The Big Picture: The New Originals


New member
Jan 19, 2012
Yeah and I am just sitting here in South Africa, waiting another 3 weeks(i think) for the release of this movie... Thanks for the itch Bob...


New member
May 29, 2012
Mimic. There, now stop claiming del Toro is perfect. Actually, it was not until Pan's Labyrinth that he really started pulling ratings higher than 7 on IMDB (and that site is well know for being generous). He has been on quite a run over the last few years, and considering the kind of money poured into Pacific Rim ($180M+), it *should* be great. This premise of synchronized movement controls through a neural interface at first (and second) glance seems contrived, highly implausible, and ultimately a hindrance to immersion. If that is the only flaw, then this will probably be a 8.5/10.

One other aspect to consider - the main production company is Legendary Pictures (MoS, Hangover Pt 3, Wrath/Clash of the Titans, Sucker Punch, and it keeps going on and on). They have some hits, but for every one there are two or three stinkers that were all billed as 'blockbusters' with heavy ad campaigns dumping Millions into ad space, before the reviewers set us straight. Now, del Toro should have been more than just the director on this, so he probably kept Legendary from messing it up. But it is like seeing the logo for Lionsgate appear on a movie you were not even sure you wanted to see in the first place. It is a really good indication that if the movie sucks at the start, it will only get worse. You only have 30 minutes to leave the cinema to get a refund, so always wear a watch and if you even look at it in the first 30 minutes, then it is not going well for that movie. I have left 9/10 Lionsgate movies in the last 8 years, all within the first 15 - 20 minutes, and none were ever a mistake. I consider Legendary to be a much better funded version of Lionsgate, but they tend to spend it all on CG instead of all the other ingredients that make good movie. I have only left 3 Legendary pictures, but for some reason I tend to avoid their releases based on their premises alone (or I am just lucky).

So rush out and see it on opening weekend? It will depend on what my favorite and trusted critics say. There is no point in flipping coins when we have reliable sources.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
I know this has been said before, but the idea of Giant Robots fighting giant godzilla style monsters isn't exactly the most original thing in the world. After all, there was this little show called Neon Genesis Evangelion......

Also, the GLaDOS voice is in it. Hell yeah.

I'm still going to go see it unless it ends up being awful.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
I went into this video ready to disagree with Bob, but I mostly agree. However, the only reason that matters for me with Pacific Rim is it looks awesome.


New member
Feb 26, 2009
Funcakes said:
Elysium? Isn't that just another class disparity movie? Am I missing something?
Another class disparity movie by the guy who did District 9.

I'm going to go see it, not only because it's going to be a damn fine movie, but so Blomkamp can finally get to doing Halo justice.


New member
Nov 29, 2008
No, I will not see Pacific Rim. I only support low budget films with practical effects, mostly the stuff that never makes it to theater, the kind of cheesy unintentionally hilarious shit with questionable acting that Obscurus Lupa, Phelous, Welshy, the Cinema Snob, & Diamanda Hagen review.

Seen here: Only the best movie ever made.


New member
Nov 4, 2010
I wonder if making IP expire after ten years would cut down on the number of reboots and remakes?


New member
Jul 28, 2012
The Rotten Tomatoes reviews are already up. 84%.
By all accounts this movie is great fun so I'm definitely watching it.


New member
Aug 25, 2008
I doubt many people are going to go watch Pacific rim because it's creative, new and original.

Most are probably going to see it because it's GAINT MONSTERS VERSUS GAINT ROBOTS!!!!


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
wery well done bob, i totally agree with you. you are much better when you speak about movies and not "omg you nerds suck".
I certainly do support new movies. i watch a lot of new movies, even indie ones, more than remakes. Though doubtful oen person is impacting that much.

and theres another stopper
pacific rim: not coming to a theater in your country.


New member
Feb 16, 2010
I just hope the machines aren't made from the monsters they're fighting; otherwise it's going to feel like they're ripping off eva, like they did in bayonetta.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
PedalTank said:
luvd1 said:
... Yes. I wonder if bob (now after watching the film) still feels the same, coz the reviews so far are not to complementary.
Not sure where you got that. Has a 85% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes.
Indeed. I notice they have empire online review as positive, which it isn't. Empire gave it 3 stars and called It "A big, brash, unpretentious B movie that lives down to its billing: robots punching monsters ? it does what it says on the Rim." To quote some of the review "These humans rarely rise above the risible. As thinly drawn as their teatime-TV ancestors, they are heroes as mechanical as the robots, pre-programmed with personal issues (chiefly dead relatives), too easily overcome. The performances get no further than their overcharged names: Charlie Hunnam is gravel-voiced maverick Raleigh Becket; Rinko Kikuchi his troubled, greenhorn co-pilot Mako Mori; while Idris Elba, as the unit?s commander Stacker Pentecost, stomps out dialogue so wooden and portentous, you fear the apocalypse may be over by the time he?s finished."
Even IGN was not impressed and that's IGN. From my take on what I hear, it's not bad but just not as good as you think it should be.

Lord Draenor

New member
Sep 20, 2010
I'm going to go see it. But I'm a geek and this speaks directly to me. The references, the iconography, the wild exaggeration - I'm all for that. Others will probably not be.
Del Toro deserves it but for the movie to achieve large-scale success it needs to appeal to people and the only way it can do that is if the "majority" don't perceive it as 'Scott Pilgrim' but as...shudder...'Transformers'. And that's not a good prospect


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Magog1 said:
Strazdas said:
wery well done bob, i totally agree with you. you are much better when you speak about movies and not "omg you nerds suck".
I certainly do support new movies. i watch a lot of new movies, even indie ones, more than remakes. Though doubtful oen person is impacting that much.

and theres another stopper
pacific rim: not coming to a theater in your country.
I think you guys remind that Bob gave MAchette a verbal blow job like it was a riveting ground breaking piece.

go look.... it's like i'm being trolled.
I liked machete. whats your point?


New member
Jun 11, 2010
The only movie of Del Toro's that I've seen is Pan's Labyrinth, a great movie indeed. Nonetheless, I'm still intending to see Pacific Rim mainly because of a great interview Del toro did with Ken Levine and the many amazing insights he gave about storytelling in general. I have taken many of his points to heart in my own writings and am eager to see if his latest film reflects those insights (and I intend also to watch the rest of his previous films as well).