The Big Picture: Going Green, Part II


New member
Apr 25, 2008
A waste of my time? My precious time! I think I'm feeling orange? Ok, nothing better than a recap of one of the biggest deaths from DC from MovieBob and one of the biggest deaths from Marvel(Dark Phoenix) from the guys of Pipoca and Nanquim. Too many USA Mythology in the same day for me. Thanks for the recap showing us the true power of the pink/purple ring of love and power cleavage! But for once, at least for once, in a separate series, deaths mean something in this Marvel/DC mess. A death that is meaningless is just that. Why any hero/heroine would lift an eyebrow for it? Well, now, kill the villains, this way they will give us some peace for longer, but when they "get better", they will be here for revenge and a great fight will... Ok, you got it. Thanks.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
That was great! I love how they managed to tie up loose ends like the deaths of all the superheroes and how the colors are connected to emotions and stuff!


New member
Jul 12, 2010
Geoff did some good stuff with Latern, but they took it too far. The Night thing was kind of neat, but they pussied out a bit. Ofc he did the whole Superboy Prime bullshit thing which ran me off DC for good tho.

It always amazed me that up until recently Batman managed to survive mostly intact in DC's crazy ass collective.


Oct 17, 2008
I doubt the movie will follow all the comic shenanigans, but I would loooove to see Ryan Reynolds go on an intergalactic homicidal rampage.


New member
Dec 31, 2009
Very informative video about the Green Lantern.

Too bad I wasn't even born back in the comic book days,but I really hope that Warner Premiere or some animation studio will go ahead and try to make this into a mini series or animation movies about these stories(I know that they're in the comics,but I can't really get my hands on any of them).


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Odds are, if they do the same in the movie as what happened in the comic, it'll be way better executed, instead of being mostly transparent ploys to hype things up when sales are low. Stories are often waaaaay better when they know what's going to happen in advance, case in point: Spectacular Spiderman. Best take on supervillainy combined with organized crime that I've ever seen.

Also, the Escapist has been having problems left and right today.


New member
Aug 11, 2009
I take it HEAT was pleased with the result?

And yeah, it would be cool to see Cillian Murphy's Scarecrow with super powers, for like a minute. (I know I disagree with Bob, because I think Christopher Nolan/Christian Bale's Batman movies would be committing the worst kind of suicide if they gave anyone in these movies super powers, especially if they brought in Superman or any of the rest of the DC universe. But I still agree it would be kind of neat to see actor Cillian Murphy and those creepy eyes of his go from blue to yellow at the time he makes some messed up yellow creation)


New member
Sep 14, 2009
A pretty good guide for those who don't read comics. Since I do, it really wasn't a necessity for me, but still a pretty enjoyable video.


New member
Oct 27, 2009
I like how to left out the part about the newest series, The Green Lantern War, where the increasingly convoluted yet epic storyline becomes even more convoluted when, without giving out any major details, the entire green lantern corps aside from a few, convenient individuals, becomes evil.


New member
Feb 1, 2008
Yellow Lantern Scarecrow would have made Arkham Asylum a ***** to beat.

So as I said last week in a less spoilerific way, the only thing I hated more than the way they turned Hal evil is the way they turned him good again. oooh, I haz a yellow bug in my brain.

I've actually been bagging on a lot of Geoff Johns' ret-cons he's pulled over the years, but I do give him one bit of credit for using Necron to explain why heroes keep dying and coming back. Bravo on that one. Maybe it's just cause it feels like an injoke that hits the twin topics of retconning and resurrecting heroes at the same time.

Plus, we need something to replace the old adage "Nobody stays dead in the comics except Bucky, Uncle Ben and Jason Todd" since two of them have come back since the phrase was coined, and even Uncle Ben has been brought back in alternate-reality stories.

Not G. Ivingname

New member
Nov 18, 2009
MovieBob said:
So in effect, ten years of fanboy whining was worth it, sort of. Do you really think they would of done the Blackest Night, which was basically the cleverest excuse to bring every single character from... ever, if the whole Green Lantern fiasco never happened? Or find a way to bring Batman back from the not dead?


Play Minecraft. Watch Top Gear.
Nov 24, 2010
nothingspringstomind said:
Thanks Bob! I'm getting a tonne of Green Lantern collections this Christmas including Rebirth and Blackest Night, and you've enthused me even more.

Cyborg Superman as a Red Lantern? Even cooler than scarecrow.
Wow. Isn't christmas in December? You must be part of the Black lantern corp with all this long term planning.

crimson sickle2

New member
Sep 30, 2009
This summation might actually get me to read Green Lantern comics. I didn't know anything in the universe could get me to even consider it.

Redd the Sock

New member
Apr 14, 2010
Looking back at Rebirth, I do like it, though at the time, yeah I was pissed at the cop out they handed Hal on a platter and gave up the book for a couple of years. Then the Sinestro Corps war hit and it's dragging me back in to this day. The upcoming reboot may be my only escape depending on sevarity.