Sounds like an absolute riot, and I'll be sure to check it out. Please keep in mind that I am firmly agnostic, and therefore don't take offense to most religious satire/mockery. But I also feel empathy for those who DO take offense, and I can certainly see their point of view, even if it's ultimately wrong. For some reason, a lot of people on the internet (and sadly, most that I've talked to are American) simply have no empathy for anyone outside of their immediate worldview...MrFalconfly said:I see your point, and I counter you with this.TheRealCJ said:While I agree with you, like I've said in previous posts, there's a difference between satirizing Muhammad, and satirizing the radicals who kill in his name. The same way that making a cartoon featuring Jesus and using him to mock anti-gay-rights Christians is NOT the same as making a cartoon showing Jesus as some kind of gay-hating radical. The latter would likely be decried by "moderate" Christians as attacking their faith. They will tell you "Just because some Christians do these things, does not make the religion as a whole inherently homophobic." Which for those playing at home, is basically exactly what moderate muslims have been saying for the last, oh, decade? And being routinely ignored or mocked for saying it I might add. Or being told outright that they are wrong by those who do not know anything beyond what they see on Fox News.MrFalconfly said:I am gonna have to specify regarding this case of Charlie Hebdo though.TheRealCJ said:snip
They did no wrong in satirizing Muhammad. We satirize every other religion on a daily basis, and I don't think that militant extremists should get the power to say that Islam (or indeed any other religion) is "Sacred" from being mocked, ridiculed, satirized or in any other way having the piss taken out of it.
I see no reason for why one particular religion get's special rights that no other religion has (and to hell with punching up or down. The murderers had guns, so the cartoonists were definitely "Punching Up" on that one).
And keep in mind that while you or I may not have an issue with that, there are people who will.
It's a Danish comedy-show called, "The Bible", and it features three comedians, and two rappers, taking the everliving piss out of Christianity.
You name it, they mock the entire thing.
God has anger-management issues, and an inferiority complex, and blunders from one escapade to the next.
Moses is a bad magician, with a horrendous stammer, and a propensity for making weird rules (including not shagging, as in fornicating with, cauliflowers or garden-sheds for some reason), not to mention that he managed to get lost for 40 years in the desert in his Ford Mustang.
Jesus is your typical rebellious teen who smokes weed, and goes to Backstreet Boys concerts.
And then of course they take the piss on every imagineable preacher.
Everyone from the closet lesbian (yes, a female priest, aren't we ahead of the curve in Denmark?), to the overly pious (with a secret ponygirl kink), to the modern fund-raising priest (who incurs "God's Wrath" for turning the "Temple into a marketplace").
They take the piss out of the tale of Lot, the tale of Jonah, the tale of Adam and Eve, the tale of Noah, the tale of the "Last Supper" (involving Tony from "the Lady and the Tramp" chopping up old Jeezy Chrissy into bits for the disciples to eat, while singing Bella Notte. They take the piss on how "God" decided to drown the world in the Flood of Noah (turns out he completely misunderstood "the group" in a therapeutic self-help group. But then again, one of the other members were a Stoned Buddha, and the other were Thor of Asgård).
Oh, and if anyone asks, this can absolutely be counted as "punching up" satire. The bible is an EXTREMELY powerful book, and many people hold it in higher power than any government or person.