The Big Picture: Fair Game


New member
Oct 25, 2008
This reminds me of a "Grammar Nazi" conversation I had with some friends. It's gotten to where you can't correct anything that anyone says without being called one. If someone types in "fallow the leader" or "fallow me" as a means of proceeding, one should be allowed to inform them that the correct word is "follow" without being seen as an elitist of language.

There are those who do take such grammatical corrections to the extreme, I admit, but all shouldn't be punished for that which a few (or some) tend to do.


New member
Jun 28, 2009
I was recently called a fanboy (AND accused of being a troll) for posting on another foum asking what the lay of the land was with the current CPUs. I have used AMDs for the past few years, apparently that makes me a fanboy. And asking "amd or intel" makes me a troll.


Nice vid bob, I agree entirely. Perceived opposites which somehow require equal praise or detriment must die. Very much.


New member
Jun 20, 2010
first thing, you cant have an objective opinion, an opinion is subjective.
2nd. your right, i get called an xbox fanboy all the time because i have a 360 and thats it from this gen.
i like my 360, i also like my ps2, original xbox (on the shelf), psp, ipod touch and ds, gba's... oh my wii...well i wouldn't exactly say 'like' about the wii, more of a 'tolerate'.

Aare Undo

New member
Jan 21, 2011
*insert what is this shit.jpeg*
Come on, sure, everything you said was both smart, just and easily comprehendable, but it does not make it true.
These 'fanboys' you speak of are myths. Only a few elitist jerks on each forum.


New member
Nov 2, 2010
Now that I think about it, I'm grateful that the escapist doesn't have comment ratings.


New member
Sep 12, 2009
I've come to accept that fact that Moviebob loves Nintendo and many of their creations and has a disdain for Xbox and PS3's particular creations. Whenever any subject arises about the Console race, Pros and Cons of Genres, or anything remotely related to Vidoegaming- I ignore him altogether.

His opinion is his own, he's not a bad guy, I still love The Big Picture and Escape to the Movies, but his opinion on videogames is so off in the area of being an evangelistic fanboy that I can't respect it. But then again, that's why "Extra Creditz" is on the escapist and not "The Game Overthinker". I know that's going to sting like an insult, but there's no real way of illustrating my sincerity through text. Just like I don't want Bob having the 'The Game Overthinker' on the escapist, I also wouldn't want the 'Extra Creditz' crew starting up a show about criticizing movies- Maybe.


Rogue Commentator
Jan 13, 2010
I apologize if this has already been raised (that's a lot of pages to get through!), and I know it's unlikely to ever be seen by anyone, but: can MovieBob (or anyone) have such a thing as an "objective opinion?" That appears to be an oxymoron to me -- opinions being by definition subjective. Is there another definition or usage of "objective" (or even "opinion?") that would allow this? I don't mean this to be a nitpick, I simply cannot be certain I understood his points completely if we're using the same words differently.


New member
May 17, 2010
DragonLord Seth said:
Haha, LOVED the touch at the end, "I'm Bob, and if you agree with any of this, you're obviously a biased Big Picture Fanboy".

But srsly, I can NEVER say that IMHO, CoD is better than BF! Right now I know I'm going to get at least one PM saying I'm biased. But suck on this fanboys, I rented BF:BC2, and played it for 15 minuted before going to turn it back in for Assassin's Creed 2.
You do undersand the difference between I like/prefer and is better? As if we are going down the games are art thing then we kinda can't judge really as it is all subjective. Not playing either of them I can't comment on their quality but I'm sure you comprehend the difference between those two notions.


New member
May 17, 2010
DragonLord Seth said:
370999 said:
DragonLord Seth said:
Haha, LOVED the touch at the end, "I'm Bob, and if you agree with any of this, you're obviously a biased Big Picture Fanboy".

But srsly, I can NEVER say that IMHO, CoD is better than BF! Right now I know I'm going to get at least one PM saying I'm biased. But suck on this fanboys, I rented BF:BC2, and played it for 15 minuted before going to turn it back in for Assassin's Creed 2.
You do undersand the difference between I like/prefer and is better? As if we are going down the games are art thing then we kinda can't judge really as it is all subjective. Not playing either of them I can't comment on their quality but I'm sure you comprehend the difference between those two notions.
You know what IMHO means, right? In My Honest Opinion.
Sorry I misread you to saying "I can never say IMHO. CoD is better then BF!"


New member
Nov 29, 2010
Call me a logic fanboy, but half the people i bump into on the internet are so fucking stupid in how they implement these rules i start to feel i've come across the conclusive proof that we need to sterilize the stupid so that this shit doesn't last. It seems to happen at a lesser extent on The Escapist, but so many of these people remind me of Glenn Beck in that they seem to think that if you're opposed to something you support the opposite ideal to obscene extremes it just makes me want to chop my fingers off. Unregulated forums and YouTube seemed to be suffering from a pandemic of those motherfuckers.

And it really does just infuriate me. I couldn't post a comment on YouTube in support a Democratic policy without someone accusing me of being a Marxist.
...mind you actually to an extent AM a Marxist, just not in the definition they seem to think the term exists in, but you get the idea. And people seem to think this stance is some kind of law that applies to the real life, my evidence being a major boost of insane unqualified idiots on both sides of the American political field. You could logically argue that the American political spectrum is narrow, but since it should be clear that the "You're with me or against me" argument is highly illogical, i grow fearful that thinking about it might kill me.
...thank fuck for my girlfriend who keeps me in line by threatening to commit me if i keep arguing with YouTube trolls.


New member
Dec 19, 2009
Don't forget the fangirls. God forbid women show any form of opinion. Apparently by doing so, it makes you a *****. Fun. /sarcasm

And the internet is full of trolls and ignorant people. It's a given. You will run into stupid people and we can't do much about it because you'd be yelling at a faceless idiot and become the faceless person who yells at faceless idiots who will never change their mind. There's just no winning (not often anyway).