The enemies you dreaded most


New member
Mar 5, 2012
My first encounter with the Flood:

I had just gotten an Xbox and Halo for my birthday, had a friend over who had already played it. So we played the campaign on co-op up to the first level where you encounter the Flood. And at the time, it was the most brutal, nerve racking experience in games I had ever played (bear in mind I was 12, and yes I turned out fine.) After the long fight out of the compound, with countless deaths and checkpoints, my friend wanted to show me what the Flood does to living marines. "Let them die? But we NEED them!" I cried out. My friend replied that we could easily go back to the last checkpoint, which was right before, so I reluctantly agreed.

After witnessing all of our allies turn, my friend hit pause, and proceeded to start resetting. Instead, he accidentally hit "Restart Level." As we go back ALL the way to the beginning, I sit there in horror, and my friend turns to me and says "I think this is a sign we should stop playing this level."

Fun times.


New member
Nov 11, 2010
apparently not a popular choice, but i'm gonna have to go with the creeper, from minecraft. no enemy's ever ruined my day quit as often as that thing.


New member
Jan 5, 2013
Mr Dizazta said:
These enemies are not even fun. Especially their stupid instakill move
tippy2k2 said:
Chryssalid (AKA Purple Zerg fucks):

They cut through my squad like a hot knife through butter.
They were annoying my first game, but invest in a good ole' Goliath (Alloy Shiv) and maybe a heavy here and there, no problemo :)

Personally, I'd have to say the Akantor from Monster Hunter. Bastard was so hard, it was alright to dodge his moves but he took so much damage to kill. There were probably harder enemies, but he was the biggest.
Captcha: rain go away. Obviously whoever makes them lives near me.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
I'll throw in another vote for these motherfuckers.

Basilisks. Dark Souls. /thread

Seriously, if you fall into their hole you are absolutely fucked. And you will fall into their holes. A lot. They spray out clouds of gas stuff that instakills you if it touches you, which it will, because the area is narrow and the clouds are pretty big. And when they kill you, your health is permanently cut in half until you use a purge stone. And they don't exactly pour out of the walls. And before they patched it out, it stacked. Running through the game with 1% health searching frantically for someone that sells purge stones isn't a great way to spend your weekend.


New member
Jun 29, 2011
Redead from Legend of Zelda. Not only do they let out an annoying screech, they actually rape you in your face.

Also, Slenderman...have fun sleeping tonight.


Führer of the Sausage People
Mar 23, 2008
I generally pee my pants a bit every time the radio stars making funny noises in any Silent Hill game. More specifically, this part of the first Tomb Raider:



New member
Mar 1, 2010
greater bonewalkers, sodding bastards, o great, I'm going to have to dump all this unique and heavy shit and sometimes even my armor, fast travel to town and then track the entire route to the freaking tomb again to pick up my shit. And this could happen twice in one isolated piece of shit ancestral tomb. I'd fight every cliffracer in the game if it meant they'd get rid of the strength draining bastards

rust monsters from Baldurs gate.

the guys in diablo 2 that cast Iron maiden, a barbs deepest nightmare. Or maby have a bit of lightning enchanted multiple shot, that always got the blood flowing.


New member
Mar 15, 2011
Well people have mentioned the eagles and bats from the NES Ninja Gaiden games, so I'll mention one from the more recent Ninja Gaiden games.

The Ghost Piranha from Ninja Gaiden (Xbox).

One fish, two fish, three fish, four fish, five fish, six, seven, eight, nine, and now you're dead.

The only "unfair" enemy in the whole game, but all it takes is one to tick me off.

Despite the claims of it being "too easy," Skyrim has a few enemies I dread going against.

"Is that a soul gem on top of that tiny spire?" *Ice Storm* *Ice Storm* "Oh God! Why did I disenchant that frost resistance ring?"

Encounter a Master Mage, proceed with the "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU".

Also Falmer go to Oblivion, and take your Frostbite Spiders and Clorti-whatever bugs with you!


New member
Mar 10, 2012
Zelda games definitely had the worst enemies for this when i was younger, those hands that dropped from the ceiling were the worst, and not really an enemy as such but i was always terrified of going into the mummy's shack on majorcas mask as a kid!
and the higher level zombies in oblivion just never seemed to die no matter how many arrows i put into them, used to dread fights with them!


New member
Dec 2, 2012
Gentlemen, behold the horror of the Zone:

The fucking chimera. Ye gods. Do not go out in the night if you haven't got at least 2nd gen Nightvision.


New member
Jul 13, 2012
renegade7 said:
Kerbal Space Program.

I dread the Kracken. You turn on your time warp to finish an orbital maneuver quickly, and every now and again it will glitch and your rocket will explode.
I feel you bro. Many Kerbals have been taken too soon thanks to that beast.

As for mine, i have replaying Black Mesa, and the Marines have been giving me a ridiculously hard time. They aren't that smart, but if you get caught out in the open, they will riddle you with holes before you have the time to yell "WELL, SHIT!"


New member
Dec 31, 2012
Bot snipers in Conker's Bad Fur Day of the Einstein difficulty.
When you round a corner and find a laser pointing to your head in a fraction of a second, you know that the sound of a helmet clanking and a water melon smashing is what's to follow. They don't miss.

Oh, and there's one hit kill scoped revolvers that are basically snipers with a weaker zoom.
Basically, the game instills this fear of laser pointers while playing. The time between seeing the laser and your head exploding into pieces is about 0.3 seconds. Only way to survive is to be a sniper yourself.

ReDeads in Zelda get a mention, too.
They look weird, scream and make you freeze. To fight them, you need to be within range for them to scream at you.
If you are one to wuss out of the situation, you could probably just toss all your bombs (they have immunity to arrows).
Apr 5, 2008
Thief II, those stumpy, Mechanist robots that patrol corridors and mutter to themselves. If they spotted Garrett, it was more or less game over. I still have memories of being terrified, crouched among the shadows, holding my breath and my muscles tensed while those robots hissed, clanked and whirred almost inches from my hiding space, mumbling about "the words of Karras".


New member
Feb 25, 2008
Mechalynx said:
I generally pee my pants a bit every time the radio stars making funny noises in any Silent Hill game. More specifically, this part of the first Tomb Raider:
Eee, I can remember playing that for the first time as a ten year old, at a mate's house

We'd just had an argument about whether or what awful thing was hiding round the corner of what was clearly a boss arena. Neither of us were expecting that to come stomping round the bend though. Suffice to say, there was running and panicking and we used all fifteen rounds for the shotgun, which did nothing...

In fact, Tomb Raider 3 has a similar experience on the Pacific Islands, Whilst 2 has one (or more accurately, two!) in the first level frigging level. Harsh...

Jetpack Stu

New member
Feb 12, 2012
these little F**kers will forever be the bane of my existance

diablo 2 --> flayers/ratman/fetish/soul killers


Feb 12, 2009
I only dreaded enemies when I was a child.
These were just big and intimidating.

The fact these just came to life and started attacking scared the piss out of me.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
Jetpack Stu said:
these little F**kers will forever be the bane of my existance

diablo 2 --> flayers/ratman/fetish/soul killers
those little shitheads, there is a very clear reason nobody ever got back to act 3 aside from maby grinding mephisto. Other then that get boosted and forget that godforsaken jungle even exists.