The Big Picture: Remembering the Real Jack Thompson

Jan 27, 2011
Wait, people still talk about the guy?

I've seen maybe 3 people in the last 4 years mention him, one of whom was saying "Hey, you know, the harassment HE got wasn't right either, you know" and the other two were certified idiots.

*scratches head* Who else is talking about him and hasn't gotten over him?


New member
Nov 9, 2009
I'm with Jojo and Darxide here. I can't remember the last time Jack Thompson was relevant, and it seems like to most gamers he's more of an old joke than a "boogieman".

Also? I think anger about Thompson wasn't so much about "he's gunna take our vidya away" than frustration at someone being so blindly prejudiced against gamers, while at the same time arrogantly and condescendingly putting down any counter-arguments. There's something about being labelled or tied to something negative just because of your hobbies or beliefs that just gets people's goat, for some reason.


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
daibakuha said:
Because it reinforces the fact that she's an object to be won from beating the game. The person you rescue isn't a character, she's a trophy.
Yes, I too liked the part in Aladdin where he (Aladdin) accidentally fell to that comment from the princess.

The idea isn't that she has no choice in the matter. Yes, if you do good things for people, especially daring things for people, it is not unreasonable to think that they would consider you more highly.

This isn't morally reprehensible. Likewise, I've never seen it stated that she has no say in the matter or that she is somehow obligated to give you more than gratitude. In fact, in a lot of scenarios you already have an existing relationship with the individual.

So, at best, you are maybe making an argument for a very specific scenario that I haven't seen in games yet.

The problem comes from the context the story gives these characters. They aren't characters at all.
Ok? Do you believe in a moral imperative of some kind that you have to know everything about a person before their life is worth saving? Or is their life saving purely because of the sanctity of life?

Besides, most damsel games have a preexisting relationship where they are characterized, so you're only discussing very specific sub-plots within the trope and even those aren't necessarily bad.

Like I said before, they're a reward, a trophy. Removing agency from someone is a good way for a bad to illustrate he's a bad guy, but the writers do the exact same thing by removing the character from narrative entirely.
Agency is the ability to act. If you can act freely then you don't need to be saved. Hero might as well sit at home doing nothing.

Their lack of agency is the conflict of the narrative that is to be overcome. It is central unless you're doing a Monkey Island-esque parody of the hero being a buffoon which works in a comedic game.

But as I just pointed out with examples I used at the end, they don't always require physical force. Lara Croft doesn't fist fight a bunch of dudes in that game.
The climbing alone would have been the most extreme level of physical endurance. Hanging off ledges by your fingers and even moving along said ledge with your fingers is a peak human feat that takes significant endurance and effort.

Likewise, I'm pretty sure I bopped more than a few skulls with a weapon and took quite a few strikes to the head too. Also, there were quite a few quick time events where a guy was overpowering her if you recall.

Lara Croft does it all. Physical, mental, all. I've got no problem with it. I wouldn't want my protagonist to be weak as hell so I'm happy that Croft has unlikely physical skills as a young girl against grizzled battle-hardened grown men/stranded sailors/pirates.

Nathan Drake rarely goes bare-knuckle as well, wanna know why? Because they'd both get overpowered by the sheer number of enemies and their enemies are much strong than they are physically.
Eh, I'd say Nathan gets into some pretty big brawls. They just don't gang up and bum-rush him in traditional action film fashion (where the potential enemies are just shuffling in the background to give the appearance of danger when the hero is actually only fighting one or two at any given time).


Look, most games are unrealistic. My point of contention is with Anita's claim against gender dimorphism which most people generally agree is incorrect and observably false.

I have no idea what this tangent is about, but weapons like a pistol, pepper spray, a taser and even a whistle are effective countermeasures against would be physical attacks.
A whistle? You mean a means to call for help from someone with the physical means to stop what's happening? All of these things are great if you're prepared for an assault. But if it comes down to trying to pull pepper spray out of your purse when the guy already has you then physical strength would make a big difference.

The idea is this, physical strength can be very relevant when people are trying to harm you. You're basically making the argument that Batman can beat Superman given enough time to prepare. True... but that's seldom the luxury we have as people.

But for the most part, they do have agency. Lara Croft doesn't rescue all of her friends on the island, she finds some and rescues 1. I think you have both a very narrow definition of what a protagonist is, and what conflict should be in a story. There are ways to tell even a straight hero story without removing female agency or anyone's agency really.
Um... first off, let's be clear. No one is actually having agency removed. The characters, even the protagonist, are just 1's and 0's. They don't have free will, they don't have agency, they're nothing. They are things. So morality isn't even slightly in question here.

Secondly, I'm explaining that in the damsel in distress, the individual needing to be saved IS the conflict in those narratives. If the individual does not need to be saved, then it's a different narrative altogether.

I'm sorry that people think it is somehow unethical to craft a story in which someone's life is at stake. But I find that to be particularly irrational to demand that a story not be told because the person being saved is a girl.

Please keep in mind, Anita's argument is not that these games are bad. It's that it's happening to a female. She doesn't care about a character having their agency taken away, she has a problem with it being a girl.

She says so in the third damsel trope video when discussing spleunky at the 6 minute mark. She explains that there's nothing wrong with damsel-ling the male character or dog and that only the female damsel is unethical to depict. So, either she is sexist and thinks that bad mechanics are justified against men or her objection is something else regarding it specifically happening to the female.

She says that the female damsel reinforced stereotypes about women being the weaker gender because they're frail/fragile/vulnerable. Which, as we are discussing, isn't a stereotype but is a measurable distinction between our genders albeit on average.

1. True: Saying that women are weaker than men as a gender (aggregate).
2. True: Saying that Sally is most likely (statistically likely but not necessarily) weaker than Tom because she is female.
3. False: Saying that Sally is automatically weak because she is a woman. There's a huge difference between the first two and the last one. But Anita is disagreeing with both medical fact and stereotyping when only stereotyping is wrong.


New member
Apr 4, 2011
An Ceannaire said:
Bob, we get it; You like Anita Sarkeesian and what she preaches. That's fine.

But a lot of us don't. Stop trying to make us feel guilty for disagreeing with somebody whose arguments aren't all that airtight to begin with. It's getting a bit tiresome.

OT: Interesting video, considering I didn't really pay much attention to the Jack Thompson debacle when it was happening because that was another American issue that had no effect on me. So he was just a two-bit political wannabe in the end? Who'd have guessed?
I don't think he's trying to make people feel guilty for disagreeing with her.

I think he's just arguing that comparing Jack Thompson to Anita Sarkeesiann is unfounded.


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
aegix drakan said:
Wait, people still talk about the guy?

I've seen maybe 3 people in the last 4 years mention him, one of whom was saying "Hey, you know, the harassment HE got wasn't right either, you know" and the other two were certified idiots.

*scratches head* Who else is talking about him and hasn't gotten over him?
MovieBob is complaining about people comparing Anita's claim that games reinforce and perpetuate sexism with Thompson's claim that games encourage violence behaviors. He is being subtle about it but you'll see his intention at the 4:52 minute mark and if you're aware that Anita is the one being accused of claiming that games are harmful in the same way Thompson did.

It is apparently beyond Bob's comprehension that two people claiming that games do X which is harmful could warrant comparison.

It's almost as if he has a dog in this fight. But it's not like Bob would make an entire article on the matter just to defend a friend or anything without disclosing a friendly relationship with said friend after this whole shitstorm of gamergate broke, right (FYI, Bob is the one in black and I'm betting both of the below pictures were taken on the same day even though Anita is wearing a larger jacket in one)?

Perhaps he thinks that because it was subtle and that he didn't mention her by name he didn't have to explain that he's an avid fan of hers. But she's the only one who is getting compared to him right now. So, even without him using pictures of her work when discussing who is being compared we would know exactly who he is talking about.


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
remnant_phoenix said:
An Ceannaire said:
Bob, we get it; You like Anita Sarkeesian and what she preaches. That's fine.

But a lot of us don't. Stop trying to make us feel guilty for disagreeing with somebody whose arguments aren't all that airtight to begin with. It's getting a bit tiresome.

OT: Interesting video, considering I didn't really pay much attention to the Jack Thompson debacle when it was happening because that was another American issue that had no effect on me. So he was just a two-bit political wannabe in the end? Who'd have guessed?
I don't think he's trying to make people feel guilty for disagreeing with her.

I think he's just arguing that comparing Jack Thompson to Anita Sarkeesiann is unfounded.
That does appear to be his intention.

He just doesn't see how:

X believes that Y games are harmful because Z

Can apply to both individuals.

Jack believes violent games are harmful because they incite violence.
Anita believes sexist games are harmful because they reinforce and perpetuate sexism.

Anita has even directly called the games harmful but people seem to miss it because she uses the word "pernicious" which has fallen out of use in the common vernacular.

My only guess is that he thinks this comparison is to imply that Anita is trying to censor these things. But that's not always the case with the reference. It's that she's making an unfounded claim that games do harm. At least Jack Thompson found and provided studies that seemed to back him up until they were thrown out by the Supreme Court as incorrect.

Thompson was a far greater threat because he tried to use the government to censor these things. But their arguments are the same thing. It is just silly to pretend like they're not and it's wrong Bob for dismissing what is a legitimate comparison just because it casts a friend of his in a bad light when it's a valid criticism of her claims.


New member
Jan 4, 2012
Okay so title alone here are my prediction 1) A defense of Anita Sarkeesian. It is Movie Bob talking about Jack Thompson it may even be his key feature. 2) Reasons why Jack Thompson or perhaps just censorship is important. 3) generally undermining gamers as assholes or identity of being a gamer as irrelevant. Off to watch it.

Point one one made it in but was far less of a focus than I thought it would be and was a rather apt point even if I do generally dislike Anita Sarkeesian. I have never found her goal as negative, her stated goal of a better image for women is a fantastic point she just make it poorly, contradicts herself,paints with a brush that is a mile to wide and denies discussion all at a very slow pace, but it is true she is not gaming bogyman.

Point two is not what I thought he would say at all, and was rather well put. Yeah Jack Thompson is old news but he was never big news. His main point was more or less Anita Sarkeesian is not female Jack Thompson. I do not agree and feel in many ways he is all be it to a far lesser extent.

Point three is there through out the video, eh at least he counts himself in the group.


New member
Aug 5, 2014
I think the concern over the impact of violence in videogames is a valid one. The claim that violence train kids to be killers is not. This is the claim Thompson made.
I think that the concern over the impact of gender portrayals in videogames is a valid one. To draw a parallel would mean that Sarkeesian claimed that videogames train people to rape or abuse women. This is not her claim.

The influence of culture on attitudes is pretty well established. It's part of the reason why we study and criticize culture. It's central to the idea of "games are art." If art were meaningless, then who cares if games qualify or not? If we accept that art is important, we have to recognize how it can be important in both good ways AND bad.


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
DANEgerous said:
Point one one made it in but was far less of a focus than I thought it would be and was a rather apt point even if I do generally dislike Anita Sarkeesian. I have never found her goal as negative, her stated goal of a better image for women is a fantastic point she just make it poorly, contradicts herself,paints with a brush that is a mile to wide and denies discussion all at a very slow pace, but it is true she is not gaming bogyman.
People don't generally compare her to Thompson regarding her statement that women should have better representation in gaming. A lot of people agree completely with her on that in many ways.

What people do compare her with Thompson on is that she calls sexist games pernicious (her words, aka, Harmful) because the reinforce and perpetuate sexism. This is comparable to Thompson's claim that violent games are harmful because they make people violent.

This point is almost entirely lost on people who disagree with it. It is axiomatically similar.

QuietlyListening said:
I think the concern over the impact of violence in videogames is a valid one.
Cite yourself. There are several studies that claim overall aggression and frustration decrease with gaming. Even violent gaming as a nonviolent way to destress.If games did make people have more violent thoughts, then it would make them more violent. So Thompson wouldn't have been wrong even if he was exaggerating the degree.


New member
Mar 25, 2009
I find it hillarious the Gamergate people say that Anita denies discussion.. How does she do that? Has she gotten a law passed that says no one can disscuss sexism in video games????


New member
Sep 27, 2014
Jack is nothing like Anita... for example we could criticizes Jack and when it was found his argument was lacking he was raked over the coals.
Have any big gaming sites done the basic respectful thing and examine Anita's arguments?

Bob really missed the point.


New member
Dec 22, 2008
What I feel is often lost on people in these discussions is an understanding of nuance. A 2010 meta-analysis [,%202010.pdf] of 136 papers detailing 381 tests involving 130,296 research participants found that violent gameplay led to a significant desensitization to violence, increases in aggression, and decreases in empathy.

But this isn't the same as saying these games cause violence, as Jack Thompson had argued so vehemently in the past. Likewise, Anita isn't saying games cause sexism, only that they can reinforce and perpetuate it, as in it doesn't cause it so much as strengthen what's already there.

The way that this sort of thing generally works is that if you see an idea repeated ad nauseum, then you begin to see it as normal, even as expected. It doesn't necessarily cause you to behave in a certain way, but it tends to make you see certain things as more "natural."


New member
Sep 27, 2014
itsmeyouidiot said:
But this isn't the same as saying these games cause violence, as Jack Thompson had argued so vehemently in the past. Likewise, Anita isn't saying games cause sexism, only that they can reinforce and perpetuate it, as in it doesn't cause it so much as strengthen what's already there.
How is that any different? Do you think Jack did not know violence was already something we have? She is saying games are harmful and make sexism worse and then lists GTA as an example.
I don't think it would be a misscharacterization to say that Jack thought games are harmful and makes violence worse and then lists GTA as an example.


New member
Mar 25, 2009
sexy=sexist said:
itsmeyouidiot said:
But this isn't the same as saying these games cause violence, as Jack Thompson had argued so vehemently in the past. Likewise, Anita isn't saying games cause sexism, only that they can reinforce and perpetuate it, as in it doesn't cause it so much as strengthen what's already there.
How is that any different? Do you think Jack did not know violence was already something we have? She is saying games are harmful and make sexism worse and then lists GTA as an example.
I don't think it would be a misscharacterization to say that Jack thought games are harmful and makes violence worse and then lists GTA as an example.
did you not learn anything? Jack didn't care about any of it. All that mattered was he was able to use it to further his political career. It didn't matter to him if anything was banned or not as long as he was able to further his political career. When Hillary Clinton purposed a ban on M rated games to minors he opposed it.


New member
Sep 27, 2014
bobdole1979 said:
sexy=sexist said:
itsmeyouidiot said:
But this isn't the same as saying these games cause violence, as Jack Thompson had argued so vehemently in the past. Likewise, Anita isn't saying games cause sexism, only that they can reinforce and perpetuate it, as in it doesn't cause it so much as strengthen what's already there.
How is that any different? Do you think Jack did not know violence was already something we have? She is saying games are harmful and make sexism worse and then lists GTA as an example.
I don't think it would be a misscharacterization to say that Jack thought games are harmful and makes violence worse and then lists GTA as an example.
did you not learn anything? Jack didn't care about any of it. All that mattered was he was able to use it to further his political career. It didn't matter to him if anything was banned or not as long as he was able to further his political career. When Hillary Clinton purposed a ban on M rated games to minors he opposed it.
And so what? His motivations are not really all that important to me. See I honestly assume Anita is trying to help people and make the world a better place. I still disagree with her both as a gamer and as a feminist myself.


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
I thought this whole #GG thing had died down, then someone goes and pisses in the punchbowl, and here we go again. Please just let the whole #GG and Anti-#GG thing die. We all have better things to do with our time, and we seemed to have all started to get along just fine again. Bloody hell.


New member
Jan 4, 2012
Lightknight said:
DANEgerous said:
Point one one made it in but was far less of a focus than I thought it would be and was a rather apt point even if I do generally dislike Anita Sarkeesian. I have never found her goal as negative, her stated goal of a better image for women is a fantastic point she just make it poorly, contradicts herself,paints with a brush that is a mile to wide and denies discussion all at a very slow pace, but it is true she is not gaming bogyman.
People don't generally compare her to Thompson regarding her statement that women should have better representation in gaming. A lot of people agree completely with her on that in many ways.

What people do compare her with Thompson on is that she calls sexist games pernicious (her words, aka, Harmful) because the reinforce and perpetuate sexism. This is comparable to Thompson's claim that violent games are harmful because they make people violent.

This point is almost entirely lost on people who disagree with it. It is axiomatically similar.
I absolutely agree on that point. Do you know if she has addressed agency in any of her videos yet? Because it is something a lot of her camp do not appear to grasp. I remember her talking about how a female lets you in to the base to kill the final boss and then kind of shrugs it off as her being completely damseled as you have to kill her. (i kept that intentionally vague) and I was like... no she asked you to kill her, multiple times she that was her plan and by her order. She was also being imprisoned and in constant pain and the person that take her place even directly says the final boss killed her long before you pulled the plug.

There comes a point where you are not over simplifying or condescending you are just lying or utterly wrong. Some of her points sound like she is saying To kill a Mokingbird is in favor of racism because most of the town is raciest which is simply and objectively wrong statement. But hey it is valid because at the beginning she says we can enjoy something yet be critical of it as her entire camp says. Okay, but your argument has to be sound, your argument for the moon being made of cheese does not get more merit just because you think we need to be critical of astronomy... Well that was a fun rant.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
cleric of the order said:
crimsonshrouds said:
She should be ignored but I wouldn't dismiss every criticism of her as hate stiffies. Their is criticism and then there is banging a drum with your hate stiffy. Guess which camp GamerGate falls into? Here's a clue: Banging a drum with a hate stiffy means being loud and repeating over and over? Be my guest criticize her, point out her ignorance and then fucking let it go.
Dude what?
I haven't.
I just?
Dude, we really don't care about her.
Not as a group at least.
I just no.
Just no.
*cough* *cough* Yeah, Gamergate has a lot of problems with "SJWs" and feminist frequency. All it takes to be a part of this leaderless angry mob is a hashtag.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
Bocaj2000 said:
crimsonshrouds said:
Bocaj2000 said:
MaddKossack115 said:
\At the very LEAST, the GamerGate members who DON'T support trying to outright kill Anita just to shut her up should call out any of their members who tried to do so, if only in a "GUYS!! Stop making US look bad!" motive.
We do. The problem is that we get dismissed, censored, and fought against whenever we do. This is an obnoxiously slanderous Scotsman fallacy used by the other side to dismiss the rational majority at every turn.
Rational majority of what? I'll answer that. A leaderless mob of angry people who use a hashtag where the only requirement to be in this angry mob is to use the hashtag... That about sums up #GG's image problem. Please stop saying GamerGate has a rational majority because any rational person would realize why it is not rational to associate themselves with leaderless angry mob.
We are NOT an "angry mob". You are simply one of the thousands tricked into believing such slander by the unethical journalism that GG is fighting so hard against.
mob 3. any group or collection of persons or things.

"You are simply one of the thousands tricked into believing such slander by the unethical journalism that GG is fighting so hard against." that's an interesting idea The only gaming news site i hang out on is the escapist. It was the only conclusion i could draw from what I've seen on this site. I don't have twitter or facebook.

"a movement about anti-censorship, journalistic ethics, and anti-corrupt independent gaming."

Yea i'm not buying that when GamerGate wishes to censor a review because they don't agree with it.


New member
Aug 14, 2013
Izanagi009 said:
Three things:

-Oh dear, this will blow up in massive flames at this rate

-Honestly, I'm trying to step back and view the whole thing from above but this whole Gamergate thing is nuts so here is my probably controversial statement. How about instead of making a figurehead enemy that would unite the people but lead to nothing, you target something that is more ambiguous but will yield better results: lack of intelligence. It would seem that internet discourse has degraded into what I sadly call Neanderthal head bashing. Basic argument structure in a debate is as follows: constructing the argument, someone makes a refutation, you make a refutation of that refutation that supports your initial argument and so on. Instead, I see a whole lot of personal attacks and topic diverting. I understand that people are angry and pissed but in the long run leaving your rage at the door will enable you to articulate your point better. I admit I have not fully demonstrated that principle given my reaction threads but at the same time, the pissing contest is making me very very tired and annoyed.

- I don't quite understand why we are targeting critics? I don't like Anita on grounds of lack of citation, updates, or even basic academic research but the points themselves have merit. Gaming culture wanted to be treated on the same level as movies and books but we only want the positive in terms of acceptance and influence, not the negative in terms of unfortunate implications and tired tropes being brought up.
Your last point is pretty much why no one will ever take gaming seriously as anything more than a hobby with little educational worth or artistic merit.