The Big Picture: Skin Deep


New member
Jun 16, 2010
Off topic. Dont know why there should be outrage at the casting of Dragonball seeing as Goku is an Alien from a different galaxy who happens to have similar traits to human beings. As well as he comes from a fictional universe that is not Asian specific... wanna get angry at Dragonball (aside from the fact that it sucked) ? Well then get angry about the fact that we did not see the King of the planet earth... the Dog wearing a Suit.

As for our inherent double standard... well it's an imperfect world but the general allowance that western culture has for change now is far greater than that of earlier times and perhaps we are really moving on to a slightly less crappy world, where the question of race is replaced by a question of character.

I'm Biggi and thats the Biggi-Picture


New member
Mar 31, 2009
Vault Citizen said:
As a comic book fan the reason why I rejected the idea of a black spiderman and why I'd probably dislike a black Batman is that personally speaking I can be a bit of a nut for detail. More simply put I like it better when they match and when they don't it annoys me in the same way it might annoy a neat freak if a fork is out of place or something.
I can agree with this, to the extent I still mean to find the passage in Tolkein's writing that describes the differing appearances of different Hobbits from different parts of the Shire to see whether or not a Pakistani woman should, imo, be allowed to play a Hobbit *dives behind asbestos wall* ...

... but I can see another problem with the idea of a black Batman.

Think about Batman's back-story.

Origin []

While leaving a movie theater for home, wealthy philanthropist Thomas Wayne and his wife Martha were accompanied by their 8 year-old son, Bruce. As they stepped onto Park Row (now called Crime Alley) a masked gunman called Joe Chill came out of the shadows. Chill shot and killed both Thomas and Martha in cold blood right in front of their young boy. Bruce was traumatized at the sight of his parents' death and his life would never be the same. After his parents' death, Bruce was raised by his wise and loyal butler Alfred Pennyworth and inherited his family's vast fortune as well as his father's company, Wayne Enterprises. ... With so many skills acquired, Bruce considered joining the FBI but learned that he could never fight crime within the current legal system.
The same page says Batman was first published in 1939. Wealthy black philanthropists with a wise and loyal butler and a vast fortune, in a city in the USA in 1939? Alright, him being unable to fight crime within the FBI matches being black in the USA in 1939 fairly well, but the rest of that story just doesn't.

A modern Batman, born after 1990, could be black and have that back-story ... just. []

I'll tell you who should be black but probably won't be in most cases: God, Michael, Gabriel, Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel, Joshua, Abraham ...

World's most ancient race traced in DNA study []

The San people of southern Africa, who have lived as hunter-gatherers for thousands of years, are likely to be the oldest population of humans on Earth, according to the biggest and most detailed analysis of African DNA. The San, also known as bushmen, are directly descended from the original population of early human ancestors who gave rise to all other groups of Africans and, eventually, to the people who left the continent to populate other parts of the world.

A study of 121 distinct populations of modern-day Africans has found that they are all descended from 14 ancestral populations and that the differences and similarities of their genes closely follows the differences and similarities of their spoken languages.
Yes, I have seen Dogma. I did say "in most cases" there.

Nerf Ninja

New member
Dec 20, 2008
googleback said:
Mantonio said:
googleback said:
the man himself Idris Elba doesn't want race to be a part of the discussion when it comes to his character.
I believe in casting that is only Racially profiling when the character is WRITTEN as that particular race. and by that I mean not just a casual "he's white btw" from the writer.

The Reason James Bond is white is because back when the character was originally written you wouldn't have seen a black guy in such a position. especially in that backwards and primitive time of segregation and prejudice...

Today? why couldn't he be? why couldn't (for example) IDRIS ELBA (one of my country's FINEST film actors) PLAY A BRITISH SECRET AGENT? Just throwing it out there!

seriously! think back over Casino Royale and just copy Paste Elba over Daniel Craig? bond is pretty ambiguous as it is right?
Well unfortunately, the fan theory of 'James Bond' just being a code name, a theory that would erase all continuity issues, issues with different actors and levels of seriousness and allow any type of race into the role... isn't canon. James Bond being an actual person is.

While it could still work, granted, it would be much harder to pull off.
yeah I guess your right. It feels like the character of bond has become more than just one man in a sort of Timelord way but I think at the end of the day they could get away with it. be a ballsy move. He would definitely play the shit out of it though! ;p
Regardless of whether or not "james Bond" is officially a codename, it's essentially become so because of the way the films have been produced. Daniels Craig's Bond is supposed to be just starting out in the espionage business. There's no conceivable reason why James Bond can't be black, or "The Doctor" for that matter. Hell "The Doctor" could be black and female if they found a good enough actor.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
As a Swede the whole THOR thing is mostly a joke to us anyways.
Thor in Norse myth is QUITE different from the THOR in the US. So, If they want to cast a great dark-skinned actor I don't give a fuck, since Norse mythology really seems to mostly be an inspiration.

But, I don't think that you can inherit guilt. Never mind that European colonialism and technology have risen the standard of for the former colonies. (See india)
So, I really feel that race isn't an issue anymore. But, I'm speaking for northern Europe. Our hands are (Mostly) clean in this issue.


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
voorhees123 said:
Yes, that guy was awesome in Thor. I wont disagree. But making a white character black, because of a historical slavery that ended a hell of a long time ago, as an excuse is retarded. Black actors today sell multi billion pound record sales, front billion pound films. Look at Snoop Dogg, Will Smith, Morgan Freeman and P Diddy? Are these people considered poor minorities struggling? Race is not the issue, the issue is the character should be what the comics state them to be whether black, white, yellow or green. Whatever. Stop using anchient history as a reason why certain things are ok because that in itself is racism i would of thought.
I applaud you. To me, using slavery as an excuse is pretty retarded and makes no sense to me. My people were poor as fuck back in Europe so I highly doubt my ancestors had slaves, if not were slaves themselves, so it's beyond me why that has to be thrown in my face.

OT: Look, I thought the guys performance was awesome, and I wasn't bothered by the choice of him for that role, I thought it was perfect. What I do have an issue with is how I have no right as a "whitey" to complain about those things because of what my ancestors may have done, to me that's utter bullshit. I thought we weren't supposed to judge people based on past events like that, oh wait, how stupid of me, it's not possible. We live in a shit world, so I guess double standards are okay then. /sarcasm.


New member
Oct 3, 2008
Bob you once again get to the heart of things and properly explain the meaning of cultural privilege to those who may not have had a graspable definition of it's complex construct. For that I can only thank you. If there is something more I could do to help you hammer this point home, ask and I will act.


Tea & Grief
Nov 9, 2009
Dansrage said:
MatsVS said:
Funny how 'historical precedence' immediately gets equated by stupid white bigots as 'SINS OF THE FATHER' as they desperately try to rationalize their own biases and dismiss the concept of white privilege. Funny and sad, obviously. Stupid is as stupid does.
Bite me, i'm not a racist and i'm not guilty of a damn thing, i just don't like being forced to feel guilty for something i never took part in.
Sins of the fathers indeed.
You missed the point again.

It's not about the sins of the father, its about the cultural nonequivalence which is the direct result of generations of racism. That makes it morally responsible to recast a white character as black, yet not the other way around. If this makes you feel somehow slighted, that is the hard-wired white privilege which has been ingrained in your subconscious through years of the cultural doctrine of white superiority. Word of the wise: Get over it, because the world is getting over you.


Salvation a la Mode
Apr 1, 2010
jonyboy13 said:
I couldn't care less about the race, but if I'm a fan of something I want it to be exactly the same.
If in an X-men movie Magneto, my favorite character there by far would be black I would be fucking pissed!
Magneto is a bit different though, as his ethnicity (Jewish) is important to his backstory. Meanwhile there isn't anything in particular that demands Heimdall be white other than the fact that the culture that developed the mythology that the character is loosely based on was very white.

Note that Marvel's version of the Asgardians are pretty much space aliens from another dimension, so there's still no need for them to all be white for them to make sense within the context of the Marvel universe.

Changing Magneto's skin color however wouldn't make a ton of sense because him being a German born Jew is important to the character.

I'll agree that changing a character's race in situations where their race and the culture they came from is important to the character is a bad idea, but when the only argument against the race change is that the culture that wrote the mythology that the character is loosely based on is largely white - its harder to justify being upset about especially when the guy they cast did such a good job with the character.


New member
Sep 26, 2006
You know, we are in serious need of some hard statisticis with a broad field of reference in relation to the ratio between white artistas Vs. everybody else in Hollywood, because there seemes to be a LOT of people who just don't see how it is skewed towards the former.

That would be great research to show how this is not a non-issue at all.

Woodsey said:
Definitely agree.

The Poor White Man card seems to be getting played quite a lot on the forums recently, and its annoying as hell.
Most definitely. I saw a few precious arguments that got me thinking about dangers of double-standards of any nature whatsoeverer, even the ones that MovieBob categorized as benign.

Even so, those were precious few indeed.

Eldarion said:
The character was a Norse GOD. A GOD can shape shift, control elemental forces, move the sea and the sun, wreck shit for no reason, is it so hard to think that they can also be whatever color they want in human form?
Well, its been proven that it's hard for a lot of people. Though I wouldn't say it's for all for racist reasons, thankfully.

The dude who played Heimdall was great, so the crucial part was safe and sound.


New member
Apr 18, 2010
im a the only one that dosent give a damn about the characters skin color VS the actors skin color? Do you want to know what matters?...What character and what actor..thats what matters..


New member
Apr 9, 2009
honestdiscussioner said:
Am I upset about a black guy being cast in a white role? Nah. Don't care really. ESPECIALLY if he was as awesome as everyone says. I think they are allowed to change a character, especially through if they are modernizing it.

My only issue is that we shouldn't be allowing double standards at all. Sure, slavery was one HELL of a double standard that puts the "movie role" double standard to quintuple shame to the power of infinity, but a lesser injustice is still an injustice, and should not be allowed. Me robbing your store doesn't give you the right to step on my son's foot.

Am I being idealistic? Not exactly, because I'm not saying we shouldn't tolerate double standards, or that the only acceptable situation is when there are no double standards, only that we should constantly be aiming for as few as possible. We should not give free passes to a group who was fucked over centuries ago, simply because as long as they get that free pass, we as a society will never truly move on. It will continue to haunt and hurt both sides and I'd prefer we work towards that no longer happening.
Spot on I think. One of the things that has always pissed me off in the conflict around places like the Gaza strip and such is that everyone puts the blame on the Palestinians and none on the Israelis. And why? Because the latter's religion (Judaism) was oppressed throughout two millenia of our history. But their army slaughtering civilians in Gaza is still slaughter, no matter how it is dressed.

I've really got to stop posting here honestly. I will admit I haven't watched this one and I don't think I will - there's little about MovieBob's style I find attractive these days I think, given the amount of rationalizations and excuses for his points of view he's willing to bring up in that smug accent of his. What drew me here, however, is the description that double-standards are sometimes a good thing.

No. They never are. Because what they lead to inevitably is always the youtube link I provide here. And no amount of feeble excuses and rationalizations will change the truth of what happens when the shit really hit the fan, because we decided to say that double standards are cool - all because we refuse to admit that we, as human beings, can't take responsibility for our actions and opinions properly:



New member
Dec 12, 2009
I liked this episode, but I'm left with a question...when was the last time a black character was replaced with a white actor? Does it even happen often enough to be a problem?


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Something to make the non-Americans (and UK in particular) viewers feel much better on this matter:

Before the victory of minds like Doctor King and Mr Little (X) U.S military soldiers being positioned in England and the UK were often sat through a movie on what to expect. This included, of all things, a reaction scene with a little old lady approaching both a white AND black soldier and saying "You should both come for supper". With no hint of irony the message displayed was that in England, people may actually INVITE black people into their homes.

Also, when the US soldiers (particuarly naval marines) came to the British isles they often demanded that the pubs and bars follow the rules of segregation. Insiting that bar staff throw out all the non-whites. Never once was it recorded that a bar keep complied with these orders, and often should a fight result from these issues, the British forces would take the side of the offended blacks and staff.

It was just never seen as cool over here.

So many people are familiar with how the States handled this stuff, often people from europe aren't even aware of how their own histories with the race question even went! So that's just an example I think people can be proud of.

Also, people should watch "Look who's coming to dinner". Awesome movie.


New member
Apr 12, 2010
Well I have to admit that I haven't seen the movie nor did I had the privilege to have read the comic book the movie was based on(so I understood that it was based on a comic not a "religion"). So hell in my point of view it's ok to swap the race of the character.

I mean it's not like someone made a movie where Jesus was Vietnamese or the Prophet Mohammed a blond nordic race type of guy :))