The Big Picture: Legend of Many


New member
Feb 13, 2010
I don't understand this idea that nintendo is in any real danger. The 3ds is printing money and so long as the holy trinity of zelda/pokemon/mario is still beloved by fans I don't see that changing.


New member
Jan 31, 2012
Ahri_Blaze said:
You're still not getting it. You know sometimes Power Rangers could almost be brilliant in the writing department story wise and have really good actors. You don't get to see or show that if they are wearing a suit 24/7. While a good chunk of the show should probably have Samus in her suit if they made one she needs to come out of it every now and then. Otherwise it could get really freaking boring really fast.
Out of curiosity, what's your opinion of the Halo series?


New member
Sep 9, 2014
JarinArenos said:
Ahri_Blaze said:
You're still not getting it. You know sometimes Power Rangers could almost be brilliant in the writing department story wise and have really good actors. You don't get to see or show that if they are wearing a suit 24/7. While a good chunk of the show should probably have Samus in her suit if they made one she needs to come out of it every now and then. Otherwise it could get really freaking boring really fast.
Out of curiosity, what's your opinion of the Halo series?
Least engaging protagonist ever.


That Voice in Your Head
Sep 4, 2010
JarinArenos said:
Ahri_Blaze said:
JarinArenos said:
(or better, never) out of armor.
Because that would also totally make Power Rangers engaging. Never taking them out of their Power Ranger suits because that is more or less what you are asking for.
I dunno about you, but I didn't watch power rangers or any of the other US-produced sentai shows for the teenage drama. ... well, for Bulk and Skull maybe.
Ah, you were talking about the Bulk and Skull show! I was confused by all this "Power Rangers" talk going on. :p

Aiddon said:
.....HUH????????????????? I just...what????? If Nintendo's financial situation is "rocky" then everyone else in the industry is fucked with an electrified screwdriver. While 90% of the industry is hemorrhaging money daily, having massive layoffs, and reducing their repertoire to the point where they only have a handful of franchises left, Nintendo is doing the exact opposite. They're posting not only breaking even, but outright profits, outright expanding their company with more people getting hired, and are only increasing the amount of franchises they churn out as well as bringing up new installments of their old ones. If Nintendo were to be interested in a Netflix pitch (which they probably aren't, let's be real here), then it's due to curiosity, not financial requirement.
Not to mention that the last few years, we had a major restructuring of the company, a whole new building built (which cost them 19 billion yen), and the buyout of Hiroshi Yamauchi's stock after his death that also put a major dent in the profit run. The fact that Nintendo lost so little, and in fact went back towards a profit this quarter speaks volumes on their current health.

In the interest of fairness, however, I don't think SCE is doing poorly anymore. The entire rest of Sony, yeah, but SCE seemed to have learned a lot more compared to how they were during the PS3 era.

Spyre2k said:
I think Nintendo should pull up stakes as Bob put it. It's hold out is mostly in having it's own console, but the Wii seemed little more than a fad. They need to do what other companies have done and just switch over to making games since that's where their real strengths seem to lay. They should just follow Sega's example and go full on game development.

They pretty much have a Monopoly on the hand held console market so they can keep that running.
Because the solution to having an income problem is to go to a situation where you'd make less income, right?


New member
Jan 30, 2010
What's the point? I love Zelda, but it's about the dungeons, the music, the gameplay, the visual design. There's no point in reskinning a fantasy show with those characters, especially if it's on a low budget and has to rely on dialogue to carry it instead of wonder, action and exploration. I quite appreciated the A Link to the Past manga, and that was 90% action and impressive fantasy drawings of huge towers and swamps. I don't need to see a cheap tv show where men in makeup call themselves moblins instead of orcs and have a boring sword fight in a generic wilderness location.

Maybe if it was all shifty-looking characters giving Link odd jobs.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Ahri_Blaze said:
JarinArenos said:
Ahri_Blaze said:
You're still not getting it. You know sometimes Power Rangers could almost be brilliant in the writing department story wise and have really good actors. You don't get to see or show that if they are wearing a suit 24/7. While a good chunk of the show should probably have Samus in her suit if they made one she needs to come out of it every now and then. Otherwise it could get really freaking boring really fast.
Out of curiosity, what's your opinion of the Halo series?
Least engaging protagonist ever.
Indeed; keeping a character in a suit 24-7 is stupid, especially if it's a main character. Unless that's supposed to be the point and throws up an intentional wall between them and the audience like Hakumen from Blazblue or Gregor Clegane from A Song of Ice and Fire; it's meant to be used a device to show lack of humanity and distance between them an the audience, something that would be narrative suicide to have a main character do. Asking people to engage with what is a walking piece of concrete is just silly.


Sane among the insane.
Sep 12, 2010
KnateTheKnite said:
And Zelda will be played by Zelda Williams.
I'd like to see her at least cameo in a Legend of Zelda series. Maybe even a wink and nod about her name. That would be appropriate.


Queen of the Edit
Feb 4, 2009
Bad ass monsters, fairly straight forward hero arc, plenty of magic to work with (without drowning out the swordplay or archery skills). I could see a LoZ series work out.

I would sort of like to see a Slayers (Anime; the short movies rather than strictly episodic) kind of story telling. No central hubs, just travelling ... solving problems. Maybe start with Link being contracted to escort Princess Zelda to a destroyed village. Really flesh out her character so that we can alternate a few shows showing her and Impa's efforts to curtail the darkness, as Link slowly unfurls his destiny, sort of thing.


New member
Aug 26, 2009
I put forth that the show should be filmed in Vancouver a la the several Stargate television shows.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
I really don't understand the comparison to game of thrones.

Game of Thrones is about political intrigue in a pseudo-medieval Great Britain where fantasy elements are re-emerging.

The Legend of Zelda is a hero's journey in a Japanese take of a fantasy world.

Is it going to be a political intrigue where Link is manipulated into saving the day?


New member
Sep 21, 2009
Bob -1 for not mentioning the Legend of Neil. Yes it was a web series. Yes it was cheesy. It will still probably be better than anything they can come up with. Also Crod Mandoon and the flaming sword of fire. 'Nuff said.


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
wizzy555 said:
I really don't understand the comparison to game of thrones.

Game of Thrones is about political intrigue in a pseudo-medieval Great Britain where fantasy elements are re-emerging.

The Legend of Zelda is a hero's journey in a Japanese take of a fantasy world.

Is it going to be a political intrigue where Link is manipulated into saving the day?
Well, in Ocarina of Time has a couple of political undertones in some of the scenes (like Ganondorf feinting alliance to the King of Hyrule). But yeah, I think they just wanted to compare it with the currently popular fantasy related show.


Don't worry. Be happy!
Mar 21, 2011
Aiddon said:
Not G. Ivingname said:
I don't think Nintendo will get cold feet, or really afford to this time. With their current rocky finical situation

.....HUH????????????????? I just...what????? If Nintendo's financial situation is "rocky" then everyone else in the industry is fucked with an electrified screwdriver. While 90% of the industry is hemorrhaging money daily, having massive layoffs, and reducing their repertoire to the point where they only have a handful of franchises left, Nintendo is doing the exact opposite. They're posting not only breaking even, but outright profits, outright expanding their company with more people getting hired, and are only increasing the amount of franchises they churn out as well as bringing up new installments of their old ones. If Nintendo were to be interested in a Netflix pitch (which they probably aren't, let's be real here), then it's due to curiosity, not financial requirement.
This. Sony and Microsoft will kill their gaming divisions LONG before Nintendo even goes third party like Sega. People don't realize just how successful the Wii and DS for them, Nintendo can afford to keep with their own consoles even if it means a lack in sheer sales.


New member
Sep 9, 2014
ToastiestZombie said:
Aiddon said:
Not G. Ivingname said:
I don't think Nintendo will get cold feet, or really afford to this time. With their current rocky finical situation

.....HUH????????????????? I just...what????? If Nintendo's financial situation is "rocky" then everyone else in the industry is fucked with an electrified screwdriver. While 90% of the industry is hemorrhaging money daily, having massive layoffs, and reducing their repertoire to the point where they only have a handful of franchises left, Nintendo is doing the exact opposite. They're posting not only breaking even, but outright profits, outright expanding their company with more people getting hired, and are only increasing the amount of franchises they churn out as well as bringing up new installments of their old ones. If Nintendo were to be interested in a Netflix pitch (which they probably aren't, let's be real here), then it's due to curiosity, not financial requirement.
This. Sony and Microsoft will kill their gaming divisions LONG before Nintendo even goes third party like Sega. People don't realize just how successful the Wii and DS for them, Nintendo can afford to keep with their own consoles even if it means a lack in sheer sales.
Also they must be making a hefty profit off amiibos. While it irks me to no end that they clearly aren't mass producing some like they should I think the inability to keep them on the shelves says something about how popular they actually have been. Hi quality display worthy figures of Nintendo characters at a dirty cheap price. I don't think this is a money thing like some think. I do think its a curiosity thing. The Wii and 3DS were large enough successes that they could endure losses. Nintendo isn't going away any time soon. They are like the Doctor, or Majin Buu, or Vandal Savage. They refuse to stay dead no matter what you do to them.
Dec 16, 2009
ToastiestZombie said:
Aiddon said:
Not G. Ivingname said:
I don't think Nintendo will get cold feet, or really afford to this time. With their current rocky finical situation

.....HUH????????????????? I just...what????? If Nintendo's financial situation is "rocky" then everyone else in the industry is fucked with an electrified screwdriver. While 90% of the industry is hemorrhaging money daily, having massive layoffs, and reducing their repertoire to the point where they only have a handful of franchises left, Nintendo is doing the exact opposite. They're posting not only breaking even, but outright profits, outright expanding their company with more people getting hired, and are only increasing the amount of franchises they churn out as well as bringing up new installments of their old ones. If Nintendo were to be interested in a Netflix pitch (which they probably aren't, let's be real here), then it's due to curiosity, not financial requirement.
This. Sony and Microsoft will kill their gaming divisions LONG before Nintendo even goes third party like Sega. People don't realize just how successful the Wii and DS for them, Nintendo can afford to keep with their own consoles even if it means a lack in sheer sales.
Somewhere else, someone said Nintendo keep rehashing the same IP's over n over. My response was in a world with 14 COD's since 2003, you can't give Nintendo too much grief for 8 Mario Karts since 1993.

Rehashing is the norm, I don't know why some have such a downer on Nintendo


New member
Oct 14, 2010
Couldn't worse than the Wheel of Time "Pilot" Red Eagle Fantastic Foured out.


New member
May 17, 2010
What interests me more than anything about this whole thing and what I'm hoping to God these showrunners (whoever they are if this is all true) pick up on is that the aforementioned malleability could provide for some truly dynamic storytelling - every season could work like True Detective and have self-contained stories that are completely different in tone, setting, design, theme, etc., and they wouldn't even have to necessarily rely on established title like OoT or Majora. Season 1 is the basic adventure, Season 2 is the "happy" with children in the main leads, Season 3 is the "dark" one with a looming apocalyptic or heavy backstory, Season 4 is has more political undertones, Season 5 has Link with a companion that fleshes him out, etc. Just because specific stories already exist doesn't mean the show can't break new ground somewhere.


New member
Jul 6, 2010
To be honest, I'm a little saddened by this news because it means I will likely not get to write it.
Humble, I know [tearfully burns fan-script]. But I'm really interested to see if they pull it off.

DracoSuave said:
Charles Dance as Ganondorf.
Not bad at all. I'd propose Vincent Cassel, but it's a different take.

As for gorgeous Hyrulesque location filming....

Bahnt-nannaaah banha-nananana-naaaaah!!!

Put the castle here:

This is Zora fucking Falls, no question:

Just paint in some lava, this is Death Mountain: