The best song EVER.


New member
Mar 18, 2009


New member
Sep 20, 2012
This. It's awesome live, it's awesome on the album. It's awesome if you don't know what they're singing about, and it's mind-shakingly dramatic and powerful when you look up the translated lyrics.
But, hey, those are all empty words, really. Have a listen below to the live version. I'll wait.

Okay, you've listened to some of it? Or maybe you're still listening, that's fine too. I'm going to give you a quick breakdown of what I think makes this song the best ever.

Let's start with the intro to the song, the pump organ. The tune is deceptively simple, drawing the listener into the song comfortably. The rhythm is measured and deliberate - not so slow that it gets dull, but not so quick that it immediately overwhelms the listener. It sets the tone for the whole song. Lively, yet somber, or even a little melancholy. I would say it's tense, because clearly, we're building up to something.

And indeed, we are. The guitar comes in with the rest of the band close behind. A short 3-note warning is what we get to prepare ourselves before the percussion - both the drums, and the oil drums - comes in to hammer home that same measured rhythm. It isn't often that I headbang to a relatively slow tempo, but the combined organ and percussion compels me, nevertheless.
I love the use of the oil drums. It's a sound that is so very rare, and it rings in the ears nicely, I think. Not like a dull thump, but not a sharp, annoying cracking sound. I'll take an oil drum over a cymbal crash any day.

Now the lyrics come in. I'm not going to spoil the meaning of what's being sung, I think it has a stronger impact if you look up the full translation.
I will say, however, that the call and response structure that is held up through most of the song works wonderfully for the tone set here. Not to mention, if you can imitate the words, it makes for a terrific sing-along part! Notice the audience participation during the lyrical parts.

The ebbs and swells of energy are well timed, always accompanied by the constant tune of the pump organ, and always with the same rhythm. Until the very end, the song is... not restrained, exactly, more like it keeps it's composure. Of course, this particular clip is the live version, so it only makes sense it would go a little nuts towards the end.

Anyway... I think I have rambled on just long enough. Yes, I am probably a little biased, I'll admit I'm somewhat of a fanboy. No, I don't care. I still believe 170 is a song that got every single element of what makes a song great, right. It's memorable, it's enduring, it's impossible to listen to 170 too many times before getting sick of it or burned out... it is musical perfection.


New member
Jan 14, 2012
0 can't...there's way. One song that's the best? It's not possible! RRRAAAARGH

I won't put down anything for myself because I just can't. However, I think people are on the right track with The Beatles and to a lesser extent Queen. I don't know why people are putting up metal songs. I mean I'm a fan of metal but to put them on equal footing with A Day in the Life is, well, unequal.

God's Clown

New member
Aug 8, 2008

Beethoven's full Moonlight Sonata, because Beethoven. Classical/Romance era piano or GTFO for best song/music whatever ever. Yes, you must listen to the whole thing. No, it isn't an option, do it now.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
It's hard to say, there are lots of great songs out there. However Under Pressure is always good suggestion.

However to mention something that wasn't in the OP I will mention Don't Stop Me Now. Just pure awesome.

Favourite song is something else entirely.


New member
May 8, 2009
Dark was the night: Blind Willie Johnson

Dunno if it's the best song ever, but I'd like to think it stands out for more then just a temporary fad.

Sexy Devil

New member
Jul 12, 2010
Safety Dance, obviously! I mean its music video has dwarves, guys in chicken masks, puppets, weird outfits. Even what appears to be a T-Rex in the background at 1:35! What more could you ask for?



New member
Nov 29, 2008
I can't even limit my favorites into a top 20, let alone pick one song to rule them all.


New member
Feb 17, 2008
I can't believe I'm the first person to say this but:
Seriously guys this isn't a hard question.


New member
Jan 23, 2012
ThePS1Fan said:
That is a hard question. I'm tempted to put something really dumb
I too will try to resist the urge to put some strange little song...

but instead I will go along with this.

Seriously, this isn't the weirdest music video they've done.


Scandinavian Jawbreaker
Jul 22, 2010
Sorry everyone, but we all know the one true answer to this is. And it isn't any of the crap all you other people have posted. It is obviously this:

I mean seriously, how can you people post anything else? You should all be ashamed of yourselves! Ashamed!

Tactical Pause

New member
Jan 6, 2010
I've always liked music with a darker tone, so this would probably be my "best song ever".

And of course, I really couldn't resist posting this one.



New member
Jul 20, 2009
CrunkParty said:
Two posts in and already we got two Queen songs. This is like a parody of bad music threads. I'm going to stop this before it goes any further. So here's my pick.

I don't like songs anyway. I much prefer a more complete format, like albums. Even the song I just linked is much much better in album format.

Nice to see a Can song in this thread, very under appreciated band.

OT: Not my favourite song of course, but objectively this is musically perfect:

Kind of Blue is widely regarded as the greatest album of all time (Which I wholeheartedly agree with) by alot of critics, and this is thought to be the best song off of it, so put 2 and 2 together...


New member
Aug 13, 2009
What's with all you people posting not Rush? The answer to any music related question is always Rush.


Now, because there is no "best" Rush song as every Rush song is the "best" Rush song, I'm just gonna go ahead and post the opening track off their most recent album.