The Big Picture: Going Green, Part II


New member
Mar 11, 2009
OK so fear? Fine. Anger? Wonderful. Love? OK. But WILL-POWER? Will-power is an emotion? And on the 'emotional spectum' It comes right between hope and fear? Where is my red pen of doom?

Rect Pola

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May 19, 2009
A pity they didn't have a working relationship with Hasbro. It's a far better reason for zombie transformers than what we got.


New member
Aug 13, 2008
Wow. I went into this not knowing anything about the Green Lantern mythos and now...
All I can say is, Comics are Weiiiirrrrd!


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Jun 24, 2010
loui.emma said:
OK so fear? Fine. Anger? Wonderful. Love? OK. But WILL-POWER? Will-power is an emotion? And on the 'emotional spectum' It comes right between hope and fear? Where is my red pen of doom?
Not really, the Emotion Spectrum is rather the 'Balance' of emotions. the extremes are Rage and love, then Avarice and Compasion, Fear and Hope, and in the center is Will-Power.

To a degree ALL those rings need Will-Power to actually work, without will you can't create anything. Then again consider this, the Guardians are the ones who dictate 'Green' and they are the ones who want emotionless voids for their servants. The strongest GLs are ones like Hal, like Guy, Like Kyle who fuel it with something else. TRUE Fearlessness, anger, determination.

So yeah it's bullshit, but it sorta kinda works- why am I defending Geoff Johns again?

Jabberwock xeno

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Oct 30, 2009
SpaceMedarotterX said:
loui.emma said:
OK so fear? Fine. Anger? Wonderful. Love? OK. But WILL-POWER? Will-power is an emotion? And on the 'emotional spectum' It comes right between hope and fear? Where is my red pen of doom?
Not really, the Emotion Spectrum is rather the 'Balance' of emotions. the extremes are Rage and love, then Avarice and Compasion, Fear and Hope, and in the center is Will-Power.

To a degree ALL those rings need Will-Power to actually work, without will you can't create anything. Then again consider this, the Guardians are the ones who dictate 'Green' and they are the ones who want emotionless voids for their servants. The strongest GLs are ones like Hal, like Guy, Like Kyle who fuel it with something else. TRUE Fearlessness, anger, determination.

So yeah it's bullshit, but it sorta kinda works- why am I defending Geoff Johns again?
Also, green is in the center of the visible light spectrum.

Well, lime green is; hence why everybody thinks glowing nuclear radiation looks so damn awesome in fiction.


New member
Dec 10, 2008
Why the chuckle at Agent Orange?! that was an awesome twist, not having him share power with allies!


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Mar 21, 2009
Eagi said:
Why the chuckle at Agent Orange?! that was an awesome twist, not having him share power with allies!
You know about the infamous Monsanto/Dow chemical that was used by the US army during the Vietnam war?


New member
Apr 16, 2011
waste of time or not still very entertaining oh and i started reading the dadepool comics but i could only get the 'deadpool classic #3' i ordered for the first two but due to the postal office strike i might not be seeing them for a while


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Jun 24, 2010
Jabberwock xeno said:
Dear god...

That black larntrun stuff?

Brilliant. I DEMAND that author be given a raise!
He's the current head of creative control at DC. Also Brightest Day the follow up was...

Okay Brightest Day wasn't bad but I'll sum it up for you.

There I summed it up, NOTHING FUCKING HAPPENED! It was 26 issues that was nothing more than a LEAD IN to the War of the Green Lanterns. We could have skipped the 26 issues and arrived at the same place!

Blackest Night war a horror story with only one real failing, that was not taking the opportunity to say "No more revives after this" and have one mass revival to get all your properties back, and then if they die they die. (Also Blackest Night: The Flash, but I hate that for entirely different reasons)

Noting that Dove has magical bug-zapping powers, the combined Corps decide to make her quite the unique tool. Wrapping her in a green energy bullet, they load her into the yellow sniper rifle of a giant cockroach, through squares of all the other light, and into the forehead of the undead ruler of an alternate universe that has been destroyed and reborn itself. That was the single best sentence I've ever typed in my life. I LOVE COMICS.
Brightest Day was just Blah. It's not 'Countdown' terrible (for comparison Countdown is the 'Twilight' of comicbooks) but it doesn't reach 52 (52 is AWESOME)


New member
Jun 24, 2010
Also the greatest GL was never covered even though he had his OWN story

Alan Scott continued to exist after Crisis on Infinite Earths, his ring though originally retconned to be similar to the GLC rings was fundementally changed after Zero Hour.

It turns out that his ring is actually the Starheart, long ago the Guardians of the Universe crushed the Empire of Tears, sealing all their magic away into the Starheart. It fell to earth and through sheer force of will Alan Scott made it his *****, Harnessing it's powers

Alan Scott said:
And I shall shed my light over dark evil,
For the dark things cannot stand the light,
The light of the Green Lantern!
Obsidian: What are you going to do? Recite your silly little oath at me? Tell me how "no will is greater than yours", how you "wrote the book on willpower"?
Green Lantern: No. We're beyond willpower. This is about me finally taking responsibility.
Obsidian: For what? For making a monster?
Green Lantern: No. For not being a parent.
(Green Lantern uses his powers to restrain his son, and basically burn the evil out of him using willpower, love and a Green Lantern Ring)
Green Lantern: That's why the Justice Society is so important to me. To Jay and Ted and Carter. Jay couldn't have children. Ted lost his son. Carter neglected his. And I... I was never even there for mine. We failed our children. But we won't fail them again. I won't fail you again. Or any of the children of the Justice Society. And that is my oath.
Alan Scott, demonstrating why old farts in spandex are, occasionally, awesome

A Curious Fellow

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Nov 16, 2010
SpaceMedarotterX said:
A Curious Fellow said:
All said and done, I'm not surprised that John Stewart was the Green Lantern they chose for the Justice League cartoon. Much more straight forward.
Well... again their is a little more too it that that.

See it was always going to either be Kyle or John, Kyle had previously been introduced into the DCU via Superman the Animated Series. However his origin was Hals and he looked like Hal, though he was still an artist.

Dwayne McDuffie who was one of the key people on the Justice League Cartoon and who had previously owned and operated Milestone Comics (better known as those guys who made Static) and he realized that the league needed a black representative. The problem with using John Stewert was... well he was boring. John had always been 'Angry Black Guy who got less angry' or 'AAAAANGST I BLEW UP A PLANET BY ACCIDENT IN MY ARROGANCE!'

Hence when instead of just being an architech John was given the millitary persona, and later THAT was retconned into the comics.

In a way the move worked, Kyle was said to be on Oa undergoing his training (while in the comicverse no GL were left to help him train) and the events that lead to him getting the ring in the Comics had changed for the animated universe. And John did help bring some much needed diversity to the team. Yes Hawkgirl, J'onn and Superman were aliens
yes Wonder Woman is actually a golem made of clay. It doesn't change the fact that there wasn't one black person on the team.

So now you know, and knowing makes you realize that not even cartoons BASED on comics are any less confusing when you get into the nitty gritty
I never actually read the comics. I found them needlessly convoluted, and these Comics Are Weird episodes do nothing to entice me to change my beliefs.

A Curious Fellow

New member
Nov 16, 2010
SlothfulCobra said:
A Curious Fellow said:
All said and done, I'm not surprised that John Stewart was the Green Lantern they chose for the Justice League cartoon. Much more straight forward.
The problem with John Stewart in the Justice League was that he was so uncreative. Fire lasers, surround himself with energy so he can fly, push stuff around, pick stuff up, maybe make a WALL if he's feeling really creative.

They also sorta forgot about the crazy weakness, until the episode where they found some parallel superheroes, and Green Lantern's counterpart, the Green Guardsman, couldn't handle aluminum
First, that's a really stupid weakness.

Second, what's wrong with lasers and flashy telekinesis? I've seen the trailers for the new Green Lantern movie, specifically that one part where Hal makes a minigun out of light. My only thought was WTF. Why make a coherent light minigun when you can just shoot lasers with more strength and less effort? It's really really stupid. There's creative, and there's retarded. When you've got a laser cannon on your hand, don't use it to build a needlessly complicated gun. It's literally wasting time and effort to create a weaker middle man.


I am a banana!
Sep 11, 2009
Very nicely done, Bob, these videos are never a waste of my time. I still can't believe some people spent a year of their lives bitching about something that happened in a comic book. Did I mention I really hate crazy fans?


New member
Dec 30, 2010
Honestly I'm amazed DC was in such a great position continuity wise and history wise to set up the possibility of so many corps. They had Sinestro, whose thing was yellow, and the Star Saphires, whose thing was violet. All they had to do was regigger the Star Saphires so they used love energy instead of just some random power source, put it into rings, and give Sinestro his yellow rings, and they had two whole corps all ready to go.

Now, on to the Spectre. Basically, he's the Angel of Vengence, working for the (thankfully) little detailed DC version of Almighty God. I say that because it's best that God remain ambigious as possible, so props to DC for not trying to force characterization on the King of Kings.

Anyway, The Spectre originally began as a spirit that would go around, bringing justice down on the heads of evil men, in old Golden Age horror comics. Then they regiggered HIM into a superhero and made him a sometimes member of the JSA. His most defining characteristic, besides possesing the souls of dead humans in order to manifest on Earth like he did with the deceased Hal Jordan, is that he's one of the most powerful beings around.

I'm not joking, when the Spectre arrives on the scene of a battle, everyone stops to watch him kick ass, usually as a giant.