Gonna play Devil's Advocate a bit here.
Vick lost a LOT. His fortune, 2 years of prime income, most of his 'friends'. Few people will ever have something happen that will cost them over $100 million dollars. He did. His losses are entirely justified and well earned.
Now he has been released after paying his legal debts to society. He is doing community service as part of his punishment. He is, for all public information, acting as a better person than before. Allowing him back to the NFL is fair, I don't like him, but people shouldn't be prevented from having a job ever again. Teams have the right not to sign him though.
Here's the catch, you want to get up in arms about dog fighting, fine. I won't even disagree, being a lifetime dog owner myself. That said what about Ray Lewis, NFL player linked to the murder of a person? Yes there were consequences, and no he was never convicted of murder, merely charged but not convicted due to inconclusive evidence, but is qa dog worth getting more worked up than a human life? How about abuse? What of all the people who have been convicted of beating their wives/ girlfriends? As bad as what Vick did is, those are far worse.
The vitriol against Vick may e deserved, but save some for the other people even more deserving.