The Big Picture: Maddening


New member
Mar 19, 2009

-Bob specifically states that he does not care about the actions the US justice system towards Vick and repeatedly states what Vick has done to the "helpless animals"
-Lots of comments about how Vick "should die in a fire" and the like

quite impressive demonstration of mob justice you have there Bob :)


New member
Jan 17, 2011
Gunnyboy said:
I really don't see the big deal. (About the cover, not the fighting ring.) I also don't respect the derision towards professional athletes. In the pantheon of society, they've always been held in high regard. Why? Because they're the pinnacle of athletic achievement. It takes a lot more skill play a sport at the highest level, than it does to spit paint on a canvas and call it expressionistic art.

In fact after watching this video, I went and voted for Vick (and Peyton Hillis).
I just have to say that the cover is somewhat of a deal. It shows that EA is willing to use a man who has shown, by actions no less, that he has no ethical standing as a person representing their product. He is ethical, and likely following that morally, bankrupt. If he wasen't a sportstar, but a normal bloke he would be shunned from society. When we're in that area: Are you saying sportstars are more important in/for our culture than abstract art?

Steve the Pocket

New member
Mar 30, 2009
The Plunk said:
What in all fuck?

Go back a page and read my previous post. You might learn something.

Mazty said:
When this guy was at the apex of life, living the dream, he was entertaining himself by inflicting extreme pain on creatures. That kind of disturbed behaviour doesn't disappear overnight, nor is it even forgiveable in my eyes - there is no way someone could plead ignorance. Yes rape etc is seen as worse, but it's not a case of comparing to the worst possible act, it's looking at the act itself - getting dogs to rip each other to pieces for entertainment and profit. Sorry really isn't good enough.
This. I have a hard time believing it's possible to really be sorry for what he did, given what his willingness to do it in the first place says about his state of mind. That plus the fact that he was reinstated makes me very suspicious that he was just feigning repentance because his career was at stake. Tell a guy he's finished no matter what he says and then see how willing he is to say he's "turned over a new leaf".


New member
Oct 8, 2007
Di said:
Susan Arendt said:
boeingguy787 said:
Seriously, guys? NOBODY believes in second chances? I thought that the justice system was designed to rehabilitate people, and Vick seems to be rehabilitated (unlike countless others who have not changed their ways).
He got his second chance - he's still playing professional football and getting paid obscene amounts of money for it. He's been given the opportunity to make a living off his athletic prowess. Anything other than that? He was a millionaire who got his jollies torturing and killing innocent animals. He can die in a damn fire.
Saying he could "die in a damn fire" sounds like something we regular plebians could get put on probation/suspension for. Damn shame you guys can abuse the system any way you feel like it.
It's not against the rules. She is not flaming anyone on this site, a group of people or a content creator. This goes the same for the person who would like to "shoot him (Vick) in the head".


New member
Jan 10, 2011
Exocet said:
While I'm not saying animal fighting are a good thing,are very far from it,people's reaction here are pretty damn intense.I mean,really?"He can go die in a fire"?
Look,what he did was bad,but he got punished(although he should have gotten a few more years).No,he should not get the honor of having his picture plastered on game boxes,but wishing him more harm?Even death?
You don't wish the same fate onto robbers,who can ruin a family's life for few years,and maybe cause children to suffer,but as soon as something cute gets hurt,shit gets real it seems.
And please don't give me the "dogs are defenceless" argument,someone getting robbed is just as defenceless as a dog being forced into fighting.

In conclusion,no Vick on the cover,animal torture is very bad,but stop wishing he would suffer more you bloodthristy psychos.
Every time there is a crime story, half the posters wish the criminal would suffer acts much worse that those he commited.
A rich source of irony.


New member
Mar 15, 2010
righthanded said:
i don't know why you're so hung up on the money aspect of this. do you think an animal cares if it's being slaughtered for food or if it's being slaughtered for fun?
Yes I do.

A Distant Star

New member
Feb 15, 2008
Wow Bob. Calm down. Dont get me wrong, I love animals, and I certainly dont approve of dog fighting. I'm even willing to agree with you that Vick shouldnt be on the cover of Madden. Though I will say this, on an ethical level, I have a hard time seeing the difference between killing a dog for gambling and killing say a deer for sport. There's of course a whole other factors to concern, a deer gets to spend his life in the woods while the dog is kept in deplorable conditions. But all other factors the same, I dont see any ethical difference between killing a dog and killing a deer, and if your going to make the argument of ethics on the conditions these animals live in... well I would recommend you go visit a slaughter house some time and see the conditions the meat you buy at the super store is kept in.

Dont get me wrong, I get why people are so pissed off at Vicks, people love dogs, I love dogs, but I also eat non-certified humanly killed beef, so I'm not going to get sanctimonious about it. I wish it werent so, but this is one issue we're all hypocrites on.


New member
Aug 28, 2009
This episode gave perspective on a surprisingly small picture. Might as well start calling the show "Bob's opinions"...

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Actually Bob, considering the Dead Space 2 Ad campaign I think you may have just encouraged EA to put him on the box instead of discouraged them. On the bright side, at least if he does get on the box he'll suffer the Madden curse.

Susan Arendt

Nerd Queen
Jan 9, 2007
AvauntVanguard said:
Sorry Bob, I have to disagree.
I don't like Vick, but yes. They're just dogs. Sorry.

I'm not simply the type of christian who thinks we're above animals or what have you; I simply don't think they deserve this much respect. Until they get thumbs and start building shit, I never will.

Look, I had a cat for the first 15 years of my life. He was there when I was born and he definitely possessed some intelligence and memory. I got that. But I didn't cry when both our cats had to be put down due to sickness and then depression (Yes, our cat suffered depression after the first one died). While I can understand some of the concepts that many animals are just barely a couple steps down from us... They're still just that. Below us.

So torturing them for fun and profit is ok? I'm not arguing your core point - they are, certainly, less advanced creatures than people - but that doesn't make his behavior any less reprehensible.


I Want to Go to There!
Dec 16, 2003
Spinwhiz said:
Di said:
Susan Arendt said:
boeingguy787 said:
Seriously, guys? NOBODY believes in second chances? I thought that the justice system was designed to rehabilitate people, and Vick seems to be rehabilitated (unlike countless others who have not changed their ways).
He got his second chance - he's still playing professional football and getting paid obscene amounts of money for it. He's been given the opportunity to make a living off his athletic prowess. Anything other than that? He was a millionaire who got his jollies torturing and killing innocent animals. He can die in a damn fire.
Saying he could "die in a damn fire" sounds like something we regular plebians could get put on probation/suspension for. Damn shame you guys can abuse the system any way you feel like it.
It's not against the rules. She is not flaming anyone on this site, a group of people or a content creator. This goes the same for the person who would like to "shoot him (Vick) in the head".
That being said Spin, I have a match...


New member
Dec 12, 2009
Good episode, I agree about Vick. He should have served much more time in jail, and the last place he deserves to be is the NFL, doing something he loves, making millions of dollars.

It really doesn't matter how much he forgives or how much time he serves though....there are some crimes that should have a lifelong implication if committed. Vick does not deserve the honor of being on the cover of Madden, and he never will ever again, period.

AvauntVanguard said:
Sorry Bob, I have to disagree.
I don't like Vick, but yes. They're just dogs. Sorry.

I'm not simply the type of christian who thinks we're above animals or what have you; I simply don't think they deserve this much respect. Until they get thumbs and start building shit, I never will.

Look, I had a cat for the first 15 years of my life. He was there when I was born and he definitely possessed some intelligence and memory. I got that. But I didn't cry when both our cats had to be put down due to sickness and then depression (Yes, our cat suffered depression after the first one died). While I can understand some of the concepts that many animals are just barely a couple steps down from us... They're still just that. Below us.

He still did something he knew was wrong for the purpose of turning a profit and entertaining himself. Even if he was killing mice for profit and entertainment, it would be wrong. I can't convince anyone that an animal is greater than or equal to a human life, but I hope you can realize the creatures we share this earth with at least deserve to not be tortured and murdered.


New member
May 24, 2010
canadamus_prime said:
...On the bright side, at least if he does get on the box he'll suffer the Madden curse.
I think it hit him early with his conviction.

Still, the Madden curse...Would be fun to watch if he did make the cover, but I would rather he not be the chosen one anyway. He should have been removed from the running as soon as he was convicted.

Daaaah Whoosh

New member
Jun 23, 2010
dunnace said:
Honestly, I think you guys should put Master Chief on the cover. Apparently he sells a lot of games.
He's already the mascot for Grifball.

OT- Sure, what Vick did was terrible, but innocent animals are tortured and killed every day, for food and clothing and such. Hell, I hear Spain still has bullfghting. The fact is, dogs are just lucky because they're protected by law. What would have happened if he'd gathered up a bunch of wild deer, and tortured/killed them? Would anyone care? I've heard people tell stories of watching a half-dead deer stumble around, and doing nothing to put it out of its misery. And they were laughing about it.


New member
Dec 10, 2010
Does no one know Vick had ALOT less to do with the dog fights than he was accused of. Ok first off Vick is ghetto as shit so it goes with out saying most of his family is to. What had happened was he bought a house for his cousin to live in and his cousin was the one running the dog fights. At MOST Vick knew about it and didnt call the cops, in the end he only got arrested because he owned the house and also because of who he was. That being said lighten up everyone I strongly believe all crimes can be forgiven with time. Unless you break into peoples houses at night to eat their babies and paint the house red with baby blood =(


New member
Aug 21, 2010
Bob nailed it this time!!! We should take anyone that has EVER committed a felony and just put them in prison FOREVER!!! No second chances. No redemption. No time served.

No fraking way. Who cares WHAT Vick does as a job. I don't care if he was a garbage collector. He served his time and now he is a free man. PERIOD!!! Don't like it? MOVE!


New member
May 26, 2010
Our society as a whole is going downhill as far as i'm concerned. I'm not an american but it seems to me that any sensible persona looking really careful out the window will probably note the degeneration into a debased pseudo-society ruled by arbitrary laws, lack of logic and reason most of the times and a genuine malice towards all that is good, altruistic or in any other way worthy of being called human. While I respect Bob's statements deeply, i also know for a fact that people are to comfortably numb to what's going on around them to really do anything, so we'll keep withering away until those grim comic book futures become our own.


New member
Jun 4, 2009
All right I'll bite, what is "Madden Curse" or what is that?

OT: And ultimately, people who are going to buy Madden and play the game on a casual and/or competitive basis won't care to look at the cover of Madden 2012... We get hit with so much media on a daily basis.... we flip through channels, have about 4-6 internet tabs up at once while on the cpu, and unless we're playing a specific game story play through about 2-4 games a day.

Sadly no one is going to even look at the cover of Madden long enough to go, "Hey I don't agree with this bastard on the cover of Madden."

But yes... what is Madden Curse?