The Big Picture: Off the Charts


New member
Mar 15, 2011
I agree with your opinions on how an Uncharted movie will turn out to be, and why it will be so. However, Bob, I think you have made a big lapse in judgement when you said that you don't have to play a game to understand its story thoroughly, whereas it is what you have to do exactly.
See a game is an interactive experience and the 'narrative' of a game isn't based on just what the cut-scenes or cinematics tell you. It is all about the interactions of the player with the created environment. A game's tutorial level may say much more about the narrative than an entire archive worth of cut-scenes. And , on top of "cashing in" as you so cleverly named the title of your video, the aforementioned mentality prevalent in many people not really familiar with the medium is a problem in and of itself. That kind of perspective has to change if we are to ever see an actual good game-based movie.

Edit: Oh yeah, this post would have been unfair without a shout-out to the true originators of these theses, Extra Credits


Premium Gasoline
Jun 23, 2009
Sadly I have never even touched the Uncharted franchise, despite being a PS3 owner. The only thing I know about it, is that Nathan Drake is one of the hundreds of voices under Nolan North's disgustingly large belt.

Maybe this movie will be decent, maybe it will suck. All I'm going to say is that everyone - and I mean everyone - who's going to willingly put themselves through another video game movie adaptation, shouldn't have any high hopes, ever.

I really getting sick of people getting the delusion that after suffering through the last 20 or 30-odd videogame films, they think the next one will be somehow different. It's almost as disgusting as the Highlander fanbase, except in that case the first one was actually good.


New member
May 28, 2008
I wish I lived in a mental bubble world where the year is always 1985, Mario serves me free drinks and Princess Peach gives me blowjobs on a regular basis then I too could be a big Nintendo fan like Bob. =P

Not insulting the guy, he's entitled to his tastes and opinions like anyone but man when it comes to games I really have difficulty agreeing with him. Western games always have bad story? I mean come on with stuff like Bioshock, Mass Effect, Assassins Creed, saying that is just crazy.


New member
Jun 5, 2010
Funny because Uncharted has been made once before... just by Uwe Boll. What are we forgetting that one now that a supposedly good one is coming?


Anyways you made an interesting point, though I would like to point out that in my personal opinion Scott Pilgrim was the first ever totally awesome Gamer movie and don't you go saying it's not a gamer movie.

Also I doubt there will ever be a adaption movie that some fan will never nit pick... because believe me they are out there... ^^;;


New member
Jun 28, 2010
As a gamer more than a lover of films all I can say is if the story hasn't changed despite fan protest, then the story must be pretty good for the director to refuse changing it. That's my view on the argument.

(Btw, how old is that Uncharted footage Bob? Elena was brunette in it.)


New member
Apr 19, 2010
Ehm, they did make a Mario Movie. Didn't see it, but I did see the Nostalgia Critic's review and yeah, it blows. Then there's Zelda. Now, I love the Zelda games that I played, mostly Ocarina of Time. It's well polished and immersive. But if I just take the story, well, it's pretty simple and cliche isn't it? Pure Hero fights completely depraved villain to protect the princess, travels to differnent locations to collect the magic artifacts, then a showdown.... I think you need to be very talented at worldbuilding to pull of a decent movie with that. And I'm not sure how serious I could take a life-action actor wearing Link's costume. Final Fantasy would be much better I think. Even though the stories and world have gotten increasingly bizar and filled with plot holes, the basis of a decent movie are there. Too bad when they did try to make a movie they threw every fantasy-part of the story out, made it a Sci Fi movie on a post-apocalyptic earth.... Really, it had less to do with Final Fantasy than the Uncharted movie sounds like it will with the Uncharted movie.

I think that's been one of the main problems with game movies. They choose games based on what's popular, not on what could make a decent movie. A Doom movie? Doom3's story was piss-poor by Video-game standards! It did well because of the groundbreaking techincal visuals at the time, and that's not something that the movie is going to be able to emulate. Breathtaking and original set design, yes that could work, but not a generic Aliens-style corridor that's just rendered very pretty. Farcry: Almost the same thing, I think it would have be poor even if it wasn't Uwe Boll directing the thing. Another problem is choosing games that were essentially 'popular movie X but in game form' like Resident Evil. Yeah, what do you think you get when you translate a Zombie-movie-game back to a movie? (It could be worse. They could make a Left 4 Dead movie.)

I suppose MGS could work (MGS4 is one of the few games where, if you wanted to make a movie based on the cutscenes, you'd actually have to condense the cutscenes instead of padding them.) Warcraft 3 could also work. Bioshock... maybe. The plot twist was briliant and the world was interesting to explore. Doubt that's enough for an entire movie though, but a good scriptwriter and director could probably find something to add. Haven't played enough of Mass effect or Dragon Age to judge those. Perhaps a real Final Fantasy movie.... Can't think of many others ATM.


New member
Jun 29, 2004
Bob has two settings he goes into.

* Objective Bob: Bob is neutral enough on the subject to remain objective. He tends be more articulate and may be points out a thing or two that's interesting or you might not have known about said subject. These tend be his better reviews.Then we have....

* Fanboy Bob: Bob is either too deeply enthralled with said subject to make any meaningful options worth hearing(aka anything dealing with nintendo.) or has so much vemon for a subject he can't bring up anything that's not purely opinion or interesting.(anything dealing with Michael Bay, a FPS or a FPS created by Michael Bay starting Dane Cook and Tyler Perry will be what Bob faces when he goes to hell.) He tends to annoy you, and most of what he says is often very contradicting to his previous work.I grow tired of the second flavor. I suppose he does just to stir the hornets nest for hits ,but it's lame either way. This to me is the true anti-thinker.

- List of points-

- In case of this video the only valid point I'd agree is Hollywood willfully wizs all over whatever they like as often as they like. They re equal opportunity offender.

- Enough with the Baytred already Bob. I get you don't like Bay or the new transformers films but saying someone is a D bag is not a compelling way changing anyones mind on the matter. I hate District 9 with the burning fury of a 1000 suns but I don't feel need mention it every time I state my opinion.(Good sci fi can fanastic elements but the people have to feel real. It completely fails there as people ignore real world logic in order to hamfist an obvious point down our throats other series have done better.) You've beaten this dead horse to death and done a lousy job at dismantling the merits. You take every window spell vemon even before the movie came out in the Terminator Salvation review you were already waiting to bash a movie you hadn't even seen. You're last guy who needs tell people to give a movie fair judgment to wait till when you ve seen it.

Ultimately your complaints just sound like this... .Transformers has been reinvented more times than Madonna. You don't like the current line up, just wait for the season to change. Go look into Kiss players(way to go Japan.) and tell me Bay has still made the worst version of transformers to date.

- What makes for a good movie and a good game are two completely different things. Most movies don't have enough action scenes to even fill up 2 hours of gameplay and most games don't have enough plot to make for a very compelling film. Each medium has different strengths, and it's foolish to assume what works in one will surely succeed in another. Unfortunately most movie based games or game based movies are simply cheap tie ins and think they can get by simply cashing in on a IP. Regardless if they actually have anything to do with their source material or not when its done. It's a poor compromise no one is usually happy with.

- Why does the west get flank for story telling? When did the east become this pinacle of video game story telling that it doesn't get thrown under the bus too? It sure as heck isn't Nintendo as they literally retell same story over and over every single game for majority of their series. Ultimately there's a mixed bag on both sides of the pond like anything else.

- Mario Bros has no story to speak of. I'm not sure how you can claim it would make a great film when there's even less characterization than the freaking Master chief you love to harp on so much. Halo has more story bob. HALO!! Someone would have to invent a story to make it go anywhere...which is basically what happened durng the last outing. next...

- Metal Gear Series: What an incoherent mess. I'm not sure what drugs Hideo was on when he came up with the story, but it doesn't make any sense. Especially after the first game. There's alot of talking and cutscenes but very little sense made during most of it. The gameplay is entertaining but that hardly makes for a good story.

- Castlevania: There's been plenty of vampire movies, I mean the original game was basically an excuse to slap every single monster movie creature into same game. It's taking a movie idea running it thru the filter of gaming and then running it back thru filter of movies.

- Metroid: there's potential tell a good story, but would definitely require them fleshing out Samus...not the way Other M did either.

- Zelda:it's your typical fantasy epic. No reason it couldn't be on par with anything else Hollywood has made in the same vein. There's nothing particularly special about this universe that makes any cooler other than it's medevil fantasty with zanier creature.

- Ultimately I could care less about Uncharted being made into a movie. It seemed like Metal gear in fact it already kind of was like a movie.I probably will ignore it who ever is or isn't directing it. Wasn't a game I played yet, but I intent to since I bought a PS3 few months back. I doubt if I had I'd be having much opinion on a movie being made on it. I have low expectations when it comes to game based movies. I dont see that changing in the foreseeable future. I welcome someone in hollywood to prove me wrong.


New member
Mar 24, 2011
I totally agree with moviebob's premise here, but I think it misses the real problem that fans of the game have with the movie. From what I've seen the problem that most people who actually like and have played the uncharted games (myself included) have with the upcoming uncharted movie has to do with casting rather than story. I recognize that, because of the differences in the two medias, adapting the game straight into a movie would, like moviebob said, amount to a third-rate knockoff of national treasure. So the main problem that I have found most fans of the game complaining about is the coice of Mark Wahlberg as Nathan Drake. I mean, seriously? What role has Wahlberg ever played that would indicate he could play an Indiana Jones-esque character? I really don't get Hollywood's fascination for Wahlberg, imo he's a second-rate actor who I would never say was 'excellent' in any role, let alone the type of character that Drake is.

Alot of fans want Nathan Fillion for the role, but that was always a pipe dream really. There are plenty of actors who would be a much better fit than Wahlberg (and are not as old) like Bradley Cooper, or Chris Pine to name a couple. Honestly I would pretty much rather have ANYONE play Drake besides Marky Mark.


New member
Oct 1, 2010
I just don't understand why they must make a "real" movie, when the in-game graphics are so good. why not become the first one too make a whole movie with real game graphics?


New member
Jan 7, 2011
sorry bob, but theres not a Big Picture on this episode... you should have posted it as a Escape to the Movies episode

*ps; agree with everything youve said

LGC Pominator

New member
Feb 11, 2009
I really can't agree with Bob on this one, I don't even like uncharted all that much (360 player here) but there is always a good story to pull out of a game like that, and if you are dealing with someone else's IP the least one could do is to stick to the plot that was established, or at least read the wikia (uncharted.wikia) page first to get some semblance of similarity to the game that the movie is based on.
There was no mention of the casting issues also which has been a big issue for gamers, however I think the biggest shot to the knees that gamers recieved with bad casting choices comes from the Kane and Lynch movie, Lynch - a psychotic hillbilly - played by jamie foxx, I know the racial differences was handwaved in an earlier episode, but when dealing with a character like lynch, his appearance and personality is a HUGE part of the game, getting anyone other than paul giamatti to play him is doing a huge disservice to fans.

In short, hollywood can suck it, I am tired of their attempts to get cash out of gamers by putting a familiar name on their product, then destroying the mythology of it.


New member
Mar 17, 2011
Hum... I've just watched the video, and can't help thinking that perhaps moviebob hasn't seen the extra credits point of view about video games adaptations on cinema. To me the bigger part of the problem, with Films adapted from video games, is that they don't get the relationship the player has with the game (as in the way he plays it).
So when moviebob said out right that he didn't play the game and was just guessing the quality of the game by... I don't know what experience I was kind of shocked.
I think that for someone who calls his show the "big picture" its a bit tunnel visioned.


New member
Jan 25, 2011
I think Uncharted is a huge step down from Amy Henning's earlier Legacy of Kain work (easily the best Video Game story I've seen) but I don't see what you consider douchey about Drake.


New member
Jan 25, 2011
Macrobstar said:
ARGH, FFS Bob stop making me hate you, uncharteds story was good i agree, but when you put in "for a western developer" seriously? WHAT PLAnET ARE YOU ON, Bioshock, Dragon age, mass effect, Red dead redemption
Okay that's twice I've heard this so I have to ask with zero sarcasm: Red Dead Redemtion is a great story? Sorry I've just been tempted to buy this game before but I don't know much about it and a great story would put it on the "buy" list for me. I was about to buy it once and then my friend called it "Grand Theft Horse." uh, no thanks.

Also can someone tell me why people are not optimistic about the Green Lantern movie, and since it's as a friend said "Inevitable right, since they're making a movie" why can't I find out anything about the game?

As for Uncharted and the Great Gatsby I'll probably give em' both a miss. Just not my thing. It's nothing against the director or game.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
mikev7.0 said:
Macrobstar said:
ARGH, FFS Bob stop making me hate you, uncharteds story was good i agree, but when you put in "for a western developer" seriously? WHAT PLAnET ARE YOU ON, Bioshock, Dragon age, mass effect, Red dead redemption
Okay that's twice I've heard this so I have to ask with zero sarcasm: Red Dead Redemtion is a great story? Sorry I've just been tempted to buy this game before but I don't know much about it and a great story would put it on the "buy" list for me. I was about to buy it once and then my friend called it "Grand Theft Horse." uh, no thanks.

Also can someone tell me why people are not optimistic about the Green Lantern movie, and since it's as a friend said "Inevitable right, since they're making a movie" why can't I find out anything about the game?

As for Uncharted and the Great Gatsby I'll probably give em' both a miss. Just not my thing. It's nothing against the director or game.
Well whether the storys great is opionated, but it did make me cry at the end and the characters are incredibly well characterised all of them have great personalities, the main protaganist and some of the supporting characters are incredibly likeable and the dialogue is really well written


New member
Jan 25, 2011
Macrobstar said:
mikev7.0 said:
Macrobstar said:
ARGH, FFS Bob stop making me hate you, uncharteds story was good i agree, but when you put in "for a western developer" seriously? WHAT PLAnET ARE YOU ON, Bioshock, Dragon age, mass effect, Red dead redemption
Okay that's twice I've heard this so I have to ask with zero sarcasm: Red Dead Redemtion is a great story? Sorry I've just been tempted to buy this game before but I don't know much about it and a great story would put it on the "buy" list for me. I was about to buy it once and then my friend called it "Grand Theft Horse." uh, no thanks.

Also can someone tell me why people are not optimistic about the Green Lantern movie, and since it's as a friend said "Inevitable right, since they're making a movie" why can't I find out anything about the game?

As for Uncharted and the Great Gatsby I'll probably give em' both a miss. Just not my thing. It's nothing against the director or game.
Well whether the storys great is opionated, but it did make me cry at the end and the characters are incredibly well characterised all of them have great personalities, the main protaganist and some of the supporting characters are incredibly likeable and the dialogue is really well written
Wow that sounds like a game I would really like. Okay Macrobstar I'll give it a shot. (Well probably several but you get the idea.) Likeable characters are one of my favorite parts of games.

As for the Green Lantern movie I think a movie adaptation of the Emerald Dawn story would be perfect. It's the best I can hope for other than the writers bringing in the corps or the JLA (I know keep dreaming....) but at least a cameo from John, Guy, Clark, or for the love of God Ollie would be very appropriate.

Come to think of it that would be a great idea for Kevin Smith's next opus: Quiver: the movie. Great now if Moviebob the Gameoverthinker really reads this I just got him all excited and terrified simultaneously.


Zombie Specialist
Apr 16, 2009
Traun said:
danpascooch said:
I'm not even going to argue with your fact-like statement that it was "bad", or bother to talk about Winter Voices (which I've never even heard of), but I'll present another amazing Bioware game. Knights of The Old Republic 1. If you think that has a bad story you meet legal criteria to be committed.
Yes, because a game needs 50 million USD in advertisement to be good. I won't argue about KOTOR though, it had a good story.
Absolutely not, I'm just saying that if it was the epitome of Western Storytelling in videogames I should definitely have heard of it.

Good games travel whether or not they have a high advertising budget, just look at Minecraft, it's become absolutely viral without a dime.


New member
Feb 22, 2011
The main point is that Russell's pitch is nothing like the source material. "Uncharte"d is about a wise cracking, arrogant jewel thief who is out to get whatever fabled treasure is up for grabs, but upon further examination of said treasure has discovered that it is in fact dangerous and potentially a weapon of mass destruction. Main bullet point: Nathan Drake is a thief, or better put, criminal who begrudgingly becomes a hero. Russell's pitch is about some guy who works with his dad and uncle, who are some sort of freelance police for Museum Curators. So all his doing is that he came up with some original (I use the term loosely) idea and has slapped an already successful game franchise on to it so as it will be approved. That would be like if I made up some film idea about some Elven Warrior that must travel to slay a Demon Queen because she took his wife hostage, but to get it off the ground I slap "Lord of the Rings" on to it. It's the same genre, but completely different from the original source material I'm claiming to use. It's just plain wrong!


New member
Oct 28, 2009
Haven't the time to read 11 pages of conversation, so if someone has already made the points I'm making sorry.

Put broadly, I don't think games and movies should really be mixing. A game, by definition, is an interactive experience, whereas a movie is not. It's easier to get my meaning across with an example- think of a Rubik's Cube. Nobody's going to pay money to watch someone else play with a Rubik's Cube for 2 hours, but people will spend 2 hours trying to solve a cube themselves. Point being, the fun in games comes from the interactivity, the feeling of accomplishment. Yes, I agree Zelda has a fantastic mythology and all that, but discovering it for yourself and working out the puzzles and defeating the bosses is so much more satisfying when YOU do it, as opposed to watching someone else do it. I don't understand why people want game movies so badly. "Hmm, I really like this game, but I'm sure it'd be even better if I wasn't actually playing it, but instead watching it happen without any input from me." Or, if you prefer- What'd be more amazing, being able to say you watched a house get built, or you building the house yourself with your own hands? Why can't games be games and movies be movies?

Another point worth noting- how many good movie games are there? I'm sure it's about the same amount of good game movies there are.