies in like 4 hits but she is still annoying)


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
TheYellowCellPhone said:
Team Fortress 2: The 'economy' is absolutely bullshit.

Hats, which have no purpose besides cosmetic effects, cost way too much and have no set value, it's all bartering and luck. It's even worse with the Mann Co. Store, which charges absolutely horrible amounts of money for hats, especially miscellaneous slots.

Teddy Roosebelt, which really is just a teddy bear the Engineer carries in his ammo pouch. Adorable, but that costs you fucking $20.
Everything is worth what the purchaser will pay.

I work in a garden center, and we had lavender bushes. They looked pretty enough (although they were shaped odd), and they smelled great, but you have to keep dumping water on them, and they die in this climate for all your efforts. They cost $25. We sold all 100 or so that we had. I'm assuming you can at least KEEP the Teddy Roosebelt... If it really pisses you off, don't buy. There, you've been left entirely unaffected.

OT: Evil Genius would be absolutely mind blowing if it wasn't such a slow-moving game. Populating the globe with sixty minions takes about ten minutes, maybe more. Then you bring them back in five, because that's how long they can stay before they attract extremely unsavory attention.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
SuperChurl said:
Annnnd the interface for Dwarf Fortress is a hideously convoluted mess. But whatcha gonna do, eh?
Not play it, sadly. I've tried so damn hard to get into Dwarf Fortress, but not even five hours of video tutorials can get me over the initial hump of "Select Room".


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
Oddworld Abe's Oddysee: Jumping is slightly delayed. Which makes some segments on the game much harder than they needed to be. Also, it's almost impossible to find all 99 mudokons unless you had a guide.

Shadow of the Colossus: The ninth colossus is freaking annoying.

Valkyria Chronicles: The enemy A.I. makes bad decisions quite a few times in the game, the order system is broken, and the grading system makes it so that you can abuse the broken order system in order to get the highest grade.

Final Fantasy 9: The trance system (which is the limit break system for FF9) is uncontrollable. Whenever an enemy hits one of your characters, his or her trance bar fills up. And when it fills up completely, he or she automatically enters trance. This happens all to often in random fights. It's quite annoying how a weak enemy can send one of your characters to trance, only to die on the very next turn. Therefore wasting that trance.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
Tibs said:
My favorite game (Battlefield Bad Company 2) had a pretty weak Single player that I only did for the achievements. I had to drag myself through it two times.
It's a shame too, because it is my first Battlefield game, and I was really starting to like the single player when BAM, it was over. Now all I have left is multiplayer, and multiplayer doesn't get me Marlowe voice-overs.

OT: FFX ... Hahahahahahaha <--- there's your clue.
KH2 has terrible replay value (it takes too long to get abilities so you end up doing either the ground or aerial basic combo), and gummi-ship sections ... how I hate them.


New member
May 24, 2009
-Portal 2 has some awfully long and frequent loading screens, but that's about it. All the bits in between the loading screens are pretty much perfect.

-The friendly AI in Half-Life 2 is just retarded; travelling with a bunch of rebels in tow just feels more like an escort mission than reliable backup (and the less said about the actual escort mission at the end of Episode 1, the better). The tougher NPC allies like Alyx, Barney, and the vortigaunt are all fine; I just don't like being followed by useless redshirts.

-As neat as I think the idea behind Dead Space 2's opening sequence was, I still recognize the fact that it would have absolute hell if I hadn't already been familiar with the control scheme from playing DS1. I've seen videos of people who obviously hadn't played the first one just getting lost and massacred over and over again during that initial chase sequence. The game literally makes you run before you've even been taught how to walk, and it's just really bad tutorial design.

Still Life

New member
Sep 22, 2010
sumanoskae said:
Mass Effect 2's morality system is restrictive and arbitrary, forcing you to choose between two moral codes instead of making dynamic choices, and hurting the sincerity of your choices by connecting them to a reward that the in game characters can't see or acknowledge.
I absolutely adore the ME series and is pretty much my favorite, however I have to a agree with you there. To a certain extent. I dislike how you're encouraged to accumulate a certain amount of 'points' to open up certain dialogue options, and it just feels wrong. Swinging between renegade and paragon options can feel a little disjointed at times, too.

Though, I find the planet scanning to be the biggest issue with ME2, as it knocks the pace out a bit.


New member
May 4, 2010
-Parasite Eve II (this game doesn't get half the appreciation it deserves):
The unlocked extra weapons are only available in the easiest setting, which is just total ass for the obvious reasons. Some of the puzzles are also a bit hard to figure out, and the final boss battle is a pretty brutal difficulty spike, though it's also the most epic battle I've ever seen on PS1, so that balances it out a bit (well, the most epic in an action game anyways... >_> *Final Fantasy VIII*).

Once you beat the game and have cleared all the areas, the game is pretty much devoid of enemies to mess around with using your awesome powers. I guess user generated missions in Infamous 2 somewhat fixed this, but I haven't bought that yet.

-Silent Hill 2:
The game showers you with ammo and medicine, so the whole survival aspect of survival-horror is missing. And why in the name of everything that is good did they not include the same unlockable camera view they had in the original Silent Hill? This goes to Silent Hill 3, too.

-Shadow of the Colossus:
Zero replay value for me. Nada. Once you know how to beat the Colossi they become total pushovers even on the Hard setting, which really kills the game for me.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Grinding and the numerous time extending quests that come off as useless in both Dragon Quest 8, where the latter is far more prevalent, and Final Fantasy XII, where the former I found to be more prevalent.

Sarah Kerrigan

New member
Jan 17, 2010
In Shadows of The Damned. The whole game is friggin amazing, but the camera is so buggy during bad moments in combat it's horrible.

Also the lag in Brink. I adored that game (unlike other people)


New member
Feb 8, 2009
Wow, so many responses! I didn't expect this to go as well as it did :) Thanks for all your feedback guys, and I hope more than one of you have been intrigued in the odd game.


New member
Jun 19, 2011
Half-Life 2 is my favourite game of all time... but the AI is pretty bad. Combine soldiers will often just stand still and let you shoot them in the face.

Rusty pumpkin

New member
Sep 25, 2009
Fallout 3, the first 5 levels. Normally I'm a walking armory, but trying to scrape by with a pistol and maybe a hunting rifle... ugh.