The core problem with Tropes vs Women in Video Games

Six Ways

New member
Apr 16, 2013
BinDipper said:
Silvanus said:
In fact, I would have as much basis to assume that you want to have Anita Sarkeesian censored.
I actually lol'ed at this.
Grow up dude.
That's not what that was. Silvanus was saying that if your claim is (dislike + criticism) = censorship (simplification for sake of argument), then by your own logic you are trying to censor Sarkeesian (since you dislike and are criticising her).


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
BinDipper said:
First of all it's pretty misleading for you to ignore 90% of that paragraph and concentrate only on the part you think your point applies to.

Second of all, if I was to say "I don't like black people" nobody would blame anybody for thinking I was racist.
In fact I was actually talking about the Black Legion in Warhammer 40k.
But I did not clearly and consistently state who I was talking about so such conclusions are entirely reasonable.

What would be fucking absurd would be if someone was to hear "I don't like black people" and they were to think "well obviously he's talking about the Black Legion from Warhammer 40k, there is no other possible way that could be interpreted."
Stop being obtuse.
That's an absurd analogy. It's a somewhat larger leap to assume that somebody who criticises something must want it censored.

BinDipper said:
Aside from you apparent compulsion to ignore anything you can't confront and misrepresent everything else, at this point I can only conclude that you have little to no understanding of how the English language actually works. That is the only possible way you could be so consistently incorrect without any hint of logic, or even a train of thought behind what you're writing.

Perhaps you should let go of your pride and stop responding when you're struggling to come up with even one impersonation of a counter point.
That's how the English language works, is it? We can infer whatever meaning we damn well want from a sentence?

BinDipper said:
I actually lol'ed at this.
Grow up dude.
That wasn't what I was getting at. I was getting at the sheer hypocrisy of assuming that if somebody with whom you disagree criticises something, they must want it censored, but failing to apply the same standard to yourself and others.

Everybody criticises things. Everybody. You, me, Anita Sarkeesian. Apply the same standard.

BinDipper said:
And in your case you can just stick your fingers in your ears and wail "NOPE, NOPE, NOT LISTENING, LALALALALALALALALA, YOU'RE WRONG, NOT LISTENING."

I'm not going to respond to you again if you can't give me something worth reading, something that doesn't resemble a 13 year old's failed attempt at scraping through an English language test.
You've still failed to justify interpreting the phrase "regressive crap" as "I want it censored". You still have only assumption upon assumption.