The Bicycle of the Future!


Resident Juggler
Apr 17, 2008
interesting concept, and it looks pretty damn cool... But the bicycles will need a re-design, they look rather ugly if you ask me... Also, this whole project looks like its meant to be a monopoly for one company... It hasn't considered the contributions by third-party companies. Surely other people will want to make bicycles with the same idea in mind?


New member
Feb 17, 2008
You know I've heard people say that the bicycle is the most iefficent means of transport in the world. I asked them if they'd ever tried to have sex on the back seat of a bicycle.

This does look pretty cool, shame I never learned how to ride a bike...


New member
Jul 19, 2009
megapenguinx said:
That is interesting although I think the bike cells powering the bus thing could become a problem. What if the bus runs out of juice, starts using the bike cells, and a majority of cyclists get dropped off in one spot? Course I guess the bus could be solar powered too...maybe I'm just over thinking it.
I doubt the bikes would be the bus's first/only power source. The bus would probably have it's own solar panels or big comical wind turbine sticking out the top :p

A random person

New member
Apr 20, 2009
GodsOneMistake said:
Aww i was hoping it would be the Bike Mr. Garrison Invented.... >.> <.<
I question the interface of it, but that was one awesome bike.
ZeroMachine said:
That's so awesome that I may want to learn how to ride a bike just so I can use it...

... Yeah, a twenty-year-old that can't ride a bike. Go ahead and laugh -_-'
Don't worry, I was pretty late to learn how to ride a bike too. I'll also confess something I learned really late: I couldn't tie my shoes until I was 11. It's young, but still a few years late.

But on topic, this is great. You can ride your bike around (I have pretty big hills where I live, that should make for a lot of power) and power buses on the electricity. It's good for fitness and the environment, I say go for it. Now if only we had decent non-school bus systems where I live, or a lot of non-urban areas for that matter.


New member
Feb 18, 2009
I do not want it.
If it's powered.
If you peddle it, then I would definitely buy it.
The reason I'd use a bike is for exercise, so it would be pointless to me.


New member
Apr 12, 2008
People actually think anything about that looks good? Holy crap, whats next? People think the Nissan Cube actually looks good?


New member
Jul 19, 2009
Awesome concept, really well thought out. Too bad the oil nazis would buy out/crush it if it cut into their profits. I know, I know, this is supposed to replace fossil fueled vehicles, but until that happens, the world will still suck.

In short, I would totally buy one.


New member
Apr 20, 2008
SevenStarSonata said:
Mullahgrrl said:
But why would you want to go on a bus if you have a bike?
Because a bike requires an awful lot of energy to pedal, and leaves you exposed to the elements (and creepy people on the street), whereas riding a bus takes no effort on your part, and keeps you nice and warm/cool and dry while you ride to your destination?

I like this bike if for no other reason than it folds up all spiffy-like. :D Cool beans.
Pedal? why? It is solar powered!

To my experience people are a lit creepier on busses and I have never entered a bus and found the change in temperature beneficial, one dresses acording to the outside weather damnit, other wise one is a blistering idiot!

If we as humans has come to a point of existance where we can't stand a little downpour then I shall be very dissapointed.


New member
Jun 18, 2008
I'd find it more practical to use the bike to power the bike. Easier to pedal a while, then take a break and still be mobile.

Though I doubt the current tech could allow that much power.


New member
Feb 19, 2009
Internet Kraken said:
Isn't having such expensive technology in a bike a little....stupid? I mean if it breaks then you will have wasted a ton of money.
I'm quite sure they're not going to build this magnificent device with cheap plastic. If I'm right (which I always am) we will have discovered some cool (possibly chrome-like) material that is light and never breaks by the time we mass produce these things.


New member
Jul 26, 2009
Mullahgrrl said:
Pedal? why? It is solar powered!

To my experience people are a lit creepier on busses and I have never entered a bus and found the change in temperature beneficial, one dresses acording to the outside weather damnit, other wise one is a blistering idiot!
Have you been to London? Solar powered isn't always the most practical, particularly if you store your bike in a garage and come outside to a dark grey, rainy day..or if you have an errand to run after sundown.

As for "dressing for the weather", yes, that is practical. But I live in Central Florida, and there is no amount of dressing that can make 100*F wet heat any easier to stand. sometimes, it's nice to sit in an air conditioned bus for a few minutes than work your way through sunny heat. Or, what about job interviews? One's best suit isn't always practical for the heat, either.

I'm not saying the bike isn't a great idea - it is. I was merely defending why someone with a bike might enjoy a bus ride.


New member
Oct 1, 2008
Anarchemitis said:
So awesome it just might be more awesome!
Mullahgrrl said:
But why would you want to go on a bus if you have a bike?
So that you don't have to walk once you get off the bus, if your location is far from the bus stop.


Orbital Drop Shock Trooper
May 6, 2008
ZeroMachine said:
That's so awesome that I may want to learn how to ride a bike just so I can use it...

... Yeah, a twenty-year-old that can't ride a bike. Go ahead and laugh -_-'
lol darn, thats tough man. You must of had a safe childhood, i cant even count the trouble me and childhood friends would get in while riding our bikes, everything from getting hit by cars to smashing into them.


New member
Oct 18, 2008
Well the whole deal for it being compact that you could carry it on a bus also means you could just keep it to your side like a Laptop. This looks rather nice, but the think most of these high end bike makers don't understand is people who ride bikes everywhere do it because they can't afford to do much else. I have to bike two miles to get anywhere. Unless they are selling this for 100-200 dollar range odds are it will go the way of most cool concept bikes and only a concept.


New member
Oct 18, 2008
Mimsofthedawg said:
I find the concept of a solar powered bike somehow... stupid.
I agree, but that means at night you have a light to guide you way at night or that you can ride your bike without using your legs. Which there are many days when I am tired I have to walk my bike simply because I am too tired to bike anymore.


New member
Jun 15, 2008
God, I love shit like this. Weird techno-organic looking stuff is so awesome. Someday I am going to build a floating city made entirely of stuff like this and I will rule over it as a tyrannical despot. My official title will be The Grand High Jackass and I will ride through the streets telling everyone how much I hate them from atop my Giant Cyborg Squid monster.