The Big Picture: Going Green, Part II


New member
Apr 20, 2010
Thank you for creating this awesome succinct overview of GL history!
I was 12 years old and a mega GL fan when Emerald Twilight hit. It literally caused me to stop reading comics for 14 years. I tried reading Kyle, but it just wasn't the same. Even after Geoff Johns brought GL back, and I heard about it, I thought to myself "Nah. It's a gimmick. Hal isn't really back. They're just going to kill him off again."

I waited, and Hal didn't die. I waited longer.

A couple of years went by and I finally worked up the courage to pick up a copy of GL:Rebirth. AND IT WAS AWESOME. I went on a TPB buying spree: No Fear, Revenge of the Green Lanterns, Wanted:Hal Jordan, Sinestro Corps War, and on and on.

Thank you Geoff Johns. Thank you MovieBob.
*holds up ring*


New member
Apr 20, 2010
A Curious Fellow said:
Why make a coherent light minigun when you can just shoot lasers with more strength and less effort? It's really really stupid. There's creative, and there's retarded. When you've got a laser cannon on your hand, don't use it to build a needlessly complicated gun. It's literally wasting time and effort to create a weaker middle man.
The recently-released GL:Emerald Knights animated feature has a great story about the first members of the GL Corps and the first one of them to create a construct. You should check it out. The movie is a series of vignettes based on some great issues from the comics over the years.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
And then DC rebooted all their series so none that stuff even matters within the comic book continuity.. let alone the movie.

Still, this was an interesting watch. Nice to see Bob talking about something passionately instead of his usual schizophrenic, flip-flopping taste in movies.


New member
Oct 18, 2008
I was part of H.E.A.T. and I take offense. We did not piss and moan for a decade. We pissed, moaned, begged, bitched, whined, griped, groused, wailed, fussed, kicked, screamed, bawled, sniveled, yowled, and cried so hard we threw up for a decade.


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
SpaceMedarotterX said:
BehattedWanderer said:
Was the Batman not forgiving him the scene where Batman and co paint the entire room yellow, including Batman himself, so that Green Lantern has to basically just sit and listen to what Batman has to say? I saw that around the interwebs somewhere.
No that's from All-Star Batman and Robin, a comic written by WHORESWHORESWHORESWHORESWHORESWHORES Frank WHORES Miller.

Batman not forgiving Hal is in Rebirth, Parallax is affecting the planet and Hal (who has just come back to life) is telling everyone to trust him despite ya know... trying to say "I wasn't actually evil the giant yellow fear bug was possesing me"

Batman, rightfully, thinks that Hal is full of crap and doesn't trust him leading to John Stewert being an idiot so Geoff Johns can stroke his Hal boner some more and then Hal one-punching Batman.

To understand Batman you have to understand he really likes the other 3 lanterns in his own ways.

Guy Gardner is a jerk but Batman understands that he's also loyal and faithful, something he can admire in someone.

John Stewert is disciplined and Batman can connect with him on that level.

Kyle Rayner was honest to a fault, Batman was a father to him when he joined the league, as well as showing displeasure when Kyle used his methods of interrogation.

Hal was... well Hal was a jerk, even before he turned evil Hal was a fucking toad to everyone, I'm reminded of issue #25 in GL Volume 3 where he flys down to earth and demands that Guy (assigned to the sector) piss off because he wants it back. Keep in mind that John Stewert has been assigned to OA and thus doesn't get to go home. He acts like a child all the way through the issue and it really isn't his first or last instance of dickitude. Hell when Batman DIED in Final Crisis (Became Time displaced whatever) Hal in Cry for Justice said he didn't care because "[He] didn't like Bruce"

Then again Cry for Justice was terrible so lets ignore that bullshit. The short of it is that Batman mistrusted Hal because he was him try to reset the timeline and he's by nature not going to trust you.
Aha! Thanks for that! Very informative.

Red Hood

New member
Sep 3, 2009
But did you see the outcome of their persistence!? A fantastic story within the DC universe. You gotta admit, the "Rainbow Corps", Yellow Latern Scarecrow, White Latern Sinestro, Neckron. That's all top quality read!


New member
Dec 10, 2008
Ah OK, that explains it :), must admit I'm not really up to scratch with the finer details of Americas semi-war related history... But thanks for the insight.


New member
Oct 10, 2007
"Sometimes the best way to overcome a story's ridiculousness is to point it out to your readers."- Peter David

That phrase sums up how Geoff Johns handles Green Lantern, it's crazy and wacky but this is the same company that brought us Lobo, Krypto the Superdog, Mogo the planet sized Green Lantern member and more. The entire Johns run (which is still going on) is a fantastic read, Sinestro Corps War is one of the best Green Lantern things I've read.

Also look up the Origin story of Dex-Starr the red lantern. I guarantee you it will cement your view on this episode into either loving Gl or disliking it.


LRR Stalkin'
Feb 1, 2011
Regardless of whether or not they follow any of that storyline, we have an idea of the character's roots, which is always nice to know before seeing how someone else might put a fresh spin on things.


New member
Jul 13, 2008
A Curious Fellow said:
SlothfulCobra said:
A Curious Fellow said:
All said and done, I'm not surprised that John Stewart was the Green Lantern they chose for the Justice League cartoon. Much more straight forward.
The problem with John Stewart in the Justice League was that he was so uncreative. Fire lasers, surround himself with energy so he can fly, push stuff around, pick stuff up, maybe make a WALL if he's feeling really creative.

They also sorta forgot about the crazy weakness, until the episode where they found some parallel superheroes, and Green Lantern's counterpart, the Green Guardsman, couldn't handle aluminum
First, that's a really stupid weakness.

Second, what's wrong with lasers and flashy telekinesis? I've seen the trailers for the new Green Lantern movie, specifically that one part where Hal makes a minigun out of light. My only thought was WTF. Why make a coherent light minigun when you can just shoot lasers with more strength and less effort? It's really really stupid. There's creative, and there's retarded. When you've got a laser cannon on your hand, don't use it to build a needlessly complicated gun. It's literally wasting time and effort to create a weaker middle man.
Alan Scott's ring at least followed the tradition that magic could be blacked by wood (elven magic has this theme) but the yellow weakness was pretty stupid. Even in the 1970s kids could play with "black light" and were aware that the color you saw in a department store and the one you saw outside were often different.


New member
Aug 13, 2008
holy shit that sounds AWESOME!

Seriously, i've never given a toss about comics, but that story line sounds really really really good!


New member
May 20, 2009
"except kinda sorta batman because... because batman"

I will never tire of this video because of this one line. seriously i laughed so hard this. best line of big picture so far.


In it for the Pub Club cookies
Apr 15, 2009
Moriarty70 said:
It's not a waste, just saved me an afternoon of wiki articles. Time to replace it with the X-Men wikis. Those should be short and concise... right?
Heh. I tried that, (and previously some Green Lantern stuff) and it took me 12 hours approximately to get to some semblence of understanding.
14 hours of Green Lantern articles, and two "Big Picture" episodes and I'm still relatively vague.

So in comparison, yes, as it turns out.