CritialGaming said:
In Alinty's bid to not let Amoranth have more attention than her, she ALSO casually drops the N-Bomb.
Not two days after the fact. Again no ban, no suspension, nothing. Remember PewDiePie got a ban for letting the N-word slip.
With a little bit of benefit of the doubt, she isn't calling anybody a ****** rather saying "nick your next prime's in the channel", even if it sounds like 'nigg-yer'.
Y'know, this is how a part of the "Twitch community" works: every streamer with more than 400-500 viewers gets haters, and those haters will keenly watch these streams for anything that might be against the Twitch TOS and report it immediately. Now if you have enough viewers it starts working retroactively -- once your haters realize a new way to "break the TOS" they will go through your VODs to find any instance of that. "Sounds like the n-word" is a total joke at this point. Just try cooking something with vinegar in it. Oh whoops! Slipped up again, lol.
Though I gotta say this phenomenon must sort of protect bigger streamers, as the staff won't take most of the reports from them seriously.