The Big Picture: Off the Charts


New member
Nov 23, 2009
Portal is the best story told in video games?


A good experience and a good story are not the same thing.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
Casual Shinji said:
themerrygambit said:
Tarantino was only a guest director on that movie for one small scene. Robert Rodriguez was the actual director of Sin City.
Well yes you are correct in that. I actually think they Co-Directed that movie, but the main reason I didn't Mention Rodriguez is because I have mixed feelings about his interpretation of 300. But yes he should also be mentioned because while on one hand 300 could have been better in my opinion on the other it was very faithful to the comic it was based on. So yeah thanks for pointing that one out.
I hope you're making these mistakes delibarately, because Rodriguez didn't direct 300, Zack Snider did.
Duly Noted and corrected, Got mixed up on that one.


New member
Dec 31, 2008
after the relative success of Prince of Persia I'm willing to be a tiny bit more optimistic about video game licensed's just that I don't give a crap about Uncharted and I wanna see my Legend of Zelda movie already! I think if it was something between Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess it could have a chance, but just like we gave the Prince of Persia a name, we're going to have to accept a voice for Link. Unless we're being hilariously ironic I don't think we can make a feature length film where the main character doesn't talk...


New member
Oct 3, 2010
Well this flew under my radar.

So they are making a movie. Based on a game that steals plots and ideas from movies.

Could they not just make another Indiana Jones movie? And can this one not suck as bad as the last one?


New member
Jan 7, 2011
samus17 said:
Moviebob, are you really downing a game's story you haven't even played? You're saying it comes off as a second rate national treasure and whatnot, but you haven't even played either all the way to completion? You don't own a ps3? You just (implying here) youtube'd the cutscenes? Yet you know enough to put down the story in your video? I'm not saying it is or is not worth downing, all I'm pointing out is that you're REALLY not giving yourself any credibility here. Not very professional there Moviebob...
Rewatch the video, he says he hasn't played the game BUT he has watched all the cinematics on YouTube. So have I, and tbh that is perfectly valid for reviewing the merits of that games story. Sure some of the nuance and banter of gameplay is lost, but honestly watching them I saw what was a coherent and self contained story. Decent, no obviously terrible points, some fridge logic moments, but palatable and mildly amusing.

To all those trumping out examples of great game stories, examine them closer. Mass Effect (my favorite games ever) and DA are great, but the main plots are 31 flavors of stupid. It's great for the characters. Same goes for most of the other examples. In pure narrative terms the stories are b-rate at best. Read the works of Asimov, Tolkien, Doyle, Tolstoy, etc. and see how the stories compare. About the same as TV and film, which is usually poorly. See if we try to judge games by great stories in literature they will always fail, like movies have. Where they can elevate them to the same level, is by playing their strengths. The Godfather, the story isn't what makes it great though it is good. What makes it great is by using the effects of a movie to draw out the world to life.

The Lord of the Rings as a novel has an immensely rich, nuanced, and fantastic story. The depth propels it to levels of greatness which modern fantasy rarely rises. What it excells at is providing that sense of history and place. Go back and read it though, read the fight in Balin's tomb, or Helms Deep. It is 'they killed 20 orcs and ran down the stairs', or 'Gandalf appeared with the riders of Rohan and saved the day'. The action sequences are terrible. As a movie though much of the sense of history is lost, or only appears to those with a deep knowledge of the books. What it improves on though is the ability to provide tension from direct conflict, combat being but one aspect of it. Boromir's betrayal had more weight for having seen his looks at the ring, where it is portrayed in the book, but to less effect.

tl;dr great stories for a game mean different things than great stories. Great game stories we've seen are NOT great stories, but often have great elements in them.


New member
Jan 13, 2009
themilo504 said:
i dont realy care about uncharted the movie my dream is that mass effect gets a good movie. it isent a star wars ripoff its a science fiction world with its own aliens worlds and science. you can easily make a side story to the main game.but it while probaly wont do that and try to retell the story of mass effect 1 if were lucky.
Watch Babylon 5, that's the closest we'll probably ever get to a Mass Effect TV series. It's pretty clear B5 was a huge inspiration to the ME devs.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
MacNille said:
Macrobstar said:
ARGH, FFS Bob stop making me hate you, uncharteds story was good i agree, but when you put in "for a western developer" seriously? WHAT PLAnET ARE YOU ON, Bioshock, Dragon age, mass effect, Red dead redemption
He is from the Nintendo Planet. You know, those that are famous for good story /sarcasm. Also, why would you make a super mario bros movie? What the fuck whould it be about? Mario has no story
They already did, it was... horrible


New member
Jun 15, 2008
bahumat42 said:
And stop being defensive , the western worlds gaming companies have only recently started telling good stories, (And even then only good by gaming standards). Cut him a little slack, he's a film reviewer he won't have played every game under the sun.
When you\re being paid to talk about media, on a gaming site, and you choose to discuss games I'd expect you to do your research. Bob's Nintendo fanaticism clouds him from any interesting discussion on the subject, as was just as evident here as its always been. He doesn't even give examples of these apparently [or at least implied] superior games that tell a story. It couldn't be anything from Nintendo [unless he really believes Mario's a good story and wasn't joking in his Game Overthinker videos], the Final Fantasy games are well known for not telling a great story - same goes for Metal Gear Solid, so what he's trying to discuss I'm not sure...they're not terrible gaming stories, as a plot to get you from A to B - but they aren't strong stories with a sense of character such as the likes of the Assassins Creed series.


Chaos in Jeans
Feb 2, 2010
Fappy said:
The only thing I would criticize in this regard is Bob's lack of response to viewer feedback. It would be nice to see him defend his points further after stating them.
Yeah, I'm sure that'd go over real well rather than turn into an even larger flamefest.

Amusingly enough, when I look at how much people are complaining about this one remark - one that isn't even wrong, they just don't like how it's structured - I can't help but feel like they're missing the big picture.

That's right. I went there.

Rag Doll

New member
Aug 16, 2008
After todays news, would've liked a reference to the Akira movie.

I agree the "for a western developed video game" line. Though western developers continue to perfect the *methods* of storytelling in games beyond the usual cutscenes and textlogs, (Half Life 2, Mass Effect, Heavy Rain) the Japanese developers excel in the sheer variety and quality of the stories (Ace Attorney, Okami, Persona 4). Bioware may have a lot of stories, but they all feel more and more like more refined versions of a winning formula. The east also has a better Quality/Quantity ratio of good stories compared to the brown shooters and übermasculine power fantasies that flood the western market.

Both sides have their share of bad games and cliches (i.e. angsty teenagers fighting satan, gruff grizzled men with a thing for hugging walls, REALLY big swords etc) But I think japanese games have the redeeming features in storytelling that make up for this.


New member
Apr 29, 2010
The preferences on how gaming presentation is just that: preferences. Anyone who disagrees is probably riding ego. Did there really need to be a one-line-caused debate? o.o

But as long as I'm here, IS there a string of conversations on this thread that keeps true to the (intended) topic? D':


New member
Aug 12, 2009
Well, I have to agree on this:

- The Story of Uncharted is pretty damn generic.

- Nathan is an uninteresting protagonist - it still baffles me that he was created by the same guys who gave us Jak and Daxter.

However, Bob, WHY would you want to see a Nintendo licensed movie? Characters like Link and Mario have about as much personality as a sack of potatoes. We know you are a Nintendo fanboy. We know you said that 'fanboy' doesn't deserve to have a negative connotation. But come on, most Nintendo games are as shallow as a dried up mud pool.


Jan 4, 2010
United States
Shjade said:
Fappy said:
The only thing I would criticize in this regard is Bob's lack of response to viewer feedback. It would be nice to see him defend his points further after stating them.
Yeah, I'm sure that'd go over real well rather than turn into an even larger flamefest.

Amusingly enough, when I look at how much people are complaining about this one remark - one that isn't even wrong, they just don't like how it's structured - I can't help but feel like they're missing the big picture.

That's right. I went there.
I DID in fact see precisely what you did there.


Elite Member
Nov 6, 2008
I like how you said that you haven't played either of the games from beginning to end, yet go on to criticize the story after only watching clips of the game. That's like if I wrote a review of a movie after only seeing the trailer.

I don't even know why I watch these anymore...


New member
Apr 28, 2010
themerrygambit said:
Macrobstar said:
ARGH, FFS Bob stop making me hate you!
I kind of agree... I really like Bob's Movie reviews but his "big picture" videos are starting to make me want to tune out. He's starting to push his personal views/opinions on me and I'm not really agreeing with any of them. Half the time I'm tuning in to see how he's going to tick me off next lol.
Before he had great insight on a lot of topics but the past 2 episodes his logic has been a bit wierd to be honest


New member
Jun 15, 2008
Shjade said:
Amusingly enough, when I look at how much people are complaining about this one remark - one that isn't even wrong, they just don't like how it's structured
Way to just make a controversial statement without any kind of reasoning or explanation behind it to back it up...If you make a remark like that, and I think based on his previous works it pretty clear Bob's attempting to troll people, expect to get called out on it.

Do explain, just why is that comment "not wrong".

ProjectTrinity said:
IS there a string of conversations on this thread that keeps true to the (intended) topic? D':
The "intended" discussion is so lackluster and has been done to death many a time - go find one of the million and one threads already created on this area.


New member
Apr 29, 2010
D_987 said:
but they aren't strong stories with a sense of character like Bioshock.
I'd say that is pretty subjective. I *have* Bioshock and it didn't grab me anymore than a 'generic' JRPG. Not saying it's beneath JRPG stories - far from it, but that is simply an opinion being stated there rather than fact.


New member
Aug 5, 2010
95% of Western developers can't do write a good story if it was handed to them already complete as he said its good FOR a western developer. Compared to say I don't anything with a mute protagonist and not trying to piss people off here but pretty much all console "exclusives" and what not generally have bad story as with the Call of duty games but that doesn't stop the from being fun. He's just saying compared to the average (in all honesty 85%+) of western video games Uncharted is good story wise.